


June 15, 2009 , 6:30 PM

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A.                 Call to Order and Roll Call  

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chairman Robert Quandt. Fred Hilden called the roll call.  

B.        Pledge of Allegiance           

C.        Roll Call  

Present: Chairman, Robert Quandt, Commissioners Jerry Curran, Michael Smith, Troy Sathe, Jo Owen, and acting Road Secretary Fred Hilden were present.  

Not Present: Commissioner David Persons excused.  

Bill Sathe and David Bellemore were present in the audience.  

D.        Special Announcements  

Chairman Quandt announced that we have been approved to receive the grant for road work ($94k). Need to sign intergovernmental agreement. He also announced that he will be adding info to your packets like the Road Report to City Council. Also included is a copy of the engineering contract that we shipped out.  

E.        Approval of Minutes – Road Commission – May 18, 2009  


Chairman Quandt asked if everyone had reviewed the minutes from May 18th.


            Commissioner Sathe asked for clarification to page 4, 6th sentence, “Mr. Jim Sathe” should be “Mr. Bill Sathe.”  

            Commissioner Smith wants to revise page 6, third paragraph. He wants to re-phrase to read “Commissioner Smith felt that the installation of an apron during construction was costly to the property owner as the apron may need to be redone if broken during construction. Commissioner Smith still does not agree with Commissioner Persons and Bellemore on this issue.”  

            Commissioner Owen commented that her name is incorrectly spelled with an “s” (Owens) in two places (page 4, page 7) and Commissioner Smith added that it is also on page 10 where you (Commissioner Owen) made a motion to adjourn.  

            Commissioner Smith made a motion to approve the May 18, 2009 Dunes City Road Commission Minutes as corrected. Commissioner Curran seconded the motion.  The motion was carried by 4 ayes, 0 nays.  

F.                 Citizen Input  


G.        Unfinished/Old Business  

Review of revised Driveway, Access and Facilities Permits  

            Chairman Quandt presented the Application for Driveway Access Permit. He indicated that he had Maria rework the permits with some additional information, etc. Commissioner Curran asked about the referenced diagram. Chairman Quandt indicated that would be added. Commissioner Curran suggested adding it to the back.  

            Commissioner Smith asked about a "sunset date." Chairman Quandt said that it is a good idea. Commissioner Curran said he had proposed 120 days, Commissioner Smith had proposed 60 days. Commissioner Sathe liked 60 days, especially after the house is completed. Commissioner Sathe asked if you can get a final without the driveway complete. Commissioner Smith said yes because I have one. Commissioner Owen suggested 90 days and that seemed to be acceptable to everyone. Commissioner Smith suggested adding “regardless of the date to be completed, this permit expires 90 days after the house is finaled.” Commissioner Curran agreed. Chairman Quandt agreed.

            Chairman Quandt discussed the Application for Driveway Permit. He commented that the second bullet point has different language on every permit. Regarding the “10% grade” some permits say “the Road Commission will determine,” and some say “it will need to be engineered.” Commissioner Smith commented that we are accepting more liability than we care to if we are the ones that determine whether it needs to be engineered. Third and fourth bullets look ok. Fees are all updated. All else looks good.

            Right-of Way Facilities Placement Permit – Chairman Quandt explained that he has obtained City Council approval to handle these permits without seeking Council approval on each individual permit, pointing out that this should speed up the process and so on. Chairman Quandt read most of the permit content and said he thought it looked good. Commissioner Smith asked about enforcement of these conditions. Chairman Quandt said it depends. If the PUD signs the permit, we don’t need to declare a nuisance. Upon sending them a letter with 20 days notice we can enforce through ordinance 170. Commissioner Owen asked about private contractors and Chairman Quandt said we would need to use the nuisance ordinance against the property owner. He also pointed out that property owners will typically be getting these permits through PUD making it a moot point. Commissioner Sathe asked whether the PUD permit was revocable and Chairman Quandt said all revocable by City Council. Commissioner Curran suggested adding the property owner’s email address to the permit – all agreed.

Chairman Quandt suggested that these are close enough to make a motion on the permit changes and we could just pass them as amended. Commissioner Smith asked if Ordinance 170 govern when these permits need to be completed by. Chairman Quandt indicated that it does not. He discussed some options on the Right-of Way Facilities Placement Permit. All agreed on 120 days from approval. Chairman Quandt clarified the modifications to the three permits.

            Chairman Quandt asked for a motion to approve the amended permits. Commissioner Sathe made a motion to accept the permits as amended. Commissioner Curran seconded the motion. The motion was approved with 4 ayes 0 nays.  

Street sweeping project/update  

Chairman Quandt commented that the street sweeping was going very well – pretty much done. Commissioner Smith commented that Cloud Nine looks fabulous. Chairman Quandt and Commissioner Sathe discussed cost and Chairman Quandt indicated we would have to wait for the final bill to come in.  

Update on Lane County Summer Construction Schedule  

            Chairman Quandt pointed out the Lane County paving schedule and the various work to be done. Commissioner Owen asked if people in the area knew about the expected road work. These are county roads in Dunes City . Commissioner Owen suggested that we notify the community somehow. Commissioner Curran suggested notice on telephone poles. Fred Hilden clarified the work, schedule and recommended posting notice at the Post Office. Commissioner Owen commented that Darling’s Loop might have significant impact. Commissioner Smith commented that even though these aren’t our streets we should notify residents. Chairman Quandt and Commissioner Curran will take care of posting notices. Commissioner Sathe commented that this will be a good test for our noticing process for our road repair.  

Discussion on limbing schedule  

            Chairman Quandt asked about limbing schedule. Commissioners Sathe and Smith commenting this must be a Saturday. Chairman Quandt asked about this Saturday the 20th, how about noon ? Commissioner Sathe asked if we need weed-eaters. Chairman Quandt said we will take all of our equipment. Meet at City Hall at 12 noon on the 20th. Commissioner Smith asked whether we are working off Commissioner Scathe’s list. Chairman Quandt said yes. Commissioner Sathe commented that Little Woahink will take some extra time. Chairman Quandt said we will discuss detail later.  

H.        New Business  

Road Project Public Information Campaign  

Chairman Quandt said we are going to start our Public Information Campaign regarding the roads projects for this year. He commented that we need to start publicizing via the web site and newsletter (input due by 6/20). Commissioner Curran has agreed to be working on that. We need to get that ball rolling. Should we mail letters to property owners on the affected streets? Commissioner Curran asked if it could be done on the web page. Chairman Quandt suggested flyers, with some level of detail about the kind of work. Commissioner Curran asked about when we need to get this info out? Chairman Quandt indicated we need to get these out within the next couple of weeks. Commissioner Sathe asked about how much money we’re ready to spend on this. Chairman Quandt discussed possible distribution methods. Asked Fred Hilden about cost. Fred Hilden said less than a nickel each - $10 total for 200.

            Chairman Quandt said this needs to be a two phased communication. One now announcing that the work will be done and one immediately before the job that would explain the details of the job, including how to drive on the road after the work is done. Commissioner Owen asked if these were going to be one day projects. Chairman Quandt said yes, for the most part. Commissioner Curran will head up this communication activity. Anyone with ideas should call Chairman Quandt or Commissioner Curran. Commissioner Owen asked about how soon we’re going to get on this. Chairman Quandt referred to the schedule.

            Commissioner Owen asked Chairman Quandt if anyone from Festival of Lakes had asked about participation with a booth and barbequing. Chairman Quandt said no and he’ll wait for their inquiry. Commissioner Sathe suggested the pamphlet be a uniform cheat sheet. Chairman Quandt agreed.

            Commissioner Owen asked if any of the streets lead in here (City Hall). Chairman Quandt said no. Commissioner Sathe wants to take everyone around to know the streets and what they look like now. Fred Hilden suggested taking good pictures so we’ll have a record of before and after. Chairman Quandt pointed out that it will help to point out that the slurry seal project is being paid by Federal Government.

            Commissioner Sathe asked about Alder Lane – currently listed for crack seal and slurry, but I think we should re-evaluate whether this is the right fix. Chairman Quandt said original list also indicated whether they were patch and repair and crack fill or just slurry. He’ll follow-up. Also Chairman Quandt and Commissioner Owen will be verifying that all the roads on the list are legally Dunes City ’s. Commissioner Owen and Chairman Quandt scheduled Thursday ( 6/18/09 ) at loam to make this evaluation.

            Chairman Quandt said as we get info out of Engineering, it will be solid. They will be verifying all the specific work instructions for each road to be repaired. This will allow us to obtain a real cost estimate to compare with original estimates. We applied for $113k in the stimulus package and we got $94k and we need to make sure the bids don’t come in too low. If they do, we will simply add more projects to the list.  

Discussion on reassigning Road Inspector’s duties  

Chairman Quandt said the last thing to discuss having is his meetings with Gary Baker and he’s looking at re-assigning the road inspector’s duties. Commissioner Smith asked if we will we be giving him the title of Director of Roads? Chairman Quandt explained about 3 job descriptions and revising them to eliminate redundancies – combine Director of Roads and Inspector of Roads – and it will be called Director of Roads. Chairman Quandt explained his plan for staffing these positions and how Gary Baker fits into these.

            Commissioner Smith asked to clarify the budget and planned pay for Mr. Baker. Commissioner Curran clarified the meaning of a contract versus salary. Discussion about this ensued. Commissioner Smith pointed out that it was his understanding that this position would not be a City employee. Commissioner Sathe asked what Gary (Baker) has indicated as an interest in his job here. Chairman Quandt said he wants to look for money, grants, communicating with the public – we don’t want to spend too much money here – build some of the systems we’ve wanted to build. We need to wait and see how it evolves. How much time for how much money. As I work through this with Gary (Baker), I’ll present the results to the Road Commission for approval. During the next 2 weeks, I will be finalizing the rest of this with Gary (Baker).

            Commissioner Curran asked for clarification of the 3 tier plan. Chairman

Quandt explained that tier 1 would include most of the Road Inspector responsibilities and be funded by that budget. The second tier includes the grant area, and a $5k budget allowance. This would fund the grant research and application process. The third tier would be a list of available services that we can contract for – tasks associated with the Stormwater Ordinance, infrastructure, culvert database, and street sign data base, etc. maintenance schedules on culverts. Big data base that controls everything, brushing master schedule, etc.  

Sathe asked about sending him emails about Pavement Management Plan are these questions going to be charged for or is that free time. Chairman Quandt suggested we wait and ask him these questions when he on “Road Inspector” time.

            Commissioner Owen asked about the contract and whether we need to send out an RFP? Chairman Quandt said we do need to do an RFP. Chairman Quandt summarized the action items including communication and street ownership and limbing.

            Commissioner Sathe asked about Ka-Teach. Chairman Quandt explained that he made a site visit after a public complaint. Both Chapter 90 and MRP have provisions for getting the property owner to repair the damage. Chairman Quandt asked each of the Road Commissioners to please drive by and evaluate the damage. The contractor has been made aware of it and is expecting a phone call. Chairman Quandt explained the property address and explained that the damage is immediately in front of the property owner’s driveway. Commissioner Sathe suggested plywood as an alternative to tires to prevent this kind of damage from “track” vehicles.

            Commissioner Owen suggested that this would all make good input for a booth at the Festival of the Lakes. Chairman Quandt said he would be there and look into a table.  

I.          Unscheduled Items Not Listed on Agenda  

Commissioner Smith updated his contact information. Commissioner Owen asked about driveway permit we approved last month. Chairman Quandt said yes, and we are expecting another permit from Ken Ostgard. We should look at this on Saturday.  

J.         Adjournment  

Commissioner Sathe made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Commissioner Smith. The motion carried unanimously and the meeting was adjourned at 7:50 pm .  



___________________________           ______________________________

Robert Quandt                                            Fred Hilden

Chairman                                                      Acting Road Secretary