Dunes City Council

Approved MINUTES

April 8, 2010 at 7:00 pm

Printable file

 City Hall - 82877 Spruce St. , Westlake , OR 97439

1. Call to order

Mayor Eric Hauptman called the meeting of the Dunes City Council to order at 7:05 p.m.

2. Roll call

Roll Call was taken by Dunes City Recorder, Fred Hilden.

Present: Mayor Eric Hauptman, Council President Peter Howison, Councilor Jamie Mills, Councilor Susie Navetta, and Councilor Rebecca Ruede.

Absent: Councilor Richard Koehler (excused).

Also Present: Fred Hilden, City Recorder, Lisa Ekelund, Planning Official, and 5 individuals.

3. Pledge of Allegiance

All who were present stood for the Pledge of Allegiance.

4. Approval of the agenda

Councilor Howison made the motion to approve the agenda. Councilor Mills seconded the motion. The motion passed by unanimous vote.

5. Consent agenda

· City Council meeting minutes from 3/11/10 and 3/17/10

· Bills of the session through 04/05/10

· Receipts of the session through 04/05/10

Councilor Navetta thanked Fred Hilden for separating the attorney's fees. Councilor Navetta said it was helpful.

Councilor Howison made the motion to approve the consent agenda and to pay the bills of the session. Councilor Mills seconded the motion. The motion passed by unanimous vote.

6. Announcements and correspondence

Mayor Hauptman announced that the Dunes City's annual potluck is scheduled for Saturday, April 17, 2010 from 3:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. The Mayor also announced that volunteers are needed for the Site Review and the Revenue Committees and that April 18th through April 24th is National Volunteer Week. The Mayor announced that on Friday April 16th between 12:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. and on Saturday April 17th between 8:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m., the Florence Transfer Site is going to be holding a household hazardous waste round-up.

7. Citizen input

There was no citizen input.

8. Mayor's report

Mayor Hauptman stated that the City has had Mr. Patrick Mounts go through the ordinances. The Mayor said that Patrick comes here from The University of Oregon. The Mayor referenced Ordinance Number 92, which was enacted on 06/14/1985 stating that this particular Ordinance repealed 17 other Ordinances. The Mayor said the City would compile the information and prepare a new codebook.

9. Committee / Commission reports

· Councilor Susie Navetta said she had no report for the Community Center/Police.

· A written report of the Communication and Education Committee was received from Councilor Susie Navetta and placed on file.

Mayor Hauptman spoke of a Dunes City couple who regularly reside in the State of Virginia. The Mayor said these people, while here in Dunes City were approached by a couple of pit bulls and thus called 911 for help. The Mayor said this couple was told by 911 that they (911) would not send anybody to come out.

Councilor Navetta said Dunes City has an agreement with the County regarding animal control.

Mayor Hauptman said the citizen's of Dunes City paid $300,000 in taxes to Lane County last year and this is unacceptable. The Mayor said the citizens are paying for County services that the City does not receive.

· A written report of the Conservation Committee was received from Councilor Peter Howison and placed on file.

The Mayor said that the water lines on Woodland Lane should be corrected.

The Council discussed requiring the citizens identify their individual lines.

Fred Hilden said it is a Public Works issue which is the Road Department and they should require that the lines are identified.

Councilor Ruede said she recently needed to identify her water line. Councilor Ruede said she does not believe they can single out the citizens on Woodland Lane.

Councilor Navetta said because the City knows about this the City should do something about it. Councilor Navetta said it would be unfortunate if someone dug into an unknown line.

Fred Hilden said he is concerned about the liability of the City as this does involve the City's easement.

Councilor Howison said his report was to discuss the erosion issue in this area. Councilor Howison said if they tie the two together, the Road Commission would need to be involved.

Councilor Mills moved that the Road Commission be asked to have the Road Commission develop a plan to identify the location of all water lines that cross Dunes City's easements. Councilor Howison seconded the motion. The motion passed by unanimous vote.

· Councilor Peter Howison said he had no report for the Ordinance Review Committee.

· A written report of the Parks and Recreation Commission was received from Councilor Rebecca Ruede and placed on file.

· The minutes of the 03/18/10 Parks and Recreation Commission meeting was received from Councilor Rebecca Ruede and placed on file.

· Mayor Hauptman said there is no report from the Road Commission.

· The minutes of the 03/08/10 and the minutes of the 03/22/10 Road Commission meetings was received from Road Secretary, Maria McConnell and placed on file.

· Councilor Jamie Mills said the Site Review Committee did not meet.

· Councilor Jamie Mills said the Revenue Committee did not meet. Councilor Mills said the next meeting would be Tuesday 05/04/10 at 3:00 p.m.

· A written report of the Water Quality Committee was received from Councilor Richard Koehler and placed on file.

· The draft minutes of the 03/17/10 Water Quality Committee meeting was received by Councilor Richard Koehler and placed on file.

· A report of the Planning Department was received from Planning Official, Lisa Ekelund and placed on file.

· The draft minutes of the 03/25/10 Planning Commission meeting was received from Planning Official, Lisa Ekelund and placed on file.

· Mr. Donald Hayes of Emergency Services provided booklets and information regarding emergency preparedness.

Mayor Hauptman stated that the City should have received a Tsunami Evacuation map.

Fred Hilden said that they are working on receiving the most current evacuation maps.

Councilor Navetta said that Councilor Koehler has the map.

Mayor Hauptman suggested scanning and emailing the map to all the citizens who would like to have a copy. The Mayor said the City should consider obtaining a generator for City Hall.

Councilor Navetta said when she attended the last CERT meeting, they discussed getting cots, generators and such. Councilor Navetta said it was decided that people would meet at St. Mary's Church. Councilor Navetta said the Fire Department thinks the Clear Lake Fire Station would also be a safe place to meet.

Mayor Hauptman said he has heard there are grants available for generators.

Councilor Ruede said she also attended some of the CERT meetings. Councilor Ruede said they could identify an additional purpose for the property adjacent to City Hall as far as an emergency nature.

Councilor Mills said her neighborhood has discussions on who has what and who can contribute. Councilor Mills said these discussions and the discussion that the Council is having are helpful to making people aware that they do need to be prepared for disaster.

The Mayor suggested they have a presentation at The Festival of the Lakes.

Fred Hilden said the Florence Emergency Operations Center is doing their best to provide the City with information. Fred said there might be grants available. Fred said it is tentatively planned that food and water are stored at St. Mary's Church.

10. Unfinished old business

· Discussion of the Business License Ordinance

Councilor Howison said he was with the understanding that this would be sent to the City Attorney.

Fred Hilden said the draft ordinance was sent to the attorney. Fred said the communication was not clear as to what was expected from the attorney. Fred said they were looking at 10-15 hours and approximately $2,000 for work from the attorney if he were to work on this.

Councilor Mills said she does not see where this business license is improving on anything that the City already has.

Councilor Navetta said this would cause businesses to follow the rules.

Councilor Howison said this would be a source to charge fines. Councilor Howison said this should only apply to those businesses that they want to permit now and they could add more businesses later on. Councilor Howison said the Committee did a lot of hard work on this and came up with a document that satisfies the Council. Councilor Howison suggested getting Larry Lewis involved.

Mayor Hauptman said he would be more inclined to get Larry Lewis involved.

Councilor Ruede said she has been on the record as not being in favor of this type of ordinance and she would like to reiterate her statement. Councilor Ruede said people are coming out of a recession.

Councilor Ruede moved to table this subject (the business license ordinance) to a later time. Councilor Mills seconded the motion. The motion tied by vote of 2 ayes and 2 nays with Councilor Navetta and Councilor Howison voting nay. The Mayor broke the tie by voting aye.

· Discussion of the Solid Waste Collection License

Fred Hilden stated there are no changes to this ordinance. Fred said they held this topic back so both Ordinances could be advertised at the same time.

Councilor Navetta said it is time to raise the fee.

Mayor Hauptman asked if they need an Ordinance to change the fees because they have a franchise agreement.

Fred Hilden said it could be changed by resolution. Fred said there is a franchise agreement that was placed in the form of an ordinance.

Councilor Mills said they could raise the fees by resolution but they did add conditions to require that trucks do not harm the roadway.

Councilor Ruede said she fears that the increased fees will be passed on to the consumer.

Councilor Navetta said the increase will me minimal.

Mayor Hauptman said his bill has been increased even though Dunes City did not increase their fees.

Councilor Mills said she did check with the companies on their insurance and they already carry the appropriate certificates.

Mayor Hauptman said this is not an action item and it will go to vote next month. The Mayor asked if the Council wanted to make any changes before the public hearing and the Council said no.

11. New business

· City Council appointment

Mayor Hauptman said Troy Sathe was the only applicant for the appointment to the City Council.

Councilor Navetta voted that they appoint Mr. Troy Sathe to the Council. Councilor Ruede seconded the motion. The motion passed by unanimous vote.

Mayor Hauptman said this term would terminate at the end of the year.

· Road Commission Chairman appointment

Mayor Hauptman nominated Mr. Troy Sathe as Road Commission Chairman.

Councilor Howison made the motion that they appoint Troy Sathe as the Road Commission Chairman. Councilor Ruede seconded the motion. The motion passed by unanimous vote.

· Planning Commission appointment

Mayor Hauptman said Lee Riechel was the only applicant for the appointment to the Planning Commission.

Mr. Lee Riechel approached the Council.

Councilor Howison asked Mr. Riechel how things are going with the Stormwater CCI. Councilor Howison asked Mr. Riechel if they would have a document in June or July.

Lee Riechel said it is just a matter of getting the group together and positive progress is being made.

Councilor Howison asked Mr. Riechel how they are going to resolve everything so they can pass it.

Lee Riechel said there would be no problem if they would accept the Oregon process. Lee said they are deciding at what point to require a professional engineer.

Councilor Howison asked Mr. Riechel what some of the controversial aspects are of this.

Lee Riechel said the most controversial question is where they draw the line on square footage engineering requirements.

Councilor Howison said there has been some talk of merging stormwater and erosion control together. Councilor Howison asked Mr. Riechel if the merge has been considered.

Lee Riechel said this has been discussed but he believes this to be out of scope with the objectives of the committee.

Councilor Howison said Mr. Riechel has proven himself to be reliable as a Conservation Committee member.

Mayor Hauptman said he does not think this is mutually exclusive.

Lee Riechel said this comment dates back to classes and statements they have had on potential conflict of interest and as long as a person documents, there cannot be conflict of interest and a person cannot be biased.

Mayor Hauptman said he does not see where there would be a conflict.

Lee Riechel said just on the grounds of ethics alone, it would be more appropriate for a Conservation Committee member recusing themselves while on the Planning Commission as appropriate.

Mayor Hauptman asked Mr. Riechel what he was thinking while he was Chairman of the Planning Commission after the Planning Commission recommended approval of the Montgomery application. The Mayor asked Mr. Riechel what motivated him (Mr. Riechel) to consider this when the Commission received the plans that very same day.

Lee Riechel said on that decision, there was enough engineering on the roads and the layout of the lots that it has the appearance that the requirements were met. Mr. Riechel said they felt as such that they could not deny the application.

Mayor Hauptman said in the State of Oregon, if a developer hands you a 400-lot development on the back of a napkin and you decline it, that developer is going to take you to LUBA. The Mayor said LUBA is becoming aware of this. The Mayor said the point is that this Council expects the Planning Commission to do their jobs and protect this City. The Mayor said the Council needs to depend on the Planning Commission.

Councilor Ruede said she has known Mr. Riechel for a little over two years now and she thinks Mr. Riechel would be a fine addition and leader for the Planning Commission.

Mayor Hauptman asked Lee Riechel if he could count on him to protect the City.

Lee Riechel said he did want to make a note that the City was in quite a bit of turmoil during this. Lee said being able to call engineers as the Mayor stated, he (Lee) feels comfortable to be able to live up to the Mayor's expectations.

Mayor Hauptman encouraged the Planning Commissioners to call upon the engineers when necessary.

Councilor Navetta asked if they should wait until they have a full Council before the vote.

Mayor Hauptman said he does not believe they need to wait.

Lee Riechel said he recognizes that the Planning Commission is chaired by David Bellemore and he (Lee) knows he can work with David.

Mayor Hauptman recommended Mr. Lee Riechel as a Planning Commissioner.

Councilor Howison made the motion to nominate Lee Riechel as a Planning Commissioner. The motion was seconded by Councilor Ruede. The motion passed by unanimous vote.

· Affirm Interim City Recorder

Mayor Hauptman said he would like the Council to affirm Fred Hilden as the City Recorder. The Mayor said they would advertise this position and ask the Council for some suggestions. The Mayor said in reality, Fred Hilden has stepped in and has done an incredible job in a tough situation. The Mayor said Lisa Ekelund has stepped up to the plate as well. The Mayor said he would like Fred compensated $500 per month in addition to his current pay. The Mayor said Fred did not ask for this.

Councilor Howison asked what the salary difference is between the Administrative Assistant and the position of City Recorder.

Councilor Howison made the motion that they affirm that Fred Hilden is the Interim City Recorder and to pay him an additional $500 a month. Councilor Navetta seconded the motion. The motion passed by unanimous vote.

Mayor Hauptman said Lisa Ekelund has not received a raise since she first started working for Dunes City. Mayor Hauptman charged Fred Hilden with giving Lisa Ekelund a review and to come up with a salary increase.

Councilor Navetta said they have had several people offer to volunteer with office overflow.

Fred Hilden said Councilor Navetta has relayed this by email. Fred said [Planning] Commissioner Miller volunteered today to go through the property files. Fred said [Planning]

Commissioner Miller found about six misfiles and the help was appreciated.

Councilor Howison asked if they could really move forward without getting an Administrative Assistant.

Mayor Hauptman said they do need to advertise for the position.

Councilor Navetta said they could increase the Road Secretary's hours.

Fred Hilden said he thinks the smart thing to do is to let the dust settle and assess how the productivity increases.

Mayor Hauptman said they could still call on volunteers during this time.

Councilor Mills said also if they do this, it is right before budget and if they find they do not need another staff member, it would be at the right time.

Councilor Howison asked Fred who would continue to keep track of the septic and water.

Fred Hilden said Lisa Ekelund has been a valuable asset and they had discussed he would continue to work on septic and water and Lisa has helped more with the counter activity and telephones. Fred said Maria McConnell has also been a great help.

Councilor Howison said he wants to make sure they will not get behind.

Councilor Howison recommended the Mayor continue to watch this situation over the next few weeks. Councilor Howison said the Planning Chairman should be involved with the Planning Secretary's review.

Councilor Navetta asked if they could talk about the four ten-hour days. Councilor Navetta said she would like it to go back.

Councilor Mills asked if the office would be open four or five days.

Councilor Navetta said the office would be open four days and then on Fridays they got their work done.

Councilor Howison said the last couple of months have not been a good example.

Fred Hilden said Lisa is not impacted by working on Fridays as this was never in her contract. Fred gave his background as an efficiency expert. Fred said the prior City Recorder was the first person to come up with the four ten-hour days. Fred said this worked very well in his personal life and he would like it to continue. Fred said to the Council to trust that when he is working the four days, if he needs that fifth day to make something happen, he will use that fifth day to make it happen.

Mayor Hauptman stated that staff should not answer the telephone or open the door when the office is not open.

Councilor Ruede said she believes that Fred Hilden is capable of handling this without the Council's micro-management.

Councilor Howison agreed with Councilor Ruede.

Councilor Navetta said she would like to discuss the fireworks ordinance at the next Council meeting.

Mayor Hauptman asked if Dunes City has a fireworks ordinance.

Councilor Navetta said no. Councilor Navetta said Dunes City could use Florence as an example.

12. Adjournment

There being no further business to come before the City Council, Councilor Howison made the motion to adjourn the meeting and Councilor Ruede seconded. The motion passed by unanimous vote.

The meeting of the Dunes City Council adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

The next meeting of the Dunes City Council will occur on May 13, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.

The proceedings of the Dunes City Council meeting were recorded on tape, and are on file at Dunes City Hall. Upon approval by the City Council, these minutes will be available at Dunes City Hall and online at www.dunescity.com



Signed copy available at City Hall

Eric Hauptman, Mayor



Signed copy available at City Hall

Fred Hilden, City Recorder



========================== Committee Reports ==========================


Communication and Education Committee Report

March 19, 2010

The committee met at the Dunes City hall on Friday the 19th of March. Those present were April Dumas, Michael Herbert and Susie Navetta. Paul Floto was absent. Richard Koehler the Web Master was also present. Michael Herbert, the newest member, was welcomed into the committee.

The main topic of discussion was the up coming newsletter. Reports were received by Becky Ruede of the Parks and Recreation Commission and by Judy Johnson and Liz Purtell of the Conservation Committee. The Water Quality Committee will be sending in an article next week. Jerry Curran and Troy Sathe will be writing an article for the Road Commission. As usual Richard Koehler will be editing and doing the formatting of the newsletter. April Dumas will be in charge of calling and organizing the volunteer folding committee. Susie Navetta will be responsible for the business ads and finding enough education material for the newsletter. The newsletter will go to press on April 1st and should be delivered on April 9th to Dunes City residents.

The newsletter always announces the Community Pot Luck which will be held on April 17th from 3:00 to 6:00 P.M. this year. Press releases with photos will be sent to the Siuslaw Newspaper. The theme of the Pot Luck and the Newsletter has not been established as of this date.

Susie Navetta, Chairman for the Communication and Education Committee

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Dunes City Conservation Committee Report, March 2010

At the request of Dr. Howison the Conservation Committee examined the water leakage situation on the Dunes City unused right-of-way at the construction site near the end of Woodland Lane.

The committee observed that there are approximately 14 water lines entering the lake at the point where the right-of-way reaches the lake.  Of these lines only 4 enter the lake from the right-of-way.  The remainder enter the lake immediately east of this point and are completely unidentified.  One of the unknown pipes has a moderate leak (see picture) which has moved soil of approximately 20cm X 20cm X 20cm volume from around two visible PVC pipes.  There is little evidence that the erosion spoils have actually reached the lake in any measurable amount.  See pictures for the area of the pipes entry into the lake. 

While the current leakage condition is not carrying erosion spoils of significance into the lake, the prospect of complete breakage of the leaking pipe could be the cause of significant bank cutting and soil movement into the lake. 

It is the committee’s thought that since the leaking pipe is probably causing a large increase in electricity usage, the problem could be solved by the city’s notifying the known water users with diversion from this point with an explanation of the problem. 

The committee was also favorably impressed with the new power switch and installation for one of the lines. (See picture)

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Parks & Recreation Commission Report to the Council April 8, 2010

The Parks and Recreation Commission met March 18, 2010. The sign is nearing completion and the Commission is discussing the process of lighting the sign. We are seeking the assistance of the Road Commission with the lighting project.

We continue to gather information on the possibility of obtaining the properties adjacent to City Hall. Research is slow but progress is being made. The Commission discussed usage and recreational opportunities of the property.

The Commission is seeking approval of the Council to purchase fencing in the amount of $129.00. Funds will be taken from the RTMP line item of the budget. The remaining budget is $7,021.

The fencing is to be applied to the underneath of the Overlook Park for safety reasons and to keep vandals out. The quote is for materials only. Labor will be provided by volunteers.

The Commission will hold their next meeting May 19, 2010 @ 7PM at City Hall.

Respectfully submitted, Rebecca Ruede, PRC Chairperson

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Parks And Recreation Commission     Meeting March 18, 2010     Dunes City Hall


The meeting was called to order at 7:09 P.M. Commissioners present: Roberta Dalbeck, Rebecca Ruede, Mimi Tizzard, Gary Lapping, Dick Anderson and guest Bill Tizzard.

Approval of the past minutes dated February 18, 2010.

Richard approved and Mimi second. The minutes were approved as presented.

Old Business

1. Sign is ready to go, Discussed the trimming on the trees coming from the north might block sign . Refer to Road Commission for lights for sign. There was discussion about the different ways to light the sign. It sounds like the most cost effective way to light it would be to hook into the existing lighted power pole.

Motion: Dick made a motion to run power to power pole and Mimi seconded it. Motion carried.

2. The trimming of the trees is a safety issue. We will refer tree trimming and linking to power pole to the Road Commission.

Motion: Mimi moved to refer the trimming of the trees and the linking of power for the sign to the Road Commission. Gary seconded. The Motion passed unanimously.

3. Gary had gotten a bid on wire to go around the under side of gazebo from pro lumber. The bid was $129.00. We need to get the council to approve it and Gary said he would get a team together to put it up.

4. We are looking into getting the property next to the Overlook Park. Roberta is working on that. Report from Becky is that the property owner with the trailers next door wants $150,000 for the two lots. Thought is that it is too high. We will table the discussion on this subject.

5. We decided that we need a plan for the properties in order to seek grant funding. We need to make a visual drawing for park to be built. If property is obtained need to have an idea what it will look like. We may need an appraisal of the property.

Property Ideas

Festivals and Parking, Picnic areas, Landscaping, ,Fencing?, It will hook into the Over Look Park, Possibly a place to dock canoes and kayaks. It will need maintenance.

Motion: Mimi moved to table the discussion to the next meeting Dick seconded. The motion passed.

6. We were all in agreement to leave the letterhead designs as they are.

Motion: Mimi moved to table the discussion on the letterhead until the time we need new stationary printed. Dick seconded the motion. The motion passed.

7. Gary said he would be glad to pick up trash along the road as he walks. We thanked him and will refer to the office.

Adjournment and next meeting May 19, 2010 7:00 Pm

Minutes submitted by Roberta Dalbeck

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Water Quality Committee

Report ~ R Koehler April 8th 2010

The Water Quality Committee discussed the upcoming 2010-2011 budget needs. Our budget will come in less than last year as the water testers have developed greater organization. An economical microscope is one necessary addition.

“Planting Islands” for Siltcoos Lake were discussed. These islands draw phosphorus from the lake during the growth period.

Other methods of limiting plant growth were Bio mats installed in a small portion of Siltcoos Lake near Councilor Jamie Mills dock. The area around the dock is covered with vegetation and boat travel is restricted. Both the planting Islands and mats are not included in our next budget. Rich Miller, from Portland State University, noted the phosphorus is the main problem in our lakes, especially Siltcoos Lake. The WQC determined that in order to solve the problem the sediment and the nutrients need to be reduced.

John Stead was once again asked to talk about Dunes City water rights to bring the committee up to date on the issues with the Water Resources Department over the past several years. These issues were discussed at the Water Rights Workshop yesterday, April 7th, at the Dunes City Council workshop.

The Water Quality Committee tries to stay in contact with others in the state that have similar experiences with water quality, and county and state methods of involvement.

We will be reviewing our past meetings with ODOT in order to limit traffic based hazards to drinking water.

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planning department report

Report Date: March 31, 2010

Staff: Lisa Ekelund, Planning Secretary


In the Month of March, Dunes City issued 20 permits.

At the last Planning Commission meeting, the Commissioners discussed the code audit recommendations received from Planning Consultant, Larry Lewis. The Planning Commission will hold a special work session to review the remainder of the Planning Consultant's document on April 6, 2010 at 1:00 p.m.

On March 9th, Mr. Gerald Wasserburg was voted in as the CCI Stormwater Workgroup Chairman. The Workgroup had meetings on March 16th, and March 30th. All of the Workgroup members are working hard and they are making progress.

The next regular session of the Planning Commission is scheduled for April 22, 2010 at 6:00 p.m. where they will hold a public hearing for a conditional-use-permit application received from Mr. Greg Atkeson. This application is a request that the property owner be allowed to continue the use of an existing gazebo, which was constructed by the prior property owner(s).

Additionally, I spoke to Mr. Wilbur Ternyik regarding the re-vegetation of the Atkeson property along the shoreline of Woahink Creek. Mr. Ternyik stated that all of the planting is complete and the fencing has been removed as ordered.





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