Dunes City Planning Commission MINUTES REGULAR SESSION – April 28, 2011 at 5:00 pm City Hall -
to Order The
Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Chairman, 2.
of Allegiance All
who were present stood for the Pledge of Allegiance. 3.
in of City
Recorder 4.
Call was taken by Planning Chairman Lee Riechel. Present:
Planning Chairman
Commissioner Absent:
None. Others
Present: Temporary
Administrative Assistant Dianne Burch. 5.
of the Agenda Commissioner
Henderson made the motion to approve the Agenda as presented.
Commissioner Martin seconded the motion.
The motion passed by unanimous vote. 6.
Agenda ·
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes from ·
Planning Commission Special Work Session Meeting Minutes
from ·
Planning Commission Special Work Session Meeting Minutes
from Commissioner
Burke made the motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented.
Commissioner Henderson seconded the motion.
The motion passed by unanimous vote. 7.
Announcements / Correspondence / Discussion
City Recorder Fred Hilden announced the resignation of Marilyn
Miller. 8. Citizen
Input - None 9. Public
Hearing - None 10. ·
Ian Chun - Annexation Proposal Ian
Chun presented documents and materials regarding the property giving
background information he received from Gary Darnielle (2005-2006) and
information that their attorneys worked on looking at the Comprehensive
Plan and Statewide Planning Goals. Commissioner
Martin interceded asking for clarification on what page Mr. Chun was
discussing. Mr.
Chun stated that he is asking for an update on the Comprehensive Plan with
a summary of the 50 acres that borders the City on two sides and asked the
Planning Commission to consider this property as buildable lands. Mr. Chun
stated that he is interested in donating riverfront property. He wants to
build a home for his family on their own land. Mr. Chun stated that he is
providing the Planning Commission with the basic overview and didn’t
bring a full package, that at this time he needs to know what the City
requires in the steps and cost to meet those requirements. Mr. Chun said
that he did receive a letter from Melissa Anderson with a breakdown
process. She mentioned some steps that need to be taken, but Mr. Chun
thinks some of those steps have already been met. Chairman
Riechel asked that, in the summary packet, which refers to Buildable Lands
Inventory Analysis Introduction showing additional land needed, what
number of lots in the inventory is being used? Mr.
Chun stated that an extensive study of the Comprehensive Plan regarding
roads, septic, erosion, size of lots, requirements to lots have been
addressed, showing six chunks of land that border the City. Mr. Chun
stated that there might be other property owners that would want to be a
part of the City. Commissioner
Beckman asked if Mr. Chun did in fact receive a letter from Planner
Melissa Anderson dated Chairman
Riechel clarified that it wasn’t letter, but 2 pages that Mr.
Chun referred to the LCOG (1991) Buildable Lands UGB Analysis. Chairman
Riechel stated several items of information that he would need to have
before taking this any further in the process of UGB expansion. What
Melissa is coming up with is more open-ended and reading more of the
information that the next large hurdle is to get the County involved now. Mr.
Chun stated that his attorneys have determined the components needed and
working with Lane County Planning Director Kent Howe on how the City needs
to go through the process. There
is no conflict of interest regarding the DLCD within the hearings process
with application fees and with documentation from Dunes City Council
regarding expansion of the UGB. Commissioner
Burke stated that the City has to ask and prove they can show to the
County they can be prepared for applying for expansion of the UGB. Chairman
Riechel stated that a proposal, but no application, with a statement and
supportive evidence, indicating the precise manner in which the bridge
crossing, liability, county roads, number of lots and the potential for 50
lots, needs to be considered. Where is the water going to come from?
That’s the responsibility of the City. Mr.
Chun stated that he has the Bridge Engineering Study and documentation. He
has spoken with the County. He has tax lot 501 in place for forestry land.
He has worked with the water engineers and has 4 artesian wells. He has 5
years of work that has been compiled. Mr. Chun wants to know if the layout
is correct in the steps applicable to expand the UGB. Mr. Chun stated that
he is not asking for a sub-division or a PUD at this time. With donating
1/4 mile of nearly 40 acres, that he is offering the City a sizable area
for a park. Commissioner
Burke stated that changing the Comprehensive Plan is a lot of work. Chairman
Riechel stated that this isn’t a short process. That DLCD is helpful for
making changes. Commissioner
Burke stated that notification and research with DLCD is needed. Chairman
Riechel stated that Commissioner Martin has been talking about changes to
Goal 1. Perhaps this is a time to include this in the planning. Mr.
Chun stated that is what would be addressed and that there are only two
pages of Comp Plan regarding the available lands. An approved document is
there and shouldn’t be difficult to complete. We don’t expect the city
to pay for the water, etc. The biggest thing the city needs to do is
provide the evidence of the quality of the land. Commissioner
Martin remarked to Mr. Chun, you obviously have done a lot of work and
anything that comes to the Planning Commission will go to the City
Council, referencing the State Statutes that the Land Use Attorneys have
compiled. Mr.
Chun stated that he feels he has presented a generous offer to the City.
He is asking the Planning Commission to follow up and consider what’s on
the books. Is this something the City wants? Commissioner Henderson asked about the history of the property. He asked how long it had been owned by the Chun family. Mr.
Chun stated that his father bought the property in 1986 after being
involved in a construction accident. Commissioner
Martin stated that he would be looking to see if this is buildable land
and does it meet the requirements for the size of Commissioner
Beckman asked, if the Comprehensive Plan needs to be updated, why not go
ahead and get that done and if there is any room for additional, buildable
land, is there any reason, if the rules are followed, not to go down that
road? Chairman
Riechel stated that he likes to think the Planning Commission determines
what information we have and what can be done, then we send this to the
City Council with our recommendation, making sure all of the technical
requirements have been met, before going to the County and State. Commissioner
Burke stated that he would prefer to have the City Council say yes or no
to see if they are willing to go to the UGB Expansion, before going
through the time and expense. He stated if it were him, he would go the
City Council, asking for a resolution. He is perfectly willing to go
through the exercise, but not until the City is willing to look at the UGB
expansion. Mr.
Chun stated that updating the Comp Plan needs to be done. I don’t want
to shell out a lot of money for an uncertainty. Commissioner
Burke stated that the City of Eugene is going through the process right
now to determine how many acres of buildable land they want to open up for
the 20 year growth plan and the City needs to make that decision first. No
one has yet applied, waiting to see what the City plans to do. Mr.
Chun stated, the Comp Plan needs to be updated and feels they have a
well-defined plan of land inventory and a proposal to present. He stated
that it would be in the City’s best interest to address this. The last
study was done in 2005 and already now 6 years into the 20 year plan. Mr.
Chun asked, what is the process for communicating with the City Council? I
thought I started with the Planning Commission. What does the Planning
Commission want? Commissioner
Burke stated that the City needs to determine what steps and what they
want to agree to doing and if it were his money, he would go to the City
Council. Chairman
Riechel suggested that they should write a memo to the City Council from
the Planning Commission, noting the discrepancy in the Comp Plan and have Commissioner
Martin asked do we have to go to the City Council and point out that
there’s a controversy in the Comp Plan Survey and numbers that need to
be addressed and what would they advise. Commissioner
Beckman stated that in the memo, is it as simple as including the updated
Buildable Lands Inventory Survey and at the same time, ask if they are
willing to expand the UGB. Chairman
Riechel stated that we certainly could recommend that there be an update
to the existing Comp Plan Buildable Lands Inventory. The Comp Plan should
say nothing other than the latest buildable lands inventory, with a caveat
stating that this is updated at a 10-year interval and perhaps is just a
housekeeping piece of the current plan. Chairman
Riechel stated that the Planning Commission is going to want to look at
the engineering data. Mr.
Chun stated that I have all of that information, but waiting for the steps
of the process. “I want to know if this is something the City wants? If
they do, I’m willing to do it.” Chairman
Riechel stated that he wants to send a memo to the City Council to update
the Buildable Lands Inventory. Commissioner Martin made a motion to send a
memo to the City Council to determine if the UGB will be expanded for the
following reasons, with points outlined by the Planning Commission.
Commissioner Beckman seconded the motion for discussion. Discussion
continued with the Commissioners determining the best way to present a
memo to the City Council regarding the Buildable Lands Inventory to be
included, and once the inventory is accepted, putting high priority on
amending the Comp Plan with Buildable Lands Inventory. Mr.
Chun stated that he would like to see 2 motions, looking at pages 55 &
56 of the Comp Plan to reflect the most recent Buildable Lands Inventory. Chairman
Riechel stated that a Planning Commissioner and Mr. Chun could work on the
memo. Commissioner
Burke stated that the City needs to make a policy of whether they will
accept the remedy offered in the memo. Commissioner
Burke stated that the request should be to increase the priority of the
Buildable Lands Inventory in the Comp Plan and the UGB Expansion and 2005
Buildable Lands Inventory, to look at the code review and to refer to the
Land Use Section 155 and include in writing the priorities. Mr.
Chun asked if the memo to the City Council will ask what the Planning
Commission wants them to do in their request to the City Council. Commissioner Beckman made a motion amending
the earlier motion to read that the Planning Commission will send a
request to the City Council to assign a high priority on modifying the
Comp Plan, pages 55 & 56 to reflect the 2005 Buildable Lands
Inventory. Commissioner Burke
seconded the motion. The motion passed by unanimous vote. ·
Shoreland Vegetation Removal Permit Application
19-12-22-10-01600 ( Chairman
Riechel asked if everyone had a chance to read the report and all replied
yes. Commissioner
Henderson stated that he sits with home owner, Mark Chandler on the Water
Quality Committee. Mr.
Chandler is Chairman
Riechel stated that the tree is a danger tree and looking at the base of
the tree where you can see a couple of water lines it isn’t appropriate
to leave remaining. The second tree is next to the house is split and
rotting. Referring to the photos, tree #1 shows signs of leaning. Commissioner
Burke made a motion to accept the recommendation to remove 2 trees and
replace with vegetation management. Commissioner Henderson seconded the
motion. The motion passed by unanimous vote. 11.
Unfinished / Old Business ·
Continuation of Chapter 155 Code Revision Review Assignments
were discussed:
155.3 is open (Marilyn Miller resigned)
155.2 - Commissioner Beckman will work with Chairman Riechel Chairman
Riechel stated that rather than changing minutes to reflect changes in
assignments to add a note Assignments for Review: Section 155. Assignments
were: 155.1
- Commissioner Henderson 155.2
- Chairman Riechel/Commissioner Beckman 155.3
- open 155.4
- Commissioner Burke 155.5
- Commissioner Martin Commissioner
Burke discussed the Red Book and through his hours of reading through the
proposed amendments of 155 he proposed that they keep the same assignments
and identify what is agreed on in 155 and determine what needs to be
reviewed. At the next work session go through the Red Book and by yea/nay
review each section of suggested changes. He would like to go through the
whole book and get it done so that they have an updated document to work
from and then do away with the Red Book. The
Commissioners discussed further how to go about making the changes using
the work document, indicating in red, then go to each section to get it
updated and cleaned up. The Commissioners agreed to this process and think
it will work well with red lining and getting to all of the bits and
pieces in the Red Book from Larry Lewis. Commissioner Burke stated that it
took him about 45 minutes to go through the Red Book. Commissioner
Beckman added to go back to the Red Book and review, change, add or
delete, then the only thing left is the changed document, showing the
changes. Chairman
Riechel stated that the changes for 155 need to be compared. We need a
fresh document. Commissioner
Beckman asked how we go back into the current 155. I just want to end up
with 1 document. Look at the Word document of 155. 12.
Unscheduled items not listed on the agenda Commissioner
Martin addressed the subject of going to Citizen Involvement
Administrative Rule (Goal 1) and look at the procedures, step, by step and
same with the Comp Plan Policy. He referred to the modification to the
Comp Plan, which is identified in bold (referring to the February 22nd
document). Commissioner
Henderson asked does this meet State requirements with the recommendation
to be sent on to the City Council. Chairman
Riechel stated yes it would be under the modification of the resolution. Commissioner
Martin made a motion to recommend to the City Council to adopt the CIP
(Citizens Involvement Program). Commissioner Beckman seconded. The motion
passed by unanimous vote. 13.
Adjournment There
being no further business to come before the Planning Commission,
Commissioner Martin made
a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner
Henderson seconded the motion. The
motion passed by unanimous vote. Approved
by the [Signed
copy available at ATTEST: [Signed
copy available at Fred Hilden, City Recorder
Dunes City Planning Commission MINUTES REGULAR SESSION – April 28, 2011 at 5:00 pm City Hall -
to Order The
Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Chairman, 2.
of Allegiance All
who were present stood for the Pledge of Allegiance. 3.
in of City
Recorder 4.
Call was taken by Planning Chairman Lee Riechel. Present:
Planning Chairman
Commissioner Absent:
None. Others
Present: Temporary
Administrative Assistant Dianne Burch. 5.
of the Agenda Commissioner
Henderson made the motion to approve the Agenda as presented.
Commissioner Martin seconded the motion.
The motion passed by unanimous vote. 6.
Agenda ·
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes from ·
Planning Commission Special Work Session Meeting Minutes
from ·
Planning Commission Special Work Session Meeting Minutes
from Commissioner
Burke made the motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented.
Commissioner Henderson seconded the motion.
The motion passed by unanimous vote. 7.
Announcements / Correspondence / Discussion
City Recorder Fred Hilden announced the resignation of Marilyn
Miller. 8. Citizen
Input - None 9. Public
Hearing - None 10. ·
Ian Chun - Annexation Proposal Ian
Chun presented documents and materials regarding the property giving
background information he received from Gary Darnielle (2005-2006) and
information that their attorneys worked on looking at the Comprehensive
Plan and Statewide Planning Goals. Commissioner
Martin interceded asking for clarification on what page Mr. Chun was
discussing. Mr.
Chun stated that he is asking for an update on the Comprehensive Plan with
a summary of the 50 acres that borders the City on two sides and asked the
Planning Commission to consider this property as buildable lands. Mr. Chun
stated that he is interested in donating riverfront property. He wants to
build a home for his family on their own land. Mr. Chun stated that he is
providing the Planning Commission with the basic overview and didn’t
bring a full package, that at this time he needs to know what the City
requires in the steps and cost to meet those requirements. Mr. Chun said
that he did receive a letter from Melissa Anderson with a breakdown
process. She mentioned some steps that need to be taken, but Mr. Chun
thinks some of those steps have already been met. Chairman
Riechel asked that, in the summary packet, which refers to Buildable Lands
Inventory Analysis Introduction showing additional land needed, what
number of lots in the inventory is being used? Mr.
Chun stated that an extensive study of the Comprehensive Plan regarding
roads, septic, erosion, size of lots, requirements to lots have been
addressed, showing six chunks of land that border the City. Mr. Chun
stated that there might be other property owners that would want to be a
part of the City. Commissioner
Beckman asked if Mr. Chun did in fact receive a letter from Planner
Melissa Anderson dated Chairman
Riechel clarified that it wasn’t letter, but 2 pages that Mr.
Chun referred to the LCOG (1991) Buildable Lands UGB Analysis. Chairman
Riechel stated several items of information that he would need to have
before taking this any further in the process of UGB expansion. What
Melissa is coming up with is more open-ended and reading more of the
information that the next large hurdle is to get the County involved now. Mr.
Chun stated that his attorneys have determined the components needed and
working with Lane County Planning Director Kent Howe on how the City needs
to go through the process. There
is no conflict of interest regarding the DLCD within the hearings process
with application fees and with documentation from Dunes City Council
regarding expansion of the UGB. Commissioner
Burke stated that the City has to ask and prove they can show to the
County they can be prepared for applying for expansion of the UGB. Chairman
Riechel stated that a proposal, but no application, with a statement and
supportive evidence, indicating the precise manner in which the bridge
crossing, liability, county roads, number of lots and the potential for 50
lots, needs to be considered. Where is the water going to come from?
That’s the responsibility of the City. Mr.
Chun stated that he has the Bridge Engineering Study and documentation. He
has spoken with the County. He has tax lot 501 in place for forestry land.
He has worked with the water engineers and has 4 artesian wells. He has 5
years of work that has been compiled. Mr. Chun wants to know if the layout
is correct in the steps applicable to expand the UGB. Mr. Chun stated that
he is not asking for a sub-division or a PUD at this time. With donating
1/4 mile of nearly 40 acres, that he is offering the City a sizable area
for a park. Commissioner
Burke stated that changing the Comprehensive Plan is a lot of work. Chairman
Riechel stated that this isn’t a short process. That DLCD is helpful for
making changes. Commissioner
Burke stated that notification and research with DLCD is needed. Chairman
Riechel stated that Commissioner Martin has been talking about changes to
Goal 1. Perhaps this is a time to include this in the planning. Mr.
Chun stated that is what would be addressed and that there are only two
pages of Comp Plan regarding the available lands. An approved document is
there and shouldn’t be difficult to complete. We don’t expect the city
to pay for the water, etc. The biggest thing the city needs to do is
provide the evidence of the quality of the land. Commissioner
Martin remarked to Mr. Chun, you obviously have done a lot of work and
anything that comes to the Planning Commission will go to the City
Council, referencing the State Statutes that the Land Use Attorneys have
compiled. Mr.
Chun stated that he feels he has presented a generous offer to the City.
He is asking the Planning Commission to follow up and consider what’s on
the books. Is this something the City wants? Commissioner Henderson asked about the history of the property. He asked how long it had been owned by the Chun family. Mr.
Chun stated that his father bought the property in 1986 after being
involved in a construction accident. Commissioner
Martin stated that he would be looking to see if this is buildable land
and does it meet the requirements for the size of Commissioner
Beckman asked, if the Comprehensive Plan needs to be updated, why not go
ahead and get that done and if there is any room for additional, buildable
land, is there any reason, if the rules are followed, not to go down that
road? Chairman
Riechel stated that he likes to think the Planning Commission determines
what information we have and what can be done, then we send this to the
City Council with our recommendation, making sure all of the technical
requirements have been met, before going to the County and State. Commissioner
Burke stated that he would prefer to have the City Council say yes or no
to see if they are willing to go to the UGB Expansion, before going
through the time and expense. He stated if it were him, he would go the
City Council, asking for a resolution. He is perfectly willing to go
through the exercise, but not until the City is willing to look at the UGB
expansion. Mr.
Chun stated that updating the Comp Plan needs to be done. I don’t want
to shell out a lot of money for an uncertainty. Commissioner
Burke stated that the City of Eugene is going through the process right
now to determine how many acres of buildable land they want to open up for
the 20 year growth plan and the City needs to make that decision first. No
one has yet applied, waiting to see what the City plans to do. Mr.
Chun stated, the Comp Plan needs to be updated and feels they have a
well-defined plan of land inventory and a proposal to present. He stated
that it would be in the City’s best interest to address this. The last
study was done in 2005 and already now 6 years into the 20 year plan. Mr.
Chun asked, what is the process for communicating with the City Council? I
thought I started with the Planning Commission. What does the Planning
Commission want? Commissioner
Burke stated that the City needs to determine what steps and what they
want to agree to doing and if it were his money, he would go to the City
Council. Chairman
Riechel suggested that they should write a memo to the City Council from
the Planning Commission, noting the discrepancy in the Comp Plan and have Commissioner
Martin asked do we have to go to the City Council and point out that
there’s a controversy in the Comp Plan Survey and numbers that need to
be addressed and what would they advise. Commissioner
Beckman stated that in the memo, is it as simple as including the updated
Buildable Lands Inventory Survey and at the same time, ask if they are
willing to expand the UGB. Chairman
Riechel stated that we certainly could recommend that there be an update
to the existing Comp Plan Buildable Lands Inventory. The Comp Plan should
say nothing other than the latest buildable lands inventory, with a caveat
stating that this is updated at a 10-year interval and perhaps is just a
housekeeping piece of the current plan. Chairman
Riechel stated that the Planning Commission is going to want to look at
the engineering data. Mr.
Chun stated that I have all of that information, but waiting for the steps
of the process. “I want to know if this is something the City wants? If
they do, I’m willing to do it.” Chairman
Riechel stated that he wants to send a memo to the City Council to update
the Buildable Lands Inventory. Commissioner Martin made a motion to send a
memo to the City Council to determine if the UGB will be expanded for the
following reasons, with points outlined by the Planning Commission.
Commissioner Beckman seconded the motion for discussion. Discussion
continued with the Commissioners determining the best way to present a
memo to the City Council regarding the Buildable Lands Inventory to be
included, and once the inventory is accepted, putting high priority on
amending the Comp Plan with Buildable Lands Inventory. Mr.
Chun stated that he would like to see 2 motions, looking at pages 55 &
56 of the Comp Plan to reflect the most recent Buildable Lands Inventory. Chairman
Riechel stated that a Planning Commissioner and Mr. Chun could work on the
memo. Commissioner
Burke stated that the City needs to make a policy of whether they will
accept the remedy offered in the memo. Commissioner
Burke stated that the request should be to increase the priority of the
Buildable Lands Inventory in the Comp Plan and the UGB Expansion and 2005
Buildable Lands Inventory, to look at the code review and to refer to the
Land Use Section 155 and include in writing the priorities. Mr.
Chun asked if the memo to the City Council will ask what the Planning
Commission wants them to do in their request to the City Council. Commissioner Beckman made a motion amending
the earlier motion to read that the Planning Commission will send a
request to the City Council to assign a high priority on modifying the
Comp Plan, pages 55 & 56 to reflect the 2005 Buildable Lands
Inventory. Commissioner Burke
seconded the motion. The motion passed by unanimous vote. ·
Shoreland Vegetation Removal Permit Application
19-12-22-10-01600 ( Chairman
Riechel asked if everyone had a chance to read the report and all replied
yes. Commissioner
Henderson stated that he sits with home owner, Mark Chandler on the Water
Quality Committee. Mr.
Chandler is Chairman
Riechel stated that the tree is a danger tree and looking at the base of
the tree where you can see a couple of water lines it isn’t appropriate
to leave remaining. The second tree is next to the house is split and
rotting. Referring to the photos, tree #1 shows signs of leaning. Commissioner
Burke made a motion to accept the recommendation to remove 2 trees and
replace with vegetation management. Commissioner Henderson seconded the
motion. The motion passed by unanimous vote. 11.
Unfinished / Old Business ·
Continuation of Chapter 155 Code Revision Review Assignments
were discussed:
155.3 is open (Marilyn Miller resigned)
155.2 - Commissioner Beckman will work with Chairman Riechel Chairman
Riechel stated that rather than changing minutes to reflect changes in
assignments to add a note Assignments for Review: Section 155. Assignments
were: 155.1
- Commissioner Henderson 155.2
- Chairman Riechel/Commissioner Beckman 155.3
- open 155.4
- Commissioner Burke 155.5
- Commissioner Martin Commissioner
Burke discussed the Red Book and through his hours of reading through the
proposed amendments of 155 he proposed that they keep the same assignments
and identify what is agreed on in 155 and determine what needs to be
reviewed. At the next work session go through the Red Book and by yea/nay
review each section of suggested changes. He would like to go through the
whole book and get it done so that they have an updated document to work
from and then do away with the Red Book. The
Commissioners discussed further how to go about making the changes using
the work document, indicating in red, then go to each section to get it
updated and cleaned up. The Commissioners agreed to this process and think
it will work well with red lining and getting to all of the bits and
pieces in the Red Book from Larry Lewis. Commissioner Burke stated that it
took him about 45 minutes to go through the Red Book. Commissioner
Beckman added to go back to the Red Book and review, change, add or
delete, then the only thing left is the changed document, showing the
changes. Chairman
Riechel stated that the changes for 155 need to be compared. We need a
fresh document. Commissioner
Beckman asked how we go back into the current 155. I just want to end up
with 1 document. Look at the Word document of 155. 12.
Unscheduled items not listed on the agenda Commissioner
Martin addressed the subject of going to Citizen Involvement
Administrative Rule (Goal 1) and look at the procedures, step, by step and
same with the Comp Plan Policy. He referred to the modification to the
Comp Plan, which is identified in bold (referring to the February 22nd
document). Commissioner
Henderson asked does this meet State requirements with the recommendation
to be sent on to the City Council. Chairman
Riechel stated yes it would be under the modification of the resolution. Commissioner
Martin made a motion to recommend to the City Council to adopt the CIP
(Citizens Involvement Program). Commissioner Beckman seconded. The motion
passed by unanimous vote. 13.
Adjournment There
being no further business to come before the Planning Commission,
Commissioner Martin made
a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner
Henderson seconded the motion. The
motion passed by unanimous vote. Approved
by the [Signed
copy available at ATTEST: [Signed
copy available at Fred Hilden, City Recorder
### |