Dunes City Council

Regular Meeting

February 14, 2008 - 7:00 P.M.

Printable file

City Hall – 82877 Spruce Street - Westlake , Oregon   97439



The regular meeting of the Dunes City Council was called to order at 7:01 p.m. by Mayor Eric Hauptman.  Roll call was taken by Greg Perkins, City Recorder.  

Councilors Present:  Mayor Eric Hauptman, Councilor Bob Petersdorf, Councilor
Jerry Curran, Councilor Peter Howison, Councilor John Scott, Councilor
Susie Navetta, Councilor Richard Koehler  

Others Present:  City Attorney Pete Gintner, staff City Recorder Greg Perkins, and members of the community.   


The Mayor and the City Councilors joined in the Pledge of Allegiance;  


A.  Minutes from January 2, January 10, and January 16, 2008 .   

Councilor Bob Petersdorf made a motion to approve the minutes.  Councilor Peter Howison seconded the motion.  Discussion:  Councilor Jerry Curran stated that on page one of January 2, 2008 minutes, his name was listed as John Curran.  Motion carried as amended.   

Minutes from November 1, 2008 and November 8, 2008 .   

Councilor Bob Petersdorf made a motion to approve the minutes based on further review as the minutes were provided in close proximity with the meeting.  Councilor Susie Navetta seconded the motion.  Motion carried.  

B. Bills of the Session:   

Councilor Bob Petersdorf made a motion to approve the Bills of the Session.  Councilor John Scott seconded the motion.  Motion carried.  

4.   Announcements/Correspondence  

Councilor John Scott received three favorable comments from residents regarding building permits and information received from the front office window.  

Councilor Bob Petersdorf advised reading an article in the newspaper in reference to the School District voting on whether to tax homeowner’s building new homes to help support the school district.  The State Legislature has given the school districts the authority.  Councilor Bob Petersdorf stipulated that Dunes City had changed the Charter that no new taxes would be solicited without going to a vote of the residents.  Councilor Richard Koehler mentioned that he understands this is a county tax.  Councilor John Scott suggested that counsel could review and give advice on the subject.  City Attorney Pete Gintner explained that this is a state wide tax, and school districts can elect to participate.   There is a question regarding who the taxing authority actually is.  The council consensus is to ask City Attorney Pete Gintner to look into this tax issue.   




7.   REPORTS  

A.                 Mayor’s Report -  Eric Hauptman  

Mayor Eric Hauptman gave an update on the staff and procedures in place in City Hall.   

B.                Community Center/CCI – Councilor Peter Howison gave a report stating that the building is in good shape.  Councilor Bob Petersdorf was thanked for providing sand when the parking lot became icy.  Councilor
Bob Petersdorf stated that the Road Commission will be happy to provide sand.  

C.                Conservation Committee – Councilor Jerry Curran – No new business.  

D.                Parks and Recreation/Fire/Franchises – Councilor John Scott was absent from the last meeting due to conflicting meeting times with another meeting.  He referred to Councilor Bob Petersdorf for current information.  Councilor Bob Petersdorf informed that Gene Cockeram decided not to be reappointed the committee as he is also on the City of Florence Parks and Recreation committee.  Additionally, it appears that another term is expiring pertaining to Cal Lewis.   Councilor Susie Navetta mentioned that she attempted to contact Cal Lewis and Bill Benson but did not get an answer.  

All paperwork has been filled out for a Rural Tourism Marketing (RTM) grant which is approximately $11,000.  The Parks and Recreation committee would like to make a recommendation to call the overlook landing, “Lewis Overlook Landing. “ There was a budget discussion regarding allocation of funds.  Councilor Susie Navetta inquired how the money was distributed.  Councilor
Bob Petersdorf explained Parks and Recreation fills out the forms (Grant application), and then the forms are sent to Lane County .  Parks and Recreation makes the recommendation to the City Council.  City Council then approves the project and then the project description is sent to Lane County .  

Councilor Peter Howison informed that the money is spent to attract visitors.  He felt that visitors might have a difficult time finding the overlook.  The money might be better spent enhancing the quality of water in Siltcoos Lake to help prevent blue green algae bloom.  This would satisfy the requirements of the funding criteria and benefit the citizens also.  Councilor Bob Petersdorf mentioned that the project for this year has already been approved and suggested that council may want to attend the Parks & Recreation committee and give input on projects.  The end project(s) are ultimately approved by the city council.  

Councilor Richard Koehler mentioned that Lane County does not have a mapping of some of the parks that Dunes City cares for.  He requested an ownership of what parcels Dunes City owns and what parks Dunes City is responsible for.  Councilor Koehler continued that it is his understanding that Dunes City does not own the land under the Overlook. Councilor
Bob Petersdorf stated, “The city owns two main parcels that are parks and some other pocket parks.  Dunes City owns the right-of-way to the Overlook all the way to the river.”   

Mayor Eric Hauptman mentioned that there is a need for a Capitol Asset log which will include property ownership to satisfy the audit requirements.  The auditors are giving the city a pass on that issue this year but it must be in place for future audits.   

E.                 Road Commission – Road Report – Councilor Robert Petersdorf  

Councilor Robert Petersdorf reported that the last road meeting was held on January 21, 2008 . All were present with the exception of Road Secretary Marie McConnell.  Minutes were taken by Linda Lauck.  There was some confusion reported about road addresses expressed by resident Sam Franc.  A situation was reported on Lake Drive with six large trees taken down.  Subsequent to that action, resident Mr. Carrari was informed not cause harm to a large remaining cedar tree.  Mr. Carrari then damaged the root system on this cedar tree.  There have been numerous complaints against Mr. Carrari by surrounding property owners regarding these types of actions.  

The road commission determined that a City Ordinance was violated. City Recorder, Greg Perkins has assessed a fine.   

Further work is being done on the Tsiltcoos Lake Club Plat (June deadline).  This is land/property Lane County regained on tax defaulted properties, which includes streets and rights-of-way. Councilor
Richard Koehler asked for clarification on this property Assessor’s Map 19-12-27-13 Lot 1300.  This lot shows as a street.    More information will be presented at a later date prior to the June 2008, deadline.  

The Road Commission made a decision to recommend the name of the Overlook be changed to be Lewis Overlook Landing.   

Councilor Bob Petersdorf bought a ladder truck on a foreclosure sale that will enable the work party to trim up limbs on some trees.  He will cover the liability.  Dave Jackson, Coast Insurance approached Councilor
Bob Petersdorf regarding volunteers using safety equipment and being trained on equipment such as power saws.  Councilor Bob Petersdorf stated he will have a training day at City Hall on safety and equipment.   

F.                 Site Review Committee/Grants/Police – Councilor Susie Navetta – submitted a written report.  

G.                Water Quality/Communication and Education – Councilor Richard Koehler  

The Communication and Education Committee has included responses to the December survey in their report.  There is a potluck scheduled for April 12, 2008 , with the Communication and Education Committee at Dunes City Hall . The DEQ onsite conference was attended by Councilor
Richard Koehler.    

Meeting was then turned over to Mark Chandler, Project Manager for the Dunes City Water Quality Monitoring Project who presented an annual report.  Charts are courtesy of Steve Hager, retired from the USGS and who was involved in water monitoring projects.   

Costs were also discussed involved in the water testing and responsibility of Dunes City .  There is a grant in place to help with this expense.  Councilor Peter Howison explained that Dunes City now knows that testing will occur weekly regarding the Blue Green Algae.  Councilor John Scott mentioned that protocol needs to be in place when the next algae situation occurs. The WQCC is looking for Siltcoos Lake water testers.      

H.                Planning Commission–Planning Report – Planning Commissioner
Lee Riechel is on vacation.  A written report was provided to the Mayor by Planning Secretary, Andrea Waler.  The report showed permit activity. Mayor Eric Hauptman mentioned an excavation location on Sunset Ridge where a run-off situation has been created.  A search revealed that an excavation permit for the initial grading and excavating of the subdivision had not been issued.   

The Mayor went on to explain that in some instances, fines will be levied for infractions or violations of permits or those performing work without a permit.  There needs to be compliance.   

Councilor Richard Koehler made a motion to set up a business license committee to work on procedures to establish business licenses in Dunes City .  Councilor Peter Howison seconded the motion and amended the motion to include vacation rentals.  Motion carried.   Discussion:  Councilor Peter Howison felt that vacation rental homes should take out a business license to operate.  Councilor
Bob Petersdorf recalled that there was an ordinance written pertaining to this in the past and when presented by the City Council, the meeting was packed with citizens who did not want to enact this fee.   

Councilor Petersdorf went on to say that when he was volunteering in the office this past fall, he recalled seeing the file on this subject.  City Attorney Pete Gintner stated that he has all of this type of information and can provide same to the City Council.   The Mayor inquired about forming a committee to cover the license.  Many suggestions followed from various council members.  


A.        Vacancy on the Planning Commission.   

The Mayor asked City Recorder Greg Perkins to place an ad in the Siuslaw News regarding a vacancy on the planning commission.   


A.                 City Hall Rental Fees  

The proposal for City Hall rental is $100.00 is for a key deposit, and $100.00 for a rental fee that would be for once a month, 12 meetings a year group.  Councilor Bob Petersdorf read a letter from the Northwest Bass Club who has met at City Hall once a month for the past 26 years. Councilor Bob Petersdorf is against charging fees.  The fee for one time use would be $50.00 for the rental and a separate $50.00 fee for a key and cleaning deposit which would be refundable upon return of the key.  

Councilor Bob Petersdorf made a motion to allow long term users who have not created a cost to the city, in other words those who leave City Hall in order, to not have to pay $100.00 fee but will still have to pay a $100.00 deposit.  Motion failed to receive a second, motion dies.  Councilor John Scott made a motion to have a fee schedule that allows regular monthly users to pay a fee of $100.00 per year, usage to be once a month, and all others to pay $50.00 per use.  Councilor Peter Howison seconded the motion. Motion received 4 ayes, 2 nays.  Motion carried.  

10.     NEW BUSINESS:  

A.                 New Flag  

Councilor Susie Navetta has a flag she is going to donate to replace the flag flying over City Hall.  Councilor Bob Petersdorf will hang the new flag.  

B.                Grants  

1.      Oregon State Parks Announcement  Report given by Greg Perkins, City Recorder; he informed that Councilor Bob Petersdorf has a volunteer who will help with this project.  

2.      Lane County Public Works Agreement.  Councilor Bob Petersdorf advised that this is the same non-financial agreement which has been in place for  many years.

    Councilor Bob Petersdorf made a motion to accept this contract.  Councilor John Scott seconded the motion.  Motion carried..  

3.      DLCD Planning Grant Department of Land Conservation and Development Planning Grant.  This Grant is for $1,000.00.  Councilor Peter Howison made a motion to request and authorize the Mayor to execute the planning grant from the DLCD and refer to the Planning Commission to develop a work plan to utilize the funds.  Councilor Jerry Curran seconded the motion.  Motion carried.    

Rural Tourism Marketing Agreement.  This is a grant that has been awarded the city in the amount of $11,248.00 from room tax revenues to promote rural tourism marketing programs. $2,000.00 is for parks development and $9,248.00 for a paddle boat launch.  Lane County has advised that the grant paperwork is overdue to them.  Councilor Peter Howison inquired of the council if the council ever voted to approve the paddle boat launch.  Councilor Susie Navetta responded to the negative.  Councilor Peter Howison then asked if the council should at some point, approve the paddle boat launch.  After a lengthy discussion, Councilor Peter Howison made a motion to authorize the Mayor to execute the agreement and refer to the Parks and Recreation Committee to develop work plans to implement the projects for further approval by the council.  Councilor John Scott seconded the motion.  This is a second motion on the same item with a one word change from review to approval. Voting order is established by action the primary motion first.  

Councilor Bob Petersdorf made a motion to authorize the Mayor to execute the agreement and refer to the Parks and Recreation Committee to develop work plans to implement the projects for further review by the council.   Councilor John Scott seconded the motion.  3 ayes, 3 nays, resulting in a tie vote.  The Mayor voted in favor of the motion.  Motion carries.   

Councilor Susie Navetta voiced concerns regarding the fact Parks and Recreation having meetings without minutes.  She continued that the City Council passed a resolution requiring all committees to record meetings and take minutes.   

Mayor Eric Hauptman asked for bids to be received and recorded for review by the City Council prior to projects being awarded. 

Councilor Peter Howison informed that money was budgeted last year (2007) to purchase a digital recorder to facilitate committees in recording their meetings.  The system has not been purchased as of this date.   

C.        City Budget  

1.      Basic Local Budget Law Workshop  

This is a workshop in Coos Bay at the local college is to be attended by the Mayor, City Recorder Greg Perkins and Finance Specialist Amy Graham.  

2.      Budget Committee Vacancy   

There is a vacancy on the Budget Committee Vacancy, perhaps three vacancies.  Councilor Peter Howison mentioned that last year there were seven members on the budget committee.  The mayor asked for a resolution to be considered for the next agenda referring to the number of members on the Budget Committee.   

D.        Neighborhood Watch Program  

Councilor Peter Howison tabled subject until the next city council meeting.  


Capitalization Resolution:  The mayor explained that the capitalization resolution is needed to formalize the method of depreciation or write-off of Capital assets and is required by the State.  Councilor Peter Howison made a motion that the Capitalization Resolution be approved.  Councilor Jerry Curran seconded the motion.  Motion carried.   

12.           EXECUTIVE SESSION – None  


Councilor Bob Petersdorf made a motion to adjourn the city council meeting.  Councilor Peter Howison seconded the motion.  Meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m.  


Respectfully Submitted,

Lisa O’Callaghan,

Administrative Assistant



                        APPROVED AS TO FORM:

                         Greg Perkins, City Recorder