1. Call to Order and Roll Call
Mayor Eric Hauptman called the Meeting of the Dunes City Council to
order at 1:01 PM Amy Graham, Dunes City Recorder, took roll call.
Present: Mayor Eric Hauptman, Councilor Susie
Councilor Robert Quandt, Councilor Richard Koehler, Councilor
Rebecca Ruede, and via telephone Councilor Jamie Mills.
Councilor Peter Howison was not present and excused
Others Present: City Recorder Amy Graham, 0 members of the community.
2. Pledge of Allegiance
The Mayor, city council, and city recorder joined in the Pledge of
The Mayor called for a recess at 1:03 PM to allow the city council to
go into executive session.
3. Executive Session
· The Council held an Executive Session meeting in
conformance with Oregon Revised Statutes 192.660 (2) (h), to consult
with legal counsel regarding litigation.
The Mayor closed executive session at 3:48 PM and called for a 10
minute recess.
Dunes City Council reconvened at 3:50 PM
4. Adjournment
Councilor Quandt made the motion to adjourn. The motion was seconded
by Councilor Ruede and passed after unanimous vote of 4 ayes and 0 nays.
The meeting adjourned at 3:51 PM