



APRIL 21, 2008 , 6:30 PM

print file


A.               Call to Order and Roll Call


The meeting was called to order at 6:36 p.m. by Bob Petersdorf.  Maria McConnell called the roll call.


Present:       Bob Petersdorf, David Persons, Linda Lauck, George McKenzie, Jo Owens, Keith Herring, Bill Connell, Lee Riechel and Maria McConnell were present.



B.               Approval of Minutes March 17, 2008




          George McKenzie made a motion to approve the March 17, 2008  Dunes City Road Minutes as presented. Linda Lauck seconded the motion.  The motion was carried by 5 ayes 0 nays and the Minutes were unanimously approved.


          Linda Lauck asked that a comment on page 2, paragraph 4, be noted, wherein guest speaker Leo Stapleton stated that "road funds are only to be used for road improvements and the State Attorney enforces the appropriate use of these funds."   


C.                 Citizen Input


Bob Petersdorf acknowledged the presence of Glen Carrari and Pam Allister who are present to address an issue on the agenda under Section D. 


There were no other members of the public present.




         D.      Unfinished/Old Business


Item #1 - Review of road conditions by Commissioners


Bob Petersdorf  reviewed a list of roads that the Road Commission has  recommended to be scheduled for chip seal in 2008.  The list is attached and will be included in the records of this meeting.  He pointed out that North Pioneer Road should be corrected to indicate Middle and South Pioneer Road .  He asked the members of the Road Commission to drive these roads and add any additional comments they may have. 


Keith Herring asked if Eastlake Drive will be repaired before it is chip sealed.  Bob Petersdorf stated that Lane County Road Maintenance will have to take care of the repair.


Linda Lauck asked what the time frame is to go out to bids. Bob Petersdorf stated that the Road Commission will decide which roads will go out to bid and they will be presented to the City Council, however, bids will not be processed until the budget is approved.  Keith Herring asked if striping will be included in the bids.  Bob Petersdorf replied that striping is under a new contract.


Agenda out of sequence:  Bob Petersdorf mistakenly jumped to Section E - New Business.  Minutes to reflect the meeting as it took place.


E.    New Business


Bob Petersdorf reviewed the permits submitted to the Roads Department for the month of March and April. 


(a)  William and Claudia Cummings applied for an Access and Driveway Permit after being notified via Certified Mail of a violation taking place on their property located at Lot #1300 Summerbell Drive.   During an inspection made by Bob Petersdorf, it was discovered that Mr. & Mrs. Cummings had bought 2 properties on Summerbell; one to put their house on and the other one for a playground for their children.  The residents stated they were advised by their Real Estate agent that they could build the structures.  They were advised that before any structures were placed on a property they would need an access and driveway permit.


(b)  Bob Petersdorf reviewed the Vegetation and Tree Removal and Driveway Permit applied for by Chris John and Linda Wernet of 5174 Russell Drive .  Members of the Road Commission were asked to go out and inspect the trees the residents wanted to remove and agreed that there was not a problem with the tree removal or driveway permit application.


Lee Riechel stated that the Planning Commission has a problem with this building site and stated that the 50 ft. setback line was under the proposed deck.  He stated the residents changed the size of the deck and then put up a retaining wall on the 50 ft. setback line.  He stated that Susie Navetta brought this to the attention of the Planning Commission. 


Linda Lauck stated that the septic tank will be within a few feet of that retaining wall and there is still some ongoing work and she observed that the area was staked with red flags.


Lee Riechel stated that they were told to stake the 50 ft. setback line and Dave Gates is looking at this and he will advise us.




George McKenzie made the motion to grant permission to Chris John and Linda Wernet to remove the 4 trees as indicated, Bill Connell seconded the motion and the motion was carried by 5 ayes, 0 nays and unanimously approved.   


Bob Petersdorf stated that Maria McConnell will write a letter to the residents that their request has been approved and that Keith Herring will be present to observe the removal of the trees.


(c)  Bob Petersdorf reviewed the Right-of-Way Permit (Utilities and Landscaping/Vegetation)  applied for by Robin & Jamie Mills, 83349 Parkway Estates.  He stated that the mills drilled for a well on their property and got salt water out of it.  He stated they are now working with the South Cove Water District to remedy the problem.  They were given permission to go under the roadway to drill for water. Bob Petersdorf stated they have not yet applied for a driveway permit and they will be advised to.


Agenda out of sequence:  Bob Petersdorf apologized for skipping to Section E of the Agenda and returned to Section D.



D.    Unfinished/Old Business


Item #2 - Appeal of Fine and Review of Permit #R0802/Glen Carrari and Pam Allister


Bob Petersdorf introduced Mr. Glen Carrari and Ms. Pamela Allister to the Road Commission and stated they were present to present their recollection of the events leading up to the complaints being made against them regarding damage to the tree located in the city right-of-way adjacent to their property located at 4978 Lake Drive.  They were also fined by the City Council for this violation and they are currently appealing the fine.


Mr. Glen Carrari and Ms. Pamela Allister were recognized by the Road Commission and stated their mailing address is 1255 Bay Street , Florence , 97439. 


Mr. Carrari stated they are in the process of building a home at 4978 Lake Drive .


Ms. Allister stated that she has been meeting with Maria McConnell Road Secretary and obtaining copies of correspondence regarding this incident.  She stated that in reviewing the correspondence regarding the fine, that they were left out of the loop and after reviewing the Minutes of December 17, 2007 wherein it is stated in Paragraph #5 last sentence  "Linda Lauck recommended that the residents involved, Glen Carrari, Wally Schultz and Jason Sharpe be sent a letter that the City will not be liable if they choose not to remove the tree."  Ms.  Allister stated they never received this letter and there was another incident where a letter was not received by them.  Ms. Allister asked the members of the Roads Commission to just focus on that particular tree at this time and not some of the other issues that have been stirred up.  She shared photos of the tree and adjacent area with members of the Commission for their review.


Mr. Carrari asked if the Road Commission members had a copy of his appeal letter and stated he didn’t have too much to add to what he has stated in that letter.  He stated that the power company suggested a place for the power line and referenced the Temporary Right-of-Way Use Permit issued by Robin Reed on August 3, 2007 and the map that was attached to that permit.  He stated that the map cannot be located and   the Dunes City Inspector came out and inspected the site and approved it, then the power company came back and hooked it up.  He stated that C-T Boring, a Eugene firm, did the work where it was laid out by the PUD and that’s how the tree’s roots got damaged.  He stated there was a tree stump that was also dug up by the backhoe operator and the tree stump was located between the two trees, the cedar and the tree that was damaged.  He stated the power service was to be placed between the two trees and that the back hoe operator wasn’t motivated to take out more than he was supposed to. 


Ms. Allister referred to one of the photos that showed where the stump was.


Mr. Carrari stated that is pretty much the whole story and when they went to the City Council meeting, they were fined $1,500.00.  He stated that the logger told him that once a tree is declared dangerous, it must be removed.  He stated they were supposed to receive a letter that Keith Herring was to be there while the tree was being removed and that we were required to get a permit to remove the tree.  He stated that the logger who was removing the tree, was hesitant to continue with the removal when he heard they didn't have the permit.


Ms. Allister asked the Road Commission if they had a copy of the letter sent by Robert Petersdorf dated March 27, 2008 .  The Road Commission members acknowledged they had a copy of that letter.


Mr. Carrari stated after the receipt of that letter he then phoned Keith Herring to come and watch the tree being removed which he did. 


Ms. Allister stated that the deceased tree, as well as the cedar tree, both  lean to the south and that is because of the way the lot slopes.  She stated that before she bought the lot, some one had already trimmed off all the undergrowth and the branches on one side of the tree.  She stated that she felt it was a combination of an act of God and an act of man that the tree got damaged.


David Persons stated that Mr. Carrari had indicated in the past that this tree was a hazard and he wanted to remove it.


Mr. Carrari agreed that prior to the electrical line being placed he had asked to take the tree down because he thought it was dangerous and he was told that it was going to be taken down by  Bob Petersdorf and David Persons.


Bob Petersdorf stated the Road Commission has never told anyone that they couldn't cut down trees but just to go through the correct procedures.  He stated that Mr. Carrari always wanted those trees down including the cedar tree because that is where he wanted his driveway to be.  He stated he instructed Mr. Carrari to adhere to the city's established procedures to remove a tree and that he never told Mr. Carrari it was okay to remove the tree without applying for a permit and without the prior review and  approval of the Road Commission.


George McKenzie asked the residents if they have changed the location of their driveway.


Ms. Allister stated that when she bought the lot she inquired if it was legal to bring a driveway down the property line and was told it was legal.  She stated it was part of her due diligence when she bought the lot and explained where the septic system and leach field is.


Road Commissioners Dave Persons and George McKenzie recited their recollection of the removal of the tree and the timing of actual heavy equipment being brought on to the property and the tree being determined to be a "leaner" and the limbs being trimmed off, etc. and stated that it was over six months ago.  David Persons stated the electrical line wasn't brought in until December, 2007.


Mr. Carrari reviewed the time line of the work on his property and stated that on July 30, 2007 he made the request to PUD, they started to work on the property in August and on October 7, 2007 C-T Boring did their work and  on October 14th the electrical power line was brought in.  Mr. Carrari stated that the PUD removed the tree stump on October 7th or 8th.


David Persons stated that the property owners posted signs to keep everyone away from the area and the neighbors respected their request.  However, after the heavy wind storms in December, the Road Commission, while reviewing storm damage, discovered the excavation of the tree's roots in the city's right-of-way.  Pictures were taken and the Road Commission notified the neighbors that in the Commission's opinion, it looked like this tree is dangerous and is leaning.  The Road Commission in their December meeting commented on the tree’s damage and determined that it should be evaluated by an arborist or removed.  Troy Sathe, a former member of the Road Commission, also brought it to our attention that this tree had its roots cut off and posed a danger to neighboring properties. He stated that from the time the work started in October, there was no inspection done of the site until December.


Ms. Allister read from the Road Commission Minutes of December 17, 2007 wherein it states that a letter should be sent to the residents and asked why they weren’t sent a letter along with the other residents and stated they found out about the letter that went to the neighbors from their insurance agent.


Bob Petersdorf stated that he had stressed to Mr. Carrari strongly as well as to the PUD that the Road Commission didn’t want that root system on that tree touched and they all agreed that they wouldn’t damage the tree.  He stated that the backhoe driver, in order to cause that much damage to the roots of the tree must have backed up several times into that tree's root system, making it a danger tree.  After Troy reported to the Road Commission, the condition of the tree, it was then we wrote to the neighbors and asked them what they would like to do with the tree.  We sent the letter to Jason and Brenda Sharpe, Stuart and Shirley Shoults and Dave and Lucy Persons as they were the property owners whose property was threatened by the tree if it were to fall.  Troy advised the Road Commission that they were the adjacent property owners who were protesting the removal of the tree.   He stated it wasn't necessary to send the same letter to Mr. Carrari and Ms. Allister as they were already aware of the damage to the tree and that Mr. Carrari knew better and knew he needed to get a permit to remove that tree.


Bob Petersdorf further explained that after the property owners responded to our letter of January 7, 2008 and decided to let the tree be removed, the Road Commission referred the matter to the City Council because the Road Commission cannot impose fines, only the City Recorder can do that.  He stated that Greg Perkins then sent a letter to Mr. Carrari advising him that the City was going to impose a fine on him of $1,500.00 for damaging the tree.  He advised Mr. Carrari and Ms. Allister that they cannot appeal their fine to the Road Commission because they didn't impose it, but they have to appeal their fine to the City Recorder and the City Council.  The Road Commission will advise the City Council as to the background of this situation, however, the ultimate decision will be up to them regarding the appeal.


Linda Lauck asked regarding the two letters Ms. Allister stated they did not receive and asked if those letters pertained to them obtaining a permit to cut the tree down.


Ms. Allister stated that David Persons was under the impression that they had been instructed regarding the procedure to remove the tree and this information was included with the letter they received regarding the fine.  She stated the information regarding the removal of the tree was not included in the letter from Greg Perkins, therefore, they weren't aware they had to go through these steps.  Ms. Allister stated she has been working with Maria in an attempt to find the documents regarding the approval of their lot and the map that was attached to it.


Bob Petersdorf stated that the map has nothing to do with this situation and stated the Road Commission's concern was that when they dug that ditch, they didn't touch the root of that tree but then they went in there and chopped it to pieces and had no respect for that tree.  The hole for the water or utility line didn’t need to be that big and didn't need to damage the tree trunk to accomplish the work that needed to be done.  We communicated this to Mr. Carrari and he understood what the city's position was on this.


Linda Lauck asked if it was the PUD that did the actual damage.


Bob Petersdorf stated that it is the property owner’s responsibility to observe any work being done on their property and that the person sitting on the back hoe is doing his job correctly.


Mr. Carrari stated that C-T Boring did the work and they took out the stump and he was never told to damage the roots of that tree.


George McKenzie asked for clarification on what stump they are talking about?  Ms. Allister referred to the photos.


Bob Petersdorf stated the stump was from a tree cut down a long time ago.  Bill Connell stated the Road Commission is only concerned with discussing the tree with its root cut off.


Ms. Allister stated that there was no other way to have the work done that needed to be done and she was required to have underground electricity and they had to put it where they did.


George McKenzie disagreed with Ms. Allister and stated they could have dug that hole without damaging the tree and asked if they ever received a letter regarding the removal of the tree from earlier discussions.


Bob Petersdorf stated he met with Mr. Carrari many times about the routing of his power lines and told him that under no circumstances was that tree to be damaged.


Mr. Carrari stated there was no such letter.  He stated when he attended the Dunes City Council meeting, Ms. Allister requested a delay in their appeal hearing in order to appear before the Road Commission as recommended by Bob Petersdorf.


Bob Petersdorf stated the Road Commission did not involve them in the whole process before the Road Commission to defend themselves  against the $1500 fine, but we are doing that at tonight's meeting and giving them the floor to convince us that the fine is justified or not.


David Persons stated all he is hearing is a lot of hearsay, and a lot of  nice comments and letters that weren't received, etc. but one thing that is not being discussed is that the neighbor's home was put in danger because of that tree’s roots being cut off.  He stated speaking, as one of the neighbors, we respected your rights that you didn't want to be disturbed while you were working on your property.  But it is evident that they knew for some time that the tree was in danger of falling and as a responsible property owner, this should have been taken care of immediately.  The neighbors felt a crime had been permitted, because this tree was a hazard and could fall at any time endangering their home and autos.  Mr. Persons stated that Ms. Allister and Mr. Carrari instead of doing the right thing, chose to cover up the roots and put gravel over them as if nothing had been done.  He stated that the deception behind the whole situation is what disturbs him and its not like this incident was just an innocent act.  Mr. Persons stated that Mr. Wally Shoults, told him that "God was on their side that the tree didn’t fall" and feels that negligence took place and to further quote his neighbor he felt that there was “criminal intent” by the actions of Mr. Carrari and Ms. Allister.  David Persons stated he will abstain from the Road Commission's vote on this item, because he also feels he was a potential victim of  this careless act.


Mr. Carrari stated that as soon as C-T Boring did their work and we realized that the tree was damaged, he told Ms. Allister that he felt the tree was dangerous and she called Bob Petersdorf at 10 p.m. to tell him about it.  Ms. Allister stated she could provide her phone records to prove that she made the phone call.  She stated that she also kept her neighbor, Jason Sharpe apprised of everything they were doing on their lot during construction.


Bob Petersdorf stated the message was on his answering machine as he was out of town during that time and he didn't actually talk to Ms. Allister about this situation for over a month as she was either out of town or he was during the holiday month.


Bob Petersdorf asked the Road Commission if they had any further comments or questions.  With no further questions being asked, Bob Petersdorf thanked Mr. Carrari and Ms. Allister for their comments and closed the public discussion.


Bob Petersdorf asked that the record show that David Persons will exclude himself from any further discussion during the Road Commission's review of this item.  He advised the Road Commission that it is up to them to either change the fine amount, keep it as is, or come up with something different and asked them what their decision was. 


Maria McConnell explained to the Road Commission regarding the two letters that Ms. Allister stated they didn't receive.  The first letter referenced by Ms. Allister is the letter sent to the three neighbors who were concerned about the tree and whose property was threatened if the tree was to fall.  The letter dated January 7, 2008 , addressed to Jason & Brenda Sharpe, Stuart and Shirley Shoults and Dave and Lucy Persons, was sent in order to get their input on whether they wanted the tree removed and stating what the city's liability would be if they chose not to have the tree removed.  This letter was not sent to Mr. Carrari or Ms. Allister as they were the ones who had damaged the tree.  After receiving replies from the residents (see letter dated January 14, 2008 included in packets) the neighbor's determined that the tree should be removed.  Subsequently a letter was then sent to Mr. Carrari dated February 12, 2008 from Greg Perkins, City Recorder, advising them of a fine being levied against them.  Another letter was sent to Mr. Carrari and Ms. Allister dated March 27, 2008 via certified mail wherein they were informed of the procedures necessary to remove the tree.  However, they had already partially removed the tree and after being advised by David Persons, they applied for a Vegetation and Tree Removal Permit on March 19, 2008 .


Linda Lauck stated that a lot of decisions are made in conversation only and felt we needed a paper trail and to put everything in writing regarding site reviews in the future.  She stated she found it hard to fine someone where they only got part of the instructions and she did have a problem with the $1500.00 fine being excessive.


Maria McConnell stated that an interoffice memo was sent to Mayor Eric Hauptman and City Council members on February 6, 2008 which included a "sample" letter to be sent out under the Mayor's signature which outlined the fine as well as the correct procedure to remove the tree (memo and sample letter included in packet).  The letter sent out on February 12, 2008, signed by Greg Perkins, City Recorder, did not include the conditions required to remove the tree and only addressed the fine.  The second letter Ms. Allister is referring to that they did not receive is the "sample" letter that the City Recorder chose not to include in his communication.


Bob Petersdorf stated that he and other Road Commission members had discussed the permits required with Mr. Carrari on many occasions.  He chose to ignore our requests and was allegedly cutting the trees down in the neighbor's yard and putting duct tape around them.  He stated he has had to go out there many times to respond to complaints about Mr. Carrari's actions.


Jo Owens asked if he has any more trees that Mr. Carrari is going to deal with.


Bob Petersdorf stated that the cedar tree is the only one left.


Bob Petersdorf asked the Road Commission to make a decision and stated he didn't feel sorry for Mr. Carrari and Ms. Allister because they knew what they were doing.  He stated the comments they made regarding the incompetence of staff, that they didn't get letters they should have, etc. are incorrect.  He stated we don't send letters out to residents telling them not to cut a tree down; we catch them after the fact when it is discovered during a road inspection or a neighbor reports them.


Discussion ensued among the Commissioners if the PUD was to blame and the responsibility of the property owners to observe work being done on their property.


Bob Petersdorf asked the Road Commission to vote on this item.




Bill Connell made a motion to support the $1,500.00 fine, motion seconded by Linda Lauck.  The motion was carried by 4 ayes, 0 nays, 1 abstain and was unanimously approved.


David Persons abstained from voting.


Item #3  - Illegally placed electrical line on Woodland Lane


Bob Petersdorf  reviewed history of the Woodland Lane neighborhood dispute and the illegal placement of the water and electrical lines that were installed by Joseph and Jan Sandoval across property not owned by them.  He stated that one of the property owners, Diane Perrin threatened to sue the city in order to resolve this problem.  Wolford surveyed the property and found that the lines are in the wrong place.  In order to resolve the problem some trees that are in the right-of-way as well as on the easement will have to be removed in order to make room for the new trenching and water pipes.


Bill Connell asked why the lines couldn't be left there being they have been there for so long.


Bob Petersdorf stated that the PUD and the Building Department of the County is going to take over the enforcement of this.  The pipes are not up to code and are in some places only 4 inches under the ground as well as being in need of replacement just from age alone.  He stated he didn't understand why this was ever made a Road Department problem when it does not come under our jurisdiction.  He stated he has advised all of the neighbors concerned that the city will remain neutral on this problem and that it is basically a private property owner problem that needs to be resolved amongst the residents themselves.


Bill Connell and George McKenzie agreed that the Road Commission should not have any participation in this situation.




George McKenzie made the motion that the Road Commission will not be involved in this dispute and remain neutral, motion seconded by David Persons.  The motion was carried by 5 ayes, 0 nays and was unanimously approved.


E.  New Business


Resume agenda format - Item 2 - City Council Resolutions 04-10-08 (A) and (B).


Bob Petersdorf reviewed Resolution Nos. 04-10-08 (A) and (B).  He stated they are to be reviewed by the City Attorney before they go to the City Council for approval.  He explained that resident, Michael Cocciolo has requested that Green Gate Road be extended to the edge of his property.  In order to extend the road, the City will first need to acquire a 50 ft. right-of-way from Lane County . 


Michael Cocciolo says he has been waiting to resolve this issue for a long time and will sue the city if it is not resolved.   Bob Petersdorf reviewed the history of this request and commended Maria's work on preparing the Resolutions.


Item #3 - Bretthauer Road Oil


Bob Petersdorf referenced letter received from Bretthauer Road Oil who also do chip seal.  He stated he has made several attempts to contact them to see if they would be interested in doing work in Dunes City .  He stated he will also be contacting Lane County Roads for scheduled work in the city.



Item #4 - State of Oregon Construction Contractor's Board


Bob Petersdorf reviewed a letter received from the State of Oregon Construction Contractor 's Board wherein they notified the city that a contract worker for the city was not licensed.  He stated that John White did have a license when he started to work for Dunes City but apparently let it lapse.  He stated in the future all contractors have to provide the City with a current license and bond and are required to fill out forms at City Hall.


Bob Petersdorf stated he had been contacted by Leaning Tree Removal and would be checking on their license status, etc. before we contract with them for any tree removal.


5.  Interoffice Correspondence:


Bob Petersdorf reviewed a memo from Maria McConnell citing computer problems and the need to purchase a new computer for the Road Secretary and a memo to Keith Herring regarding several problems for his review.


6.  General Correspondence:


Bob Petersdorf reviewed general correspondence regarding scheduled repair of potholes on Eastlake Road brought to the city's attention by Naomi Wasserburg and reviewed several letters expressing appreciation for work done by residents, Adrian Vanderhade and Joe Lane as well as a letter to Leisure Excavating for the services of their employee, Shawn Baker.


F.    Unscheduled Items Not Listed on Agenda


Bob Petersdorf distributed a packet of information to the Road Commission members regarding work party rules and regulations.  He advised that these are being implemented in order to protect the members from any work related injuries and to be covered by workmen's compensation insurance.  He reviewed the equipment check- out requirements with the members of the Road Commission.


Bob Petersdorf reviewed the Dunes City Road Fund Custom Summary Report 2008/2009 with the Road Commission and noted the last paragraph wherein it is stated that "additional money for front office staff should be obtained elsewhere." 


Bob Petersdorf reviewed the Special Fund/Resources & Requirements State/Street Fund Budget; Detailed Expenditures; Resources; and the Requirements Summary by fund, organizational unit or program.


Bob Petersdorf stated he felt that the city was at a threshold at this time and after the big building spurt, things have quieted down and Dunes City is still a bedroom community to Florence .


Lee Riechel stated that this year they have had 8 building starts already compared with 12 for the entire year of 2007 and stated that many lots have been sold and people are still making plans to build on them.


Bob Petersdorf reviewed a letter received from the State of Oregon Department of Transportation regarding Pedestrian and Bicycle Grants.  Bob Petersdorf stated that in the Parks and Recreation Ordinance it says that committee is responsible for bikeways and pedestrian paths and they have approached the Road Commission to ask for the money for this line item. He advised them that we will review it and there is $4,000 in that fund.  He advised the members to recommend any areas they would like to include and stated there is a match requirement with them and we will get extra points.


Linda Lauck noted there is a timeline for all applications to be postmarked by July 25, 2008 .


G.   Reports


1.    Keith Herring, Road Inspector

Keith Herring reviewed his roads log sheet dated from 3-17-08 through 4-21-08 .  On 3-22 he put up a "road bump" sign on Laguna Lane ; 3-24 he put up a   15 MPH sign; on 4-5-8 cut a tree on Lark Drive and took a loader out to   Cove Road and cleaned road off on 4-21.


Keith Herring asked regarding property on Summerbell that need aprons installed on their driveways.  He stated that the center stripe needs to be done this summer on Summerbell.  In August, the same needs to be done on Cloud Nine and Meadowood Way . He also asked that office staff contact the county to clear the brush.  Bob Petersdorf advised they would notify the Roads Maintenance Department located in Florence to schedule for the brush clearing.




Bill Connell made the motion to approve the Inspector of Roads Log Sheet submitted by Keith Herring, motion seconded by George McKenzie and was unanimously approved by 4 ayes, 0 nays.  Linda Lauck was absent when the vote was taken.



2.  Maria McConnell, Road Secretary – nothing to report at this        time.


3.  Bill Connell, Road Commissioner, nothing to report except he won’t be here next month.  Bob Petersdorf acknowledged that he would be  absent and excused.


4.  Linda Lauck, Road Commissioner –  Nothing to report.


5.  David Persons – Nothing to report but he had a question and wanted to know if there is a time limit on driveway permits.


Bob Petersdorf stated there is a time limit and he will have Keith Herring look into those that haven't been completed.


6.    Lee Reichel, Road Commissioner, asked if there is a way to walk from the boat launch up to city owned roads.  He stated he has looked the area up on RLID and couldn't make a determination.


Bob Petersdorf asked for a copy of the map and stated he knows some of those roads are located in the city.


Lee Riechel also reported that the Planning Department is trying to get the Montgomery Subdivision out of ALCOT.  He asked that the Road Commission distribute and review the information on this.


Bob Petersdorf stated the Road Commission has already made their recommendations and have walked the site.  He stated that Mike McAllister Engineering has to review and approve it first.


Linda Lauck stated that Marilyn Miller is very concerned about the drainage and wants to be kept informed on the progress.


7.    George McKenzie, Road Commissioner - nothing to report and stated he also would not be present at next month's meeting.  Bob Petersdorf acknowledged that he would be absent and excused.


8.       Jo Owens, Road Commissioner, nothing to report


9.    Bob Petersdorf, Road Chairperson - - Stated he wanted to thank all the members who came out and worked on Shady Lane and they will be  reimbursed for the work and it was all done by volunteers.  He stated they also completed work on Dunes Terrace, took a couple of trees down on Cloud Nine that were in the city right-of-way.  He also asked Keith Herring to look into who authorized the PUD to cut some trees down and for him to look into a septic tank on Russell Road where they broke the roadway and they don't have an access permit.  A stop order should be issued and they are responsible for damaging the road.


H.   Adjournment




George Mackenzie made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:24 PM , seconded by Linda Lauck and unanimously approved by 5 ayes, 0 nays. Motion carried unanimously.


The next regularly scheduled Road Commission meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. on May 19, 2008 .


_______________________       ______________________________


CHAIR                                                        ROAD SECRETARY