November 21, 2011 AT 6:30 PM

City Hall - 82877 Spruce St., Westlake, OR 97493

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City Hall - 82877 Spruce St., Westlake, OR 97493


1. Call to Order

The Road Commission meeting was called to order by Road Chairman Troy Sathe at 6:31 pm.

2. Roll Call

Roll Call was taken by Road Secretary Selena Carter.

Present: Road Chairman Troy Sathe, Commissioner Henry Leach, Commissioner Jerry Curran, and Commissioner Bill Harris.

Absent: Commissioner Ron Tucker (excused).

Others Present: Road Secretary Selena Carter, Planning Commission Chairman Lee Riechel, Tom Grove, Howard Goldstein, and Bill Sathe.

3. Pledge of Allegiance

All who were present stood for the Pledge of Allegiance.

4. Approval of the Agenda

Commissioner Curran made a motion to approve the Agenda as written. Commissioner Harris seconded the motion. The motion passed by unanimous vote.

5. Approval of the 10/17/2011 meeting minutes and 10/28/2011 Special session meeting minutes

Commissioner Curran made a motion to accept the minutes of 10/17/2011 as amended. Commissioner Harris seconded the motion. The motion passed by unanimous vote.

Commissioner Leach made a motion to accept the special session minutes of 10/28/2011 as amended. Commissioner Harris seconded the motion. The motion passed by unanimous vote.

6. Announcements / Correspondence

Letter of resignation from Commissioner Mike Smith effective November 21, 2011

7. Citizen Input

Tom Grove, Dunes City, addressed the Road Commission by apologizing to Chairman Sathe for being upset and getting into his face. Tom said he had been out of town for three days and got in late Friday night and was confronted by a terrible mess, of Laurel debris, on the front of his property from the brush cutting done by Leisure Excavating. Gary Rose from Leisure Excavating was contacted about the issue. Tom said that Gary Rose came out and looked at the issue and Gary admitted that it had got passed him and that was not the instructions he had given his crew. Gary, himself, cleaned up the mess.

Tom also addressed the Road Commission about some Alder trees in the Dunes City right of way on Manzanita. He said that there are about ½ dozen leaning Alder trees, if three come down they will take out the power line next to his house. He stated that if he brought it to the Road Commissions attention tonight to have the trees removed, then maybe they could start the process.

Chairman Sathe stated that they could get a quote to drop the trees for Leisure Excavating.

Commissioner Harris stated that we should get a couple quotes.

Chairman Sathe stated that he will get at least three quotes.

Commissioner Leach stated that he noticed this discussion is under new business, and was wondering if it was going to be discussed later.

Commissioner Curran stated that we should get three bids and see if PUD can do it, and get a time line from them.

Chairman Sathe stated that if PUD cannot do it and we can get a bid for less than $500, does the Commission want to proceed with the process.

Howard Goldstein, Dunes City, addressed the Road Commission about the trimming of brush done on Manzanita Drive. He stated that he wondered why they went down this particular street to cut the brush, was there certain streets picked, and was this contracted out?

Chairman Sathe stated that certain streets were picked out to do the work and there were only about 2/3 of the streets that were brushed.

Howard Goldstein voiced a lengthy opinion on his view of the brushing project that was done on Manzanita Drive.

8. Unfinished / Old Business

· Update on 2011-2012 Projects

Planning Chairman Lee Riechel stated that the brushing on Jensen Lane was done.

Chairman Sathe stated that there was a little problem with the work done for the culvert on Huckleberry.

Chairman Sathe stated that the ditching project on Erhart Road looks good.

Planning Chairman Lee Riechel stated now that we have the brush cutting done on a few roads, it stands out like a sore thumb that we need to blade the trimmers. There is so much growth and small stuff growing on the shoulder that we need to grade and gravel the edge of the payment.

Chairman Sathe stated that he would like to have by the next Road Commission Meeting in December with a list of ideas and projects for 2012-2013 from the Road Commission. He stated that he would like to know what ideas the Road Commission has on their assigned streets.

· Master Road Plan Update-Gary Baker’s Schedule

Chairman Sathe went over the Updated Master Road Plan that Gary Baker emailed. Gary will be attending the meeting in December to discuss any questions the Road Commission has.

· Review Ordinance 182 Sections 155.3.1, 3.3, and 3.4

Planning Chairman Lee Riechel gave a quick presentation on where and what the Planning Commissions expectations are. He stated that the Planning Commission has been through Section 155.3.3, and the road standards as written are pretty much the same and the Planning Commission just tried to clarify the writing. The Planning Commission stopped at Standards. The Transportation Standards largely came out with the model cities code and were so badly written, unless you know exactly what is going on, you don’t understand. The Planning Commission feels what they really need from the Road Commission is to possibly have a work session.

Chairman Sathe stated that the Road Commissioners need to bring their ideas on Ordinance 182 Sections 155.3.1, 3.3, and 3.4.

9. New Business

· Brainstorm 2012-2013 Projects

Discussed under Unfinished/Old Business.

· Woahink Drive Eyesore Complaints

Chairman Sathe stated that he was appointed to Chair the complaint on 5593 Woahink Dr. because the property belongs to the current Chairman, who chairs the site visits.

Chairman Sathe stated that the Road Commission will go on a site visit at 5593 Woahink Dr. and 84277 Wright Rd. on Thursday, December 1st, 2011 at 3:00 pm.




· Montgomery Estate

Chairman Sathe read the Road Commission site review Report that will go to the Planning Commission with their recommendations.

Chairman Sathe stated that the report did not include in it that it is a minor modification.

10. Unscheduled Items Not Listed on the Agenda

Commissioner Leach stated that he wanted to know why the S. Pioneer trees and Peninsula trees were not on the Agenda.

Chairman Sathe stated that the Road Commission told the owners that they should put their power underground, and they have not gotten back to the Road Commission yet.

Chairman Sathe stated that the trees on Peninsula have been contracted out to Leisure Excavating.

Commissioner Leach stated that Councilor Koehler would like a copy of the flow chart.

Road Secretary Selena Carter stated that she will make sure that he has a copy of it.

Commissioner Leach stated that Planning Vice-Chairman George Burke would like a copy of the 15 points of the Master Road Plan that was discussed with Gary Baker.

Road Secretary Selena Carter stated that she will double check to make sure George receives a copy.

Commissioner Leach stated that he was wondering on the motion that was made by Commissioner Tucker to have the City Planner and the City Attorney to research the issue of the Road Commission and Planning Commission responsibilities and provide an explanation on how to proceed.

Chairman Sathe stated that we received the letter from the lawyer explaining the details of the Road Commission and Planning Commission responsibilities.

Commissioner Harris stated that he was wondering how the procedure is going for filling the vacant Commissioners seat on the Road Commission.

Chairman Sathe stated that he is talking to a couple people right now and there will be an ad in the Wednesday newspaper.

11. Final Comments

Commissioner Leach stated that he is pleased to see the progress made on the trimming and brushing and it has been a positive month, even though we have had some complaints. It appears it has been mostly successful for what we have attempted to do.

Commissioner Curran stated that he agrees with Commissioner Leach and we have been extremely successful in that mission, well done to everybody involved.

Chairman Sathe expressed that when the Road Commission does a road project, no matter what we do, we seem to have a couple of complaints. Even though we put out a notice, people still tend to complain.

Commissioner Harris stated that he is very happy with moving on and that we got the projects done, you can really see we made some headway and feels like we have done some good. He is also happy that we only got four complaints and hopes that the rest of the City, even the ones who have not spoken up yet, are pleased and happy with it.

12. Adjournment

There being no further business to come before the Road Commission, Commissioner
Harris made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Curran seconded the
motion. The motion passed by unanimous vote.

The meeting of the Dunes City Road Commission adjourned at 9:10 pm.

The proceedings of the Dunes City Road Commission meeting were recorded on tape, and are on file at City Hall. Upon approval by the Road Commission, these minutes will be available online at www.dunescity.com.


Approved by the ROAD Commission on the 19th day of December 2011.



[ Signed copy available at City Hall ]

Troy Sathe, Road Commission Chairman



[ Signed copy available at City Hall ]

Selena Carter, Road Secretary
