



November 17, 2008 , 6:30 PM

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A.                 Call to Order and Roll Call  

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chairperson Petersdorf.  Patty Pennel called the Roll.  

Present:         Mr. Petersdorf, Bill Connell, David Persons, George McKenzie, Jo Owen, Keith Herring, Linda Lauck, Lee Riechel and Patty Pennel were present.  

B.         Approval of Minutes October 20, 2008  


            There are a couple of corrections to be made. Bob Pertersdorf's last name is repeated a couple of times. Bill Connell (two L's in last name) Lee Riechel is a Planning Chair, not a Road Commissioner. He is a Planning Commission Liaison.           

            Commissioner Jo wanted to comment on the section that Darrell Eastman talked about the Tsiltcoos Lake Club Plat. Also, she disagreed with the sentence that says "Someone from South Shore wanted to buy the road." She has the letter that South Shore wrote on March of 05, and there should be a copy, because a copy came to Mayor, Rob Ward. The letter says that we were aware that this was going into delinquency, "should this sequence of events come to pass, the South Shore  Homeowners Association would like to explore the possibility of acquiring ownership of the strip, which is known as South Cove Drive, between Clearlake and our subdivision." It doesn't say anything about purchasing the Road, it just says that if it goes on the auction, we would be interested. Chair Petersdorf made the suggestion that if Commissioner Jo could give Secretary Patty a copy and we will attach it to the minutes, so then it will always be part of the minutes. Commission Jo wanted to make sure that 20 years from now, someone that pulls these minutes will know that she believes the facts are not correct. Chair Petersdorf said that if we attach her letter that explains what she feels are the real facts and will always be on record.

(Letter dated, March 26, 2005 to Jeff Turk, Property Manager regarding the property owned by the Tsiltcoos Lake Club Plat that serves as access to the owners of thirty lots in the South Shore Homeowners Association area, is attached.)


            Commissioner Linda made a motion to approve the October 20th  2008   minutes with changes as addressed. Commissioner Bill seconded the motion. Motion unanimously carried.  

C.           Citizen Input               


D.           Correspondence  

E.            Unfinished/Old Business  

               a. Dunes City addresses with phone numbers and some email addresses  

               b. Chair Petersdorf began the discussion on Myrtlewood Drive issues. At last month's Road meeting we had Judy Bedsole (not in attendance at today's meeting) talk about her concerns with Myrtlewood and we were hoping she would be here tonight, so we could further the discussion and provide some answers to Judy. She asked a couple of questions, (1) She wanted to know why she was paying taxes on an easement and at this time Chair Petersdorf introduced Joe Lang. Joe has the most knowledge about Myrtlewood, they owned all that land at one time.  

Joe will give us some history about Myrtlewood Lane and there will be no time limit on Joe's speech. Chair Petersdorf hadn't realized until tonight just how many residents are opposed to closing Myrtlewood Drive . When Judy Bedsole purchased the property the easement information was in her title search and she was aware of the fact that there was a 10 foot easement down through that road. Judy Bedsole's water lines are on the wrong easement. They are in fact on another person's property and not on her property. These other people are paying taxes on their property with Judy's water lines on it. Chair Petersdorf said that this is quite a mess and a big can of worms.  

Joseph Lane , 4817 Laguna  

I have been asked by my neighbors to come down here and talk to you tonight about Myrtlewood. Some of them are out of the State right now, so they couldn't make it here, but they will be at the City Council Meeting. Myrtlewood has been a roadway since 1951, 57 years ago. It became a roadway through the easement process when local property owners, John Wray, Goldie Hill and EA Jackson sold a 10 foot easement off each property to Mike Fisher, who was the original owners of Fish Mill Lodge and my Grandfather, S. A. Lane and to all property owners in the approximate area. The easement covered block 29, 7, 8, 11, 12 and 13.  Mike Fisher and my family built the road from the Tee from Cherry St. and east on Summit over and across the 10ft. easements granted from each property owner, which resulted in a 20 ft. wide easement for that area. Which is now called Myrtlewood. The purpose of the roadway easement was to give access to Laguna. It was a cheaper and easier route than clearing the brush and timber off of Maple and the west end of Laguna and the upper part of Summit . In those days it was all timber including all the lots that we own now, 23, 24 33, those are all timber.  Also, keep in mind that in the 50's this was still controlled by the county, which if you were going to do it by the book, it was a long way to go to Eugene to get permission to run it through those roads, so we went across property. In June of 1963, Dunes City became a City. In the late 60's and early 70's when the city started to get some road money, they needed access to Laguna Road , which is a plated street in 1913 plat of Westlake . The cheapest and quickest route was through Myrtlewood, rather than have the City spend money opening up Maple St. and the upper part of Laguna. The City Council and the Road Committee chose to use Myrtlewood as an access road to Laguna, which made good sense in those days. In doing this the City agreed to maintain Myrtlewood, even though it was an easement, because that was the cities only access to Laguna. It was a cheap way to go and it was already graveled, it just needed oil. Also, remember upper Laguna and Maple was not opened or paved until 1994. Johnson Rocks contract is in the packet and shows when the last 100 feet of Laguna was opened and when Maple and the last upper part of Laguna were paved, the lower part was paved back in the 60's. That's when they would lay oil and gravel over it and the cars that traveled over the road basically pushed it in and later they started to use asphalt. Since then every time the City has worked on Laguna they also do maintenance of Myrtlewood and put oil and gravel and asphalt on it. This was done in the late 60's, 70's and in 1983 and the last paving job was done by Johnson Rock in 1994.  In the 60's and 70's the Riesenhuber, Martin Christenson and Bernie LeForge were members of the Council and were involved. In 1994 Ken Hays was Road Commissioner and Keith Watson was Road Inspector. In addition to the work that was done, in the winter of 2007, when 2 inch rock was put on Myrtlewood and Laguna to control storm water runoff. There isn't much on Myrtlewood, about 25 feet by 2 feet in width. Basically the rock was put on there because Vanderhoffs water was running down and washing out his property.  Myrtlewood is an easement, which became public in the 60's and a quick definition of an easement (and I am not a attorney) it's basically a right that one party has to use another parties property in a specific manner. It's the same rights Fish Mill Lodge has to use five other people's property to put their water line on. The land owner still owns the property and he or she still has a deed of record and still must pay taxes on that easement property. When they go to sell that property and say it's 100 by 100, that property is sold by 100 by 100, even though it has an 10 foot easement on it. It's not sold by 90 by 100, that's not the way it's sold. So they would get the value back on the end of it as the property values rise, even though they are paying taxes on the roadway that the property owners are not using for their house.  

In conclusion to this, let me say that we feel that Myrtlewood needs to stay open, so that the fire trucks, ambulances and trailer houses and motor homes can get off of Laguna without backing up the hill to Maple. If Myrtlewood is ever closed; and we hope that it never will be, Laguna would be a dead end street with no turnaround for large trucks. Also, since the City has been doing maintenance on Myrtlewood anywhere from 25 to 40 plus years; we feel that they have a responsibility to continue that maintenance. It can only benefit the City to have a well maintained road. If a fire gets in the NRA's timber up there, which is right in back of Laguna, or in the timber off of Maple Street, residents up there would need another access to get out and need a couple of good solid roads to get fire trucks in there. Once you get a forest fire going, you would have a real problem. Also, keep in mind, that if people want to get an easement off of their tax rolls, they can donate the 10 foot by 100 to the City. It's a very simple and easy way of getting it off the tax rolls. Also, I would like you to keep in mind that these have been recorded since 1951 and they are all on record. I have pulled them up two or three times over there (Eugene) and any title search that is done by any property owner or Title Company should show that there is easements on that property. If they don't I would assume that they would have a problem with the Title Company or with the previous owner for not disclosing it and not with the City or the people that use it.  

Commissioner Jo had a question about Myrtlewood for Joe and wanted to know when Judy Bedsole said anything at the last meeting about closing Myrtlewood? One of Judy's questions was why did she have to pay taxes on the easement, since she felt that it was a private street and she owned it.  Commissioner Joe said that Judy owns the property underneath the paved street. Commissioner Joe stated that it seemed to her that the City, years ago, has gone in and done work on it and now it's a street.  Joe Lane said yes, they have done work on it and he assumed they should accept it as a street, but he didn't know what you had in the records. Commissioner Jo stated that we have it on our Dune City road inventory log along with a few others that she considers private streets. This is what Judy was questioning in her allotted three minutes, and we were to be discussing it tonight. That's what we promised her and that's what we are doing. Myrtlewood is listed on our City streets and Judy wanted to know why? Commissioner Jo asked if the City owns that land or not. The answer was, "No" the City does not own the land. Commissioner Jo stated that to her, this was a private street, with an easement going over it. Chair Petersdorf stated that in 1964 there was a letter written to Bob Reed (it's in the records someplace), who was the Chairperson of the Roads at that time, when the State gave Dunes City $5,000 to start our road program. They said that at anytime you expend money on a private street, you assume the responsibility of that street. It was a case law case at that time. Commissioner Jo wants to see that letter.  Chair Petersdorf said that this started way back in 1963, way before he was involved in the Road Commission, so don't blame him for this one.  Commissioner Jo said that she wasn't blaming anyone, but what you did in 1964 and what you can do today are two different things. Chair Petersdorf said that what you did in 1964 trumps what we can do today. If that road was done in 1964, then it can be legal even though you couldn't do it today.  We do have streets today, like Buckskin Bob where we took 20 feet from their property and they were going to sue the City and found out that Ron Mayer, city attorney, said that they had been using that for 40 some odd years and so it was a street and the courts ruled on that, so they had to drop the suit. Huckleberry was another one of those streets, where we went in a repaired that road where there were places that were 50 or 60 feet on the people's property back in those days. Lee Riechel stated that it would be in the cities best interest to find the original easements, because if the easement is for use of Dunes City as a road, then it would be a public road and when it was vacated it would revert to the property owners. In the meantime it would continue on as a City Street per the wording on the easement. Chair Petersdorf stated that this all should be on record.  He said we will have someone do research on that document. Commissioner Jo had a couple of letters with her and one of the letters was about deeding the easement over to the City and then on the other letter the residents didn't feel at this time that they should deed over the easement to the City, because they were afraid about their waterline. Chair Petersdorf said that it's kind of a mess and Commissioner Jo agreed. Chair Petersdorf said not to forget that this all happened back in 1903 when the County was down here and helped to create this mess.  

Commissioner Jo wanted to know why this was all being brought up now. Why do the residents think that Myrtlewood is going to be closed? She is inquiring because there is a petition and letters of about 30 residents that has been signed wanting Myrtlewood to remain open. Commissioner Jo wanted to know who wants to close it. Chair Petersdorf said that Judy owns it and wants to close it. Joe Lane said that the petition and letters we received today was to let the City know how the people feel about Myrtlewood. They believe it should be kept open and they believe that the City has been maintaining it since they went in and started working on Laguna that the City should continue to maintain it. It's basically to show the City what the feeling is in the neighborhood and the petition and letters are about 98% of the people and the only reason their wasn't more is because they are not here right now. Commissioner Jo said that she wasn't aware that it was Judy's intention to close Myrtlewood. She only thought there was a rumor about closing it.  Commissioner Jo said that Judy was questioning why it was on the City Street List, when she was paying taxes on it and she thought it was a private street with an easement over the top. Commissioner Jo said that she did not hear Judy Bedsole say she wanted to close it.  Joe Lane said that he has not talked to Judy face to face and that this was the impression he got about Myrtlewood Lane .  Commissioner Jo wanted to know why we didn't have some better communication in this City. Commissioner Linda wondered why Judy didn't come to tonight's meeting as the Road Commission told her that we would have an answer to her question at tonight's meeting.  Then we could have asked her these questions tonight instead of going round and round. 

Rod Walhorn, 4829 Laguna  

I'm Don and Susan Durland's adopted son. They wanted me to read this letter. I don't have my glasses and need someone to read this please. They are in Texas right now and wanted me to come on their behalf.  Patty Pennel, Road Secretary will read the letter as follows:" Please be advised that Suzanne and Don Durland have property on the corner Myrtlewood and Laguna Lane and oppose any attempt by Fish Mill Lodge to close the one block section of Myrtlewood. This section of Myrtlewood completes a one block loop used by the entire neighborhood since 1951. Access to eight properties is made easier and safer. Four properties front on Myrtlewood and only one of them is owned by Fish Mill Lodge and has no direct access to their business portion. Our experience has been that Fish Mill Lodge has selfish and possibly devious agendas. Fish Mill has evidenced little concern for the Westlake community and constructive or positive relations with any of our immediate neighbors. Fish Mill has a long history of cantankerous and self serving actions. Thank you for listening to our point of view. Sincerely, Suzanne and Don Durland"  

Rod said he was listening and something was brought up why no one has talked to the people from Fish Mill and first hand he knows why Don and Susan will not talk to them. That is because Judy Bedsole's son's have threatened them with bodily injury and I just heard about it two months after the fact. So, they are a little couple and don't want any confrontations and sure don't want to get hurt in anyway, so they aren't going to confront them. They have to go legally, that's part of the reason why they sent this letter for the council. Rod stopped and talked to the Fire Department and asked them how they felt about the road being closed. They said if there was ever a fire, they would hope it would be a small one, because they could not bring in their big trucks and move around if Myrtlewood were closed.  He talked to the garbage service this morning and they said that if the road was closed it would be a real bad situation for him and he would have to go into the neighbors' property just to turn around in order to pick up the garbage. Apparently the School District would have to send smaller buses, because there would be no way they could get their regular sized buses to fit and if more people move into that area with kids, they would open it up as a bus route, but they wouldn't be able to do that and bring in a bigger bus.  His experience is that he used to fight fires in California and if there isn't a safe place for fire trucks, they aren't going to come down there. If there was a fire on that backside, it would pretty much be gone. A lot of the people back there are older and if they have heart problems and stuff. The emergency vehicles have got to be able to respond quickly and with any delays on the uphill side would stop them. That's all Rod had to say. He just wanted to address the concerns why no one has gotten first hand information from Fish Mill Lodge, it's because they have been threatened and they aren't going to confront anyone.  

Jim Epple, 83939 View Terrance Drive  

I am here to represent Bonnie and Adrian Vanderhauf, their property fronts on Myrtlewood. Everything has been already said except that they are caught in the situation when they bought the property (obviously Myrtlewood existed) , they just remodeled and re-paved and restructured their driveway to deal with the drainage problem from above at considerable expense to them, based on the fact that Myrtlewood was as it is today. It seems to him to be unfair in the light of those changes and the fact that they went to considerable expense to deal with the drainage from up above and now someone wants to take the road out. He said "that is just ridiculous".  Thank you.  

Chairperson Petersdorf at this time closed the public portion of the meeting and opened it up to those Road Commissioners so they could make any comments at this time. The only comment that Chair Petersdorf wished to make at this time, is that when we get all done tonight, he would like to have a motion made that we can address this in more detail and notify all the property owners up there that we will make a recommendation one way or the other to the City Council on what we want to do with Myrtlewood, or we can table it tonight and let the new administration take over the first of the year.  Commissioner Bill made a motion that the Road Commission recommend to the City Council that Myrtlewood be maintained as a city street, so large vehicles from Fish Mill Lodge can use it to get out of that place and eliminates a dead end road, which has always been the Cities policy and give access to the homeowners, emergency and school bus access and should be maintained as a City street.  Chair Petersdorf suggested that we include the letter that was signed by the home owners for support of this motion. Commissioner George seconded the motion.  Chairperson Petersdorf condensed the motion to say "there has been a motion made by Bill and seconded by George to go ahead to make a recommendation to the City Council that Myrtlewood stay open with the attached letters. At this time we will call for a discussion. Commissioner Jo wanted to know if at some point we will run this by our attorney. Dave said that the City Council will most likely do just that. Commissioner Jo didn't feel as if she were qualified to say whether the street should stay opened or closed. She agreed that we should turn this issue over to the City Council.  

Commissioner Linda Lauck wanted to say that she feels the street should stay open, since it says in the Master Road Plan, that we are responsible for the safety of our citizens and we have older people up there and it's been pointed out how important it is to get emergency vehicles up there. We have at least 20 people or more that want that road opened and one person that wants the road closed.  I don't see why there should be any question to it staying open.  It is what it is and it is a grave safety issue if it's closed and Judy Bedsole knew there was an easement there when she purchased Fish Mill Lodge.  There was a brief discussion on whether or not the Postal trucks would be able to deliver mail if the road was closed.  

Commissioner Linda wanted to make sure that a copy of the minutes is sent to Judy Bedsole, since she was not at tonight's meeting. Patty will send her a copy of the minutes.  

Chairperson Petersdorf wanted to be sure everyone realized that he was not involved in the Road Department back in 1989 when a lot of this was going on. Ken Hays was the Chairperson at the time.  

The motion on giving this to the City Council was unanimously carried.  

Chairperson Petersdorf suggested that if the Mayor and Road Secretary Patty decide to send out letters to all concerned citizens on the decision for Myrtlewood that this can be done before or after the new administration takes control.  He will leave it up the Mayor at this point.  

            New Business  

                        No New Business  

G.        Unscheduled Items Not Listed on Agenda  

            No unscheduled items at this time  

H.        Reports  

Keith Herring Report

10/27 and 10/29 Ran Roads

11/3 Ran Roads and put up a Stop sign on Wright Rd and Woahink Drive

11/5 Cut limbs on Huckaberry Lane

11/7 Ran Roads and put up Woodland Way St. Sign

11/10 Ran Roads

11/14 Ran Roads and delivered Road Commission Packets

11/17 Ran Roads  

Kieth asked Chair Petersdorf what he wanted the Commission to do with the old trailer parked down off of Buckskin Bob on that easement? Chair Petersdorf said that the City Council had a discussion on the trailer and if the trailer belongs to Dave Peterson, the City Council was going to write him a letter asking him what he is going to do with trailer. This issue doesn't have anything to do with Roads as it's on private property, technically. It's a waterline easement that runs all the way down to the lake. Chair Petersdorf suggested to Keith that he needs to come to the office and get the address and go knock on the owners door and ask him about the trailer.  

Keith had another question on the culvert on Russel and wanted to know if we need to go and clean it out. Chairperson Petersdorf asked him if the water is running across the road. Keith wasn't sure and Chair Petersdorf said that the reason that culvert was put in there was because the upland people cut that whole hillside down to where there was no grass or anything on it. All that mud and water was going across the road into the lot that has a log cabin being built on it right now. But, if that grass and vegetation has grown back, then it is probably holding that water from going across the street, then we don't need the culvert in there anymore. Chair Petersdorf said that he went down there and the culvert is all plugged up and should probably be left that way so when it rains, that water will go right down into the property that the house is being built. Chair Petersdorf suggested that Keith go take a look at the road when it's raining to make sure the water is not crossing the street. If the water is crossing the street, then we will have to take action.  

Commissioner Linda asked Keith if Summerbell ever got stripped. Kieth said no it hasn't, nor has Huckleberry. Chair Petersdorf suggested that we get a list together of the streets that need to be stripped and have them all done at one time. It will cost a lot less to do it all at once rather than piece mill it. Chair Petersdorf said that Summerbell should have been stripped by the contractor, since we already paid for him to do the stripping. Keith and Patty need to figure out who was suppose to do the stripping and write them a letter and have them strip the streets. One is Grant and one is Rayus on Cloud Nine and maybe Randy Johnson. We should put it in a letter form and make a recommendation to have the letter sent to the City Council. It was suggested that the letter state that if they don't finish the work and stripping, then the City will do it at our expense and bill them. Chair Petersdorf said that this has worked in the past.  

Keith Herring will be out of town from November 20th until Tuesday December 2nd.

And he will be gone a week over Christmas.  

Motion was made to approve the Road Inspector Report. Unanimously approved and carried. 

Patty Pennel, Road Secretary  

Request to take a day off for travel on Thursday, December 4th  

Bill Connell, Road Commissioner  

Commissioner Bill asked Patty to request that the City Recorder provide this month's Financial Statement. Patty wanted to know where the City Recorder could get the information on where the State states how to spend the Road money. Bill said that it is in the State of Oregon Constitution and Patty could get it online for Amy. Chair Petersdorf said that Norman Martin, who was at the last City Council meeting had with him that section of the State Constitution, but couldn't get copies made for the Council members.  Commissioner Linda asked if Patty would put the copy in the next Road Commission Meeting packet. Patty said she would add it to the packet.  

Linda Lauck, Road Commissioner  

No Report  

Jo Owen  

Comments on the revisions to the permits. She will give them to Patty at later time.  

Dave Persons, Road Commissioner

 Nothing to Report  

Lee Riechel, Planning Liaison to  Road Commission  

We are combining the November and December meeting to one meeting on December 4th.
George McKenzie, Road Commissioner

No Report  

Mr. Petersdorf Petersdorf, Road Chairperson  

No Report except that as far as the election goes, the final count will be office on November 24th.   

I.          Adjournment    

Meeting was adjourned at 7:35 PM  



MONDAY DECEMBER 15th, 2008  


____________________________                ____________________________

Mr. Petersdorf Petersdorf, Chair                       Patty Pennel, Road Secretary