
Dunes City Planning Commission       M I N U T E S

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Regular Meeting – May 24, 2007 - 7:00 P.M.

City Hall - 82877 Spruce St.
Westlake, OR 97439


COMMISSIONERS PRESENT:      George Burke, Chairperson;  Darlene Beckman, Lee Riechel, Bill Tizzard

COMMISSIONERS ABSENT:   Excused were Ron Shearer and Dick Anderson.

STAFF PRESENT:   Teri Tinker



   1.      CALL TO ORDER

                  Chairperson George Burke called the meeting of the Dunes City Planning Commission to order at 7:00 p.m.  He stated that there were no announcements or correspondence to consider and changed the agenda to review section 154 of the code first.



            A.  Review Planning Commissions responsibility for vegetation removal under      section 154 of the Code.

                  Chairperson Burke said that Goal 17 : Coastal Shorelands says it pertains to the West Side of 101, therefore does not pertain to Dunes City . 

                  Lee Riechel said 2(b) says 500 feet from shoreland of coastal lakes and that does pertain to Dunes City.  Riechel said what Dunes City has not done in inventory is the 500 ft and if inventory is required we have not done that with our 50’ and does not know if there is anything in the Comp Plan to cover it.

                  Burke said he does not see anything in Goal 17 to set aside or be concerned with and that Dunes City has higher standards in code than is required in Goal 17.

            B.  Review 154.03 vegetation removal.

                  The Planning Commission went through 154.03 and discussed the responsibilities of the Conservation Committee.


                  Susie Navetta (from the audience) asked what the purpose of the Conservation    Committee is then.  Navetta said in the past the committee has done more than this code states and what the code says is so minor, maybe we do not need them.

                  Burke said they go out and review, and then the Planning Commission does not want to go by the pictures and will go out and review for themselves.

                  Riechel said the City has a lot of committees that make recommendations to the  Planning Commission or the City Council and they are important.

                  The Planning Commission reviewed Resolution 06-12-03, and noted that the                Conservation Committee directly takes care of danger trees, and discussed liability if the City if refuses to let them take down a danger tree as once the tree is declared a danger tree by the land owner, the City may be taking on the responsibility and liability. 

                  David Bellemore (from the audience) said they asked their forester, Jim Rash on the committee, had said the trees were not danger trees, but after talking to Teri in the     office, they feel the only way to take the liability away from the City is to have an   arborist determine if it is a danger tree or not.

                  It was the consensus of the Planning Commission that if the tree is called a danger tree the Planning Commission or Conservation Committee can’t say it is not without a bonded and insured arborist’s determination.  The applicant can also use the 25% vegetation removal to remove the tree.




            Conservation Committee Recommendations:


1.      Craig McMicken – 5405 Huckleberry Lane –

      Request to remove two trees within the 50’ shoreline zone.  1.  Leaning tree that may fall, damaging dock and boat house.  2. Tree removed for aesthetic reasons.      


            Commissioner Lee Riechel moved, seconded by Commissioner Bill Tizzard, that after review of the Conservation Committee report and David Bellemore’s input at the meeting, we conclude that tree #1, which is a leaning tree, is a danger tree and should be removed leaving the  stump undisturbed.  The Motion was adopted unanimously 3-0


             Commissioner Lee Riechel moved, seconded by Commissioner Bill Tizzard, that after review of the Conservation Committee report and David Bellemore’s input at the meeting, we conclude that tree #2 be approved for removal with the tree being felled into the lake, the stump to be left undisturbed.  Two fir trees in at least 10 gallon pots shall be planted within 25 feet of the stump of tree #2 and that the applicant allow a visit by the Conservation Committee to verify condition of the trees after two dry seasons.  The   motion was adopted unanimously 3-0        


2.      Less Buss/ Kollmorgan – Lot 6 of Woods on Woahink –

      Request to remove two danger within the 50’ shoreline zone. 


The Planning Commission discussed two options for these trees.  One was to make application as part of the 25% vegetation removal with a tree map, or get an arborist report  as the trees don’t visually appear to be a danger.

            Commissioner Bill Tizzard moved, seconded by Commissioner Darlene Beckman, that before the City can recognize the trees as danger trees the City will require licensed, bonded arborist report certifying they are danger trees.  The City would consider removal of trees with a vegetation removal permit under the 25% allowed.  The Motion was adopted unanimously 3-0.






      The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.     



        ________________________________                                     __________________________________

        George Burke, Chairperson                                                Planning Secretary



        _Excused_________________________                                     __________________________________

        Richard Anderson, Planning Commission                       William Tizzard, Planning Commission



        ________________________________                                      ___Excused________________________

        Lee Riechel, Planning Commission                                    Ron Shearer, Planning Commission




        Darlene Beckman, Planning Commission



            (Recorded by Dan Lindstrom)