Dunes City Council


February  11, 2010 - 7:00 pm

Printable file

 City Hall - 82877 Spruce St. , Westlake , OR 97439

1. Call to Order and Roll Call

Mayor Eric Hauptman called the meeting of the Dunes City Council to order at 7:02 p.m.

2. Roll call.

Roll Call was taken by Dunes City Recorder, Amy Graham.

Present: Mayor Eric Hauptman, Council President Peter Howison, Councilor Richard Koehler, Councilor Jamie Mills, Councilor Susie Navetta, Councilor Robert Quandt, Councilor Rebecca Ruede.

Absent: None.

Also Present: Dunes City Recorder Amy Graham, Planning Secretary Lisa Ekelund, Planning Chairman David Bellemore, and 7 individuals.

3. Pledge of Allegiance.

All who were present stood for the Pledge of Allegiance.


4. Approval of the consent agenda

· Motion to approve the consent agenda

Councilor Howison said at the last meeting he was asked to go to the Revenue Committee in regards to the Business License Ordinance. Councilor Howison requested that the Council place this topic under unscheduled items on the agenda.

Councilor Howison moved they (the Council) approve to put under unscheduled items a discussion of the proposed Business License Ordinance. Councilor Quandt seconded the motion. The motion passed by unanimous vote.


Councilor Quant made the motion to approve the consent agenda as amended. Councilor Howison seconded the motion. The motion passed by unanimous vote.

Councilor Navetta requested the minutes of the 14th, the minutes of the 19th, and the bills of the session is pulled from the consent agenda.

Councilor Howison made the motion to approve the consent agenda excluding the minutes of 1/14/10, the minutes of the 01/19/10, and the bills of the session.

Mayor Hauptman dropped the consent agenda down to item number 11.

Councilor Mills seconded the motion made by Councilor Howison and Councilor Mills said to clarify it would mean approving the minutes January 21st, 25th, and the receipts of the session. The motion passed by unanimous vote.

5. Announcements and correspondence

Mayor Hauptman said he had no announcements and asked if any of the Councilors had announcements to make.

The Council had no announcements.

6. Citizens input on unscheduled items

Mayor Hauptman asked the City Recorder if anyone signed the list for citizen input and the City Recorder said no one had signed the list to speak.

7. Mayor's report

Mayor Hauptman announced that he went to a Mayor's roundtable in Veneta. The Mayor said it was interesting and the meeting essentially had Mayor's attend from other areas in Lane County. The Mayor said there was a lot of concern expressed about the 2010 Census, worry was of the accuracy of the Census, and they encourage all citizens to be cooperative with it.

Councilor Mills said the Census sends their mailings to the home address but not to the Post Office boxes. Councilor Mills said this is vitally important for the Census to be accurate.

Mayor Hauptman said he and Councilor Quandt attended the ACT (Area Commission of Transportation) meeting. The Mayor said Dunes City does not have a State Highway that runs through the City. The Mayor said they might have Florence represent Dunes City. The Mayor said they would meet again in April.

8. Committee / Commission reports

· The Community Center Chairperson gave a verbal report of the Community Center.

· The Communication and Education Committee Chairperson gave a verbal report of the Communication and Education Committee.

· A written Conservation Committee report was received from the Conservation Committee Chairperson and placed on file.

· A written Parks and Recreation Commission report was received from the Parks and Recreation Commission Chairperson and placed on file.

Councilor Ruede asked for the approval from the Council to pursue the possibilities of purchasing the property adjacent to City Hall.

Mayor Hauptman asked if Councilor Ruede had any information on the asking price.

Councilor Ruede said she did not have the information on the asking price because Parks and Recreation Commission were waiting for approval from the Council.

Councilor Howison asked if this is the Beers property.

Councilor Ruede said she believes it is.

Councilor Howison said that about 4 years ago there was discussion about this. Councilor Howison gave a brief history of the property and the City's past attempts to acquire it.

Councilor Quandt said he thinks it sounds like a great idea. Councilor Quandt said it would include searching for a grant and he would be in favor of it.

Councilor Quandt made the motion that the Parks and Recreation Committee is authorized to explore the opportunity of the possible acquisition of a property next to City Hall. Councilor Mills seconded the motion. The motion passed by unanimous vote.

· The draft minutes of the Parks and Recreation Commission was received from the Parks and Recreation Commission Chairperson and placed on file.

· A written Road Commission report was received from the Road Commission Chairperson and placed on file.

The Council had a brief discussion on water run off on the road and the filtration of that water.

Councilor Quandt spoke of the ACT and that they are still deciding if Dunes City should participate.

Councilor Koehler stated that Highway 101 does affect Dunes City and water quality.

Councilor Mills made the point that Canary Road belongs to the County.

Mayor Hauptman said they need someone to go to these meetings every couple of months. The Mayor said they want "shovel ready projects" with plans and specs. The Mayor said they would get in line and down the road it would be negotiated who is allowed to follow through with their plan.

· The draft minutes of the Road Commission was received from the Road Secretary and placed on file.

· A written report of the Stormwater Ordinance Work Group was received from the Stormwater task group Chairperson and placed on file.

· A written report of the Site Review Committee was received from the Site Review Committee Chairperson and placed on file.

· A written report of the Revenue Committee was received from the Revenue Committee Chairperson and placed on file.

· A written report of the Ordinance Committee was received from the Ordinance Committee Chairperson and placed on file.

· A written report of the Water Quality Committee was received from the Water Quality Committee Chairperson and placed on file.

· The draft minutes of the Water Quality Committee was received from the Water Quality Committee Chairperson and placed on file.

· A written report of the Planning Department was received from the Planning Secretary and placed on file.

· The draft minutes of the Planning Commission was received from the Planning Secretary and placed on file.


9. Unfinished / Old business

· Discussion on Water Resource Committee and Ordinance Number 197 replacing Resolution Number 5-12-06(A) and continuing the Water Quality Control Committee

Mayor Hauptman said he originally was going to propose that they form a new committee but the ordinance states that it should focus on water quality and quantity. Mayor Hauptman said this is important and it should not be too demanding if they stay on top of it. Mayor Hauptman said the permit would expire October 1, 2012.

Councilor Koehler said the Water Quality Committee is the Water Quality Committee, there are additions in the Ordinance that indicate quantity but it doesn't take create the total absorption of the time that the Committee would take in order to do something similar to what is in front of the Council now. Councilor Koehler said this particular extension of time water right permit is for the storage right for something that is new. Councilor Koehler said currently they (the City) have our own water permit for the City and this is something of an extension that would increase the level of the lake six inches. Councilor Koehler said for what reason he asks the Council.

Councilor Quandt said one of the things that brought up the subject is that they do not have anyone charged with answering these questions. Councilor Quandt suggested the Committee examine that water related matter and report back to the Council with some kind of opinion.

Councilor Koehler said they would report back to the Council in fact it sounds like a great idea. Councilor Koehler said what they (the Water Quality Committee) will look it over and tell the Council exactly what it is that this is good for and what it is that is going to benefit all of the Citizens of Dunes City, not just a few. Councilor Koehler said it is important to realize that the Water Quality Committee has been working on this in part throughout the years. Councilor Koehler said there is one particular member that has all the knowledge in the world and he is part of the Water Quality Committee and the Committee appreciates Mr. John Stead. Councilor Koehler said the issues are also, if they were to take this on in ordinance style, the City would also have to take on data management for what is being taken part of being the charge of the office and that is meter readings and creating a need for other people that are on the pike, to actually pay into the system. Councilor Koehler said this permit is kind of candy to what the City already has. Councilor Koehler said he does not know if the City needs the frosting but that is something that the Water Quality Committee will look at and give the Council the report by next month but the important thing to realize is that they have been working on this, nothing has to be changed, the danger in doing too much with this quantity issue is that the City can get wrapped up in political issues.

Councilor Howison asked if Fred Hilden (the Administrative Assistant) filled out the application that they are discussing. Councilor Howison said the City has 3 separate water rights but clearly as a water right, who knows the City may need it in the future. Councilor Howison maybe it would be better to go if in the future it could cause more harm then good. Councilor Howison said if the staff could fill the application out, is this not a more reliable way to proceed, to make sure that the City's water rights are completed by staff to make sure that the City meets the deadlines as opposed to depending on volunteers.

Councilor Quandt agreed as far as filling out the application for the water rights but the larger issue is the Weir and all of the issues related to this. Councilor Quandt said the big issue is that who is producing the report on the benefit and cost of a possible Weir. Councilor Quandt said nobody owns this project and we need to have some information generated on the subject. Councilor Quandt said it appears to be in the charge of the Water Quality Committee and Councilor Koehler's Committee seems to have some pretty strong opinions on that. Councilor Quandt said he would like to see the Committee's opinions on paper.

The City Recorder said she would like to recommend that Councilor Koehler speak with Fred (the Administrative Assistant) before the next Water Quality Committee meeting.

Councilor Ruede said does not know many of the details on this and she would appreciate a written report on a historical narrative. Councilor Ruede said she would like to see a document that gives an overall comprehensive background narrative on the importance of this matter.

Councilor Koehler said he agrees with Councilor Ruede and he will provide that bullet point information by the next meeting.

Councilor Mills said she would like to remind Councilor Koehler that the State has designated Woahink Lake as the regional water source and not Siltcoos Lake so if Siltcoos goes bad the City, under State law are supposed to look to Woahink Lake to serve the residents of Dunes City. Councilor Mills said protecting the ability to do this in the future benefits all of Dunes City. Councilor Mills said it is like a safety net and she agrees with Councilor Ruede that the risk exists.

Councilor Quandt said he has read a lot of paperwork speaking to the Weir. Councilor Quandt said what he has read indicates historically what people have done and attempted to do regarding the Weir. Councilor Quandt said he has not been able to find anywhere where they pursued putting the responsibility onto the State. He would suggest they convince the State that it is actively their responsibility now.

The City Recorder said John Stead has signed up to speak on the water rights as part of citizens input on the agenda.

Mayor Hauptman said they would allow John Stead to speak after the Council is done with the discussion.

Councilor Koehler said they have been diligently working with the State and the County over the years. Councilor Koehler said they are currently trying to get an intergovernmental agreement with Lane County. Councilor Koehler said that hopefully by discussion and by conclusion they can reach a consensus to see how viable it is to go ahead with the project.

John Stead 83505 South Cove Way

Mr. John Stead said he serves on the Water Quality Committee and he has served on the Revenue Committee since its conception. Mr. Stead said water from Woahink Creek could be diverted to storage from October 1 to July 31. Mr. Stead said that before the Water Quality Committee got involved under the leadership of the City Mayor they wanted to confirm that the City would own and have access to the Weir. Mr. Stead said there was a lot of discussion on what they can and cannot do. Mr. Stead said this is a permit to store water, not to use water. Mr. Stead said the permit is of no value unless the City can use the water that it is storing.

Councilor Ruede asked Mr. Stead why he thought it was unlikely the City would gain ownership of the Weir.

Mr. Stead said the State says they (the State) do not own it. Mr. Stead said the quitclaim deed says nothing except that the State was giving the City right to access water. Mr. Stead said the deed does not mention one word about the Weir.

Councilor Quandt said this is exactly why he wanted to attempt to pursue the State to take over responsibility. Councilor Quandt said an argument could be made that the Weir is on State land and he is reluctant to take on the responsibility.

Councilor Mills said when this was dumped on her, the quitclaim deed topic came up. Councilor Mills said there was misunderstanding between lot two and parcel two. Councilor Mills said she spoke to the Governors office. Councilor Mills said the official opinion came back that the State owns the original bed and banks of Woahink Creek and because it was moved, they do not own the new location. Councilor Mills said the State owns the old location.

Councilor Ruede said she remembers getting that email and she also recalls Dr. Anderson came to the City with some kind of agreement and he wanted the City to take the Weir. Councilor Ruede said she thinks this merits some conversation.

Councilor Koehler suggested that perhaps Mr. Stead could elaborate on what happens when a new creek goes in and it becomes a class "F" stream.

Mr. Stead said because the Oregon Division of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) says it is a class "1" salmon bearing stream for spawning fish and wildlife and they urged the Water Resources Department to get an in-stream water right for the creek, which they did. Mr. Stead said ODFW suggested what minimum flows might be for some of the months but not for all of the month and the Water Resources Department filled in the rest of the month. Mr. Stead said that in-stream water right is for the entire Creek and one of the interesting things about that in-stream water right is that it does not specify a point in the mile and a half long Creek that the flows have to be met. Mr. Stead said in other words, if Dunes City were to take this on and allow the flows to be 1.5 cfs during the summer time. Mr. Stead said to imagine the other end of the Creek. Mr. Stead by the time it got to the other end, it is possible that there would not be enough water. Mr. Stead asked who is accountable for that and answered that Dunes City is accountable because Dunes City would say that they would meet that set standard and they are going to meet it by augmenting Creek flows.

Councilor Quandt said he is aware in some of these instances where creeks have moved from their original positions but the process seems to be that it is still owned by the State until the property owner get it certified that it has been moved and is no longer public water. Councilor Quandt said with what Mr. Stead was saying about the navigable waterways, even if it were private property, the waterway where the Weir is would still be navigable and be subject to state authority.

Councilor Mills said navigable water is a Federal law.

Councilor Quandt said this is a complicated issue but he is thinking that some of these things need to be explored that do not require the City to spend the money.

Councilor Koehler said this was part of the charge of the Water Quality Committee as a suggestion in his (Councilor Koehler's) report to look into talking to the Honeyman State Park as well as Lane County and a whole bunch of other people so they can all work together.

Councilor Quandt said on Councilor Ruede's point, he (Councilor Quandt) remembers when Mr. Anderson came in to give up his interest in the Weir and the main stumbling point was Mr. Anderson was not going to give access to the Weir.

Mayor Hauptman explained Mr. Anderson said he would allow a one time fix it access across the property and the rest of the Weir would be fixed off the Lake, which is not practical.

Mr. Stead said that what Mayor Hauptman is saying this correct.

Councilor Mills said as she understands it, there was a one-time agreement to make the repairs, which was already done, the repairs had already been made, but there are additional repairs to be made. Councilor Mills said those plans have been finalized and submitted to the State and the other thing was, Mr. Anderson said if the City needed additional access across the property, all the City had to do is give Mr. Anderson notice.

Mr. George Burke spoke from the audience saying the agreement calls for a maintenance easement. Mr. Burke said Mr. Anderson has granted that maintenance easement, it has been surveyed and the documents are in the City's hands. Mr. Burke said it does not give easement across the property it is just a 20' easement around the Weir. Mr. Burke said all Mr. Anderson requests is the people notify him in advance, that the City notifies him when they will be on his property.

Councilor Quandt said he was speaking of the access to the Weir. Councilor Quandt said the City could not assume that if a property changes hands the new owners will give the informal agreement. Councilor Quandt said they need a formal way to access the Weir.

Councilor Howison said the Council is having a discussion under item number eight which is a discussion of Ordinance 197, replacing resolution 5-12-06(A) and continuing the Water Quality Control Committee.

Councilor made a motion to go back to the agenda item and Councilor Quandt seconded the motion.

Mayor Hauptman said this is not an action item; the determination was basically that the Water Quality Committee has the responsibility of water quantity, it is in the ordinance that established it and Mayor Hauptman said this topic was just to make everyone aware of it.

10. New business

· Committee and Commission appointments (Revenue Committee (x1), Site Review Committee (x1), and Communication and Education Committee (x1))

The City Recorder said there were no applicants.

· Ordinance Number 187 and 191 (clarification of conflicting ordinances)

Mayor Hauptman said one of the charges he gave the City Recorder is to go through and see what ordinances we have, dig through them, and clean them up. The Mayor said the City has in essence the same ordinances numbered 187 and 191, which were both passed and they are conflicting. The City Attorney said 3 members of the commission could not constitute a quorum

Councilor Howison asked if that was a State law.

Amy Graham answered Councilor Howison saying yes, State law indicates that it needs to be the majority of members, it would have to be 4 not 3 to constitute a quorum.

Councilor Howison said it is unfortunate that the previous lawyer wrote this.

Councilor Mills said another difference between the two is the Chairperson part.

Councilor Quandt made the motion to direct the staff to remove the inconsistencies and prepare an ordinance that repeals and replaces Ordinance 187 and repeals and replaces Ordinance 191. Councilor Howison second the motion. The motion passed by unanimous vote.

Mayor Hauptman announced that the Council would have a work session next Tuesday the 16th at 6 p.m. and that the public is invited. The Mayor said they are just scratching the surface on contradictory ordinances.

· Discussion on incorporating the Comprehensive Plan into Chapter 155

Mayor Hauptman explained that there are some holes in the code. The Mayor said the Planning Consultant, Larry Lewis has been working on this project and the City has received his input. The Mayor said the City has the reputation of being anti-development and this is not true. The Mayor said the City is just starting to enforce what is on the books. The Mayor said the City owes property owners a clear set of guidelines. The Mayor said he would like a recommendation also from the Planning Commission.

11. Unscheduled itmes not listed on the agenda

Councilor Howison said after a very useful meeting with the Revenue Committee, it is his opinion that they need to limit this business license ordinance to just a few professions. Councilor Howison said a blanket business license is not practical

Councilor Quandt said he thinks it is a good idea to limit the ordinance and the license is cheap. Councilor Quandt said this is not a moneymaker but rather, it is protection for the citizens.

Councilor Mills questioned how they would handle the Home Depot's of the world because they do come in and work in Dunes City.

Councilor Ruede said she would like o go on record that she is not in favor of a business license in Dunes City.

Councilor Mills said she does not see many changes at this point and asked what the City would do with the little kid mowing the lawns.

Mayor Hauptman said it should list specific businesses with the option to add more in the future.

Tracy Quandt spoke from the audience as a member of the Revenue Committee, stating that she is not clear on the direction.

Mayor Hauptman clarified stating that business categories can later be added by resolution.

Mayor Hauptman spoke in regards to the consent agenda items that were of question. The Mayor if you (the Councilors) have input, you have a week with your packet to go through it and let staff know what changes you would like.

Councilor Navetta said on the minutes of 1/14 on page 6 talking about the piano, she would like to add an adjective that the piano is failing or aging piano plus Councilor Navetta wanted to clarify that she asked the City to return money that Mr. Kelly gave to the City for the repair of the piano.

Councilor Mills said on the minutes of 1/14, there are some minor typographical errors and she (Councilor Mills) submitted those corrections to Amy Graham.

Amy Graham pointed out that Councilor Mills submitted her typographical corrections after 4 o'clock this same day.

Councilor Navetta said on the minutes of 1/19 on page 14 she would like the comment added that the Mayor asked each Councilor if they wanted to make a comment.

Councilor Koehler requested to change to all future minutes so that they do not include dunes city.com/minutes because there has been no inclusion of the date that these were approved. Councilor Koehler asked that the minutes also state that there is a signed copy in the office.

Lisa Ekelund (the Planning Secretary) spoke to the Council to inform them that once she is finished typing the pre-draft minutes, they are forwarded to the City Recorder. Lisa said after the minutes are forwarded to the City Recorder, they are no longer in her (Lisa's) hands and she (Lisa) does not have any further involvement with the document.

Amy Graham said she added to the bills of the session to include Mr. Kelly's refund of $25 that he gave the City for the piano repair.

Councilor Navetta questioned what is Archtype Consultants for $760 dollars.

Councilor Quandt said it is the Director of Roads, Gary Baker.

Councilor Navetta asked, "When did we get him?"

Councilor Quandt said the Council has been involved for over a year now, we (the Council) did his job description.

Mayor Hauptman said it is in the budget.

Councilor Navetta said we (the Council) never decided how much we would pay him (Gary Baker).

Councilor Quandt this was part of the budget.

Councilor Navetta said she has a resolution that was never signed.

Councilor Quandt yes we (the Council) did pass the job description.


Councilor Howison asked if Councilor Quandt could you explain how this person is paid.

Councilor Quandt said he is a contractor.

Councilor Howison asked if he (Gary Baker) gets paid per hour.

Councilor Mills said they passed the job description at the August 13th meeting but she recalls discussion. Councilor Mills said she does not mind passing the job description but she would want to see contract before it goes out. Councilor Mills said she would like a legal opinion from the City Attorney in writing.

Mayor Hauptman said they could talk to the City Attorney at the Tuesday work session. The Mayor said there is a certain common sense to give staff latitude to make decisions.

Councilor Mills said her concern is as an elected official there is a trust responsibility.

Mayor Hauptman asked what other questions Councilor Mills has.

Councilor Mills said the only other question she has is on the same issue. Councilor Mills said the other item is the hiring of the meter reader because it is a contractor. Councilor Mills asked who has the authority to enter into contracts for the City.

Councilor Koehler moved that they strike the payment for Archtype Consultants until the Council gets an adequate description of the contract that came before the Council on the 13th of August. Navetta seconded the motion.

Councilor Quandt said they never questioned the Inspector of Roads bills with no contract where someone did nothing.

Councilor Mills said because the billed amount is under $1,000 she is in favor of approving the payment.

Councilor Koehler said this is an issue about process and in August, the whole discussion of the Road Director stopped. Councilor Koehler said all of a sudden from that point until now it started again but not under the umbrella of the Council. Councilor Koehler said if he was to do the Water Resources Department and he decided he wanted to contract out without approval of the Council he would be in grave error of the process.

Councilor Howison in that light that they should reprimand Councilor Quandt but not refuse to pay Archtype Consultants.

Mayor Hauptman directed Amy Graham to send the Road Director contract to the Councilors.

The motion Councilor Koehler made to strike the payment for Archtype Consultants until the Council gets an adequate description of the contract that came before the Council on the 13th of August tied by a vote of 3 ayes and 3 nays with Councilor Quandt, Councilor Howison, and Councilor Ruede voting nay. Mayor Hauptman broke the tie by voting nay. The motion failed.

Councilor Howison made the motion to pay the bills of the session, approve the minutes as amended on 1/14/10 and approve the minutes as amended on 1/19/10. Councilor Mills seconded motion. The motion passed by vote of 4 ayes and 2 nays with Councilor Navetta and Councilor Koehler voting nay.

Councilor Quandt said he would like to make one more point about the Director of Roads. Councilor Quandt said there something in the receipts of the session that this particular Director of the Roads had a big part in procuring for the City. Councilor Quandt said this is a total of $94,000.

Councilor Ruede said she would like to make a comment and this is just her personal opinion. Councilor Ruede said she wants to just say she respects every volunteer that has ever volunteered to serve the City in the capacity of Mayor, Councilor, Roads Person, and Commissioners. Councilor Ruede said she wants to get over the fact that they on occasion perhaps in error, make remarks towards citizens that have served the City in the past and it bothers her that these volunteers may be thinking they don't appreciate what they have done. Councilor Ruede said we might in the future be looked upon as a train wreck. Councilor Ruede said she does the best she can. Councilor Ruede said she is very passionate when people make remarks that are not favorable towards volunteers of the past and she would like to thank all of the volunteers.

Councilor Navetta would like to suggest they send on the intergovernmental agreement to Lane County and see what becomes of it.

Mayor Hauptman said the City Attorney advised that the intergovernmental agreement would not work in the state that it is in. The Mayor said it is a bilateral contract and that (County and City) the County has to approve the language and agree to it. The Mayor said the County is not compelled to do it by law at this point.

Amy Graham said when she originally sent it to the City Attorney; he said there is a process and asked if we contacted Lane County. Amy said there is a format you have to follow. Amy said most cities have their attorney write all ordinances and resolutions. Amy said the City Attorney highly recommends that he write the intergovernmental agreement.

12. Adjournment

There being no further business to come before the City Council,

Councilor Ruede made the motion to adjourn the meeting and Councilor Quandt seconded. The motion passed by vote of 5 ayes and 1 nay with Councilor Navetta voting nay.

The Mayor adjourned the meeting of the Dunes City Council at 9:41 p.m.

The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Dunes City Council is to be held on March 11, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.

The next scheduled meeting of the Dunes City council is to be on 03/11/2010 at 7:00 p.m.

The proceedings of the Dunes City Council meeting were recorded on tape, and are on file at City Hall. The complete minutes of this meeting is on file at City Hall. Upon approval by the Council, these minutes will be available online at www.dunescity.com


Signed copy available at City Hall

Eric Hauptman, Mayor




Signed copy available at City Hall

Amy Graham, City Recorder


==================== reports ====================


The Conservation Committee

Peter Howison



The Conservation Committee does not meet until February 11, the day of the next Council meeting. We presented a report to the Planning Commission on January 28 regarding recommendations responding to a vegetation removal permit. We have site reviews scheduled on February 3 & 11. At our Feb. 11 meeting we will be discussing further educational materials to follow up our most recent postcard which received mostly positive responses.

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Parks & Recreation Commission

Report February 3, 2010

Rebecca Ruede, Chairperson

The Commission met on January 21, 2010. We have been working diligently on the signs project. We have the basic concept finalized and are fine tuning the coloring.

There was discussion regarding a granting opportunity that could be used for Parks and Recreation and the commission voted unanimously to bring before the council a project that we think merits pursuing.

There is property next door to city hall that is currently for sale and we would like approval from the council to pursue the possibilities of purchase. We feel that this could provide a much needed expansion of city property that could include parking and perhaps a picnic related area next to our existing Overlook Park. It could also be used in conjunction with our Festival of the Lakes event in late summer.


Parks & Recreation Commission Minutes

January 21,2010 

Rebecca Ruede called the meeting to order at 7:15

Attending: Rebecca Ruede, Mimi Tizzard, Roberta Dalbeck, Richard Anderson

 Not in attendance- Gary Lapping, excused.


Approved minutes from December 9,2009

Richard Anderson moved approval of minutes, Mimi Tizzard seconded. The motion passed unanimous.


1. Sign design and color were discussed-talked about reflective paint and lighting for the sign. The colors were discussed and the darker colors were preferred. Red lettering with darker outline.

2. Photo of kayak on lake to be taken by Rebecca. The kiosk will highlight trails, talk about our wild life, duck hunting and fishing and including all of the lakes in this area.  Roberta is going to find out about the history of our area at the museum so we may be able to incorporate it in the kiosk.

3. Sign will be finished after we give order in bout 2 weeks and installed. 

4. There was discussion about grants available for the parks and recreation department. There was discussion about exploring the possibility of purchase of property across from City Hall. Richard Anderson thought it could be of use for Counsel parking and Parks and Recreation and the Festival of the lakes. The man does want to sell and he said he had talked to Mr. Peterson before.  I, Roberta also had talked to him and that was last year, at that time he said he would take the money in what ever way we could pay. I never approached him at that time about price. His phone number if I wrote it correct is 541-756-3623.

Action: Dick Anderson moved to ask the council for approval to explore further the purchase of the property across the street from Dunes City Hall. Mimi Tizzard seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion passed.

Rebecca stated that she would put it in her report and try to get it on the agenda for the next council meeting in February.

The meeting was adjourned at 8 pm.

Next meeting February 18, 2010

Roberta Dalbeck

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February 10thth 2010 Report to Council

The Road Commission has begun putting together its proposed road maintenance projects for 2010. Last year we concentrated on the rather large backlog of road repair projects. There was also a large preventative maintenance program as well. This year we want to take care of the few remaining reconstruction projects and continue our preventative maintenance program.

This year as a part of our preventative maintenance, we want to improve areas along our streets that have drainage issues. Obviously there are many. We have identified many of these possible improvements around the City. The public can help us identify more drainage problems as well. We are looking for standing water on the pavement surface. Standing water degrades pavement. We are also looking in to adding some ditches to roads that could benefit from them. If you know about one of these drainage issues on your street, call City Hall and make sure it’s on our options list.

Many of these drainage issues were not addressed when the roads were built so we now have drainage problems built into the road system. Some of them are hard to fix at this point. Think of Cloud Nine. There are also many easy to fix drainage problems that we should be taking care of, and with your help we are collecting that information now. If we can address some of these drainage problems now, we can extend the life of the pavement surfaces. Again a small amount of preventative maintenance now can relieve us of having to pay for costly reconstruction projects later.

The Road Commission is also working on adding definition to some of Dunes City’s road related ordinances. Chapter 90 deals with the Road Right of Way and we are attempting to make improvements to it and add definition where it appears to be lacking. The Public is always welcome to give input in these discussions at the monthly Road Commission meetings. Once we identify the missing components of chapter 90 we will put together a recommendation from the Road Commission to the City Council on how we believe this ordinance should be changed. The Council will decide what it wants to do with it from there.

We are also working more road related subjects, but I will spare you my babble and invite you to pick it up at the monthly Road Commission meetings. If you have any questions, just call City Hall and ask. If you have identified a possible drainage improvement, please call and check to see if it’s on our list. Thank you.

Robert Quandt   Roads Commission Chair


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February 10th 2010 Report to Council


The Storm Water Ordinance Workgroup met last on the 25th of January. We are working on developing storm water provisions for the individual categories of development. These categories include; improvements to properties one acre and under, new construction on properties one acre and under, Subdivisions and land partitions over an acre. There are more sub units as well but the point is, each of these categories requires different methods of addressing the same goals. Provisions for each category need to be created separately. Simple is better but creating something simple is not a simple task. We are continuing to work on concepts and language for these sub units and we’ll keep you informed as we go.

Robert Quandt/Stormwater task group Chair

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January, 2010

The Site Review Committee did not meet in January, although we did receive an anonymous complaint about a tenant in a property that, from personal inspection, now appears to be uninhabited. Consequently, the allegations made are either unfounded, or have been resolved.

Respectfully submitted this 2nd day of February, 2010. Jamie Mills, Chairman

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January, 2010

The Revenue Committee and the Ordinance Committee met jointly on Wednesday, January 27, 2010, where we welcomed April Dumas to the revenue committee. The draft business license ordinance was reviewed section by section and numerous changes made. I will be preparing a revised draft of the business license ordinance for the joint committees’ consideration at our next meeting, which is scheduled for Wednesday, February 24th, at 3:00 p.m.

After discussion of the business license was finished, the ordinance committee members left and the revenue committee members continued to discuss the proposed ordinance to increase solid waste collection service license fees. I will be preparing a revised draft of the solid waste license fees ordinance for further review by the committee at our next meeting.

The committee also discussed various suggestions regarding community water systems, such as entering into a franchise agreement for public utilities that deliver water in the city, or the imposition of a privilege tax, or the adoption of some sort of license. I was asked to prepare a document that would outline the various options that are available to the City for future discussion by the committee.

Member Tracy Quandt reported that the second phase of American Recovery and Restoration Act funding for broadband opportunities had been announced. She indicated a webcast would be presented soon that may shed light on opportunities for Dunes City to develop a revenue stream through fiber optics.

Member John Stead handed out a copy of the City of Florence’s business license application form for the committee members’ information, since we may need to draft our own in the future.

Respectfully submitted this 2nd day of February, 2010. Jamie Mills, Chairman


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Water Quality Committee

Report  02-11-10

R. Koehler

The Water Quality Committee reviewed the talk in December by Rich Miller and other State agencies regarding our Blue Green Algae / Cynotoxins issue. We continue to scratch our heads as to why the state continues to drag its feet on water quality issues. Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is requesting that citizens; notice algal blooms, collect samples and pay to have them tested and report the results to the State. We have propped up our response with what little funds we by developing testing and emergency protocols as well as setting aside funds for emergency testing.

Gibbs Creek had a landslide during January releasing sediment into Lake Woahink. Old logging roads have been found to be a greater contributor to water quality damage by a factor of 20 than clear cuts.

Committee members hope to establish a ‘goals list’ along with a time-line of what we have worked on an accomplished over the years

We continue to work with the Siuslaw Watershed Council data to be included on the web.

The Outlook Control Structure and the council’s desire to have the WQC take on water quantity duties was discussed. It seems that the permit for water storage needs to be extended as it has expired. The committee tried to look at all aspects. Concerns rose about the time needed to take on this project. The committee will need to help write or review the new ordinance. The committee moved to know what issues they will be addressing by reviewing the new ordinance. Perhaps Honeyman State Park will become a partner with Dunes City as they use more water than Dunes City’s residents? Perhaps we need an intergovernmental agreement with the park.

I have been trying to contact a DNA lab to help us identify creek pollutants.

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planning department report

Report Date: February 2010

Staff: Lisa Ekelund, Planning Secretary


In the Month of January, I issued eight permits. I attended and took the minutes for five City Council meetings and I attended and took minutes for one Planning Commission meeting.


I have reviewed and updated the current US Census maps to reflect an accurate boundary, as there were two sections that were misrepresented. These maps have now been forwarded to the Road Secretary for update of the road names and locations.


I continue to perform the daily tasks concerning permitting applications, information requests, customer service, and additional support to staff as needed. A detailed bi-monthly planning staff report is available in the City Recorders office.


Total Monthly Permit Issuance _______________________________________________________________________________




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