



MARCH 17, 2008 , 6:30 PM

print file


A.               Call to Order and Roll Call


The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Bob Petersdorf who also called the roll call.


Present:       Bob Petersdorf, David Persons, Linda Lauck, George McKenzie, Jo Owens and Maria McConnell were present.

                   Bill Connell, Lee Reichel and Keith Herring were absent and excused.


B.               Approval of Minutes February 18, 2008


Bob Petersdorf had a correction to the Minutes of February 18, 2008, page 3, 5th paragraph under "New Business" he stated that Buckskin Bob and Leavitt Loop do not need two speed bumps and only Laguna needs the speed bumps.  He thanked Linda Lauck for typing the Minutes and doing an excellent job.




          George McKenzie made a motion to approve the February 18, 2008 Dunes City Road Minutes as presented and corrected,  Dave Persons      seconded the motion.  The motion was carried by 5 ayes, 0 nays and the Minutes were unanimously approved. 


C.               Guests – Bob Petersdorf introduced guest speaker, Leo Stapleton who has been a Lane County Road Commissioner for the last 15 years. 


Mr. Leo Stapleton was recognized and addressed the Road Commission regarding the benefits of chip seal vs. overlays for Dunes City roads.  Mr. Stapleton cited his many years of experience and congratulated Dunes City on having a Road Commission and stated there are only 3 Road Commissions active in the State of Oregon .


Mr. Stapleton explained that the original roads were double shot overlays which is gravel with tar poured over it and done in layers.  Overlays will expand and contract in the heat and cold and he stated many of the roads are still in good shape.  He stated that overlays are three times more expensive than chip and seal and that overlay have concrete mixed in with the tar and gravel but they don't last as long as chip seal.  He advised that chip seal is done in two steps and that chip seal will extend a road’s life for 15 years and a 2 inch overlay will only last 7 years.  He cited Highway 126 as an example of a roadway that was over layed and chip sealed at the same time and the truck traffic has lifted up the road in places, therefore, the two procedures have to be done a year apart.


Mr. Stapleton stated there were complaints by bicyclists who stated that the chip seal created a lot of  vibration on the road.  In order to solve this problem, a chip seal with smaller aggregate was created and a smoother surface was the result.  He stated that at this time, paving work is very expensive as oil prices are sky high and no one can predict how high they will go.  He recommended that the city consider chip seal for all future road paving in Dunes City .


Discussion ensured amongst the Commissioners regarding cracks and potholes.  Mr. Stapleton recommended that Clear Lake Road be chip sealed in the near future.


Mr. Stapleton advised that road funds are only to be used for road improvements and the State Attorney enforces the appropriate use of these funds.


Mr. Stapleton discussed his input on other road projects in Junction City , Florence and Tillamook.  He stated that any major road projects should have the best interest of the public involved and they should be notified and included in the process before paving projects are started.


Commissioner Owen asked how many streets in Dunes City are chip sealed now and if the appearance is different from those that are over layed.


Mr. Stapleton stated that all the streets are chip sealed and that the surface is more pliable for chip seal and that overlays look smoother.


Commissioner Linda Lauck asked if there is a time delay in getting on the County's schedule for Dunes City 's roads.


Mr. Stapleton advised that it is on a "first come, first served" basis and recommended that the city get its requests in as soon as possible.


Bob Petersdorf stated that he and Keith Herring have been walking the streets and are trying to prioritize what roads we want to chip seal.  He says as soon as they come up with a list, he will set up a special meeting of the Road Commission to make recommendations.


                                        Mr. Stapleton concluded that the cost of paving is calculated by the mile and it is difficult to get pricing for any type of paving at this time because of the cost of oil.  However, he stated one of the biggest expenses for paving is moving the equipment.


Bob Petersdorf stated there are 70 roads in Dunes City and if we have 10 people inspecting the roads we can make recommendations quickly.


Mr. Stapleton advised the Road Commissioners that he can be reached by phone (997-2425) if they have any further questions.


Bob Petersdorf and the Road Commission members thanked Mr. Stapleton for his presentation.


          D.      Citizen Input - None


          E.      Unfinished/Old Business


          1.       Bob Petersdorf advised that due to Keith Herring's absence, the  review of road conditions by the Road Commission will be rescheduled for the April meeting.


          F.      New Business


     1.    Oregon Dept. of Transportation - 2009 Special City Allotment Grant Program :  Bob Petersdorf reviewed the Grant application with the members of the Road Commission.  He recommended that Huckleberry Lane be submitted for improvement under this Grant and also reviewed the criteria for approval and the deadline date, July 1, 2008 for submission.  He stated that Cloud Nine Road also needs improvement but did not think the $25,000 Grant money would be sufficient nor would Cloud Nine Road meet the requirements of the Grant.


Bob Petersdorf explained that Mike McAllister will assist in filling out the application for improvements for Huckleberry Lane .  Staff is trying to locate the original maps for this street and the Mayor is forming a Revenue Commission to review this item and he will be following it closely.


                    2.  Bob Petersdorf asked if any members of the Road Commission had inspected Paul Gargis's driveway permit for Lot #2 Clear Water Cove.  No one had inspected it and he stated that this is just a standard driveway permit and he would approve it.


                    3.  Bob Petersdorf reviewed the memo from Greg Perkins, City Recorder, and Resolution No. 05-10-07 wherein it is stated that all Dunes City Commissions and Committees are to be electronically recorded and prepare written Minutes for all Business Meetings.


4.    In reviewing the letter from the C-2 Utility Contractors, LLC, Bob stated he requested this letter from the contractors.  He stated Dunes City has an Inter-Governmental Agreement that covers these projects, however, in this particular incident he wasn't  aware that the placement of telephone lines were being put in for the South Coast Water District.  The Water District should have come in an asked for a Right-of-Way Use Permit.   He stated that the contractor needs to write a letter to the city or come in and ask for a permit in the future as any work done in the City's right-of-way needs a permit.   He referenced the "Call before you dig" signs that are posted by the utility companies and stated that the city has to keep an eye on this and ask whenever there is digging or excavating going on to ask who is doing the work and who is it for.


          5.                            Bob Petersdorf advised the Road Commission that the “No Brush Cutting Agreement” and notices are a month behind this year.  He stated that the laminated signs have been prepared and as soon as they have received all of the agreements, we will Lane County to put us on their brushing schedule. 


          6.       Bob Petersdorf referenced the thank you letter sent to ODOT in appreciation to their prompt response to a call from the city to take care of a problem on U.S. 101. 

          7.       Bob Petersdorf reviewed the continuing controversy regarding the Fish Mill Way Roadway and Drainage Project Agreement.  He stated he  and Greg Perkins reviewed the history of this situation and the numerous problems that have arisen in the City's attempts to rectify the problem.  He stated that funds have been held by the City for over 4 years to solve the problem and at this time a solution between the property owners and the City has not yet been arrived at. 


          8.       Bob Petersdorf reviewed the letter addressed to Norman Askew regarding the retaining wall on his property at 82813 Lake Blvd.  Mr. Askew asked for permission to improve the appearance of the wall by adding decorative rock and wanted to be sure he had City approval.   


          G.      Unscheduled Items Not Listed on Agenda




          H.      Reports:


          1.       Keith Herring, Road Inspector

                    In Keith Herring's absence, Bob Petersdorf submitted the Inspector's Roads Log Sheet for mid-February through mid-March for approval.




          George MacKenzie made a motion to approve the Roads Log Sheet, motion seconded by Linda Lauck and was unanimously approved by 5 ayes, 0 nays.


          Linda Lauck advised that Keith Herring wanted her to mention that Cloud Nine, Road and Meadow Lark Way need striping.  Bob Petersdorf stated he would have Maria write a letter for the striping. 


          Bob Petersdorf advised that as soon as the weather permits, a work party needs to be organized to take care of the roads.  He stated he will advise Keith Herring to come in to the office and let Maria know what areas need our immediate attention. 


Linda Lauck stated there is a trailer parked on Kiechler Arm.

Bob Petersdorf advised that the residents there gave that section of the road to the City and that the trailer isn’t damaging the road.



2.  Maria McConnell, Road Secretary – Nothing to report at this time.


3.  Bill Connell, Road Commissioner, absent and excused.


4.  Linda Lauck, Road Commissioner – just wanted to add that she was glad that Maria is back.


5.  David Persons reported on status of the damaged tree on Lake Drive .  He stated that Mr. Carrari and his wife received the letter from the City citing them for damage to the tree and they are preparing their appeal.  David Persons stated that Mr. Carrari asked for his help in resolving this situation and pleaded poverty regarding the $1,500.00 fine.  He stated he wasn't aware that he shouldn't have cut down 12 trees.  Mr. Persons stated that the sound of chainsaws is a daily occurrence from Mr. Carrari's property and this week he went over to see what tree was being cut down and discovered that Mr. Carrari had hired an employee of  PUD and he was in the process of de-limbing the damaged tree.  He advised that Mr. Carrari had not obtained a tree removal permit as required, at that time, the tree cutter left as he didn't want to continue cutting the tree without the proper permits. 


David Persons asked what happened to the additional requirements, besides the fine, that Mr. Carrari was to adhere to, one being that Keith Herring was to be present when the tree was removed as well as a replacement tree being planted.  He stated that these conditions were listed in the "sample letter" that was included in their packets.


Maria McConnell advised that the sample letter was revised and that Greg Perkins wanted to address the fine only in his letter.  Therefore, the additional conditions that were to be imposed on Mr. Carrari were never sent out to him.


David Persons stated that Mr. Carrari was questioning him about what type of replacement tree the city expects him to plant and he also wants to know if he can leave the stump in the ground.  He also stated that he had already applied for and received a tree removal permit.


Maria McConnell advised that she had not seen an application from Mr. Carrari nor had he already received a tree removal permit. 



Bob Petersdorf stated that the stump has to be even to the ground if the Road Commission decides that it is okay for him not to remove it.  He stated that the letter will be sent to Mr. Carrari with the original conditions required of him for the tree removal.


6.       Lee Reichel, Road Commissioner, absent and excused


7.       George McKenzie, Road Commissioner - nothing to report


8.       Jo Owens, Road Commissioner, nothing to report


9.       Bob Petersdorf, Road Chairperson - - stated he is getting ready for the budget and is trying to find a spread sheet to identify the Road Commission funds so we can break down the costs and know exactly where we are.


I.       Adjournment


The meeting adjourned at 8:08 p.m.




George Mackenzie made the motion to adjourn, seconded by Linda Lauck and unanimously approved by 5 ayes, 0 nays. Motion carried.


The next regularly scheduled Road Commission meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. on April 21, 2008 .


___________________________    ______________________________

ROBERT PETERSDORF                            MARIA MCCONNELL

CHAIR                                                           ROAD SECRETARY