Dunes City Water Quality Committee Archive

2007 2008 2010 2011

Minutes 2009 

The meeting scheduled for December was cancelled

November 18, 2009  

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Richard Koehler at 7:05 PM .  Those present were Dave Dumas, Ralph Farnsworth, Ken Henderson, Richard Koehler, Bob Mohler, and Susie Navetta.  Those absent were Mark Chandler, Steve Hager and John Stead.  

Water Tester, Bob Mohler said he didn’t feel well and needed to leave.  Before he left he said he had destroyed the tests he had taken on Maple Creek because too much time had elapsed, but the frozen sample is still available.  The tests were taken after the first rain of the season.  John Stead was called to the meeting for a quorum and the meeting resumed at 7:35 Pm .  

The minutes were approved as corrected with a motion by Ralph Farnsworth and a second by John Stead.  Motion passed.  

New Business - Richard Koehler announced a meeting at the Woahink Meeting Hall with David Waltz, Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and Rich Miller, Portland State University (PSU) to discuss the 303D results on Siltcoos Lake on Monday, December 14th at 1:00PM .  

Returning to the water testers report – Because of the importance of this yearly test, A motion was made by Dave Dumas and a second came from John Stead to send the frozen sample of Maple Creek, for a cost of less than $100, to the lab.  Motion passed.  It was reported that we have a Secchi Disc.  The data base is getting closer to be being finished with the help of Mike Sovinski.  

Old Business - The remainder of the meeting was spent on the Intergovernmental Agreement IGA).  Chairman Richard Koehler did a great job researching and writing the IGA and brought it to the committee for fine tuning.  After discussion and clarifying the committee agreed to send it on to the city for final approval.  

A suggestion of orange vests for road volunteers was rumored.  The committee thought that if all volunteers were recognized perhaps more folks would be willing to give their time and be safe while they were doing it..  

A motion was made to adjourn was made by Ralph Farnsworth and a second by John Stead.  Motion passed.  The meeting adjourned at 9:22 PM .  

Respectfully submitted, Susie Navetta

October 21, 2009  

The meeting was opened by Councilor Richard Koehler at 7:02 PM .  

Those in attendance were Mark Chandler, Dave Dumas, Ralph Farnsworth, Richard Koehler, Steve Hager, Ken Henderson, Bob Mohler, Susie Navetta, and John Stead.  All members were present.  According to the sign–in sheet .the committee has recorded 661 hours of volunteer time to the end of September averaging over 73 hours per month.  

The minutes of the September meeting were approved as corrected by a motion from Ralph Farnsworth and a second from David Dumas.  

Chairman Koehler said we should check the Dunes City Web site or (Appendix #A) for an article on Mercury in pumps.   Mark Chandler thought the article was about large pumps.  

Steve Hager did bacterial testing on Cleawox Lake (about 50 homes) on October 13th.  On October 14th Bob Mohler reported Maple Creek had the highest levels of bacteria recorded.   Mark Chandler said he would get new test results soon.  It was also noted the Fiddle Creek had high levels of Bacteria.  See attachment #B.  Recently, Hager attended a Central Coast Water meeting and discovered that through DNA testing it was found the cattle were not the cause of the local problems, but the septic systems were to blame.  The Water Quality Committee will continue to test and present the findings to SWC.

Mohler said that Siltcoos Lake is in much better shape than this time last year. Mark Chandler will check on the 303 D listing test results with Rich Miller from DEQ.  

Ralph Farnsworth will check for the name of the speaker heard at Lincoln City during the Oregon Lakes Meeting for future contact regarding DNA tests for Siltcoos Lake .  

Question: Does the Siuslaw Watershed Council (SWC) report to other agencies?  Mark Chandler will check with Mike Sovinski (SWC) and report back to our committee.  

Richard Koehler announced that the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) fined Seaside Motel (in Seaside , Oregon ) $250,000, the largest in history, for septic leaking.  

Ken Henderson said he heard that someone on Woahink Lake reported that using surface water from the lake had become a point of concern while trying to get a bank loan.  The committee thought it was likely the refusal may have been for a different reason.  

Richard Koehler will be working on the Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) (with Lane County ) and sending it on to the committee members for editing.  The new IGA will be for beneficial and recreational use of surface water and will state the high risk sources in the immediate area.  Ken Henderson noted the public health issues, property values and communication between Lane County and the City should be included.  The IGA recommendation will be addressed at the next Dunes City Council Meeting.  

Richard Koehler asked that all committee members think of items for the newsletter and the website.  

Ralph Farnsworth made a motion to adjourn and a second come from Mark Chandler.  Motion Passed.

The meeting adjourned at 9:03 PM .   

Respectfully submitted, Susie Navetta

September 16, 2009

 Chairman Richard Koehler opened the meeting at 7:02 PM .  

Those present were Ralph Farnsworth, Steve Hager, Ken Henderson, Richard Koehler, Bob Mohler, Susie Navetta, and John Stead.  Mark Chandler and David Dumas were absent.  

A motion for the minutes was made by John Stead and a second from Ralph Farnsworth to approve the minutes with corrections.  Motion passed.  

New Business -

a. Water Testers Suggestions – Ralph Farnsworth designed a bracket for the Van Dorn bottle per the request from Mark Chandler and Steve Hager.  The bottle has to hold the water sample level so that the testers do not have to duplicate the sample and also for temperature reading. This bracket will be installed on downrigger.  Farnsworth made a motion to have a bracket made for under $100 by Florence Welding and a second came from Bob Mohler.   Motion Passed.  Richard Koehler will ask the City for a purchase order.  

b. Our connections with outside agencies - the Water Quality committee compiled a list of outside agencies ODOT, Lane County , Department of Environmental Quality, Department of Human Services, etc.. and their duties. A letter was sent to Lane county Commissioner on 8/20/09 regarding the problems with Lane County Land Management.  Richard Koehler has started working on an Intergovernmental Agreement to make possible connections with state agencies.  Ralph Farnsworth made a motion to recommend the City Council approve the writing of the Inter Governmental Agreement.  The motion was seconded by Ken Henderson.  Motion Passed.  

c. Community Information Suggestions – Richard Koehler reminded the WQC that items for the Website and the newsletter were welcome.  

d. Office Septic Report – Prepared by Fred Hilden, Office Assistant, , See attachment # A.  

Old Business –

a. Septic Maintenance Ordinance – After discussion the WQC thinks the Septic Evaluations should be increase to at least 25 per month to reach the 2011 deadline. 

Member Report –  

John Stead was asked to be a speaker for the Oregon lakes Association (OLA)Annual Meeting on September 12, 2009 .  The meeting was held in Lincoln City and Ralph Farnsworth and Susie Navetta also attended.  In Stead’s presentation he shared some of Dunes City ’s accomplishments in recognizing and responding to symptoms of water quality degradation rather than reacting to emergencies. This resulted in the city’s pioneering use of a moratorium ordinance to buy time while new ordinances were being developed.  Stead said, “Our Erosion Control, Phosphorus and Septic System Maintenance Ordinances were necessary because of the sudden influx of development applications.”  Stead was the last speaker of the day and a big hit with the audience. See attachment  # B.  

One of the other outstanding speakers at the OLA meeting was Randy Henry from the Oregon Marine Board (OMB) who handles boat inspections, invasive species and recreational activities in the waterways of Oregon .  Henry said he would work with Dunes City on the water skier issues of this last summer. And that he would be working with Honeyman State Park on only clean boats entering Woahink Lake . See attachment # C and D.  

Ralph Farnsworth made a motion to adjourn and Ken Henderson gave the second.  Motion passed.  

The meeting adjourned at 8:47 PM                               

Respectfully submitted, Susie Navetta 



Minutes – September 2, 2009 (Special)  

The meeting was called to order by Councilor Richard Koehler at 7:04 PM.  

Those present were Mark Chandler, Ralph Farnsworth, Richard Koehler, Bob Mohler, Susie Navetta, and John Stead.  David Dumas and Ken Henderson were excused.  

The purpose of the meeting was to finish the amendments for the Septic System Maintenance Ordinance.  The task was completed and sent to the City Council. 

The meeting adjourned at 9: 01 PM.  

Respectfully submitted,  Susie Navetta.

Minutes – August 19, 2009   

The meeting was opened by Chairman Richard Koehler at 7:02 PM .  

Those present were Mark Chandler, Ralph Farnsworth, Steve Hager, Ken Henderson, Richard Koehler, Bob Mohler, Susie Navetta, John Stead and guest Jim Barmore.   Dave Dumas was absent.  

Ken Henderson made a motion to approve the minutes as written and a second was made by Ralph Farnsworth.   Motion Passed.  

New Business – Councilor Richard Koehler gave a review of the concerns and history relative to watershed activity for the committee as well as guest Jim Barmore.  Koehler topics included:   

  • Phosphorus problems

  • Committee work on lowering the speed limit on Hwy. 101 to 45 MPH

  • Septic System Maintenance Ordinance has been sent to DLCD

  • Sedimentation concerns

  • The Intergovernmental Agreement between Dunes City and Lane County

  • Lower phosphorus levels have been recorded in the last 2 months (.04) in Woahink

  • The stagnated water at Gibbs Creek at Clear Lake Road

  • The need for the Stormwater Ordinance to be in place.

  • Understanding the geology of the area

  • Types of septic systems to control Phosphorus or nitrogen

  • The water level in Siltcoos Lake being altered by International Paper compounded the problems on the lake.

Mark Chandler informed the committee on Spokane ’s phosphate ban that appears to be working.  The city is seeing a nearly 11 percent drop in phosphorus that will benefit their river.  

The committee then went into a work session amending the septic system ordinance. Recommendations will be made to the Dunes City Council. The next meeting will held in 2 weeks.  

Susie Navetta passed out a draft letter (to be e-mailed) to Lane County Commissioner Bill Fleenor concerning the need for communication between Lane County and Dunes City .  A motion to approve the e-mail was made by Mark Chandler and seconded by Ken Henderson.  The motion passed.   

Ralph Farnsworth reported the divers had pulled close to 1000 pounds of Parrot Feather near Ford Way and the WQC testers will be monitoring that area during the year.  The volunteer divers were Jerry Curran, Rob Quandt, Brien Mill and Wally Shoultz.  

At   9:35 PM  a motion was made to adjourn the meeting by Ralph Farnsworth with a second by Mark Chandler.  Motion Passed.  

Respectfully submitted,

Susie Navetta

    Minutes – July 14, 2009   

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Richard Koehler at 7:10 PM .  

Those present were voting members David Dumas, Mark Chandler, Ralph Farnsworth, Ken Henderson, John Stead, and newly appointed Bob Mohler for a complete committee.  Also in attendance were Steve Hager, Richard Koehler and Susie Navetta.  

The minutes were approved as corrected by a motion by Ken Henderson and a second by Dave Dumas.  Motion passed.  

The Committee worked on the Septic Maintenance Ordinance Amendment.   John Stead made notes and will send them to the committee before the next meeting.  The committee felt it needs information from Dunes City to write the amendment to the ordinance.  

John Stead made a motion that the Dunes City Office provides information concerning the septic system evaluations monthly activity report to the Water Quality Committee.  Mark Chandler made the second.  Motion passed.   

The WQC will write a letter to Lane County Commissioner Bill Fleenor concerning the 6 mile area of influence around the City that Lane County Land Management ignores on the Hwy. 101 corridor.  

Extra water tests were taken on June 27th at Ford Way (paid for by Honeyman State Park ) and June 28th at Gibbs Creek.  

At the Festival of the Lakes,David Dumas, Ralph Farnsworth, Ken Henderson, Richard Koehler and Susie Navetta will man a booth for the Water Quality Committee.   Mark Chandler reported that Jackie Fern from the Department of Environmental Quality would be speaking at the festival.  

Ralph Farnsworth made a motion to adjourn and a second was made by Dave Dumas.  Motion passed.  

Meeting adjourned at 9:26 PM .  

Respectfully submitted, Susie Navetta 

    Minutes – June 17, 2009    

John Stead opened the meeting at 7:05 PM .  

Those in attendance were voting members Dave Dumas, Ralph Farnsworth, Ken Henderson, and John Stead.  Mark Chandler and Richard Koehler were absent.  Regular members Steve Hager, Bob Mohler and Susie Navetta were also present.  

Ken Henderson made a motion to approve minutes with a second by Ralph Farnsworth. The minutes were approved as corrected.  

New Business:

To further define the goals John Stead read the purpose and the duties of the Water Quality Committee and asked if the committee was meeting all their goals. 

1.  The WQC believes that an Intergovernmental Agreement with Lane County is necessary so as to be aware of what is happening in the six mile sphere of influence around Dunes City .  According to the Comprehensive Plan, “ Dunes City has a legitimate interest in the decisions of other agencies and jurisdictions which may affect the city now and in the future.”  Water quality protection, caused by erosion and sedimentation, are of the greatest concerns to the committee.  

2.  Gibbs Creek – Determining who is responsible for the standing water on Clear Lake Road will be the first step in getting rid of high phosphorus and E Coli counts.  The water testers will sample that area soon, updating the problem areas and make their recommendations to the committee.  

3,  Preparation for Blue Green Algae Bloom is in place with the Protocol passed last month at the City council meeting.  Bob Mohler suggested that keeping cattle out of the creek is necessary.  Mohler believes Siltcoos Lake is getting ready for an algal bloom.  

4.  Helping Lakeside owners understand weeds – Ralph Farnsworth reminded us at our last meeting Dave Persons reports excessive weeds in their cove.  John Stead mentioned that Al Koslwsky complained of the same problem   Susie Navetta reminded us of the up coming Festival of the Lakes and suggested that the WQC take an active part on the festival by having a booth about water quality or weeds.  Navetta said the Woahink Lake Association will have a stewardship booth and Planning Commissioner Dave Bellmore will have a riparian booth.  The WQC seemed interested in having a weed booth at the festival.  

Old Business:

1.  Water Storage – John Stead filled Ken Henderson in on the background of Woahink Lake and Water Rights issues starting back from the CCC and the building of the Weir and continuing to the present time.  

2.  Outlet Structure – the condition of the structure is not at question, but the access easement is holding everything at a standstill.  The question is – How important is water storage to Dunes City ?  

3.  E Coli at Honeyman Park will be measured by Mike Sovinski at the Cleawox   Swim Beach.  Honeyman Park will pay for the testing results.  Steve Hager will use his kayak to test the middle of Cleawox Lake for phosphorus.  At a recent meeting Ralph Farnsworth, Richard Koehler, Shirley Stentz  and Alan Freudenthal discussed the weed growth near the Park’s south water intake and the high E Coli count.  

4.  Siltcoos Lake water testing – water testing for the 319 grant has come to and end, but the DEQ is optimistic that the EPA/SRF safe drinking water grant funds (awarded to the four water systems) will be available soon.  Rich Miller (PSU) will be finishing the report for the 303D in the next few months.  

5.  Ford Way - This summer Gerry Curran and Brien Mills will be pulling and collecting weeds near an eleven family Ford Way community water system.  Honeyman Park will dispose of the pulled weeds.  

6.  Weeds – Steve Hager remembered that a weed expert (Valerie) from PSU had given a good presentation last year and hoped that the WQC could locate her to give a talk.  

7.  System Development Fees – Bob Mohler made a suggestion that Dunes City impose System Development Fees for new Sewer System in 2060.  

8. The amendment for the Septic System Maintenance Ordinance will be reviewed at the July 15th  WQC meeting.  

Ralph Farnsworth made a motion to adjourn with a second by David Dumas.  The motion was passed.  Meeting adjourned at 9:11 PM .  

Respectfully submitted, Susie Navetta

  Minutes – May 7, 2009    

Chairman Richard Koehler opened the meeting at 7:00PM .  

Those in attendance were voting board members David Dumas, Ken Henderson and John Stead.  Mark Chandler and Ralph Farnsworth were absent.  Non-voting members in attendance were Steve Hager, Richard Koehler, Bob Mohler, and Susie Navetta.  Also in attendance were quests Councilor Rob Quandt, Dave Persons and Lucy Persons.  

The minutes were approved as written with a motion from Ken Henderson and a second from John Stead.  Motion passed.  

Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) septic pro Paul Kennedy stopped by Dunes City to chat with Mark Chandler, Richard Koehler and Liz Purtell on his loop from Coos Bay to Yachats.  Kennedy shared some phosphorus information and local facts septic issues.  Wally’s Septic hold septage in tanks for a period of time, then removes the hard stuff (plastic and hair) and brings the matter up to PH 12, adds water and then it’s off to Fiddle Creek.  It is sprayed on to the fields.  Wally’s has a permit to spray 3800 gallons of septage.  Bob Mohler complained that Wally’s brought back septage from Yachats.  Susie Navetta reminded him that Econo Rooter took their septage to Coquille.

The testing on Siltcoos Lake (303 D listing) is coming to an end.  Rich Miller from the DEQ will make just one more trip.  It will be several months before the report is finished.

Bob Mohler said tests in early December reported 10 times the normal amount of phosphorus in the run-off.  They took samples at Fiddle and Maple Creeks.  Rob Quandt reported former employees of Wally’s Septic stated that illegal dumping had been ongoing.  

Dave Persons came to the meeting to talk about the Woahink View Community Water System.  Thirteen water users get their water off Ford Way .  I the past, Mark Chandler has met with the WVCWS and done water testing there for E-Coli.  In the last few years the weeds (parrot feather and others have been hard to control.  This summer Jerry Curran and his group of underwater divers will be removing and bagging parrot feather.  Persons says the water is coming from several sources, such as: under Hwy.101 directly from Hwy. 101, the lagoon, and some from the park.  The water tastes and smells like fish.  Persons thought that perhaps septic were also to blame.  

Steve Hager said the Siuslaw Watershed Council will be walking Siltcoos Lake on the east side, from Maple Creek to Fiddle Creek, to make sure that culvert replacements are in before the railroad expansion.  

The 12” culvert that blew out on Gibbs Creek is now under control according to Richard Koehler.  Although it was outside of the City, muddy waters entered Woahink Lake . David Waltz from DEQ was notified and handled the murky mess.   

John Stead gave a report on the Woahink Weir, water storage and the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).  The weir needs corrections to accommodate water storage and use.  The City needs a promised easement from Richard Anderson to measure the water level and the stream flow.  The WQC thinks a lot survey maybe necessary.  

Mark Chandler was absent, but sent his report.  Mark had stopped by the Siltcoos Lake Boat Ramp and found that Oregon State University (OSU) was doing some algal work.  OSU has been sampling Woahink, Siltcoos and Tenmile Lakes for the last two years.  They are doing some DNA work and studying viruses that infect and destroy cyanobacteria and they are willing to share some data with us.  Chandler will keep us updated.  

Richard Koehler gave a presentation to the DEQ/RCAC conference ( 6 hours in length) in mid April.  Koehler was asked for a 15 minute program, but the question and answer segment extended it to over 45 minutes.  The “SMART”program was very interesting and informative.  Dunes City had been asked to attend because of our proactive stance on Septic System Maintenance.  Koehler also talked about the Aqua Screen matting near Keichle Arm, another first for Oregon .  

Steve Hager noted that under the current budget the foresters in Oregon may be cut from 54 down to 7.  

The budget for the WQC is the same as last year and we now have the $6000 in place for testing emergency.  

The protocols have been sent to the Council for approval at the May meeting.  

Rich Miller from DEQ will have his last visit at Siltcoos Lake on May 20th.  

Ken Henderson made a motion to adjourn and the second came from Dave Dumas.  The motion passed.  

The meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM .

Respectfully submitted, Susie Navetta  

Minutes for April 2, 2009  

Chairman Richard Koehler opened the meeting at 7:03 PM .  

Those present were Mark Chandler, Dave Dumas, Ralph Farnsworth, Steve Hager, Ken Henderson, Richard Koehler, Bob Mohler, Susie Navetta, and John Stead.  Joel Klein and his wife from Econo Rooter were our guests.  Mr. Mc Millian also attended.  

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved with correction after a motion from Ken Henderson and a second by John Stead.  Motion passed.  

It was decided that Richard Koehler would accept the invitation to speak at the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) meeting in Eugene .  Koehler will make a presentation on Dunes City ’s Septic System Maintenance Ordinance.  Other cities are beginning to see the importance of our ordinance and will use our research and development of our septic program to build their own program.  John Stead made a motion to pay travel expenses (gas and lunch) for the trip.  Ralph Farnsworth seconded the motion.  Motion passed.  

Quest speaker Joel Klein from Econo Rooter has an advanced certificate from the National Association of Wastewater Treatment (NAWT) and has been in the septic business for 25 years. EconoRooter is the only full service business, which includes installation of septic tanks and drain-fields, electrical, plumbing, inspection, mapping, pumping and replacing systems, on the coast.  Klein recommends that we modify the form to the packet and supplied two suggestions.  The committee will work on these at the next meeting.  Econo Rooter uses a television camera to view the drain-field.  Klein stated that the tank must be pumped to evaluate the condition of the tank and that DEQ agrees.  Bad tanks are the biggest cause of pollution.  Metal tanks are rusted and need to be replaced.  There are 2 kinds of plastic tanks the blue tank lasts 3 times longer at a cost of $1000.  Concrete tanks last a lifetime and cost $1000. Tank replacement is about $5500.  Drain-field replacement is about $4500.  The cost of pumping is $500 and the cost for an inspection will run from $700 to $800.  Klein believes that pumping is the most important thing you can do for your septic systems life.   

Gibbs Creek (Miller Creek) – an old logging road culvert washed out, just outside Dunes City , and caused a sudden wall of water and silt into Woahink Lake . Local resident James Sherwood reported the incident to Richard Koehler.  Koehler notified David Waltz of DEQ.  DEQ contacted Dan Reitz of Oregon Water Services who takes care of Alderwood Water System.  Waltz said he would notify the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) and Honeyman Park . 

Ralph Farnsworth was to travel to Devils Lake ( Lincoln City ), but they abandoned the water protection project before the meeting.  Farnsworth reported that Jerry Curran and his and his fellow divers would be working on weed removal near Honeyman State Park ( Woahink Lake ).  Farnsworth made a motion to spend $100 for supplies.  Dave Dumas made the second.  Motion passed.  

The Protocols for the WCQ testers and City will be ready for the May City Council meeting according to Mark Chandler.  

A thank you letter will be sent to Senator Joanne Verger for her good works on SB 631 (lower phosphates in dishwashing detergents) that recently passed.  In 2007 the WQC, in a proactive stance, urged the Senator to take action on this overlooked problem.  

Budget – Mark Chandler will crunch some numbers for the next meeting.          

A motion was made by Ralph Farnsworth and a second by Mark Chandler to adjourn the meeting.  Motion passed.   

The meeting adjourned at 9:12 PM .  

Respectfully submitted, Susie Navetta


March 5, 2009  

Chairman Richard Koehler opened the meeting at 7:04 P.M.  

Those in attendance were Mark Chandler, Ralph Farnsworth, Steve Hager, Ken Henderson, Richard Koehler, Jamie Mills, Susie Navetta, and John Stead.  Bob Mohler and Wes Wilcox were absent.

A motion from Farnsworth and a second by Chandler was made to approve the minutes of the February minutes.  Motion Passed.  

The first topic of discussion was the Septic System Maintenance Ordinance.  At the last City council meeting Councilor Peter Howison wanted to set up a committee to amend some of the ordinances (the septic ordinance was one of them).  In recent months the WQC has had the ordinance procedure on the front burner and has considered writing amendments for the ordinance.  After a long discussion the WQC the committee voted to not adjusting the ordinance for the time being.  The Committee believes that the ordinance has not been in force for a long enough time to make changes.  Koehler has been monitoring the progress and making recommendation to office staff during the last several months.  There are 748 septic systems in Dunes City and about 100 have been evaluated.  The original 5 year program should end in February 2011, but because of a slow start this date is no longer attainable.  Farnsworth made a motion to continue on the present path for now and Stead gave a second for the motion.  Motion passed.  John Stead will research the State Ordinances for “Failed Systems” for next agenda.  

Koehler thanked Chandler and Farnsworth for their presentation at the last City Council meeting.  The power point program was informative and appreciated by everyone.  

Mills CARE grant for $88,000 is almost complete.  A Welfare, Health, Air, and Land Evaluation (WHALE) committee could be set up to assist the city in further education, conservation and more protection for our drinking water.  

An report on the “Incident Report” was given by Chandler .  Water testers Chandler , Hager, Mohler, and Wilcox worked on the report.  The WQC made suggestions on the report and Chandler will make the corrections.  Henderson suggested that we will not only include Lane and Douglas Counties in Early notification, but bill them for testing.  

 Farnsworth made a motion to adjourn and Henderson gave the second.  Motion passed.  The meeting adjourned at 9:17 PM .  

Respectfully submitted, Susie Navetta

February 5, 2009

Councilor Richard Koehler opened the meeting at 7:03 PM .  

Those in attendance were voting members Mark Chandler, David Dumas, Ralph Farnsworth, and John Stead.  Voting members Rick Cox and Ken Henderson were absent.  Steve Hager, Jamie Mills and Susie Navetta also attended.  

Mark Chandler made a report on the Quality Assurance Project Program (QAPP).  Mark is preparing to address the City Council at the February meeting.  The QAPP program involves both Siltcoos and Woahink Lakes .  The phosphorus data collected on both lakes was charted and graphed showing trend lines.  The report will also contain the history of charting on the lakes, progress of the Water Quality Committee and ordinances adopted to maintain water quality.  Mark said, “There is much more data on Woahink Lake .”   Mike Savinski, from the Siuslaw Watershed, has not yet come on board, but he is willing to help.  The Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), Department of Human Services (DHS), and Honeyman State Park are the other agencies that will be involved.  Portland State University (PSU) will be mapping the sub-surface of Siltcoos Lake 4 times this year to learn what weeds are present.  This mapping hasn’t been done since 1994.  

Councilor Jamie Mills told us of the plans being made by the homeowners association on Siltcoos Lake .  Four hundred square feet of Aqua Screen matting may be place on Siltcoos Lake near Kiechle Arm to prevent weed growth.  The lake level is extremely low right now so this would be an excellent time for placement.  The Division of State Lands (DSL) has given permission.  The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) will also have input.  The cost of the trial project is about $1500 and should be done while the lake is this low.  On a similar note, weed control in Woahink Lake maybe getting some attention near Ford Way by Gerry Curran and his fellow divers.  According to Ralph Farnsworth they will be hand pulling and removing Parrot Feather.  

Chairman Richard Kohler is concerned for the WQC because in 2008 our meeting had to be cancelled due to lack of a quorum. Rick Cox has not been attending meetings for 6 months now.  Last year Rick also had poor attendance and was asked to attend more meetings.  The committee thinks it needs full time members.  Dr. Scott Landry’s name came up as he would be qualified, but Mark Chandler said Scott was too busy.  Mark made a motion to find a new member and Dave Dumas seconded the motion.  John Stead amended the motion and a second was made by Dave to make a recommendation to the city council to appoint a new person.  The motion passed.  

Two grant opportunities are available.  One is from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the other one is from the Institute of Public Health of Lane County.  In the mean time David Dumas will look it over.  Time is short as it is due in March.  The $400,000 grant is for loans on no interest septic system installation, controlling septic effluents, etc.  Jamie Mills suggested we should make a wish list so that we knew how to write our grants.  One wish would be a portable lab to do some in house testing.  Jamie is looking at another grant for Mayor Eric Hauptman.  

The long septic maintenance discussion ensued around the following:

1.  Is it important for the tank to be empty for the initial inspection? 

2.  What is a failed system?

3.  Are forms being filled out correctly?

And for the homeowner -

4.  How does the homeowner find a company?

5.  Is the company offering the correct service?

6.  Does the company have qualified inspectors?

7.  Is the inspection too expensive? 

The committee thought we need to watch the Septic System Maintenance Program longer to make recommend changes or make evaluations.  

Richard Koehler reminded us that the current algal bloom advisory lasted 93 days and last year is was only 57 days.  The WQC will not do extensive testing in the future.  Mark Chandler asked if the WQC received $6000 for Emergency Algal Bloom testing.  The City said the funds are in place.  The protocol plan has not been completed and will be on the agenda next month.  Richard will send the draft around to the WQC members.  

After seeing the maps and reviewing the site visit by David Dumas the WQC feels they can put the biosolids sites issue at the Libby Ranch to rest.  

Hopefully, next month or so a 303 D Report from Rich Miller will occur.  In preparation we should all review the Alderwood Report, the Dunes City Drinking Water Source Assessment and the South Coast Water District Report that can be found on the website.  

A motion was made by Mark Chandler for adjournment and a second came from John Stead.  The motion passed.  The meeting adjourned at 9:32 PM  

Respectfully submitted, Susie Navetta 

January 5, 2009  

Chairman Richard Koehler opened the meeting at 7:02 PM .  

Those present were Mark Chandler, Dave Dumas, Ralph Farnsworth, Steve Hager, Richard Koehler, Jamie Mills, Bob Mohler, Susie Navetta, John Stead, and Wes Wilcox.  Also in attendance were Mayor Eric Hauptman and City Recorder Amy Graham.  Rick Cox was absent.  

The minutes of 12/4/08 were amended and Mark Chandler made a motion to approve as corrected with a second by John Stead.  The motion passed.  

Richard Koehler reported that he had spoken with Randy Trox, the DEQ Septic Program Manager, about the Septic System Maintenance Ordinance.  The City is looking for a list of Pumpers, Installers and especially State Approved Inspectors.  The list, on the DEQ web site, is huge, but there are very few Pumpers and even less State Approved Inspectors in the area.  The only one in the area that can do everything is Econo Rooter out of Coquille.  Wally’s Septic located in Florence only does the pumping.  Susie Navetta will contact Wally’s to check on their status.  It was noted that Jim Barmore is trying to get certification. Dunes City was the first city in Oregon to pass a Septic System Maintenance ordinance.  Last year Richard attended a DEQ Onsite Meeting and has been asked to attend this years meeting to give them the Dunes City update.  The City is now moving forward with about 20 evaluations a month.  The City will be issuing new letters to those who did not originally comply, those who do not comply will be subject to fines.  

Mayor Hauptman came to the meeting to talk about the Siltcoos Algal Bloom and the calls he has received from unhappy residents that the Warning Signs had not been lifted by the state.  He said he would like the Water Quality Committee to cut down on testing, but he inferred he wanted to cut down on sending in the samples for further testing.  A single water sample was sent for testing on 12/8/08 , to cut down on costs, this last month.  The WQC is well below budget and making progress on getting some financial help from other sources.  [The testing program is in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan Policies B7, B8, E1, and K2 .  The WQC was established to maintain the public health, welfare and safety of its citizens by conducting, recording, archiving, and reporting on the on-going monitoring of data and conclusions.  DHS will have testing abilities soon.    Mark Chandler, Ralph Farnsworth, Bob Mohler, and Wes Wilcox met for the QAPP to document the testing results and prepare them for the website.  Amy Graham went over the rules for purchase orders and receipts over $50.00.  

There seems to be a lot of confusion over the protocol for the office to follow for suspected algal blooms.  The Protocol document, Algal Bloom Monitoring and Reporting v.4, will be one of the topics for next months discussion after Mark Chandler and Steve Hager go over it one more time.  Water User Fees and Septic System Inspectors will also be on the agenda.  

Last month we had a report from David Dumas on the septic effluent disposal from Wally’s.   

Mark Chandler will be making a report to the Council in February about the state of the lakes and the TMDL testing.  

The meeting adjourned at 9:22 PM .  

Respectfully submitted, Susie Navetta      

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Water Quality Committee Minutes 2008
