
Dunes City Planning Commission

M I N U T E S  Regular Meeting - April 24, 2008 - 7:00 P.M.

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City Hall - 82877 Spruce St.
Westlake, OR 97439


COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Lee Riechel, Chairperson; Sandra Jones, Ken Platt, Ron Shearer.

STAFF PRESENT: Joy Gipson, Planning Secretary; Greg Perkins, City Recorder



Chairperson Lee Riechel called the meeting of the Dunes City Planning Commission to order at 7:05 pm. Greg Perkins conducted roll call and then announced that Troy Ronning had tendered his resignation from the Planning Commission and concluded by declaring a forum and added that he along with all of the others present appreciated Mr. Ronning's term of service.


Lee Riechel suggested tabling the approval of the minutes from March 27 and 31, 2008, pending location of the commissioners' written and signed statements about desired changes to the stormwater ordinance to be included. Lee stated that the City Council had decided to dedicate a second meeting to the stormwater ordinance and that he would like the Planning Commissioners' written comments to be available to the council-members as soon as possible for them to review as part of their deliberations. Lee invited discussion of tabling the minutes until the statements are found vs. approving the minutes with the exception that those statements would be added when found.


Ken Platt moved to approve the minutes with the above-mentioned exception and Lee Riechel seconded the motion. The Motion was adopted unanimously 4-0.



Lee Riechel affirmed that Troy Ronning had indeed decided to step aside as Planning Commissioner. Lee asked for suggestions of persons to replace Mr. Ronning. Greg Perkins advised placing a notice to interested persons in the following week's Siuslaw News and notifying a previous commissioner who is believed to be possibly interested in filling the position.

Lee Riechel added that along with discussions with Sandy Jones resulting in her appointment to her Commission seat, he had discussed the position with Dave Bellemore and that Mr. Bellemore expressed willingness but a preference not to serve at that time. Mr. Riechel added that he had discussed with both of these candidates his desire to add a Commissioner who would be willing to replace him as Chairperson when his term ended, and that that had contributed to Mr. Bellemore's reluctance. Mr. Riechel further expressed appreciation for the new Planning Secretary, Joy Gipson.

Greg Perkins expressed regret that in the turnover from the previous Planning Secretary to the new one, documents that the Commission expected to have available were not available, i.e. the commissioners' written statements. Greg stated that the responsibility for this oversight is his as the responsible party during the transition. He stated that he and Ms. Gipson would continue to search for the statements, and asked Lee Riechel if Lee still had a copy of the statement that he had written. Lee stated that he would search for it.

At this point Mr. Perkins left the meeting.

Lee then stated that during the public hearing regarding the stormwater management ordinance Mr. Norman Martin had introduced references to a number of various documents for the record and that Joy Gipson and Greg Perkins had reviewed them and would insure that the information would be kept in the record for that meeting and available for public viewing.

This statement was followed by discussion as to whether all documents referred to by Mr. Martin belonged in the record. The consensus was that these documents consisted of too many sheets, totaling more than 100 pages. It was agreed that the statement "the material is available" would suffice.



Business Licenses

Lee stated that he had asked Joy Gipson to

Ms. Gipson presented information regarding the formation of new business license requirements based on an analysis produced in December 2001 by the League of Oregon Cities titled "Business License Ordinances: Policy Considerations and examples from Oregon Cities." Joy presented some of the key considerations for deciding whether to form business license requirements and what requirements to include. She also entered into the record two examples of business-license ordinances from other smaller cities as a visual aid.

Lee Riechel explained that the original impetus for desiring business licenses was the Commission's wish to have improved ability to enforce contractor compliance with building and development code requirements. He stated that the desired outcome would be business licensure tied to business practices, so that the Commission could revoke the licenses of builders, contractors and other development-related businesses whose operations do not follow the City's building and development code requirements.

Lee added that in his opinion optimal regulation of business licenses would involve an administrator for day-to-day processing, but in case of problems would take advantage of current procedure using the Site Review Committee or the Conservation Committee to investigate and make recommendations to the Council. He suggested that the City of Reedsport's license code and requirements be examined as an example, because he likes their format. He stated that an important consideration would be to have a code that would be usable when the contractor requirements were 'plugged into' it.

Lee stated that he did not think that the next meeting would be the appropriate time to further address the issue of business licenses, because the Montgomery View Estates Subdivision would be on the agenda and would require all the time available.

Sandy Jones inquired whether the license would only be for contractors, or would apply to other businesses also -- to home businesses, for example.

Lee responded that home businesses are already regulated by current City code, although it might be useful to include them for purposes of having accurate records of them; but that otherwise the issue with noncompliance with building and development regulations involves other kinds of businesses in addition to building contractors -- tree-service and septic contractors, for example. He added that the City could be held liable if it listed businesses affected in business-license code and excluded one or more categories of business.

Ken Platt inquired whether businesses out of compliance could

Sandy Jones inquired who is responsible for code violations by licensed businesses operating within the City -- whether the responsible parties are only the businesses, or if the responsibility can be attached to the actual persons running each business so that they have no opportunity to continue operating in violation under a different business name. Ms. Gipson replied that within the LOC analysis one of the questions to be resolved is who the business licenses themselves will be attached to, whether to the businesses, the owners, or all persons working in each business.


Montgomery View Estates Subdivision 01/07

Joy presented a brief report on the status of the Montgomery Subdivision application. She stated that Hilary Dearborn with Lane Council of Governments was still working on the Findings of Fact and recommendations for the application, and that Joy hoped that Hilary would be able to pass these completed documents to Joy's office within a few days.

Joy added that the area covered by the Subdivision application, which had been logged and not yet replanted, had not yet reached the State Forestry Department's deadline for re-vegetation; and that if the property was intended for residential development then Mr. Montgomery would not be required to plant trees.

Joy inquired whether the May Planning Commission meeting was too soon to include a hearing about this subdivision, given that no one from Dunes City had been able to review the information yet. Lee recommended posting the notices for the hearing in order to be able to include it if possible.

Lee then stated that he was unsure whether Ms. Dearborn was referencing Dune's City's Comprehensive Plan in her analysis of the application, given that the Plan had not existed when she processed previous applications for Dunes City; and that he was not sure whether she needed to reference the Plan. Joy stated that she would find out. Lee suggested that a table be created to explain which elements of the Plan each Code section implements. Lee mentioned that Joy would need to look at State limited-land-use regulations about reference to the Comprehensive Plan, but for the time being she should use the Ordinances Code's "Type-III" process as guide. He stated that the new Code ordinance 182 does not refer to Limited Land Use Decisions, and relies on the Type II and Type III processes described in the code.

Lee stated that the lot in question needs a re-vegetation plan, which will have to be approved by the Council, not the Planning Commission; and that this requirement might add a long space of time between approval of the Subdivision application by the Commission and the final sanction for the owner to begin work on the site.

Lee stated that he would like to handle this application as a Type III change, and reminded the other Commissioners that they needed to review Code section 155.4 regarding Type-III process, Code section 155.3 regarding development in various Zones, and Code section 155.3 regarding all zones. He also reminded them to review the staff report and findings of fact in this application.

Lee stated that unless the hearing for the Montgomery application was delayed they would not be addressing business licenses at the next Commission meeting.

Joy requested confirmation that the Commission wanted her to send out all appropriate notices that the May Commission meeting would include a hearing of the Montgomery Subdivision application, and Lee answered in the affirmative.

Sandy inquired whether the Commissioners would receive copies of the application materials. Lee responded that they would receive large packets including all pertinent material. He asked how large the lot in question was, and Ms. Gipson replied that it is 60.6 acres. Lee then stated that the division would result in a lot of redevelopable lots, and that they would have to request a redevelopment plan 'when it comes to that.' Lee added that he would like to see the preliminary staff report.

Lee also stated that Ms. Gipson would have to ask for the redevelopment plan.

Lee asked if Ms. Gipson had anything else to mention. She replied that she did not have anything directly related to the Planning Commission, although she had been working on a Comparative analysis of City fees, with an eye to raising ours to meet our Planning costs. Lee stated that the current process of charging a deposit at the beginning and then charging costs later on is not working. He added that to make this process work well the actual hours spent on each application would have to be recorded.




Lee moved to close the meeting at 8:01, Sandy Jones seconded and the Motion passed unanimously 4-0.


_________________________________ ____________________________________

Lee Riechel, Chairperson                                                         Planning Secretary