Dunes City Council


June 12, 2008  7:00 P.M.       

Printable file

 City Hall – 82877 Spruce Street 97493



1.  Call to Order and Roll Call  

The regular meeting of the Dunes City Council was called to order at 7:01 p.m. by Mayor Eric Hauptman.  Roll call was taken by Amy Graham, Acting City Recorder. 

Present:          Mayor Eric Hauptman, Councilor Bob Petersdorf, Councilor Peter Howison, Councilor Susie Navetta, Councilor Richard Koehler. Councilor Gerald Curran was not present and excused.  

Others Present:  Acting City Recorder Amy Graham, Administrative Assistant 

      Lisa Ekelund, Planning Secretary Joy Gipson, and members of the community.                       

2.  Pledge of Allegiance  

The Mayor and the City Councilors joined in the Pledge of Allegiance.  

3.  Consent Agenda  

A.  City Council Meeting Minutes from May 08, 2008 and May 15, 2008  

Councilor Navetta motioned to remove the minutes of May 8th to discuss them separately.  Councilor Koehler seconded the motion and after vote it unanimously passed.  

B.  Bills of the Session through June 05, 2008  

Councilor Petersdorf approved the consent agenda with correction to May 8th to discuss separately.  Councilor Koehler seconded the motion and after vote by Council it unanimously passed.  

C.  Receipts of the Session through June 05, 2008  

Mayor Hauptman read the receipts of the session  

Councilor Petersdorf asked to discuss the bills of the session.   

Councilor Navetta said on the May 8th minutes page 2 it reads Jennie Brush instead of Jeannie Bush.  On page 5, 3rd paragraph, Councilor Navetta said it should read “did not receive information” instead of “did receive information.”

Councilor Navetta motioned to approve the minutes of May 8th with corrections listed prior.  Councilor Petersdorf seconded the motion and after unanimous vote it passed.  

4.  Announcements / Correspondence  

The Mayor announced Councilor Scott’s resignation.   

Councilor Howison suggested to accept applications to fill the Council position until two weeks before the next session.   

Councilor Navetta said the agenda closes on the Wednesday before the meeting so a week and a day meaning July 1st would be a better deadline for applications.  

Councilor Howison motioned to approve July 1st as the application deadline.  Councilor Koehler seconded the motion and after unanimous vote it passed.  

Mayor Hauptman announced Greg Perkins’ and Maria McConnell’s resignations.  

5.  Guest Speakers  

Mayor Hauptman said he’s been approached by City members regarding police protection.  Because of this he spoke with the City of Florence Police Chief, Mr. Saunders who will give the presentation.  Troy Sathe was not available.  

Mr. Saunders while representing the Florence Police presented a slide show stating if the City is serious in considering contracting, they should make a written proposal. 

After a request is received then it would go before the Florence City Council.  If the Florence City Council is interested, negotiations would begin.  

Mr. Saunders said Dunes City would need at the least, a 5 yr. special levy dedicated solely for implementation to guarantee a long term commitment.  He gave options for levels of involvement from the police.  He gave ideas of costs to consider such as personnel, administrative, vehicle, jails, overtime etc.   

Council presented questions which Chief Saunders answered.  

6.  Citizen Input on Unscheduled Items  

Mayor opened the meeting to citizen input.  

Mr. Schultz referenced to item11B.  He expressed his belief that his home would have been in danger during high winds if the tree were left standing.  

Councilor Howison said Mr. Schultz was speaking out of order and dismissed Mr. Schultz to speak at a later time.  

Mr. Norman Martin said he has a letter to the Mayor from LUBA and he would like it to be part of the record.  He read the last paragraph. 

George Burke wanted to discuss 11B and was excused to a later time by Mayor Hauptman who said it’s not open for public comment at this time.  Councilor Howison suggested he could speak for 3 minutes regarding just open comment not related to 11B.  Mayor Hauptman asked if he wanted to speak now.  Mr. Burke said no but he intends to have his say.  

Mr. Curtis spoke.  He said he’s been patient over his complaint regarding a shop and has taped every encounter.  

Councilor Howison asked if an appeal was filed and what was wrong with the permit.   

Mr. Curtis said he didn’t know anything about a permit and that he spoke at the June 2007 Planning Commission meeting.  He said it was a building that was built and said he filed a complaint with Teri Tinker.  He was told by the Planning Commission they did a drive bye.  Mr. Curtis made a point of how could they assess it if it wasn’t built yet.  

Councilor Koehler asked for clarification and Mr. Curtis said there was no building up.  He said there was a public hearing for a room and a bathroom in a building that didn’t exist.  He said now that the building is up; he has no view of lakes and trees.  

Councilor Navetta said she would like to sit down with Mr. Curtis to discuss this and Mayor Hauptman reassured Mr. Curtis that he won’t be ignored.  He said to call City Hall to set up an appointment with himself and Councilor Navetta.  

Councilor Petersdorf said if the building was built within setbacks, they didn’t need to go to the Planning Commission and Mr. Curtis said regardless of setbacks, if a building takes away a view and lowers property value, it needs to be assessed.  

Mayor Hauptman closed citizen input.  

7.  Public Hearings  

A.  Ordinance 198 Storm water (second reading)  

Mayor Hauptman said it was determined ordinance 194 was incorrect and it should have been given the number of 198.  The first reading was held last month at the last meeting.  He proposed this second reading will be by title only.   

Councilor Howison moved to hear ordinance 198 by title only.  Councilor Koehler seconded.  After unanimous vote the motion carried and the Mayor asked for comment.  

Councilor Petersdorf said he asked for a copy of the ordinance from Greg but then Greg resigned.  He said he hasn’t read it.  Amy Graham handed Councilor Petersdorf a copy.  

The Mayor opened the Public Hearing at 8:04 pm .  

Mr. Norman Martin objected stating the name of the ordinance has changed from what was listed on the website.  He had the objection that members of the Council didn’t disclose ex-parte contacts.  He asked the Mayor to require these declarations from Council as required by due process and 227.184.   

Councilor Howison said it is legislative and doesn’t apply and Mayor Hauptman said this type of ordinance doesn’t require an ex-parte from Council.  

Mr. Martin suggested not to vote tonight so they could bone up on what his idea is that needs to be done and Mayor Hauptman asked where he got his idea.  

Councilor Howison said this was a legislative issue and was discussed with an attorney.  He said because Councilor Petersdorf didn’t read the ordinance prior to this meeting, the Council should hold off on a vote.  

Mr. Lee Reichel stated his concerns regarding the ordinance and the manual.   

Councilor Howison asked if he would think differently if it were a different ordinance and document and Mr. Riechel explained how he believed the wording should be stated.  

Mayor Hauptman asked if they believed the City got their moneys worth for the guidance from LCOG and Mr. Riechel commented with reference to the past.  

Mayor Hauptman asked for any other comment and there was none.  Mayor Hauptman closed public hearing at 8:21pm and asked for deliberation.  

Councilor Howison said he had already expressed his opinion.  

Councilor Koehler said he was concerned Councilor Petersdorf hasn’t looked over the ordinance prior to the meeting.  

Councilor Navetta stated she didn’t believe the Council is ready to deliberate.  

Councilor Howison said he felt there was no need for another public hearing. 

Mayor Hauptman asked for a motion to approve or deny the ordinance as it stands.

Councilor Howison suggested to table the issue and to put it on the agenda in 2 months to decide a course of action after everyone has looked at it.   

Councilor Petersdorf said 2 months is too long and Councilor Navetta agreed.  

Councilor Howison made the motion of remanding the ordinance back to the Planning Commission for a specific period of time.   

Councilor Koehler brought attention to a former Committee Chair member in the audience for some insight.  

Councilor Petersdorf said this was point of order and the public hearing was closed.

He asked if it could be reopened to the public for additional input.  

Mayor Hauptman re-opened citizen input at 8:32pm .  

Mr. John Stead said minor adjustments could have a significant impact and council should be able to assign the ordinance to staff for adjustments.  He suggested to check with an attorney and to remand back to staff.  

Mayor Hauptman closed citizen input at 8:34pm .  

Councilor Koehler motioned to contact the city attorney and remand the ordinance to staff for improvements.  Councilor Navetta seconded the motion and Mayor Hauptman stated he didn’t feel staff was ready to make recommendations and a good land use attorney would cost money.   

Councilor Howison asked if it’s budgeted and Mayor Hauptman said yes and asked Amy Graham how the money was allocated.  Amy Graham said there is not enough in the Building Fund but it could go under the General Fund.  

The motion set prior was brought forward again and after unanimous vote, it passed.  

Mayor Hauptman said he wants a new first reading of the ordinance in August.  

Councilor Petersdorf motioned to have the time limit of August and to have it come back for City approval in the August meeting.  Councilor Navetta seconded the motion and after unanimous vote it passed.  

B.  Pamela Allister and Glenn Carrari Appeal  

Mayor Hauptman opened the public hearing at 8:40pm .  

Pamela Allister asked her time limit and the Mayor gave her 15 minutes.  

Ms. Allister handed out packets.  She then gave a history of the power and utilities that were allowed when lot was purchased.  She explained her documents and permits to install underground power.  She pointed out the map and permit was signed by Mr. Petersdorf.  She said after the stump was removed and sweeps were emerging, she left a message with her return cell phone number to Mr. Petersdorf to inspect.  She said she never received a call from Mr. Petersdorf.   

Ms. Allister said the tree was not on their property but on part of their easement and they hired a professional logger to remove the tree. She read a letter from Mr. Clarence M Cooper then explained her pictures and that the dirt in picture is from a dug out stump not from the tree.  

Mr. Wally Schultz spoke in rebuttal about the reduction of the penalties set by the Road Commission.  He discussed a letter from Ms. Allister to himself and said it was cc’d to many individuals.  He said due to the strained relationships caused by this incident and it posed a hazard, the owners of the property have taken a militant stand.  He feels her letter was a smear of is character and the penalties should stand.  

Mr. Dave Persons who was a member of the Road Commission at the time of this incident said the issue has been addressed in detail by the Road Commission.  Mr. Persons said he felt the report was detailed with pictures and he wanted to make sure the pictures of the back face of the tree were submitted.  He then said he leaves knowing the Council will have good judgment.  

Mayor Hauptman closed citizen input at 9:02pm .  

Councilor Petersdorf said he listened to everything back then and he’s been on site.  He said he called Ms. Allister twice while she was in Portland and Councilor Navetta said she drove by twice.  

Councilor Koehler said he had no connection to the issue and Councilor Howison said he only received a phone call from Ms. Allister.  

Mayor Hauptman asked if the Council was prepared for a decision.  

Councilor Navetta made a motion to uphold the fine.  Councilor Petersdorf seconded the motion making comment about past actions.  He stated the Road Commission didn’t make the decision lightly.  

After unanimous vote the motion passed with the prior fines standing.  

8.  Reports  

            A.  Mayor’s Report:  Mayor Hauptman  

Mayor Hauptman announced the completed 06/07 audit and 08/09 budget.  He said the City is working on Policy & Procedures.  He said he was sad to hear of John Scotts’ decision and that he gave the City a lot of direction.  He said he wished Mr. Scott would have been more forthcoming with his resignation and Council will do their best to deal with issues honestly and objectively.             

B.  Community Center / CCI Report:  Councilor Howison  

Councilor Howison said he had no report except to thank April Dumas who weeded outside and then returning to weed again.  He discussed the hanging of the tsunami zone maps.  

            C.  Conservation Committee Report:  Councilor Curran (none)  

            D.  Road Commission Report:  Councilor Petersdorf  

Councilor Petersdorf said he had a report but he did not inform it needed to be in the packet.  He said he would put it into the Councils boxes the following day.  

            E.  Site Review Committee / Grants / Police Report:  Councilor Navetta  

Councilor Navetta the Terry Austin property progress continues and a letter to Watts has been sent to clean up the area.  She said she will work with Mr. Curtis in July.  

F.  Water Quality / Communication and Education Report:  Councilor Koehler  

Councilor Koehler said current information was on the website regarding water quality.  He spoke of algae bloom assessment, lake monitoring data, and DEQ bio-solids.  He said the presentation on Monday showed Mr. Fleenor some of the issues and he would like to enable cooperation between various agencies.  He said with the Mayors permission, they would like to do a similar presentation to the Council.  He included they are working on the newsletter and the Festival of Lakes photo contest.   

            G.  Planning Commission Report:  Planning Secretary, Joy Gipson  

Ms. Gipson is taking over for Mr. Riechel for the report.  She clarified the Montgomery Estates hearing dates.  She said the discrepancy will be addressed and a recommendation in the August meeting will be presented.  She spoke of Mr. Quandt of Sunset Ridge.  She said there are violations of the City Code and use of a stream for drinking water which is also a violation.  She said she has sent letters to Mr. Quandt and has received no response.  She said how many permits have been submitted during the month and that the July meeting will be for public use permits.  

Councilor Koehler asked why there was a conditional use permit for the oversized boat dock and Ms. Gipson said they want a bigger structural to satisfy new codes.   

Councilor Petersdorf asked why there is a second part for complaints regarding Sunset Ridge.  Ms. Gipson said it was the staff report for the record.  

Mayor Hauptman called for a 10 minute recess at 9:22pm and reconvened the meeting at 9:37pm .           

9.  Budget  

A.  Budget Committee Minutes from May 20, 2008  

Councilor Petersdorf moved to approve the budget committee meeting minutes of May 20th as submitted.  Councilor Koehler seconded the motion and it passed with unanimous vote.  

B.  2008/2009 Budget (with $3,000 additional revenue towards building code fund)  

Amy Graham explained there was $3,000 in additional revenue from the department of Land Conservation for planning.  She requested this to be added to the budget before approval.  

Councilor Petersdorf motioned to amend the budget to add the $3,000 revenue.  Councilor Howison seconded and after unanimous vote it passed.  

Councilor Petersdorf asked for a recommendation from the Chairman of the Budget Committee.  Mr. Hauptman recommended accepting the budget with the correction.  

Councilor Koehler moved to approve the budget as presented.  Councilor Petersdorf seconded with the statement that this was a good job done and if the City abides by it, they will have a good year.  After unanimous vote, the budget was approved.  

C.  Audit 2006/2007  

Mayor Hauptman said the public may pick up a copy for $5 each. He said Hallis was incredibly thorough.  He said prior auditors abandoned the City and City should write a letter demanding them to pay difference in the bid and the City’s cost.  He felt the work they had started was poorly done and they left knowing this.   

Councilor Koehler moved to accept the audit for 2006/2007 as presented.  Councilor Howison seconded the motion after unanimous vote it passed.  

D.  Closing of the Grant Fund   

Mayor Hauptman said there are no grants coming on the horizon and Councilor Howison asked if the City wasn’t planning on getting any more grants.  

Amy Graham said since the Grant Fund was in the negative and owed the General Fund almost $30,000 the state suggested it to be closed.  She said grants in the future will go towards their specified departments.   

Councilor Howison reiterated and quested if in the past, staff took money out of Grant Fund.  

Amy Graham said she couldn’t speak for prior staff and this is where the Grant Fund sat when she started.   

Councilor Navetta made a motion to close the Grant Fund.  It was seconded by Councilor Petersdorf and after unanimous vote it passed.

 10.  Unfinished / Old Business  

A.  Water Quality Ordinance 197 (second reading with corrections)  

Mayor Hauptman asked for a motion to read it.   

Councilor Koehler read the corrections.  

Councilor Howison moved to accept Ordinance 197 with corrections.  Councilor Petersdorf seconded the motion and after unanimous vote, it passed.  

B.  Follow up on actions regarding tax lots 19-12-34-24-1200&2100.  Street address:

      4838 Lake Blvd. , Westlake , OR   97439  

Mayor Hauptman stated this to be George Burke’s property and the Council has had plenty of opportunity to review it.  He asked for either a vote accepting the piece of property from Mr. Burke, or for a motion to rescind the action that accepted the property.  

Councilor Howison stated he made the motion last meeting and tabled it.  He feels there is more potential litigation and the City would be ill advised to take on additional liability.  Councilor Howison recommended to rescind the decision of May 10, 2007 to accept the transfer property located at  4838 Lake Blvd. , Westlake , OR   97439 tax lot 19-12-34-24-1200&2100.   

Councilor Navetta seconded the motion.   

Councilor Petersdorf said he thinks it shouldn’t happen.  He said the attorney is at fault and the land owner did everything right.  He said he feels insurance will defend the City on it.  He said the City has been talking about the issue since Ron Gerber was the City attorney and that this has been going on for 20 some years.   

Mayor Hauptman said the wall is a different issue.  

Councilor Howison discussed options with just transferring the corner of the wall.  

Mayor Hauptman said he feels that would be bad for Mr. Burke.  He said he spoke to the City attorney and the insurance adjuster David Ford.  They said if the City takes the Property back, it doesn’t benefit the city.  He spoke to Mr. Ford yesterday and he knows the history.  

Councilor Petersdorf said the City would benefit to gain 2-3 ft of right of way.   

Councilor Howison said the details have already been gone over.  He believes by the City taking the corner it just involves the City into unnecessarily issues.  

Mr. Burke voiced is discontent and Councilor Petersdorf went into explanation.   

Councilor Howison motioned to rescind the decision of May 10, 2007 to accept the transfer property located at 4838 Lake Blvd. , Westlake , OR   97439 tax lot 19-12-34-24-1200&2100 was brought forward again.  Councilor Navetta seconded the motion.  After vote, Councilor Petersdorf opposed the motion and all others approved it.  The motion passed.  

11.  New Business  

A.  Resolution 06-12-08 on State Shared Revenue  

Councilor Petersdorf moved to approve resolution 06-12-08 and Councilor Navetta seconded the motion.

Councilor Koehler read aloud the second to the third line then asked if it was relevant.  

Amy Graham answered yes and said it’s because that line refers to county.  

After unanimous vote, it passed.  

B.  Woahink Creek  

Councilor Howison stated it became apparent to several Councilors including himself that trees were cut along Woahink Creek.  He said there is no hard evidence but neighbors have reported structures along the creek including grass, gazebos, bridges, and walkways.  He said the Greg Perkins looked at the property and placed a stop work order.  Councilor Howison said there is no way to access the property except through another person’s property and there was some contact about a month ago with the newest owners.  Councilor Howison said he believes the City should request the owners come to discuss the possible violations with Dunes City .  

Mayor Hauptman said the City received contact from Mr. Guy who is a part owner of the property and an attorney in Arizona .  He said Mr. Guy has requested all records possible.  He said there are aerial photos showing something and the creek is a possible salmon spawning ground.  He said with that knowledge he feels council should vote on pursuing it and have staff write a letter copying Mr. Guy as well as Mr. Atkinson, asking the owners to come before the council to explain what they are doing.  

The council then discussed getting other departments with the State involved.  

Councilor Howison moved to notify the owners of lots in question to appear at a public hearing at the next City Council meeting to provide access to property.  

Amy Graham said she believes if all the people are contacted then the hearing should be further than July to give the State enough time to respond.  

Councilor Howison amend his motion to have public hearing held at the August City Council meeting and Councilor Navetta seconded the amended motion.  After unanimous vote, it passed.

C.  Woahink Ridge (old ordinance 156.186(C) (4) & new ordinance (D))  

Mayor Hauptman said he put this on the agenda to make the council aware of the request by Mr. Ward to grant an extension of the Woahink Ridge PUD and that the extension cannot be granted because it needs to be done within a 1 year period.  He said a letter of denial has been sent and copied to the appropriate parties.  


D.  City Recorder  

Mayor Hauptman announced Mr. Perkins resigned and in the interim he appointed Amy Graham as Acting City Recorder.  He said at this point he believes the City is fortunate to have Amy to appoint as an Acting Recorder.  He would like to recommend it be official that she is the Dunes City Recorder.  

Councilor Petersdorf asked who would do financial and Mayor Hauptman said Amy would do both.  

Councilor Koehler moved to accept Amy Graham as the new City Recorder with pay retroactive to June 1st, 2008.  Councilor Howison seconded the motion and after unanimous vote, it passed.  

12.  Unscheduled Items Not Listed On Agenda  

Councilor Petersdorf announced he won’t be at July 1st, 2008 City Council meeting and Mayor Hauptman excused him.  

Amy said the July 1st and July 10th meeting needs to be clarified as to cancellations and merging of topics.  

Councilor Petersdorf Motioned to change the City Council meeting from July 10th to July 1st with all topics heard on one day instead of having two meetings in one month.  Councilor Koehler seconded the motion and after unanimous vote it passed.  

13.  Executive Session  


14.  Adjournment  

Councilor Howison moved to adjourn and Councilor Koehler seconded.  After unanimous vote, the meeting adjourned at 10:32pm.  


Respectfully Submitted,  

Lisa Ekelund   Administrative Assistant