Dunes City Water Quality Committee Archive

2007 2009 2010 2011

Minutes 2008


December 4, 2008     

Chairman Richard Koehler opened the meeting at 7:05 PM.  

Those attending were Mark Chandler, David Dumas, Steve Hager, Richard Koehler, Bob Mohler, and John Stead.  Those absent were Rick Cox, Ralph Farnsworth and Jamie Mills.  Susie Navetta recorded the minutes.  

The minutes of October 2, 2008 were approved, as written, after the motion by John Stead and a second by David Dumas.  There was no meeting in November due to a lack of quorum.

The committee went over the protocol for algal bloom for the city.  Mark Chandler said he was developing a list of “spotters” for the lakes to notify him for problems on Woahink Lake and Bob Mohler should be notified for problems on Siltcoos Lake .  Response for reported problems will be:

1.  Notify the office of the reported incident

2.  Check the temperature

3.  Do regular testing

4.  Call State if necessary  

The office response for algal blooms will be:

1.  Take information from reporter on log sheet (to be entered into a log book).

2.  Notify Mark Chandler 997-3869 for Woahink Lake or

     Bob Mohler 997-9223 for Siltcoos Lake and the Web Master

3.  Remind the Mayor (or in his absence, the President of the Council) to prepare a press release for distribution to the press and the electronic media, such as: “an advisory is in place…”  

Mark Chandler announced that a group of drinking water systems has been approved for a grant with 32 tests in the spring.

The TMDL lake repair action may help lower the nutrient level caused by developing, clear cuts, and cattle according to Rich Miller from the State Center for Lakes and Resources.  

David Dumas reported on the Bio-solids Program and went with Wally’s Septic Service to the Libby Ranch ( Canary Road to Maple Creek).  Wally’s first takes out the solids (plastics) and then the bio-solids are constantly stirred, with the addition of lime, until they come to a PH 12 while in transport to the ranch. Then the bio-solids are sprayed and rested on a site for about ninety days before cattle are allowed to graze there again.  

The committee is concerned about the property on the east side of Woahink Creek.  Neighbors claim that the owner said he intends to put a bridge over the creek.  Lane County is the lead on this property.  Mark Chandler made a motion to have Dunes City write a letter to Lane County Land Management to ask to be a party of record and ask Lane County to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement with Dunes City on land use issues within the six mile area of influence.  David Dumas gave the second.  The motion passed.  

John Stead made a motion to spend up to $500 for testing of selected already collected Siltcoos Lake samples.  Mark Chandler gave the second and the motion passed.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 PM.  

Respectfully submitted, Susie Navetta

October 2, 2008

Chairman Richard Koehler opened the meeting at 7:03 PM .  

Those attending the meeting were Mark Chandler, Dave Dumas, Audrey & Ralph Farnsworth, Steve Hager, Richard Koehler, Jamie Mills, Susie Navetta and John Stead.  Rick Cox was absent.  

The first topic of discussion was the Lane County Boat Ramp at Siltcoos Lake .  It is still unclear whether our water tester will be given permission to park in the Lane County Fee Parking Lot for free.  This situation should be resolved by the next WQC meeting.  

The minutes of the last meeting were approved with corrections with Ralph Farnsworth’s motion and a second by John Stead.  

An Algal Bloom was anticipated a few days ago, but due to the cooling weather the bloom was only slight before the scum disappeared.  

Protocol was next subject of discussion.  A form should be designed to allow people to report emergencies as well as one for asking about the conditions of the lake water. It would be helpful to make a sample page for the office staff.  It was determined that Dunes City has no liability, but it still needs to keep the public informed. Steve Hager said, “ Lane County has the greatest responsibility”.  Dunes City needs to link to all agencies on the perimeter of Siltcoos Lake .  The committee wonders when the Department of Human Services will take action.  Money for extra testing is just not available.  The discussion turned to the Rural Tourism Money Program (RTMP) and if the WQC could make a presentation to the Council for emergency testing funds.  Mark Chandler made a motion that the WQC ask the Council to set aside for $2500 for primary testing of the lake for an algal bloom.  Jamie Mills seconded the motion.  Motion Passed.  

David Dumas has agreed to contact Mark Correa at Wally’s Septic and take a ride out to the biosolids disposal program and report back to the committee.  

Ralph Farnsworth contacted the Siuslaw Watershed Council about the Roseburg Forestry pesticide spraying and they thanked him for the information.  

David Waltz. Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) will work with Dunes City , ODOT, Foglio and Honeyman State Park on stormwater issues.  

Next month, John Stead will talk about.the water fees: the start up, the annual and the transfer to new owner fees.  

The meeting adjourned at 9:20 PM  

Respectfully submitted, Susie Navetta

September 4, 2008

Chairman Richard Koehler opened the meeting at 7:04 PM .

Those present were Mark Chandler, David Dumas, Ralph Farnsworth, Steve Hager, Richard Koehler, Jamie Mills, Bob Mohler, Susie Navetta and John Stead. Rick Cox was absent.

The minutes were approved as corrected with a motion by David Dumas and a second by Mark Chandler.

New Business:

a. Gary Foglio and the 1200z permit - Foglio uses BMP' S and collects samples 4 times a year to monitor his Stormwater Pollution Plan. His plan is up for review and the WQC wishes to make comment. A sub-committee was formed to meet with Foglio to understand the stormwater protection plan and see if it is operating as it was designed. Those on the committee are Mark Chandler, David Dumas, Ralph Farnsworth, and Steve Hager. Pam Blake from DEQ said to ask for turbidity test s and nutrient sampling.

b. Weir/ Anderson 's Quit claim Promise - John Stead explained the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and the agencies that took part in the process. He said the easement through the Anderson property is the current problem. John gave an explanation of how the weir and the water level of the lake work.

c. ODOT - The letter from Jamie Mills was approved and recommended to be sent by the City to thank ODOT for their recent work on the rumble strip on Hwy. 101 near the Myrtlewood Factory. The letter also addresses the moratorium on pesticide use along the highway. For the protection of our residents and our fish and wildlife the committee would like to know when the moratorium will end and what type of pesticides they will be using near our lake drinking water. Steve Hager will make this information available to the Siuslaw Watershed Council and ask them to make comment to ODOT.

1. Lane County - we should be questioning the use of herbicides and pesticides along Lane County roads in Dunes City .

2. Honeyman State Park - Shirley Stentz should be included in the loop with the spraying issue and the Stormwater Protection Plan for Foglio's Trucking. Mark Chandler will notify her.

3. Boatwashing in Woahink Lake needs to be addressed again. The committee realizes it is an education program, but signage does not seem to be the answer.

4. Weed abatement - Ralph Farnsworth will contact divers Jerry Curran and Brian Mill to see if they will help on a weed pulling program.

Old Business:

A discussion of the purpose and direction of the WQC confirmed that the committee was headed in the right direction. Richard Koehler passed out copies of "The comprehensive Plan's Water Quality References" for the committee to study for next months meeting. The plan referenced the goals and polices of Dunes City .

Siuslaw Watershed Council Web Site will soon be reporting water testing data and observations from Siltcoos and Woahink Lakes due to their ability to transcribe our Access program into an Excel program. Mark Chandler, Steve Hager and Bob Mohler have been collecting data for Mike Sovinski at SWC for the web site on this project.

The Siltcoos Lake Water Testers will put a sign in their windshield while parking at the Lane County Siltcoos parking lot to prevent further citations.

Meeting adjourned at 9:06 .      Respectfully submitted, Susie Navetta


  August 7, 2008

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Richard Koehler at 7:09 PM .  

Appointed members attending were Mark Chandler, David Dumas, Ralph Farnsworth, Steve Hager, Richard Koehler, Jamie Mills, and John Stead.  Rick Cox and Bob Mohler were absent.   Susie Navetta took the minutes.  

John Stead made a motion to approve the minutes as amended with a second by David Dumas.  The minutes passed as amended.  

1.  The Drinking Water Grant – Mark Chandler is now helping Jamie Mills finish up on the grant for small water systems.  The Grant fund monies could be used for algal Bloom.  Some money may actually come to Dunes City . 

2.  Festival of the Lakes will be held on August 9th.  This year the speakers will be John Stead on “The Sustainability of Our Lakes”, Ralph Farnsworth on “Revenue” and Richard Koehler will give a slide show of our beautiful lakes.  This year’s theme will be “Volunteers” and of course, “Stewardship” will be ever present.  Richard Koehler is the chairman of the Communication and Education Committee that puts on the festival every year.  Richard is also the editor of the Dunes City Newsletter and the Dunes City website and this allows him to provide information to the community on many issues.  

3.  David Dumas visited a web site, “Weeders Digest”, that said using Barley Straw as an additive will reduce weeds in the lake.  Richard Koehler said he would send everyone an e-mail on “Stop the Erosion” for even more information on the subject.  Old timers on Siltcoos Lake claim it was weed free before the dam was put in, as the water was flushed out and then seasonally renewed by sea water and winter rain.  Steve Hager said, “Putting down mats after pulling the weeds works for a period of time according to Mark Sytsma”, from Portland State University,   Mark Chandler said the next grant after the “319” Grant will follow with a grant on weed control.  We may not be able to eliminate, but we can surely control weed growth.  

4.  ODOT – Jamie Mills will write a letter to ODOT thanking them for repairing the spring in the center of Hwy 101 and the bumper strip that was installed across from the Myrtlewood factory.  Next month the WQC, after approval, will send the letter to the City Council.

6. Herbicides Meeting - Dunes City was well represented by Amy Graham, Eric Hauptman, Richard Koehler, Joanne McMicken, Susie Navetta, Karen Peck, Robert Quandt  and a few folks from the Florence area who attended a meeting in the Florence Library Bromley Room on Herbicides.  Commissioner Bill Fleenor arranged for the meeting with Orin Schmacher.  Orin advised us that presently there is a moratorium on Lane County spraying herbicides on County roads.  Orin thinks the ban should be lifted.  He was informed that the folks in Dunes City drink their lake water and thought the moratorium was a good idea for this area.  At the WQC meeting Mark Chandler was interested in contacting Roseburg Lumber about the herbicides they use near Little Woahink Lake.  Jamie Mills will write a letter asking what kinds of herbicides they are using and contact local groups for help.

7.  Water Quality Committee – What is the purpose of the committee?  Is the committee interested in code violations, tree removal from the lake, the installation of sandy beaches, the use of anti-bacterial material, weeds imported by boats, disposal of medications, and road run-off.  Trees in the riparian areas are critical for the salvation of the lakes.  Ordinances for Erosion Control, Phosphorus Reduction, Septic Maintenance, and Stormwater Pollution Reduction were recently written and will benefit the entire community by protecting our lakes. Some of last years meetings were  successful, such as:

1.  ODOT - bumper strips and road repair, but not the speed limits on Hwy. 101.

2.  Lane County – the Canary Slump repair, but not run-off by the 1st bridge.  George Goldstein, advisor to Bill Fleenor – is still in contact and ready to facilitate.

We still need more contact with the following:

Gary Foglio and the settlement ponds

Porta Potty installation on work sites

Siltcoos Water Rights

Expansion of the Siuslaw Wrecking Yard. 

 “The 2nd bridge businesses are the ones mentioned in the Source Water Protection Plan”, said Mark Chandler.  Everyone agreed that we need to keep an eye out on them.


8.  The budget for last year was $5800 and this year it will be $5200.  The water testers are Mark Chandler and Ralph Farnsworth on Woahink Lake and Bob Mohler and Wes Wilcox on Siltcoos Lake and Steve Hager tester at large.

Algal Protocol will be the main topic for next month meeting on September 4, 2008

 Adjournment – 9:20 PM

 Respectfully submitted, Susie Navetta

July 17, 2008

Chairman Richard Koehler opened the meeting at 7:08 PM .

Those present were Mark Chandler, Rick Cox, David Dumas, Steve Hager, Richard Koehler, Jamie Mills, Bob Mohler, Susie Navetta, and John Stead.

 The minutes of June 9, 2008 were approved as amended.

Mike Sovinski from the Siuslaw Watershed Council helped Ralph Farnsworth and Richard Koehler switch from an Excel to Access program in order to make better graphs to show lake monitoring.  The WQC has different opinions of what should be put on the web site.  Bob Mohler wants to make all information available.  Rick Cox said, “It has to be perfect.” Bob replied, “People only care if it is fit to drink”.   John Stead said, “It is too early for information to be put out.  Let’s let cook and…” 

Ralph Farnsworth and Richard Koehler explained each of their own graphs and what information we could gain from them.  It was determined that the graphs would not understandable to the public at this time.  The graphs show that after many years of testing that as temperatures go up, clarity goes down.  Steve Hager remarked, “Clarity is seasonal.  In July the temps go up.”   The graphs show averages of phosphorus, clarity, temperature and location.  In 2006, the City Council was presented informational graphs about the condition of the lakes.  Jamie Mills believes that the time has come to make this information more public.  The WQC wants to be careful that we don’t alarm the public with incomplete information.  Steve said he could request that the Siuslaw Watershed Council (SWC) put our information on their website and the public would then be able to compare our data with SWC.  

Question?  What are the causes of Phosphorus in the Lake ?  In the order of progression they are the need for growth, excavation, erosion, sedimentation, weeds and fertilization by wild life.  Susie Navetta thought homeowners should be watching for vegetation around their docks.  Richard Koehler agreed that individuals should be pulling and disposing weeds by composting or removing them to a landfill.  He also suggested that the committee look into the causes of weed infiltration.  In some lakes, weeds are being controlled by putting mats on the bottom of the lake with some short term success.  Steve Hager said last year 56 lakes had algal blooms. 

Mark Chandler talked about the 319 Grant and how it would affect the Siltcoos River and the tributaries.  The Grant will measure 23 water quality parameters including temperatures, fish populations, nutrients, and algae toward the establishment of a Total Daily Maximum Daily Load (TMDL).  Weed management is not included, but will be addressed in a second Grant.

Jamie Mills wrote a water related protocol paper.  Richard Koehler also wrote a more detailed paper on public security, land disturbance (earthquake) and water issues.  Richard will e-mail copies to the committee for study and then for discussion at the next WQC meeting.  John Stead wanted to be sure that telephone protocol would be addressed and Richard wanted to refine the issues.

John Stead showed us the mapping of his septic system from the original drawing to the proposed plan to the final “as built”.  Everyone noted the differences.  Mark Chandler shared his brand new septic evaluation, mapping and pumping bill of about $800.

Next month we will be discussing Weeds, Protocol, What to put on the Website, and who will help Dunes City pay for Water Testing (EPA, DEQ, DHS, Lane County or Grants).

The next meeting will be held August 7, 2008 at 7:00PM

Adjournment at 9:27 PM

Respectfully submitted,  Susie Navetta

June 9, 2008

Chairman Richard Koehler called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm .  

Those in attendance were Rick Cox, David Dumas, Ralph & Audrey Farnsworth, Steve Hager, Richard Koehler, Jamie Mills, Bob Mohler, Susie Navetta, and John Stead.  Mark Chandler was absent.  

New Business:

            a. Website – graphs showing testing results were presented.  

b. Septic maintenance – packets were passed out for discussion.  The Definitions and Amendment for the Septic Ordinance were approved by the WQC and sent on to the Council for approval.  Jamie Mills and Susie Navetta are working on a simple drawing for the septic system mapping that will be made in time for the Festival of the Lakes to educate the public.  

c. Algal Bloom – Steve Hager submitted the algal monitoring report.  

d. Jamie Mills brought in “Invasive Species” signs for both lakes.  Susie Navetta will take one sign to Honeyman State Park and ask that it be installed.  Jamie will look into weed reduction by agitation and report back at the next meeting. 

e. Water testers report – Steve Hager reported that because of the new weed growth in Woahink Lake the phosphorus levels could actually be lower.  

Old Business:

a. Dan Reitz re: his water business reinvite – Reitz would like to hook into Woahink Lake for commercial purposes according to Rick Cox.  The WQC would like to talk to Dan about his plans.

            b. Lake Monitoring data needs to transfer from Access to Excel. The committee needs help     in learning this process.  

            c. Oregon ’s Drinking Water Protection Grants 2009  

            d. Business Licenses and water Quality discussion.  

e. Biosolids Program DEQ – Inspecting the watershed presentation by Rick Cox.did not take place.  

f. Ordinance 197 – changes were made to 140.13 from a motion by David Dumas and a 2nd by Ralph Farnsworth.  A recommendation will be made to the City Council.  

g.. Purchase Orders for Dunes City – Ralph Farnsworth made way for an exception on the $50 limit without a P.O. for gasoline.  

Adjournment - 9:17 pm .     Respectfully submitted, Susie Navetta

May 1, 2008   

Chairman Richard Koehler opened the meeting at 7:03 PM

Voting members present were Rick Cox, David Dumas, Ralph Farnsworth, Jamie Mills, and John Stead.  Mark Chandler was absent.  Others attending were Audrey Farnsworth, Steve Hager, Richard Koehler, and Susie Navetta.

The minutes/notes from the last meeting (that did not have a quorum) were accepted.

New Business

A.  Guest Dan Reitz (South Coast Water District) did not attend again.  A letter will be sent to Dan requesting him to attend.  Jamie Mills was concerned about the lead level in Siltcoos Lake she read about on his website.  It was suggested that his water sample was tainted.  

B.  Chairman Richard Koehler wanted a graph to put on the Web site, no one volunteered so we will have to wait until Mark Chandler returns.  Davis Dumas and Jamie Mills noted it needed to be released to the public.  Christine May recently made all of the updates.  And now data should be provided to the web site as to what kinds of tests the water testers use and the results.  Some of the tests are Secchi readings, temperature, phosphorus, oxygen, clarity and Chlorophyll.  Richard asked that committee members bring some information to the next meeting to use on the web site.

C.  Jamie Mills passed out a grant project for “Drinking Water Protection”.  She asked the committee to review it because it needs to be submitted before July.  

D.  Steve Hager and Mark have been working on a report for a long time now.  Steve Hager said that next month he and Mark will have emergency directions for the lakes in case of a spill or an algal bloom.

E.  The Chairman asked if Business Licenses for vacation rentals was a water quality concern.  It was agreed that we should take that in to consideration.  

Richard Koehler reported that he spoke at the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) meeting recently.  DEQ is revamping what is important to the State Law. How do we deal with DEQ and Department of Human Services (DHS) in the future?

Old Business

A.  WQCC Resolution to Ordinance and new duties statement.  The ordinance was reviewed by the committee and changes were made to the draft from John Stead.  A motion was made by David Dumas and seconded by Ralph Farnsworth to accept the Ordinance and make a recommdation to the City Council for approval.  

B.  Biosolids Program DEQ were not discussed because Rick Cox had to leave early.

Adjounment 9:25  

Respectfully submitted, Susie Navetta

Tasks:  Everyone review the Grant Proposal.  Everyone prepare to give suggestions for the web site.  Richard send a letter to Dan Reitz requesting he attend the next meeting.

April 3, 2008  

Chairman Richard Koehler opened the meeting at 7:05 .  Voting members present were Rick Cox, David Dumas, and John Stead.  Also attending were April Dumas, Steve Hager (water tester), Richard Koehler (chair), and Susie Navetta.

The minutes of March 6th were reviewed and approved by consensus.

Dan Reitz (South Coast Water ) could not attend, but will be at the next meeting.

Taylor property – Along discussion with background information on the property and the entire area ensued.  The concerns about run-off from the Glenada Corridor were noted and need to be studied again.  Many businesses add to the potential accumulative effect are not in Dunes City , but in the 6 mile area of influence and play a huge part in the water quality of Woahink Lake .

Water Quality Control Committee review of the resolution and change into ordinance format halted the meeting.  When looking at the membership of the committee, we realized we did not have a quorum.

Topics to be discussed next month are:

Approval of the March Minutes.

CVALCO – water testing help.

Stinky water at Woahink Lake .

Progress with the Septic Evaluations and ordinance.

Rick Cox will follow up with George Burke on septage disposal

Canary Road Slump

The session adjourned at 8:30 PM


Respectfully submitted, Susie Navetta

March 6, 2008

The meeting was called to order at 5:05 PM by Chairman Richard Koehler.

Those voting members present were Mark Chandler, Rick Cox, David Dumas, Ralph Farnsworth, Jamie Mills, and John Stead. Voting member Janet Carroll was not present.  Non-voting members present were Audrey Farnsworth, Steve Hager, Richard Koehler, Bob Mohler, and Susie Navetta.

The minutes of February 7, 2008 were approved as corrected.  John Stead suggested that ALL water meter placement be added to the software and shown on monthly reading postcards.

Dan Reitz of South Coast Water Supply could not attend the meeting as planned because of the early meeting time of 5:00 PM .  He will attend the next meeting on April 3, 2008 .  There was a long discussion on the water meter reading program and the placement of the meters.  The committee would like to know the cost of the yearly reading by Dan Reitz.

The Septic System Maintenance Ordinance program has not progressed for the past several months.  The committee knows how important this program is to the protection of the lakes.  The first evaluations were to those installed before 1974 (no mapping), the next tier was to be those installed before 1983 (no electronic recordings), then homes built after 1983 and closest to the lakes, and finishing with the rest of the citywide evaluations.  It was agreed that the WQCC could help the staff by printing and putting the packets together.  Richard Koehler and Jamie Mills will review the packets and Jamie and David Dumas will print the first set to be sent in March and the second set to be sent in April.

The Water Quality Control Committee Resolution to Ordinance will be sent to the committee, to study and make recommendations, by e-mail from Richard Koehler so that by the Council April meeting it can have a public hearing.

Bio-solids program out Canary Road is of concern to the committee.   Rick Cox will be calling on George Burke, who investigated this issue last year, and Mark Correa of Wally’s Septic.

Brian Gray fromthe Boy Scout camp has volunteered to be a water tester on Siltcoos Lake .  The committee is hoping Robbin Mills will submit and application.

Ralph Farnsworth reported that the Woahink Lake Association will be re-planting the riparian area in Honeyman State Park every Saturday in March from 10:00 to 2:00 PM .  This partnership will help the longevity of the lake.

A Goal statement needs to be made by the WQCC and Dunes City to make the Department of Human Services aware of the cost of water testing for ALL of the Lakes of Dunes City.

Adjournment 6:47 PM

Respectfully submitted, Susie Navetta



Richard and Jamie review the septic packets

Jamie and David copy packets for two months

Richard send WQCC Ordinance to committee by e-mail

Everyone study Ordinance for recommendation to council

Rick contact George and/ or Mark Correa.

February 7, 2008

 Chairman Richard Koehler opened the meeting at 7:02 PM .

 Voting Members attending were Rick Cox, David Dumas, Ralph Farnsworth, Richard Koehler,

Jamie Mills, and John Stead.  Non-voting members attending were Jerry Curran, Audrey

Farnsworth, Bob Mohler, and Susie Navetta.  Voting members absent were Janet Carroll and

Mark Chandler and non-voting member Steve Hager.

The minutes were approved as corrected.

Bio-solids - Ralph Farnsworth gave a presentation on the effect Bio-solids have on the environment by stating the pros and cons of such programs.

South Coast Water Systems (SCWS) - Rick Cox wanted to talk about the local water system

that serves over 50 households and is currently using Siltcoos Lake water.  SCWS would like

to use Woahink Lake water by obtaining easements from private property owners.  Ralph

Farnsworth made a motion to invite the owner Dan Reitz to the next WQCC meeting to

report on his plans, ideas and the situation.  Rick Cox gave the second.  Richard will invite

Dan to the next meeting. 

Water Meters – John Stead suggested that water meter installer Dan Reitz decide the placement

of all future water meters for Dunes City land owners.

Canary Road - runoff is being closely watched by George Goldstein of Lane County Road

Advisory  Board.  This has been a problem area, near the first bridge, has allowed water to run

on to Canary Road and then into Woahink Lake .  George will keep Lane County involved and

help to find a solution to the runoff.

Septic Replacement – It is believed there have been 9 to 12 septic replacements since the start

of our septic program.

New Septic System Report - David Dumas reported that some of the committee met with a

new septic company that uses peat to process the waste.  They are a few years away from

meeting Dunes City needs.  Their system is very good at removing nitrogen, but not phosphorus.

Presentation to DEQ – Richard Koehler went to Springfield to explain Dunes City’s Septic

System Maintenance Ordinance.  The group was made up of state officials as well as septic contractors. Dunes City was the first city in Oregon to write a Septic Ordinance.

Water Testers – we are still looking for water testers for Siltcoos Lake perhaps Robin Mills

would be interested.

Adjournment 9: 10 PM

Respectfully submitted, Susie Navetta

The next meeting will be March 6, 2008 at 5:00PM .

January 3, 2008    

Chairman Richard Koehler opened the meeting at 7:05.

In attendance were Mark Chandler, Rick Cox, Jerry Curran, Audrey and Ralph Farnsworth, Steve Hager, Richard Koehler, Jamie Mills, Susie Navetta, and John Stead.

The minutes of December 6, 2007 were approved as corrected.

Mark Chandler reported that an application for a $143,000 grant had been submitted by the Center for Lakes and Reservoirs – Portland State University in cooperation with Mark, Steve Hager and Bob Mohler for preliminary monitoring in preparation for  the Total Maximum Daily Load TMDL) of Siltcoos Lake.  The Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) grant has a 60% DEQ funds and a 40% matching funds.

The WQCC is looking for water testers on Siltcoos Lake .  Currently Bob Mohler and Ian Chun would be willing to test, but they do not have a boat on Siltcoos Lake .  Rick Cox said he was willing to loan his boat for testing and it is on Siltcoos Lake , but it’s too small for our needs.  Susie Navetta will call the owner of the old Morris property to see if he is interested in volunteering.

The committee decided to table the WQCC Resolution/Ordinance until it is reviewed by the WQCC committee.  Susie Navetta will ask Secretary Jeannie La Rocca for Resolution 1-15-04 and Richard Koehler will send it to the committee for their perusal.  At the February Council meeting the committee will likely make a recommendation to the City Council.

Mark Chandler contacted Mark Chernaik for information on the Sole Source Aquifer designation.  The Woahink Lake Association covered the associated costs.  It is apparent the there has to be a delineation of the aquifer for the EPA and 50% of the residents in the area must use it for drinking water.  Mark Chandler will look for more information from Troutdale and other state projects to continue this process.

Richard Koehler checked with DEQ, on the 1200 C permits, and found that there had only been 3 south of the Siuslaw River .  This permit states that a plan must be made and approved with the disturbance of over one acre of land.  Another requirement is Wetlands must have silt fences in place before heavy machinery comes on the property.  According to Steve Hager, Ordinances such as the ones for Erosion, Stormwater and the Phosphorus help protect the lakes from phosphorus building up in the drinking water.

During the last water testing it was noted that NO muddy water was present in the month of December near the first arm of Woahink Lake .  A Secchi reading at 15’ at the first bridge was noted by Ralph Farnsworth and Steve Hager.  Richard Koehler was concerned about the water runoff west of the first bridge and wondered if the committee should sand bag it.  The committee felt that George Goldberg from Lane County Road Advisory should be contacted.  Richard will make that contact with him.

A reminder:  Lane County Commissioner Bill Fleenor will be a Dunes City on January 10th at 7:00.

Richard Koehler and John Stead will be giving a power point program on February 6, 2008 in Springfield .   DEQ suggests that Dunes City can share their experience of writing and implementing a Septic System Maintenance Ordinance.

The Committee decided to build a list of contacts (other cities) for our phosphorus reduction program and Richard Koehler will assemble them to share mailings to state officials.

The meeting adjourned at 9:47 PM.

Respectfully submitted, Susie Navetta


1.  Susie Navetta will contact the new owners of the Morris house about volunteering for water testing.  Ask Jeannie for Resolution 1-15-04.

2.  Richard Koehler will send the proposed WQCC Ordinance and the old Resolution 1-15-04 to the committee members.  Contact George Goldstein about the water running on to the road, west of the 1st bridge, and into the lake.

3.  Everyone think of people or communities that need notice of our phosphorus reduction program.

***   ***

Water Quality Control Committee Minutes 2007
