December  19, 2011 AT 6:30 PM

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City Hall - 82877 Spruce St., Westlake, OR 97493


1. Call to Order

The Road Commission meeting was called to order by Road Chairman Troy Sathe at 6:34 pm.

2. Roll Call

Roll Call was taken by Road Secretary Selena Carter.

Present: Road Chairman Troy Sathe, Commissioner Henry Leach, Commissioner Jerry Curran, Commissioner Bill Harris, and Commissioner Ron Tucker.


Others Present: Road Secretary Selena Carter, City Recorder Fred Hilden, Administrative Assistant Brandie Bell, Gary Baker, Richard Palmer, and Bill Sathe.

3. Pledge of Allegiance

All who were present stood for the Pledge of Allegiance.

4. Approval of the Agenda

Commissioner Tucker made a motion to approve the Agenda as written. Commissioner Curran seconded the motion. The motion passed by unanimous vote.

5. Approval of the 11/21/2011 meeting minutes

Commissioner Leach made a motion to accept the minutes of 11/21/2011 as amended. Commissioner Curran seconded the motion. The motion passed by unanimous vote.

6. Swearing in of newly appointed Commissioners

Selena Carter swore in Jerry Curran and Richard Palmer to the Road Commission and they took their seats on the dais.

7. Announcements / Correspondence

· City Council requests surveys of the Dunes City parks road right of ways.

Chairman Sathe stated that at the last City Council meeting, the Parks and Recreation commission wanted the Road Commission to survey the road right of way of the parks in Dunes City. Chairman Sathe stated that Petersdorf Park and Bird Park are two of the Parks in Dunes City, and they are in the road right of way. He stated that they have been surveyed already and Dunes City has a copy of the maps. He stated that Overlook Park and lot 1300 off of Pacific will need to be surveyed and Selena has sent off those bids.

· Woahink Drive Eyesore Complaints

Chairman Sathe gave an update on the complaints and the report is ready to be signed by the Commissioners that were present during the site review [no eyesore was observed].

8. Citizen Input

9. Unfinished / Old Business

· Master Road Plan Update-Gary Baker’s Schedule

Gary Baker stated that the rough draft outline will be complete by January 15, 2012.

Chairman Sathe asked if anyone would like to amend the agenda and move item D to item B.

Commissioner Curran made a motion to move item D under Unfinished / Old Business to item B. Commissioner Tucker seconded the motion. The motion passed by unanimous vote.

Gary Baker went over the New Survey of the City Street System.

Chairman Sathe stated that the Road Commission was looking for Gary Baker’s recommendation on whether they should continue with the ditching projects and fixing the pavement and hold off on the slurry seal for a year, or continue with slurry seal and do less of the ditching projects.

Gary Baker stated that what he would do based on his assessment; he would put the money into the ditching projects. He stated that something to look at would be to bundle up the slurry sealing to get the best price and wait another year.

Chairman Sathe asked Gary Baker what his thoughts were on the Huckleberry Project. Gary stated that it was vastly improved. Chairman Sathe also asked Gary Baker about the Ditching projects on Erhart Road. Gary stated that everything looks great and it is greatly improved.

Chairman Sathe stated that each Commissioner is going to give their input on their assigned streets and what they would like to see happen with them. He asked Gary Baker if he could help categorize them and prioritize the projects.

· Brainstorm 2012-2013 Projects

Commissioner Leach stated that he has section five of the roads and he discovered five items that he thinks could be addressed: 1) Clean up the pavement area where Wright Road meets Huckleberry Lane on the right side. The apex should be wider for passing vehicles; it is a blind spot and very narrow. 2) Blade an area South of Woahink Drive at the intersection of Wright Road and properly realign the right of way (SE corner of Woahink Drive and Wright Road), 3) Should organize a work party to clean up Collins Loop and we could give it better visibly, 4) Remove dead alder on Woahink drive that is about to fall, 5) Pave apex areas on Fir Lane at the intersection of Huckleberry Ave.

Commissioner Curran stated that he does not have any roads to report on, they are all pretty good.

Chairman Sathe stated that Gary Baker noticed a problem on Leanza Drive, where there was some cracking in the pavement and at the end of Erhart Road, where the road is starting to unravel a little.

Commissioner Palmer/Chairman Sathe

Chairman Sathe stated that he went out with Commissioner Palmer and reported their findings. 1) At the end of Woodland Lane there are roots coming up through the road, 2) Rio Drive there are roots coming up through the road, along with some salal, 3) At the end of Cloud Nine, there are some alders that are encroaching over the road, 4) Clearwater Cove has some alders growing on both sides of the road that needs to be trimmed, 5) There was a project at the end of Russell Drive, where there was supposed to be a culvert built under the road for drainage, as part of a building permit that was issued. Chairman Sathe stated that Richard Palmer could head up that project.

Commissioner Harris asked if there was something available to show the people what they signed up for.

Commissioner Curran suggested that why don’t we contact the owners and set up an appointment to inspect what was done.

Chairman Sathe stated that the owners could have put in a culvert, but we are not certain and need to know where it is located. He stated that he has been out there a couple times and has not been able to locate it.

Commissioner Harris reported that he would like to see a wider apron where Hilltop Drive and Clear Lake meets at the stop sign, along with a no parking sign. He stated that the streets are in pretty good shape. He stated that he went over to Kiechle Arm Road with a leaf blower to clear the debris on it. He asked if we have ever looked into getting a contract with somebody to do the street maintenance, maybe something that we can explore.

Chairman Sathe stated that he has already started that. He will be meeting with Gary Rose from Leisure to assess what needs to be done to the roads.

Commissioner Tucker stated that he went through his streets and reported the following: 1) the brushing on Lakeview got cleared but the ditch has debris in it that needs to be cleared out. He stated that virtually all the roads in his area need to be blown or swept at least once a year, 2) Green Gate could use some ditching on it, 3) There is an area on Ford way that the asphalt is coming up on it, 4) Lake Shore Drive has some loose asphalt on it and the berries on the north side did not get all cut done.

Commissioner Tucker stated that Little Woahink Drive needs quite a lot of work done on it. He said there are about 20 alders on the street that needs to be cut out. He also stated that it needs to be slurry sealed. He stated that he was not clear on much of that road Dunes City owns.

Commissioner Curran stated that we own the entire road that is paved.

Chairman Sathe stated that the Alder trees have made a canopy over the road way and debris is covering the road and damaging it. He stated that it would probably take about four Saturdays to remove the trees.

Commissioner Curran stated that we should clean the road first; then take out the trees.

Chairman Sathe stated that his streets are over in Westlake. He said that there could be a little more cutting of the blackberries on Laguna, and the Ocean Blvd. brushing project.

Chairman Sathe stated that the Road Commission needs to make a decision on the Slurry seal.

Commissioner Leach stated that like Gary Baker says, if we don’t do anything slurry wise, we won’t go below 70 on any of the streets and he also indicated that we should have a large quantity for the slurry. Commissioner Leach stated that his recommendation is to do the various projects that we are talking about (ditches, clean up, patching) and get all of that done in anticipation of next year, then go back and look at our slurry list.

Commissioner Tucker stated that he agrees, also.

Commissioner Leach made a motion for the 2012 year to hold off on any additional slurry work until needed projects are completed and then reassess the slurry for 2013. Commissioner Tucker seconded the motion. The motion passed by unanimous vote.

· Review Ordinance 182 Sections 155.3.1, 3.3, and 3.4

Chairman Sathe stated that they talked to Lee about having a work session, where the planning commission could be there also. He asked what the Road Commission thinks. He is requesting a work session the second week of January before the Road Commission meeting.

Commissioner Curran stated that he attended a Planning meeting this morning and it addressed the Road Commission. He said what the Planning Commission is trying to do is make sure everybody is on the same page, so things are easily communicated. He said that they have produced a document of what use to be and what is proposed. He said that what is proposed on this document is correct.

Fred Hilden stated that the ordinances are to standardize the language.

Commissioner Curran stated that it is a good idea to have someone from the Road Commission present when the Planning Commission goes through the document and there have been members from the Road Commission that have been present and have been educated on the procedure.

· Alders in Right of Way on Manzanita –Tom Grove

Chairman Sathe stated that he has put this on the back burner and will have a report for the Road Commission next month.

10. New Business

· Little Woahink Drive Project by Ron Tucker

Commissioner Tucker stated that he would like to schedule a work party for the project.

A work party has been scheduled at 9:00am on January 14th, 21st, and possibly the 28th. The Road Commission will meet at Dunes City Hall to check in.

· Timber Funds by Troy Sathe

Chairman Sathe stated that this fund was spent on jail beds last year. He talked with Arnie Roblan and they are supposed to give us the funds for this year. He stated that the Road Commission should draft a letter to DeFazio to ask where our money is. He asked if we want Selena to draft a letter and send it to DeFazio and Roblan and if the Road Commission wants to review it first? The Road Commission found this acceptable.

11. Unscheduled Items Not Listed on the Agenda

Chairman Sathe stated that it has been brought to his attention by a couple different people on the way we want to have the road minutes typed up.

Commissioner Leach stated that he is willing to proof the minutes before they are finalized. He also would recommend having Commissioner Curran proof the minutes as well.

Commissioner Leach stated that he had an issue on Huckleberry Ave. He stated that there were four signs that got knocked down and he thought it was a result of the brushing, but found out that it was a sign of vandalism.

Commissioner Leach made a motion that we had completed brushing and limbing on various areas and should pay Leisure the set fees on the projects. Commissioner Curran seconded the motion. Motion passed by unanimous vote.

Commissioner Curran stated that he has something that he would like to bring up. He stated that he is concerned about the accountability of the budget. He feels that no project should be changed unless the Road Commission is consulted and they agree to the changes. He stated that what the Road Commission says and agrees to should not be done any other way without being amended by the Road Commission.

Fred Hilden asked Commissioner Curran to give an example of what he is commenting about.

Commissioner Curran stated that one example is the Fir Lane drainage project.

Commissioner Palmer stated that there should be some kind of project manager that oversees the projects.

Chairman Sathe stated that what he would like to see once something is engineered is to have Commissioner Palmer and Commissioner Curran to go out and look at the project to make sure everything is going the way it should be.

Fred Hilden stated that we will need to make sure we get the proper proposals out and procedures done.

12. Final Comments

Commissioner Leach stated Road Commission members need to be sure to pick up all the ribbons along their roads, now that the projects have been completed. He wished everyone happy holidays.

Commissioner Curran stated that it has been great working with everyone and wished them a happy holiday.

Chairman Sathe stated that he would like to welcome Richard Palmer to the Road Commission.

Commissioner Palmer stated that this is quite a little deal and this is good. He had been called to go to Haiti, been to Africa, and has done a lot of growing up with, and likes to do things once, not twice. He said that we have a pretty good deal here at Dunes City; it is kept clean, and kind of a neat little place.

Commissioner Harris stated jokingly that he thought when we had a new Commissioner on board they were to do everything for six months by themselves.

Commissioner Tucker asked if the Road Commission could get a copy of Richard Palmer’s phone number and email address.

Administrative Assistant Brandy Bell wished everyone a merry Christmas.

City Recorder Fred Hilden wished everyone a happy holiday and thanked the Road Commission for all their hard work. He also welcomed Commissioner Palmer to the Road Commission.

13. Adjournment

There being no further business to come before the Road Commission, Commissioner
Tucker made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Harris seconded the
motion. The motion passed by unanimous vote.

The meeting of the Dunes City Road Commission adjourned at 9:17 pm.

The proceedings of the Dunes City Road Commission meeting were recorded on tape, and are on file at City Hall. Upon approval by the Road Commission, these minutes will be available online at www.dunescity.com.


Approved by the ROAD Commission on the 16th day of January 2012.


[ Signed copy available at City Hall ]

Troy Sathe, Road Commission Chairman



[ Signed copy available at City Hall ]

Fred Hilden, City Recorder
