Dunes City Council


December 11, 2008 - 7:00 PM

Printable file

 City Hall – 82877 Spruce Street 97493


1. Call to Order and Roll Call

Mayor Eric Hauptman called the Dunes City Council Meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. Amy Graham, Dunes City Recorder, took roll call.

Present: Mayor Eric Hauptman, Councilor Susie Navetta, Councilor Robert Quandt, Councilor Richard Koehler, Councilor Peter Howison, Councilor Jerry Curran, and Councilor Bob Petersdorf

Others Present: City Recorder Amy Graham, Planning Secretary Lisa Ekelund, Administrative Assistant Laurale Lorentzen, and 20 members of the community.

2. Pledge of Allegiance

The Mayor, city councilors, office staff, and citizens present, joined in the Pledge of Allegiance.

3. Consent Agenda

A. City Council meeting minutes from 11/13/08 & Special Session 12/01/08

B. Bills of the Session through 12/11/08

Councilor Petersdorf questioned the attorney fees. Councilor Petersdorf questioned why there wasn't a breakdown.

Mayor Hauptman explained there was an itemized breakdown in the office that Councilor Petersdorf could examine. Mayor Hauptman handed Councilor Petersdorf a breakdown.

C. Receipts of the Session through 12/11/08

D. Revenue Expense Report

Councilor Howison made the motion to approve the consent agenda with the bills of the session held off. Councilor Navetta seconded and after unanimous vote, the motion passed.

The City Council discussed the bills of the session.

Councilor Howison moved that the city pay the bills of the session from 11/13/08 through 12/04/08. Councilor Petersdorf seconded and after unanimous vote, the motion passed.

4. Announcements / Correspondence

A. 2008 Election Results - Mayor Hauptman announced the final election results. The Mayor stated Rebecca Ruede and Jamie Mills will be seated in January. Councilor Quandt, Councilor Koehler, and Mayor Hauptman were re-elected and the changes are now official.

B. Siltcoos Dam Repairs - City Recorder, Amy Graham, announced that

International Paper will be replacing the gates to the dam on Siltcoos Lake. She said the gates will be open when the rains begin.

C. Festival of the Lights, 12/13/08 from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. – Mayor Hauptman

announced the Festival of the Lights celebration.

5. Citizen Input on Unscheduled Items

Darlene Beckman 82150 Booth Island

Mrs. Beckman read a letter to the Council. The letter Mrs. Beckman read was in regards to the appointment of committee members and the suggestion of waiting for the newly elected City Council members to participate in making the decision on the appointments.

Marvin Beckman 82150 Booth Island

Mr. Beckman stated he respects the knowledge of the Planning Commission. Mr. Beckman said it would be a disservice to the City if the most knowledgeable candidates were not selected by the City Council.

6. Reports

A. Mayor’s report from Mayor Hauptman – Mayor Hauptman stated he had

no report for the month.

B. Community Center/CCI report from Councilor Howison – Councilor

Howison stated he had no report for the month.

C. Conservation Committee report from Councilor Curran – Councilor Curran stated he submitted a written report.

D. Parks and Recreation Committee report from Councilor Quandt – Councilor Quandt stated he had no report for the month and announced the next meeting for the Parks and Recreation Committee to be on 01/13/09 7:00 p.m. at City Hall.

E. Site Review Committee / Grants / Police report from Councilor Navetta --

Councilor Navetta stated she had no report for the month.

F. WCC / Communication & Education report from Councilor Koehler –

Councilor Koehler summarized the contents of his report which was also submitted in writing.

G. Road Commission report from Councilor Petersdorf - Councilor Petersdorf summarized the contents of his report which was also submitted in writing. The City Council asked various questions which were answered by Councilor Petersdorf.

H. Planning Commission report from Planning Secretary, Lisa Ekelund – Lisa Ekelund summarized the contents of her report which is also submitted in writing.

7. Unfinished /Old Business

A. Engineering Contract

Councilor Petersdorf stated he had three attorneys read the engineering contract. Councilor Petersdorf stated he didn't believe the City should pay for food or lodging if the engineers need to travel. Councilor Petersdorf also expressed he doesn't feel the engineers need to be defended by the City if the engineers make a mistake. Councilor Petersdorf stated the engineers should give the roads inspector several days of time to gain familiarity with the City's roads system.

Councilor Navetta agreed with Councilor Petersdorf about travel reimbursement stating the reason being is because the engineer is located only 1 hour away.

Mayor Hauptman suggested the contract to be reviewed by the City's attorney.

Councilor Quandt asked if the decision for the engineers to spend the night could be made on a case-by-case basis by the City.

Councilor Curran said he thought the City's attorney should review the contract.

Councilor Quandt made the motion to have the City Attorney evaluate the contract for engineering, to review and recommend changes to protect the City. Councilor Petersdorf seconded and after a unanimous vote, the motion passed.

B. Atkeson tax lot # 19-12-27-40-02200

Councilor Curran summarized the written report that was presented to the Council regarding this property.

City Recorder, Amy Graham stated she had spoken to Mr. Atkeson's attorney and Mr. Atkeson is willing to work with the City.

Councilor Koehler expressed the need for an inter-governmental agreement.

Councilor Navetta handed Mayor Hauptman Ordinance No. 188 and said the City should do some research on it.

The Council discussed possible inter-governmental agreements with Lane County.

Councilor Koehler suggested the new City Council start fresh with a work session to discuss the issues and desires of the City.

Councilor Curran read the written discussion that Conservation Committee member Cynthia Chandler had with Katrinka Knox regarding septic approval.

8. New Business

A. Rodney May Appeal

Bud Carlow 4914 Mitchell Loop representing his son Rodney May 5568 Woahink Drive.

Mr. Carlow gave background as to ownership of the property in question. Mr. Carlow stated the plans Mr. May has in order to clean up the property. Mr. Carlow submitted photographs to the Council and asked the Council to reconsider the requirement to remove the logs in the roads right-of-way. Mr. Carlow stated he believes there is plenty of room to maneuver vehicles and he offered to show anyone in person how to avoid them.

Councilor Howison stated not everyone is an experienced driver and may not be able to maneuver around the logs. Councilor Howison asked if the logs would be difficult to remove.

Mr. Carlow said the logs are only about 4" deep and it wouldn't be a problem to remove them.

Councilor Navetta stated the point is not whether or not people can get around the poles, but rather, the issue is that the poles are a violation because they are in the City's roads right-of-way. Councilor Navetta pointed out the various other violations on the property.

Mr. Carlow explained that the structural violations are in process of being corrected and Mr. May has requested an extension from The Building Department to allow more time to correct the situation.

Mayor Hauptman thanked Mr. Carlow for speaking.

Councilor Navetta made the motion to have Mr. Carlow or his son remove the poles in the City's right-of-way immediately and Councilor Curran seconded.

Councilor Quandt stated because of the length of time for the appeals process and that the neighbor submitting the complaint will not be putting in his mobile home for a year, the City should allow 45 days for removal.

Councilor Howison made the motion to amend the motion to allow the applicant 45 days from the date of this meeting to remove the poles from the City's right-of way. Councilor Curran seconded the amendment. After a vote of 5 ayes with Councilor Navetta nay, the motion passed.

After unanimous vote for the amended motion originally presented by Councilor Navetta, the motion passed.

B. Commission and Budget Committee appointments

Councilor Petersdorf stated he believed the new council should be part of the decision making. Councilor Petersdorf proposed tabling the appointments.

Mayor Hauptman stated the plan was to not appoint anyone on committees other than the Budget Committee because the new council will be on committees other than those on the current agenda. Mayor Hauptman stated they will be able to take part on those choices.

Councilor Petersdorf made the motion to appoint Fred Hilden, Janet Carroll, and Robert Read to fill the vacancies on the Budget Committee. Councilor Howison seconded the motion and after unanimous vote, the motion passed.

The Council reviewed the applications for the Road Commission and the Planning Commission. There are 2 seats open for both the Road Commission and the Planning Commission.

Councilor Petersdorf moved to table the appointments of the Planning Commission and the Roads Commission until the January 2009 City Council meeting. Councilor Howison seconded the motion.

Councilor Petersdorf requested a role call for the vote.

Councilor Navetta voted in favor of tabling the appointments

Councilor Quandt voted in favor of tabling the appointments

Councilor Koehler voted in favor of tabling the appointments

Councilor Howison voted in favor of tabling the appointments

Councilor Curran voted opposed to tabling the appointments

Councilor Petersdorf voted in favor of tabling the appointments

After a vote of 5:1 in favor of tabling the appointments of the Planning Commission and the Roads Commission until the January 08, 2009 City Council meeting, the motion passed.

City Council discussed the future process and efficiency of the interviewing process. They chose to have all candidates seated at the table.

Planning Commission Applicants: Lee Riechel, Jerry Curran, George Burke, Sandra Jones, Marilyn Miller, and Dennis Smith.

Road Commission Applicants: Fred Hilden, Dennis Smith, Troy Sathe, Michael Smith, Jerry Curran.

C. City Recorder Review

Councilor Quandt commended Amy Graham for doing a fantastic job as City Recorder. Councilor Curran stated her initiative, ability and leadership is very much appreciated and helpful to getting the government operational again.

Councilor Koehler expressed appreciation to Amy Graham and staff. Councilor Koehler said Amy Graham is a "breath of fresh air".

Councilor Navetta said Amy Graham is a "keeper".

Mayor Hauptman stated that the job of City Recorder is a tough one. The Mayor stated no one has ever complained about Amy Graham. Mayor said he would like to recommend this raise as she has taken over two positions.

Mayor Hauptman recommended the City allow Amy Graham a 10% raise. He believes the City got Amy Graham cheap initially and it would be appropriate to allow the raise as it would be in the best interest of the City.

Councilor Howison asked if there was specific policy/schedule allowing raises. Mayor Hauptman said he wasn't aware of any parameters on staff raises.

Councilor Koehler stated it would be appropriate to review parameters before a decision is made.

Councilor Howison said if there is a schedule, the Council could vote to bump the salary up to the next level.

Amy Graham stated per City Charter, the Council has to vote on a pay raise for staff and she has not seen the schedule discussed.

Councilor Quandt made the motion to give the City Recorder a raise based on the schedule retroactive to today's date of 12/11/08 and Councilor Petersdorf seconded. After unanimous vote the motion carried.

Mr. Gerry Wasserburg, citizen, stated: “It is a pleasure to see an extremely confident, efficient and thoughtful City Staff, and I applaud that.”

9. Public Hearing

A. Re-Read Ordinance 198 amending chapter 154

Mayor Hauptman read the entirety of Ordinance No.198 to amend chapter 154 of the Dunes City Code to revise the number of Conservation Committee members and staggering of terms, and to define a quorum. Mayor Hauptman read Ordinance 198 by title only.

Councilor Petersdorf made a motion to approve the second reading of Ordinance 198 as amended by role call and Councilor Howison seconded.

Councilor Susie Navetta voted in favor to approve the second reading of Ordinance 198

Councilor Robert Quandt voted in favor to approve the second reading of Ordinance 198

Councilor Richard Koehler voted in favor to approve the second reading of Ordinance 198

Councilor Peter Howison voted in favor to approve the second reading of Ordinance 198

Councilor Jerry Curran voted in favor to approve the second reading

Councilor Bob Petersdorf voted in favor to approve the second reading of Ordinance 198

After unanimous vote by a role call, the motion carried.

B. Ordinance 199 forming a Revenue Committee

Councilor Petersdorf moved to have 1st reading of ordinance 199 read by short title only and Councilor Howison seconded. After unanimous vote, the motion carried.

Councilor Petersdorf moved to have the 2nd reading of ordinance 199 by short title only using roll call and Councilor Howison seconded.

Councilor Susie Navetta voted in favor to approve the second reading of Ordinance 199

Councilor Robert Quandt voted in favor to approve the second reading of Ordinance 199

Councilor Richard Koehler voted in favor to approve the second reading of Ordinance 199

Councilor Peter Howison voted in favor to approve the second reading of Ordinance 199

Councilor Jerry Curran voted in favor to approve the second reading

Councilor Bob Petersdorf voted in favor to approve the second reading of Ordinance 199

Mayor Hauptman read Ordinance 199 for the purpose of forming a Revenue Committee to acquire funds for Dunes City.

10. Adjournment

Councilor Quandt made the motion to adjourn and Councilor Petersdorf seconded. After unanimous vote, the meeting adjourned at 9:16 p.m.