Dunes City Water Quality Committee Archive

2007 2008 2009 2011

Minutes 2010 

Water Quality Committee Minutes

December 15, 2010 , 7:00 p.m.

A meeting of the Water Quality Committee of Dunes City was held at the Dunes City Hall , on Wednesday, December 15, 2010 .  Members present were Chairperson Richard Koehler, members Ralph Farnsworth, John Stead, David Dumas, Ken Henderson, Bob Mohler, and Steve Hager.  Also present were Susie Navetta and Jamie Mills.  Minutes from October were approved as amended.  

Steve reported the water was very clean the last time they went out and tested the water.  Secchi Disk reading was at 25 feet.  

Richard discussed some issues that are still up in the air that the Water Quality Committee needs to work on.  The septic ordinance was established in order to provide better water.  The hazards are the phosphorus that comes from the area around the lakes.  It is important to realize that we watch for erosion.   

There was a lengthy discussion on the septic ordinance.  Susie stated not to get rid of the septic ordinance and to make sure that it is followed.  Someone asked if we are going to get rid of the septic ordinance.  Jamie stated that there is discussion about the septic ordinance being changed.  Susie stated that one thing that we tried to do month after month, maybe year after year is to get some kind of feeling of how many houses have been inspected.  We still don't have that no matter how many motions we make, no matter how hard we try to get that information we cannot get that program on board.  The last council packet did not have anything in it.   

John Stead felt with a new Chair and some new committee members it would be a good time to review what this committee is all about.  That means to find the ordinance that establishes the committee, what we are suppose to be doing, review the comprehensive plan and what it has to say about Water Quality.  Then we can establish goals.   

Richard stated we needed a DNA test for the septage issue in order to find out what is going down from Maple Creek into Siltcoos.  We met with a septage guy from DEQ, w ho isi in charge of the biosolids program, and he said that looked like a pretty good site.  There is no data that shows that septage going into the lake.   

Richard mentioned that boat washing has always been an issue.  There is a boat washing station in Florence .  There is a possibility that a camera might be placed at Honeyman Park or during the high volume boat season there will be volunteer watching.  Susie stated that it would be hard to get people to volunteer to boat watch.  It has happened in the past and it didn't work out well.  

Richard stated that there are three major places to test the water in Woahink.  The first arm is the one that goes in from Glenada.  One is from Miller Creek and the last in the drainage near Ford Lane .  

Richard stated that we are still waiting for the QAPP report that should be coming out in April.   Bob stated that they have not even been able to get their computer program that is becoming an issue.  Has it been addressed to the council??   Jamie stated that everyone should be using the same kind of software.  

There was a discussion on the storm water ordinance.  LCOG was going to work on it and so was the Planning Commission.  There was an article in the newspaper about storm water in Lane County .      

Bob thanked Ralph and Richard for all their contributions.  

There being no further business to come before the Water Quality Committee, Richard declared the meeting adjourned.                                                            

Jamie Mills, Secretary of the meeting


October 20, 2010

Chairman Richard Koehler opened the meeting at 7:05 PM .  

Those in attendance were Mark Chandler, David Dumas, Ralph Farnsworth, Steve Hager, Richard Koehler, Susie Navetta, and John Stead.  Excused were Milt Farrand, Bob Mohler and Ken Henderson.  

John Stead made a motion to approve the minutes of 9/15/10 as corrected and Dave Dumas seconded the motion.  Motion Passed.  

Water testers Observations – Mark Chandler and Steve Hager agreed that “Nothing was alarming” at the last water testing. They had a Secchi reading at 21 feet and Chlorophyll reading of 6 grams per leter on Woahink Lake . The next testing will be on October 25th.   Chandler and Hager noted that could not see the bottom at Siltcoos Lake dock.  Chandler said “There will probably not be a Blue Green Algal Bloom on Siltcoos Lake this year because the rains are coming and we should be safe.”  Maple Creek samples should be taken 2 or 3 days after the first heavy rain of the season.  The testers will take these bacterial samples and send them to the OSU lab for DNA testing. These tests should cost about $100 each according to Richard Koehler.   Chandler will make sure the samples are shipped to Corvallis .  These DNA samplings will be tested at the Theodore Dreyer lab. According to the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) their Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) report for 2012 concerning Siltcoos Lake is still on Schedule. Hager will go to Ten Mile Lake to learn how to use the Microcystin Equipment. 

Lane County Drinking Water Ordinance – A County Commissioner hearing is set for Tuesday October 26th.  A letter was prepared by Richard Koehler and John Stead for this meeting due to the short turnaround time we had available.  Individuals on the committee agreed that a recommendation needed to be sent and approved of their letter.  Some people believe the letter should have been more specific and wanted to recommend the addition of Woahink Creek, the Glenada Corridor, and Cleawox Lake , but decided to study the proposed Drinking Water Protection Overlay Zone map for further understanding before doing so.  This first round meeting by their committee will set up the ‘parties of interest’ and their concerns.  Meetings will probably continue for at least a year.   

Old business – Report to the Council/Review Charts/Information – At the Dunes City Council meeting in October some Councilors questioned why our WQC uses certain labs.  Mark Chandler clarified: “The lab in Washington was good on doing Chlorophyll tests, but their handling of nutrient samples was too slow.  Oregon State University (OSU) costs more and can’t do Chlorophyll tests.  University of Davis in California does our toxin samples because they’re the only lab around that can.  Jim Sweet at Aquatic Analysts in Milwaukie , Oregon does species identification and cell counts.  Chairman Richard Koehler reported that Rand Dawson (a Siltcoos Lake resident) said, “ Siltcoos Lake is filling in with siltation from erosion.”  Koehler also stated he will distribute to the members of the Committee limnologist Dr. Douglas Larson’s DVD from a few years ago so that they will have a better understanding of this siltation problem.  Both Koehler and Susie Navetta recalled their respective airplane rides over Siltcoos Lake that showed how erosion and siltation appears to be caused by logging to the lake’s edge, thus filling in the lake.  

Ralph Farnsworth announced he expects to resign in December.  He suggested the committee start looking for a replacement.  

A motion to adjourn was made by Ralph Farnsworth and a second came from Dave Dumas.  The motion Passed.  The meeting adjourned at 8:42 PM .  

Respectfully submitted, Susie Navetta


Minutes   9-15-10

The meeting was called to order at 7:04 pm

Those attending; Chair Richard Koehler, John Stead, Ken Henderson, Mark Chandler, Steve Hager

Those excused; Bob Mohler, Ralph Farnsworth and David Dumas

Also attending; Milton Farrand

The minutes for 7-17-10 were reviewed and corrected.  Mark moved to approve as corrected. Ken seconded.

The committee discussed;

1) Communication from Councilor Navetta to Lane County Roads indicated that the slump on Canary would not be taken care of because of the estimated half million dollar cost that the County did not have.  The history of the slump and barriers that were put in place in 2007 were described. 

2) The DEQ and DHS will meet for the second time.  The committee gave input regarding coastal lakes especially the plan developed for Clear Lake in the Heceta area north of us.  The suggestion was that the group review what is on the books for the Mid Coast Basin (home to Dunes City 's Woahink and Siltcoos Lakes ).  OAR 340-041-0225 (3) relating, at the time it was written, to Clear Lake , north of Florence ; the water source for Heceta Water District the supplier of water for parts of Florence .  “OAR 340-041-0225  (3) Nutrients in Clear Lake Watershed . In order to preserve the existing high quality water in Clear Lake north of Florence for use as a public water supply source requiring only minimal filtration, it is the policy of the Environmental Quality Commission to protect the Clear Lake watershed including both surface and groundwater, from existing and potential contamination sources with the following requirements:

(a) The total phosphorus maximum annual loading discharged into Clear Lake may not exceed 241 pounds per year from all sources.”

3) An Oregonian article regarding input from the Tualatin River Keepers group was distributed to members.

4) A pictorial archive of Dunes City shoreland from 2006 was given to all members.

5) Boat washing was reviewed to prevent invasive weeds.  Invasive muscles from boats and enforcement was discussed and needs further investigation.   Honeyman State Park would be helpful to these ends.  Some of the money from the Marine Board’s boat fees was to go to enforcement.  John asked; do you want your drinking water used to wash boats?  Mark said a boat washing station away from the area was necessary.  Observation of boat ramps by volunteers in order to document the problem was a suggestion.  Ken was asked to verify wash stations in Florence . Chair Koehler will contact the Marine Board.

6) The liquid barrier on 101 near Myrtlewood was reviewed.  By encouraging ODOT’s help, working with outside agencies the committee would fulfill Comprehensive Plan policies and our direction to preventing water tainting from road chemicals.   John asked; does the run-off from 101 enter Woahink Lake ?  The chair will contact ODOT.

7) Maple Creek was a concern last year for biological testing in order to determine sources of pollution.  Mark was asked to test Maple after the first major rain.

8) The chair asked that the water tester’s graphs in the most recent report be made more understandable.  By next meeting there may be resolve with volunteer Farrand’s help.

9) Siuslaw Watershed Council will be reviewing equipment needs.  These tools will help to fulfill the criteria of the Drinking Water Grant.  More information on this will be available in October’s meeting.  

10) Cooperation from the County is still necessary in order to help Dunes City ’s concerns.  Previously we asked the County for help on a state related issue. We asked them for an inter-governmental agreement for water quality.  Participation with the County is still necessary.

Ken said that there is no interface with the County and the Planning Commission for Dunes City ’s six mile sphere of influence.  The Chair said that without cooperative management and planning water quality degrades.  Steve questioned if it was automatic that the County notifies others when a permit was pending.  Ken said that it is in the interest of Dunes City to have the County notify the City when County permits or violations occur that may affect us.  Ken said if there is a large storm pollutants in the County area will wash right into Woahink.  John said that this had happened in the past, yet the City was unable to do anything.  John said that the city would be part of the process concerning City issues when there is agreement.  The chair stated that he continues to present Commissioner Fleenor with information on alleged violations in the County areas.  Since there are many unattended issues in Dunes City ’s six miles of influence, it would behoove us to cooperate with the County and vise versa.  John Stead moved that the Water Quality Committee recommend that Dunes City Council pursue an intergovernmental agreement with Lane County for planning purposes.  Mark Chandler seconded.  All agreed.  

The chair reminded members that The Are you Ready class will be held on October 6th in order to inform attendees of the benefits of being safer in emergency situations.  

The meeting adjourned at 8:39 p.m.  

Respectfully submitted by Richard Koehler

Minutes 7-17-10

The meeting was called to order at 7:05  

Ken Henderson, John Stead, Dave Dumas, Mark Chandler, Ralph Farnsworth, Bob Mohler, and Steve Hager were all present   Jerry Wasserburg was also present.  

Minutes corrected and approved by Ken Henderson, seconded by Dave Dumas without objection.   

Chair Koehler brought pictures of the riparian area in the Myrtlewood area.  Three of those pictures, referred to one area north of Myrtlewood, show ODOT’s right of way in the lake.   A barrier that deflects vehicle borne pollution into the lake was suggested to follow the line of Martha Jacobs railroad ties.  Permission from the two land owners to install this low wall outside of ODOT’s ROW and applying for a grant was suggested.  Jerry Wasseburg and John Stead pointed out that infiltration of fluids is primary to this project.  Speed limits in this area are 45 mph.  Review of all three main roadways from Dunes City into US Route 101 enter in hazardous 55 mph locations and past efforts with ODOT to reduce speeds between the Siuslaw to the Siltcoos Bridges to a constant 45 mph did not pan out.  Since that time fatalities in that area have occurred.   The possibility of fluids spill accidents increase with speed.  John Stead mentioned that ODOT’s barrier designs would not satisfy water quality concerns. Dave Dumas’ concern was “if there is a spill where do fluids flow?  Would grading that area so that flow is toward the west a possibility?”    The committee is in agreement that, with the landowner’s approval, continuing the railroad ties northward in order to keep run off from entering the lake is the best current option.  

In order for the WQC to understand what conditions exist in the lakeshore area the chair will create a pictorial disk of the watershed shot in July of 2006 for all committee members.  

Concerns about riparian area violations were discussed.  Bob Mohler asked about restoration requirements in those areas.  Dave described a neighboring landowner to the south of his property (Laurie  1912233301300) contempt at following city rules described to him and continued to cut at a future date.   Mr. Dumas described another property, Sunset Cove, to the north of him where cutting close to the lake occurred.  Enforcement and fines were a committee concern regarding riparian are violations.  Mr. Wasserburg asked if this was the committee’s charge.  Ken and Bob inferred that there is a link between water quality and the riparian area.  Richard said that there are many things connected to create water quality. 

Mark moved that the council review the riparian ordinances with regard to deterrents for violations in order to assure lake water protection.  Dave seconded.  All approved.  

Dave moved to accept the Site review report on the Laurie property.  Mark seconded.  All approved.  

Mark presented the report that was shown to the council last week.  Gerry asked if different colors could be used for various quarters of the year for better understanding.  Ken asked if testing in more than the one Siltcoos area would be useful.  Bob thought that most of the water outside the Dunes City shore would give similar readings.  Jerry asked if there was a reflection of his readings with the timing of Dunes City ’s new ordinances.  Mark thought that there was similarity to improved water quality and adoption of the septic maintenance ordinance.  

Steve presented a new add on to Mark’s report.  Richard asked Steve to refine his report so that web posting could take place.  

John reviewed the proposed amendments to OAR 690-518  the Mid-Coast Basin Program. He emphasized that one of the proposed changes could have a negative impact on the use of Dunes City ’s Municipal Water Right Permit.  (See referred to report here )  

It is proposed that, “. . .1.5 cfs of Woahink Lake water are classified for municipal purposes . . .” and that the existing stipulation, “ . . .1.5 cfs of Woahink Lake water is reserved for municipal purposes . . .” be deleted. This change would allow the City’s water right to be limited to the purpose of human consumption. John said it has been reported that action on the proposed amendment has been postponed indefinitely. Nevertheless he believes that it would be in the City’s best interest to be prepared to respond to the proposed amendments.  

Specifics which apply to what was suggested above are:  

To be removed from OAR 690-518-0020, Reservations:

(1) In addition to the uses specified in subsection (1)(a) of OAR 690-518-0010, 1.5 cfs of the water of Woahink Lake are reserved for municipal purposes and 0.75 cfs for public park purposes.  

To be inserted under IAR 690-518-0010, Classifications,:

(c) 1.5 cfs of the water of Woahink Lake are classified for municipal purposes and 0.75 cfs for public park purposes.  

Removing “only” from 690-518-0010(1) provides more flexibility in imposing human consumption on water rights. The City’s municipal right stipulates municipal use, “. . . now reserved for this purpose by the State Water Resources Board.”  [Municipal Permit #44501].  Since the State’s Water Resources Commission (formerly the Water Resources Board) would be making the change, the amendment would facilitate imposing the Woahink Creek Instream Water Right requirements on the City’s permit.  

WQC goals were reviewed.   Bob affirmed our part in the state’s response to Blue Green Algae blooms and how to keep this issue alive with our input.   

Richard asked that if anyone would like to present committee business that it first be reviewed in committee.  In order to maintain the strength of the committee working within the committee is suggested.  

Bob moved to adjourn.    Ken seconded. All approved at 9:10

Minutes 6/16/10  

The meeting called to order by Chairman Koehler at 7:05 pm .   Those present were Ken Henderson, Bob Mohler, Mark Chandler, Dave Dumas and Steve Hager and Richard Koehler.  John Stead was absent.  Ralph Farnsworth was absent [excused]  

Mark Chandler moved to accept the May minutes.  Dave Dumas seconded - minutes approved.  

In order to visualize ODOTs right-of-way across from Myrtlewood Chairman Koehler will create a visual example of the ROW.  A grant would be necessary to go beyond ODOTs three barrier designs.  Additionally, permission from two land owners would be needed in order to install a low profile, tight to ground barrier.  Riparian area conditions and a pristine lake / information marker in that area were also discussed.  

Oregon ’s Blue Green Algae (BGA) DHS - DEQ May meeting in Portland was discussed.  Chairman Koehler thanked the committee for their combined input in composing the Committee position paper.  Another state meeting will occur in July.  Steve and Mark brought up a less expensive microcystin test kit and will research it further with the help of the Watershed Council.  

Chairman Koehler informed the committee of the upcoming CERT meetings and the fact that we will be on your own from 3 to 30 days in the event of catastrophe. Committee members were encouraged to participate in these preparation classes so that in any event panic is kept to a minimum and survival is kept to the maximum.  

Water testers brought visual data and were asked to provide this understandable data to the website in the near future.  Bob Mohler said that the best clarity readings occurred the summer before our first bloom.  Steve reported on Portland State ’s hypothesis that aquatic vegetation dies in the fall, releasing phosphorus and using up oxygen creating anoxic conditions which releases more phosphorus  

Water testers inputting data found the need for help from the office on software licensing updates so that all those inputting data are using the same tools.  Excel was found to be the easiest to navigate and the program to which initial findings are placed.  

Water testers were asked to report which outside agencies are involved in cooperating with each tributary entering the three lakes.  

The Inter Governmental Agreement the committee created for the county to review in the beginning of this year was seen to be a planning issue opposed to a water issue; linking DC planning with Lane Land Management and Lane Planning through an IGA may be the way to go.   

Steve told us that the Siuslaw Watershed Council tech team meet first Thursday 9 30 am at the Council's building - the old forest service complex in Mapleton - 52 entities participate and are involved with a myriad of watershed beneficial projects throughout the area.  Tahkenitch and Siltcoos rate first and second in terms of salmon runs.  

Previous and future goals were discussed for further review:  

Septic Ordinance, Phosphorus, Erosion ordinances. 

Holding ponds north of town (first arm)          Barrier at Myrtlewood.

First bridge (county) first arm.                         Greengate Slump

Weir                                                                   Boat washing

Porta-potty use                                                  TMDL (still waiting for report)

Connecting with other agencies                      IGA with Planning

Riparian area reinforcement by education.      

Show past history - good or bad                    Drinking water protection grant.


Steve brought up a formula from '81 [reference]; Phosphorus loading is equal to watershed area divided by the depth of the lake times the population density in the watershed times the lifestyle of the people in the watershed.  

Ken brought to the committee’s attention a process of systematic dredging of Irvine Lake in Silverado , CA .  As this relates to Siltcoos there would have to be major funding in order for this to be accomplished.

Because of its size, Siltcoos would not benefit from ‘planting islands’ (to absorb phosphorus) yet small areas may be tested by isolating Keichle arm with a curtain, like a BC Canada lake did.  

Ken Henderson Moved to adjourn.  Dave Dumas seconded at 8:55pm


Submitted by Richard Koehler

May 19, 2010


The Water Quality Committee was opened by chairman Koehler at 7:09 PM

Those in attendance were committee members Mark Chandler, Dave Dumas, Ken Henderson, John Stead and Richard Koehler.   Those excused; Ralph Farnsworth, Susie Navetta and Bob Mohler.

The minutes of the April meeting were approved by a motion from Ken Henderson, seconded by David Dumas.  Motion Passed. 

New Business:

         A sludge article was sent to all (attached) that may have relevance to local issues in Maple Cr.  An analysis was suggested to be performed on the first rain to assess how much load and what quality that load is in November.        

John Stead observed a yellow cast in Woahink Lake water near where he lives.  He also mentioned that the white foam in Woahink Cr. has subsided.  

Bob is near completing data for Siltcoos and will discuss that with us next month. Posting understandable graphs with text for the website was a discussed goal to be accomplished.

Water testers are preparing an overview of the past year’s work to present the committee, then to council.

Old Business:

The April study session ( 4-7-10 ) with the water master went well.  Minutes for that meeting will be posted.  A DVD of this session is available through committee member, Ralph Farnsworth.  The committee report was consistent with what was presented during that meeting. 

Water Resources Board held a study to amend water rights rules.  We will review 690-518-0010 next month.  The complexities of a municipal system to go along with storage rights was reviewed. 

The committee reviewed the statement and suggestions (final attached) for the DEQ – DHS meeting coming up in three days.

Review of Woahink Lake protection at Myrtlewood continued with discussions about the barrier design, riparian area and ODOT right of way.

A historic plaque was suggested at Ms. Jakobs scenic spot on 101 to describe Woahink Lake as a drinking water source overseen by the Water Quality Committee. 

David Dumas moved to adjourn at 9:27 , seconded by Mark Chandler.


Submitted by Richard Koehler


April 21, 2010

1.      The Water Quality Committee was opened by Vice Chair John Stead at 7:02 PM. 

Those in attendance were committee members Mark Chandler, Dave Dumas, Ralph Farnsworth, Ken Henderson, and John Stead.  Richard Koehler was absent.  Steve Hager was also present and Susie Navetta took minutes. 

2. The minutes of the March meeting were approved with corrections by a motion from Ken Henderson, seconded by Mark Chandler.  Motion Passed. 

3. New Business

A.       Senator Dingfelder will be holding a meeting with the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and the Department of Human Services (DHS) regarding Blue Green Algal (BGA) incidents, and she has asked for comments and participation from Oregon cities. 

1.      The meeting will be held on May 21, 2010 at 10:00 AM in Portland, Oregon.  The Committee is looking for WQC members to attend the meeting. 

The Committee will send a written report to the meeting. Last year BGA policies were written by the Dunes City WQC.  Dave Dumas will get copies of them from the office.  Mark Chandler, Ralph Farnsworth, and Steve Hager, will write a history paper to accompany the incident report. Their material will be available at our May meeting, and a packet will be prepared for the Senator Dingfelder’s meeting.

2.      Topics: (Prevention to be discussed at another meeting.)

a. Reporting Outbreaks

Dunes City made policies and procedures for reporting.

Economic Consequences

b. Testing for toxicity (identification)

Testing and collecting samples

c.       Public notification is done by an incident report from Dunes City and the City Staff alerts everyone.

3.      Points to be presented at their meeting include: Dunes City’s history, issues, responsibilities, and our experience with the Blue Green Algae.

a.       City – A brief description of our city responses will be included.

b.      Lane County and Douglas County – have not come forward with any assistance.  Who is responsible for monitoring water for public safety?  The County says there is no money available.  Our committee thinks that there is a lack of support from outside agencies.

c.       State and Federal – Neither Health and Human Services (HHS), DEQ, nor the Oregon Dunes National Recreational Area have helped.

d.      County, State and Federal relationships are poor to nonexistent.

e.       Recommendations and Questions – How severe does the scum on a lake have to before DHS steps forward?  How can they tell if it’s toxic unless they do some tests?  Can they post a lake with Toxic signs without testing?  Which agency should take the ‘lead’ in the event of an algal bloom? Who will be protecting the Marine Reserves, DHS or the Environmental Protection Agency? (We believe EPA should be involved in some way.)

        B.  Other New Business

Mark Chandler and Steve Hager reported that we now have 20 years of Secchi (clarity) readings.  They presented a preliminary chart of Woahink Lake.  New graphs will be made from the charts.

4.  Old Business – Woahink Lake Protection – A lengthy discussion was had concerning the riparian area.  It is believed that there is a new owner at the Myrtlewood Factory.  This may be the perfect time to educate the owner of potential harm that could come to our drinking water supply if mowing down to the edge of the lake continues. In addition, Ralph Farnsworth and Richard Koehler have documented photographs of the Woahink Lake frontage and the Clear Lake barriers near Reedsport. John Stead allowed them to be passed out.

The WQC concerns:

Is the property in Dunes City? Who has control over the riparian area?  Which committee should take responsibility for enforcement of a riparian zone? The solution might be education, revegetation and enforcement, or some type of barrier.

In the past the WQC had meetings with Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) with little or no resolution.  ODOT refused to install a barrier such as the one at Clear Lake.  When the ownership of the riparian area is confirmed the WQC may take the next step.

A motion was made by Mark Chandler and seconded by Ralph Farnsworth to adjourn.  Motion Passed.  The meeting adjourned at 9:05 PM.

Respectfully submitted, Susie Navetta

March 17, 2010 

The Water Quality Committee (WQC) was called to order by Richard Koehler at 7:02 P.M. 

Those present were Ralph Farnsworth, Steve Hager, Ken Henderson, Richard Koehler, Bob Mohler, Susie Navetta and John Stead.  Mark Chandler and David Dumas were excused. 

After discussion, Ralph Farnsworth made a motion to accept the minutes as corrected.  A second came from Ken Henderson and the motion passed

The 2010-2011 budget for the next year was the next topic for review.  It was not clear how much of the WQC budget had been used.  Richard Koehler will look into the matter so that a new amount for the upcoming year can be determined.  Steve Hager says we need a microscope and partly because the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and Portland State University (PSU) have suggested the Dunes City WQC should do more bacterial testing.  The WQC will add these items to the budget. 

Would “Planting Islands” be beneficial to Siltcoos Lake?  The plants could draw phosphorus from the lake during the growth period, but the harvesting could leave increased levels of phosphorus and defeat the purpose.  Information from other lakes could be useful in deciding on such a program.  Both Devil Lake (Lincoln City) and Ten Mile Lake (Lakeside) have a better understanding of unwanted plant growth and should be contacted. 

Bio mats were installed in a small portion of Siltcoos Lake near Councilor Jamie Mills dock.  The area around the dock is covered with vegetation and boat travel was restricted.  Mills contacted the state agencies and received permission to lay down Aqua Mats to restrict further weed growth.  Her permit allows her to leave the mats in for the summer months and remove them part of the year.  The WQC needs to check on this project to see if weed growth has lessened or just stayed the same. 

Steve Hager said Rich Miller, from Portland State University, noted the phosphorus is the main problem in our lakes; especially Siltcoos Lake.  The WQC determined that in order to solve the problem  sediment and  nutrients need to be reduced.  

John Stead was once again asked to talk about Dunes City water rights to bring the committee up to date on the issues with the Water Resources Department over the past several years.  These issues will be discussed at the Water Rights Workshop on April 7th by the Dunes City Council. 

Motion to adjourn was made by John Stead with a second from Ken Henderson.  Motion passes.  The meeting adjourned at 9:18 P.M. 

Respectfully submitted,  Susie Navetta


February 17, 2010   

The meeting was opened by Chairman Richard Koehler at 7:05 P.M.  

Those present were Mark Chandler, Dave Dumas, Ralph Farnsworth, Steve Hager, Ken Henderson, Richard Koehler, Bob Mohler, Susie Navetta and John Stead.  

The minutes of the last meeting were approved as corrected by a motion from Mark Chandler and a second by Dave Dumas.  The motion passed.  

John Stead gave a report on the Outlet Control Structure.  Stead cited dates from 2003 to 2006 (Appendix A) to help the committee understand the Dunes City water right issues.  Stead reported that presently there is a 6” board on one side of the outlet control structure so no water is being stored.  

Many questions came up about the Outlet Structure, such as:

Ownership of the Outlet Structure

Access for testing and repairs (by land easement or boat)

Costs to Dunes City to monitor stream flow levels

  Woahink Lake water users ( Honeyman State Park , local residents, Siuslaw Rural Fire Department, Commercial businesses, etc.  

The WQC had a long discussion as to the advantages and disadvantages additional water supply in the Water Storage of Woahink Lake.  Richard Kohler will enumerate the benefits of Water Storage as the items of cost.  

The Committee looked over the Extension of Time for a Water Right Permit and found errors.  Richard Koehler and John Stead were appointed to make a presentation to the WQC.  Stead will also write a critique of the recent permit application by Dunes City for the extension of water rights for a presentation to the Council by Koehler.  

Bob Mohler made a suggestion that it was time to look into the speed limits again on Hwy. 101 and make recommendations to ODOT for consistent speeds due to the recent fatal accidents and the potential for a spill into the drinking water supply.  

Susie Navetta visited East Woahink Park and reported that the riparian vegetation, planted by local residents, is thriving and making the park look more inviting while protecting the banks from erosion.  

A motion to adjourn was made by Mark Chandler and a second was made by Bob Mohler Motion passed.  

The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 P.M.  

Respectfully submitted, Susie Navetta


January 20, 2010    

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Richard Koehler at 7:20 PM .  Those present were Mark Chandler, Dave Dumas, Ralph Farnsworth, Steve Hager, Richard Koehler, Bob Mohler and Susie Navetta.  Ken Henderson was excused.

The minutes of the November 18th meeting were approved as corrected with a motion from Mark Chandler and a second by John Stead.  Motion passed.

Steve Hager gave a report on the teleconference meeting of December 22, 2009 with state officials concerning the TMDL 303d – EPA – State issues re Blue Green Algae/Cynotoxins.  Steve believes the State is really dragging its feet on the Blue Green Algae issue.  Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is requesting that citizens that notice algal bloom, collect samples and pay to have them tested and report the results to the State.  Recently Blue Green Algae was sucked into the Tualitin Municipal Water system is causing quite a bit of citizen concern.  At least Dunes City already has some protocol in place and some funds for testing are available.  Hager said “there is no single agency is in charge”.   Mike Mader at Ten Mile Lake has been a very successful grant writer and brings in upward of the million dollars a year to his community.

Rich Miller in his talk at Honeyman Park suggested fewer tests on Fiddle Creek, Ford Way, Gibbs Creek, Maple Creek and the boat ramp at Honeyman State Park, but suggested more bacterial testing be done and a core sample at the mouth of Maple Creek.  Pam Blake from DEQ may have money for testing.  Blake said that roads could be the cause for siltation into the lake (20 times more that clear cuts).  She also recommends more bacterial testing.

John Stead said “we need a goal statement”.  Susie Navetta suggested that it might already be written in the Water Quality Committee (WQC) Ordinance.

Ralph Farnsworth and John Stead will be working on a time line chart for the WQC.

Mark Chandler helped set up the data base and his next step is to make quality checks charts for the City.  These will be available for the website by the next meeting.  The QAPP is almost finished.  Mark will update the City staff on the WQC water testing.

Councilor Koehler informed the committee that the City Council wants the WQC to take on more responsibility by adding Water Resources into the committee.  It seems to much time has passed and the permits need to be extended.  A long discussion occurred.  The committees tried to look at all aspects and worried about the time needed to take on such a large project.  The committee already averages about 75 hours per month.  The committee will need to help write or review the new ordinance. The committee needs to know what issues they will be addressing.  The Outlet Control Structure requires repairs, structural maintenance, water level recording and future concerns such as earthquake, taxing districts, and wells.  The issues seem endless.  Will Honeyman State Park become a partner with Dunes City as they use more water than Dunes City residents.  Perhaps we need an intergovernmental agreement with the park.  Mark Chandler made a motion to have the WQC review the ordinance before it goes to the Council.  A second was made by Bob Mohler.  Motion Passed.   Koehler will take these questions back to the Council for clarification.

 The Intergovernmental Agreement with Lane County will be on the agenda for February.  

Gibbs Creek update – Richard Koehler called David Waltz (DEQ) after visiting the area.  The mud had already subsided. On another matter Koehler learned that a 530’ well, near the salal produced salt water and the drilling was called off.  Koehler has been trying to contact Dr. Dreher for defining creek water DNA.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:27 PM      Respectfully submitted, Susie Navetta   

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Water Quality Committee Minutes 2009
