


September 20, 2010 at 6:30 pm

print file

City Hall - 82877 Spruce St., Westlake, OR 97493


1. Call to Order

The Road Commission meeting was called to order by Road Chairperson, Troy Sathe at 6:30 p.m.

2. Roll Call

Roll Call was taken by City Recorder, Fred Hilden.

Present: Road Chairman Troy Sathe, Commissioner Henry Leach, Commissioner Mike Smith and Commissioner Duke Wells.

Absent: Commissioner Jerry Curran, Commissioner Jo Owen and Road Secretary, Selena Carter (all excused)

Others Present: Mr. Bill Sathe and Mr. George Burke

3. Pledge of Allegiance

All who were present stood for the Pledge of Allegiance.

4. Approval of the Agenda

Commissioner Wells made the motion to approve the Agenda as presented. Commissioner Leach seconded the motion. The motion passed by unanimous vote.

5. Approval of the 8/16/2010 meeting minutes

Commissioner Leach made the motion to approve the minutes of 8/16/2010 as amended. Commissioner Wells seconded the motion. The motion passed by unanimous vote.


6. Announcements / Correspondence

Chairman Sathe announced the following:

1. Selena wrote a Thank You letter to Lane County regarding the deer signs.

2. The Children at Play signs were ordered for Hilltop Drive and they arrived today.

3. The Fishmill Way / Lake Blvd. project is now complete.

4. Commissioner Wells finished the parking bumpers in front of City Hall.

7. Citizen Input

1. George Burke, thanked the Road Commission for their hard work and dedication shown for the work on Fishmill Way and Lake Blvd. Mr. Burke stated that this work was started by Mayor Hauptman and then Councilor Quandt. Mr. Burke mentioned some remaining contract work that includes brush clean up, and the rock drain needs to be filled to a level even with the pavement before the project is signed off.

Commissioner Leach asked Mr. Burke about traffic flow now that the road work is complete.

Mr. Burke commented that access has always been good. He also commented that 40' motor homes have been coming and going but someone did recently hit the wall.

Commissioner Smith asked about the lighting near the wall.

Mr. Burke commented that he has four lights on the corner of the property

Chairman Sathe commented on Fishmill Lodges needing to work out there access problems.

Commissioner Smith stated that even though the One Way sign is on private property they do not control the flow of traffic on Dunes City streets. He said if it is shown that in some way that Fishmill Lodges sign is creating a hazard on Dunes City streets by forcing traffic that is too large for the road way to turn in there in a manner that is not safe, he thinks that the City should be able to tell Fishmill Lodges to take down its sign.

City Recorder, Fred Hilden stated he believes the City has a sign ordinance that is part of the structural code that street signs of any kinds are not allowed on your own property. He said that it could be a violation of Chapter 155.

8. Unfinished / Old Business

· Discussion of the dead cedar trees located on Buckskin Bob Road.

Chairman Sathe commented about whether the trees are in the easement.

Commissioner Wells stated that the trees are something the road commission as a work crew could not handle.

· Update on the provision / ordinance regarding the rights of the Vice-Chairman to vote while acting as Chairman.

City Recorder, Fred Hilden presented a report on Ordinance 149.

Commissioner Smith asked if Gary Baker is still considered the Director of Roads. Fred Hilden stated that his contract is still in effect.

City Recorder, Fred Hilden commented that this item should be revisited next month when Commissioner Curran and Commissioner Owen are present to voice their opinions.

Commissioner Smith made motion to postpone the discussion and vote on modifications to Ordinance 149 until the next meeting when hopefully all the members are present, if at that time all are not present then we should still proceed at that point but at least give everyone an opportunity to speak on it. Commissioner Wells seconded the motion. The motion Passed by unanimous vote.

· Discussion of Ocean Blvd. signs.

Chairman Sathe commented that we have enough stop signs in the inventory.

· Discussion of speed bumps on Hilltop Dr.

Chairman Sathe stated that he had spoken with Mr. Prociw and several residents of Hilltop Drive and no one was interested in paying for or having the City install speed bumps.

Commissioner Smith stated he would still like to look at painting "slow" on the road in these kinds of areas. He also asked about looking into stencils for painting on the street.

Commissioner Wells made motion to revoke the permission for the citizens on hilltop drive to purchase their own speed bump. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion. The motion Passed by unanimous vote.

· Update on the fence located at the end of Foothill Dr.

Chairman Sathe announced that Mayor Hauptman was instrumental in getting quick action on the fence blocking the right of way at the end of Foothill Blvd. Chairman Sathe read the letter addressed to the Skeele's from Jennifer Paugh, Lane County Public Works telling them to remove the fence.

9. New Business

· Discussion of the slurry seal schedule.

Chairman Sathe advised the Road Commission that he is rather upset about the lack of a schedule on slurry seals. Chairman Sathe stated Hemlock St and Alder Ln repair work will be completed in late September, but it is getting too late in the year to expect warm enough weather to do the slurry seals.

George Burke commented that some of the warmest weather typically comes in October.

Commissioner Leach agreed that we should continue to plan for the slurry seals now.

Commissioner Smith commented that the PCIs will definitely drop over into the winter and if the streets become bad enough the street would no longer qualify for a slurry seal and the costs could double or triple.

· Discussion to add Jensen Lane to the brush list after a trailer is purchased.

Chairman Sathe commented if you walk down Jensen Lane you get hit by blackberries.

Commissioner Leach asked about whether Huckleberry is on the brushing list. He mentioned the visibility is very poor in certain areas and would like to have Huckleberry on the brush list.

Chairman Sathe commented that we will receive a lot of resistance from residents on Huckleberry if we do any brushing, but we will add it to the brushing list.

10. Unscheduled Items Not Listed on the Agenda

A. Chairman Sathe stated that he met with City Recorder, Fred Hilden about the Road Secretary tasks. Chairman Sathe stated that a form will be filled out when someone is requesting information for the Road Secretary to research.

City Recorder, Fred Hilden stated that when he met with Chairman Sathe they came up with a process that would improve communications and the effectiveness of the Road Secretary position for the City. Mr. Hilden stated this position not only supports the Road Commission but it provides resources for the rest of the City. Mr. Hilden stated that Chairman Sathe came up with the idea to have a task list that we can maintain showing what is the highest priority on the Road Secretary's things to do.

Commissioner Smith stated that he thinks all request should be routed through either the City Recorder or the Road Chairman.

Chairman Sathe commented that Lisa Ekelund has offered to train any of the Road Commissioners on how to use RLID to do some of the research on easements, etc. and any of the Commissioners can use the Road Department computer to do this research.

B. Chairman Sathe stated that work was done on Little Woahink Drive by Charter Communications without the proper permits. He stated that Charter Communications needs to start using ROW use permits.

City Recorder, Fred Hilden stated he needs to research Charters franchise agreement and report to the Commission. The Road Commission will meet at Little Woahink Drive at 5:15pm on Tuesday September 21, 2010.

C. Commissioner Wells stated that the brushing by the Commission work group doesn't seem to be working. He stated that maybe we can bring up for the agenda next month.

D. City Recorder, Fred Hilden stated that he received an email from Gary Baker regarding the Pavement Management System (PMS) and updating the PCIs. Gary Baker mentioned in the email that it would take him about 8 hours.

Chairman Sathe stated that he would like to give Gary Baker up to 16 hours for completion of the project.

E. Commissioner Leach stated he would like to have the Road Maintenance tasks be available at every meeting so we can have an update. Fred Hilden stated that he would have Selena include this list in every month’s packet.

F. Commissioner Smith stated that the Dunes City web site was not up to date with Road Commission meeting information.

G. Commissioner Wells stated that the staff does amazing work and we need to replace the computer to continue to make it happen.

H. Chairman Sathe stated that he appreciates the hard work the Road Commissioners are doing. Chairman Sathe said it has been a pleasure working with everyone on all the different projects. He stated to be on the lookout for good candidates to replace members that may be leaving. He said this is very important being a Road Commissioner as it is a lot of work.

11. Adjournment

There being no further business to come before the Road Commission, Commissioner Wells made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion. The motion passed by unanimous vote.

The meeting of the Dunes City Road Commission adjourned at 8:49 pm.

The proceedings of the Dunes City Road Commission meeting were recorded on tape, and are on file at City Hall. Upon approval by the Road Commission, these minutes will be available online at www.dunescity.com

Approved by the ROAD Commission on the 18th day of October, 2010.

[ Signed copy available at City Hall ]

Troy Sathe, Road Commission Chairperson


[ Signed copy available at City Hall ]

Selena Carter, Road Secretary


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