Regular Meeting

February 8, 2007 7:00 P.M.

Dunes City Council

COUNCILORS PRESENT:    Mayor Sheldon Meyer, David Bellemore, Peter Howison, Richard Koehler, Susie Navetta, Bob Petersdorf, John Scott


OTHERS PRESENT: George Burke, Planning Commission; Gary Darnielle, City Attorney; Christy Lewis, Recording Secretary; Teri Tinker, Planning Secretary; and approximately 35 citizens from the community.



   1.      CALL TO ORDER

            Mayor Sheldon Meyer called the meeting of the Dunes City Council to order at 7:00 p.m.

            Recording Secretary Christie Lewis called the roll and stated that a quorum was present.

            Councilors joined in the Pledge of Allegiance.



            Councilor David Bellemore requested that the fourth action recorded on Page 7 of the minutes of the January 18, 2007 , be changed, as follows:

David Bellemore made a motion that Policy E.3 had been applied to |Woahink Ridge but had not been met.

            Mayor Meyer determined there was no objection to the request and the January 18 minutes were amended.

Councilor Navetta requested that the second Sentence, in the final Paragraph, on Page 8 of the January 11, 2007 , Minutes be changed:

                        . . . that prior appointments to the Planning Commission did not make recommendations . . .

            Mayor Meyer determined there were no objections to the request and the January 11 minutes were amended.

            Councilor Bob Petersdorf moved, seconded by Councilor Navetta, to accept the Minutes of the January 11 and January 18, 2007 , Council meetings, as amended.  The motion was adopted unanimously, 6:0.



   3.      Bills of the Session

            Mayor Meyer referred to a document entitled "Bills of the Session" and noted that it contained a record of outstanding bills to be paid that had been received between January 12 and February 8, 2007 , totaling $28,843.09.

            Councilor Petersdorf stated that he would abstain from voting to avoid the appearance of having a conflict of interest in approving a payment to a business with which he was associated.

            Councilor John Scott moved, seconded by Councilor Bellemore to authorize payment of bills presented.  The motion was adopted unanimously, 5:0:1, with Councilor Petersdorf abstaining from voting.

            Planning Commission President George Burke reported that outstanding bills considered at the December 3, 2006 , Council meeting had not yet been paid because of Council action at a subsequent meeting to “void” the meeting.

            Mayor Meyer said he believed the subsequent action had been to void appointments made at it, not the entire meeting.

            City Attorney Gary Darnielle explained that the approval given to pay bills at the meeting in question would have been rescinded only if the entire meeting had been voided to correct a violation of the Oregon Open Meeting Law.  He said if the motion to void had identified specific actions on the Agenda, other actions would continue to stand.  He said authorizing payment of the bills needed to be reconsidered, if the entire meeting had been voided.


   4.      Receipts of the Session

            Mayor Meyer reviewed a document entitled "Receipts of the Session" that reported City revenue of $17,863.55 for the preceding month.


   5.      Announcements and Information

            Mayor Meyer reported that City Recorder Joanne Hickey had asked for fiscal year 2007-2008 budget requests no later than February 15.

            Mayor Meyer reported that the quilt art in the meeting room had been provided by the Rhododendron Quilting Society and would be on display through the end of February.

            Mayor Meyer stated that volunteers were needed for the Fire Fighter District and Community Emergency Response Team (CERT).


   6.      Guest Speakers

            Jean Busby stated that she represented the Dunes City CERT and reviewed educational material distributed at the beginning of the meeting, as follows:

-         “How to Prepare for Disaster” published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

-         Community Emergency Response Team Training Manual

-         “Organizing Neighborhoods for Disaster Preparedness” 

-         Ms. Busby described CERT training sponsored by the Florence Fire Department that was scheduled to begin February 24.

            Dave Dahlberg stated that he also represented CERT and distributed additional material related to a “Disaster Preparedness Expo” to be held in Florence on December 15.  He said volunteers from all Oregon coastal communities were being invited to participate.  He said the City Council could support the effort by allowing advertising flyers to be posted in public places, authorizing use of the City water bill and website for publicity, and providing funding.

            Councilor Richard Koehler requested electronic versions of distributed material to facilitate it being posted on the City internet web page.


   7.      Citizen Input

            Norman Martin, 83750 Rio Drive , Florence , referred to a document entitled “Goal 1 Discussion at February Regular DCC (sic) Council Meeting.”  He reviewed information it contained regarding Oregon Statewide Planning Goal One that provides conditions for citizen involvement in land use decisions.  He also reviewed contentions in the document that Dunes City did not follow requirements of Oregon Public Meeting Law, jeopardizing the legality of decisions made, and violating the rights of citizens. 

            Mr. Martin read excerpts from a letter included in the document from Dave Perry, South Coast Regional Representative in the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development Oregon Coastal Management Program.  The excerpts were responses to questions asked by Mr. Martin, who said they were validation of his assertions that Dunes City did not understand Land Use Planning Goal One and had formed an illegally constituted Committee for Citizen Involvement (CCI) in which members of the City Council wrongfully participated.

            Mayor Meyer stated that the Council would receive the document and include discussion of it on the Agenda of its March meeting.

            Judy Martin, 83750 Rio Drive , Florence , stated that she believed the CCI had been improperly organized and was operating outside the parameters of its mandate.  She said it was functioning as a Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC) described in Oregon Statewide Planning Goals Guidelines.  She contended that membership and participation on the CCI and CAC in Dunes City were subverting citizen involvement to promote a political agenda.  She also argued that the choice of the Curry County erosion control ordinance as a model for one being developed for Dunes City was not appropriate because the terrains were not similar.

            Ms. Martin read a letter from City Recorder Joanne Hickey.  The letter said it was a “sad day” when three of four City staff felt they were being forced to resign.  It commended the staff for its commitment and support.  It expressed appreciation for their competency, hard work, and cohesiveness.

            Ralph Farnsworth, PO Box 2647 , Florence stated that work is continuing on the kayak 306A grant for early next year.  It will have handicap access.  It will be available for any veterans who might have lost all, or partial use of their lower extremities.  A professional had been consulted and was ready to start the design and then lost his job, so "it's back to the drawing board".  He also announced that another water tester for Siltcoos Lake is needed.

            David Davis, 83000 Jensen Lane, Dunes City read a letter to the Council in which he expressed concern about the resignations of City staff.  He said those who resigned were well trained and capable in performing their duties.  He said the losses would lead to a reduction of City services.  He asked the Council to make public their plans for dealing with the vacancies – time schedule for replacements, continuation of City services, and what steps were being taken to deal with the cause of the mass resignation.  He said he believed the cost of contracting with Lane Council of Governments (LCOG) to provide interim services should be discussed openly before arrangements were finalized.  He said the problems created by the resignations were serious, never experienced before, and brought on by excessive workloads and interference by elected officials.

            John Stead, 83505 South Cove Way , Florence , said he was concerned about the dwindling supply of water in Woahink Lake .  He said he had previously brought the concern to the Council without results.  He alluded to the loss being parallel to the City staffing crisis.  He suggested that a solution to the water loss could be for the City to apply for authority to store water in the lake.


   8.      Public Hearing

            Mayor Meyer noted that the time set for a Public Hearing had arrived.  He said, on the advice of the City Attorney, he would open the Public Hearing and, without objection, would temporarily close it to finish Agenda matters related to Unfinished/Old Business.

            Mayor Meyer opened the Public Hearing and announced the topics to be considered – (1) An evidentiary hearing about a potential violation of the City Code regarding erosion of soil into Little Woahink Lake; (2) Ordinance #187, revising the number of Planning Commissioners, its voting structure, and the staggering of terms; and (3) Ordinance #188, establishing an Intergovernmental Agreement establishing the West Lane Emergency Operations Group.

            Mayor Meyer closed the Public Hearing.


   9.      Unfinished/Old Business

            A.  Woahink Ridge Planned Unit Development Findings of Fact

                  Mr. Darnielle referred to a document entitled “Final Order and Findings of Fact on Remand from LUBA – Woahink Ridge Estates – Preliminary PUD Subdivision (PUD 01-05) and Zone Change (XON 01-05).”  He noted that it contained a full history of City and Oregon Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA) actions related to the application for a planned unit development.  He reviewed changes made on pages 2, 3, and 8 of the document since it had last been considered by Council.

                  Councilors discussed the application, raising questions about Findings, agreeing to change Sentence 2, of Paragraph 2, on Page 12, as follows:

                              There will be the same number of homesites and septic systems in this PUD as would occur in a standard subdivision, but the septic systems, like the homes, will be clustered on smaller lots, which will allow preservation of other resources, such as the wetland area discussed above.

                  Councilor Peter Howison moved, seconded by Councilor Petersdorf, to accept the Findings of Fact for the Woahink Ridge Planned Unit Development, as amended.  The motion was adopted, 5:1, with Councilor Navetta voting no.

                  Mr. Darnielle stated that specific zone changes related to the application would be considered at the March meeting of the Council.

                  Councilor Scott moved, seconded by Councilor Koehler, to approve PUD 01-05, an application for the Woahink Ridge Planned Unit Development, with changes as noted.  The motion was adopted, 5:1, with Councilor Navetta voting no.


            B.  Committee for Citizen Involvement Report

                  Councilor Howison reported on progress made by the CCI in forming recommendations about three ordinances.  He reviewed how the Phospohorus Reduction Ordinance had been drafted by the Committee, reviewed by the Planning Commission, revised to meet concerns raised, and was ready to be acted on by the City Council.  He said the proposed Ordinance was a matter of health and public safety, not a land use, and did not require a recommendation from the Planning Commission.  He said if Commission input was desirable, it would be possible to hold a joint Council/Commission Public Hearing.

                  Councilor Howison said that it could be argued that proposals for the Erosion Control Ordinance and Surface Water Pollution Ordinance were land use concerns and should be considered after a Planning Commission review and recommendation.  He suggested that that a joint Public Hearing would again be a way to fast-track a decision on them by the Council.

                  Councilor Bellemore said, in light of public testimony raising questions about the legality of the CCI, the concerns should be addressed.  He reviewed the evolution of the committee from being the Moratorium Support Committee appointed by the Council, to its current state of a loosely organized body that recommended adoption of ordinances.  He said he believed the changes that had taken place in the Committee were an attempt to make its work as transparent as possible and to allow participation by all citizens.

                  Councilor Scott said he believed the Phosphorus Reduction Ordinance should be considered a land use matter, since it related to stormwater runoff and erosion control.

                  Mayor Meyer determined there was consensus to postpone further consideration of the Phosphorus Reduction Ordinance until the March meeting of the City Council.

                  Councilor Howison explained that there was a June 30, 2007 , deadline for using a State grant for planning projects.  He said funds not expended by that time would be required to be repaid.  He reported that LCOG had estimated that it would cost $4,400 to complete code revisions and numerous other items of required work on the stormwater ordinances.  He recommended that the Council authorize the expenditure from planning grant resources.

                  Councilors discussed the recommendation.

                  Councilor Bellemore moved, seconded by Councilor Navetta, to authorize expenditure of up to $4,000 from State grant resources to complete work on proposed Erosion Control and Surface Water Pollution Ordinances.

                  Mr. Burke reported that Ms. Hickey had asked him to encourage caution in adopting new ordinances.  He said the reason for the warning was that there were always significant uncalculated costs for revising existing codes to coincide with new measures, especially those providing for increased environmental controls.  He said an example of the quandary that could be created was his understanding that recently adopted Ordinance #182 could not be enforced because it conflicted with other ordinances.

                  Councilor Howison replied that he agreed that such work would be required, but that if the State Planning Grant were not utilized by the end of the fiscal year, it would be lost.  He said he believed it would be possible to prepare for adoption of the proposed ordinances using grant funds, and then delay their implementation until code revision work could be funded

                  The motion was adopted unanimously, 6:0.

                  Mr. Darnielle reported that he had discussed the issue of Council members attending CCI meetings with representatives of the League of Oregon Cities.  He recommended that a conservative tactic be adopted to give public notice regarding the possibility of a quorum of Councilors being present at any meeting.

                  Councilors discussed the recommendation and appeared to reach agreement that it would be followed.


10.      Council Appreciation for Staff

            Councilor Petersdorf described his work with Recording Secretary Christy Lewis.  He praised her work with the Roads Commission and City Council.  He presented her with a handcrafted burl plaque expressing appreciation for her work for the City and wished her well in future endeavors.

            Mr. Burke said he had not been able to prepare a plaque to honor Planning Secretary Terri Tinker because he had hoped to convince her not to leave City employment up to the last minute.  He expressed concern that the stresses of the job that had led to her resignation were not being addressed.  He said he believed the Council should write glowingly positive letters of reference for each of the employees who were leaving.  He warned that there was a serious need to improve the relationship of the City to its employees.

            Mayor Meyer stated that he had spoken to each of the employees who had resigned, encouraged them to remain on their jobs, and assured them that he would write highly laudatory letters of reference on behalf of the City.  He said he had assured them that their experience working for the City would never jeopardize any future employment.  He stated that he personally apologized for the conditions that led to their resignations.

            Councilor Scott said he agreed with Mayor Meyer and believed the leaving employees had done exceptional work for the City.  He also apologized for conditions that had led to their choosing to resign.

            Councilor Scott moved, seconded by Councilor Petersdorf, to apologize for extra ordinary duress and work load conditions placed on City office staff over the last year and to express sorrow over their decisions to leave their jobs.

            Councilors discussed issues related to creating stressful conditions for City employees.

            The motion was adopted unanimously, 6:0.


            Mayor Meyer announced that there would be a five-minute recess of the meeting.

            Mayor Meyer reconvened the meeting of the City Council at 8:40 p.m.


11.      Public Hearings

            A.  Evidentiary Hearing

                  Mayor Meyer re-opened the Public Hearing on a potential violation of Section 154.05 of the Dunes City Code regarding erosion of soil into Little Woahink Lake.

                  Mr. Darnielle corrected the section of the City Code that was being considered to Section 159.040, as follows:

                              No graded or excavated surface shall be left or abandoned without vegetation for more than one year.

                  Mr. Darnielle explained that the purpose of the Hearing was fact-finding and to determine if the Council felt it should proceed to consider any further action.

                  Mayor Meyer invited Michael Farthing, attorney representing the owners of the property in question, to address the Council.

                  Mr. Farthing said he had no opening statement, but welcomed the invitation to participate in the Council discussion.

                  Councilor Howison reviewed background grading for a road that would lead to a proposed Planned Unit Development (PUD) on Little Woahink Lake.  He said the Council had taken action in August 2006 to require that the property owners comply with the Code section in question by hydro-seeding vegetation on land denuded by the road preparation work.  He said he had been informed that the City Attorney had reported the Council action to Mr. Farthing and that Councilor Navetta had spoken with him regarding it in October of that year.  He added that a previous concern about sedimentation at the same location had been remedied and that the measures taken continued to be effective.

                  Mr. Farthing stated that he had informed the property owners of the concern of the Council, but that no action had been taken for several reasons – busyness; land use applications for the planned PUD appeared to be on the verge of being approved, enabling work on the road to be combined with development work; a conviction that hydro-seeding would not work to prevent erosion; and doing the work would require removal of the sedimentation remediation measures.

                  Councilor Howison stated that a report dated November 21, 2005 , was on file with project applications that stated the property owner would hire a local contractor to observe and maintain erosion prevention measures at the road grading location.  He said it was clear that the commitment had not been fulfilled and that the deadline for action had long since passed.

                  Mr. Farthing stated that he believed it was the intention of the property owner to halt work on the road until land use issues related to the PUD were settled.  He said discussion about the project had bogged down in the fall/winter of 2005.

                  Councilor Howison said he believed the City should consider imposing a fine for noncompliance with the Code.

                  Mayor Meyer said imposing a fine would require a full Public Hearing to determine if the property owner could propose a solution to the problem.

                  Councilor Petersdorf said he believed the Ordinance was clear.  He reported that the Roads Commission had sent several letters to the property owner regarding the issue.  He said he also believed a fine would be appropriate and that, if noncompliance continued, no further permits should be issued to the applicant.

                  Mr. Farthing suggested that he convey the hydro seeding option to the owner and try to work him and a person designated to represent the City in discussions regarding the road concerns and development on the property, eliminating the need for a Public Hearing on the matter.  He said that if it was determined that a fine should be imposed, it should cover City costs, but not more.

                  Councilor Petersdorf said that Roads Commission would consider the matter at its next meeting.

                  Councilor Navetta said she believed the Council should take an action that would “get the attention” of the applicant.

                  Councilor Scott said he agreed with Councilor Navetta and that he believed the matter had “dragged on” much too long.

                  Councilor Howison suggested that a Council Public Hearing be scheduled, in case progress not made in resolving the issue.

                  Councilor Bellemore suggested that the Road Commission be asked to recommend a plan of action.

                  Mr. Burke said he supported the proposal to schedule a Public Hearing.

                  Mr. Adam stated that he was the Smith River Forester for Roseburg Forest Products Company, owners of property to the north of the where the road grading took place.  He said, in response to a concern about colorization of lake water, he had been asked to inspect the site and contributory streams drainage systems in November 2005.  He said he had reported that there was no accelerated erosion from either of the two main tributaries.

                  Mr. Adam stated that he was anxious to be available to the Council and citizens, providing information and support in matters related to property owned by his employer.

                  Mayor Meyer determined there were no other persons wishing to testify, closed the Evidentiary Public Hearing, and invited Councilors to deliberate.

                  Mr. Darnielle stated that provisions of the Coburg Code for penalties for land use violation was nebulous and that he recommended consideration be given to applying provisions of the City Nuisance Code in the current situation.

                  Councilors discussed issues related to the matter under consideration – requests for remediation not filled; extensions for compliance provided; recommendation needed from the Roads Commission; the importance of establishing the authority of the City to enforce its Code requirements; and the difficulty of imposing fines on the basis of a matrix.

                  Mayor Meyer stated what he believed to be the agreements reached by Councilors:

1.      Counsel for the property owners will meet with the Roads Commission at its regularly scheduled March meeting, making a proposal for resolution of the violation.

2.      Councilor Petersdorf will confer with the Mayor and consider immediate implementation of an agreed upon plan of action.

3.      Public notice will be given of a Hearing to be held at the March Council meeting regarding a potential violation of the Nuisance Code.

                  There were no objections to the statement.

            B.  Ordinance #187 – Revising Code Section 32

                  Mayor Meyers opened a Public Hearing on Ordinance #187, an ordinance amending Code Section 32 to revise the number of Planning commissioners, its voting structure and the staggering of terms; and declaring an emergency.

                  Mr. Darnielle explained that Ordinance #187 had been revised based on discussions during its previous review by the Council to define voting by the Chairperson.

                  Councilor Petersdorf said he believed that term limits for members of the Planning Commission had been removed in a previous revision of the Code.  Councilor Howison said he had seen it eliminated in the version of the Code maintained in City Hall, but that it continued to be in the version he was provided as a Councilor.

                  Councilor Scott said he supported eliminating term limits for membership on the Planning Commission, or establishing the limitation for membership on all City committees.  He recommended that expansion of the number of members on the Planning Commission to six be reviewed at the time of the next need for an appointment, with consideration given to returning to five members.

                  Councilor Navetta said she agreed with Councilor Scott.

                  Councilor Howison said he believed that if there were six persons willing to serve on the Planning Commission, they should all serve, but if it eventuated that it was unworkable, it should be reevaluated.

                  Mr. Darnielle suggested that it would be preferable to adopt the Ordinance as it was presented and to make changes by amendment at the next meeting of the Council.

                  Councilors continued to discuss whether to place a limit on the number of consecutive terms a member of the Planning Commission could serve.

                  Lee Riechel, no address provided, said he was concerned because there was no provision for a establishing a quorum for meetings of the Planning Commission in the proposed Ordinance.  He said it would be important to include a definition of the role of the Chairperson in establishing a quorum.  He added that he believed it would be positive to set the City Council as the initial board of appeal for contested Type II land use described in Code Section 32.67.

                  Mayer Meyer determined there were no other persons wishing to testify and closed the Public Hearing.

                  Councilors discussed issues related to the deadlines for Planning Commission recommendations and City action on land use applications.  There appeared to be agreement that the time allowed began when an application was accepted as being complete.

                  Councilors discussed various options for creating staggered terms for Planning Commission members.

                  Mayor Meyer read the Ordinance by title a second time.

                  Councilor Howison moved, seconded by Councilor Petersdorf, to adopt Ordinance #187, an ordinance amending Code Section 32 to revise the number of Planning Commissioners, its voting structure and the staggering of terms; and declaring an emergency.  Mayor Meyer polled the Council and the motion was adopted unanimously, 6:0.

                  Councilor Howison moved, seconded by Councilor Petersdorf, to appoint Darlene Beckman to a one-year term on the Planning Commission ending December 31, 2007 .  The motion was adopted unanimously, 6:0.

                  Councilor Bellemore moved, seconded by Councilor Navetta, to send letters of appreciation to those who were recently appointed to the Planning Commission and explain that they had been assigned terms to enable staggering of the terms, as follows – Lee Riechel, two-years; Bill Tizzard, one-year; Darlene Beckman, one-year.  The motion was adopted unanimously, 6:0.


            C.  Ordinance #188 – West Lane Emergency Operations Group

                  Mayor Meyer read Ordinance #188 by title and opened a Public Hearing regarding it.

                  Mr. Darnielle stated that the Council had previously discussed the Ordinance that authorized Dunes City to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement establishing the West lane Emergency Operations Group.

                  Mayor Meyer determined that there was no one present who wished to testify and closed the Public Hearing.

                  Councilors discussed the proposed Ordinance – how much participation would cost, the value of the effort in the planning process, and various aspects of the operation of the Group that were unknown.

                  Mayor Meyer determined there was agreement to postpone a decision about entering the Intergovernmental Agreement until the March Council meeting when the City Recorder could provide additional information from her experience as a participant in meetings of the planning group.


12.      New Business

            A.  Fish Mill Lodge Request

                  Judy Bedsole, no address provided, stated that she had requested time on the Agenda of the meeting to ask the Council to revoke a Temporary Right-of-Way Permit awarded to George and Laura Burke in June 2004 that permitted the construction of a fence and retaining wall at the intersection of Lake Boulevard and Fish Mill Way.

                  Ms. Bedsole distributed copies of a 21-page document of evidence supporting her contention that the wall was improperly built and caused erosion damage to her property.  She read extended portions of a five-page letter to the Council dated February 8, 2007 included in the document which outlined additional concerns about the wall, including the creation of a driving hazard for guests at her Fish Mill Lodge and Recreation Vehicle Park .  She raised issues related to faulty information being provided in the permit application and said she believed the permit had been issued in error because of collusion and preferential treatment given to the property owner by the Planning Commission.

                  Mr. Darnielle stated that he would investigate the allegations and contentions included in the document, discuss the concerns it raised with the City Engineer, and prepare recommendations for Council action.

                  Mayor Meyer determined there was agreement to postpone further consideration of the matter until the March meeting of the City Council.


            B.  City Office Procedures

                  Mr. Darnielle referred to his memorandum dated February 8 regarding changes needed in the operation of City Hall.  He said the most important change needed was for elected officials, citizens, and volunteer participants in City affairs to deal with staff more respectfully.  He reviewed other changes recommended in the memo:

-         Create sequestered working spaces for the Planning Secretary and City Recorder.

-         Authorize securing cost estimates for physical changes to the City Offices, such as screening off the lobby, posting directional and informational signs, changing the number of the second telephone line, establishing e-mail addresses for staff and elected officials, install material distribution boxes for Councilors and other Committee members, create a public display rack of most frequently requested City forms and applications, establishing request forms and policies for duplication of documents, and crate a mail/payment box accessible from outside the Office.

-         Create a receptionist position responsible for welcoming visitors, answering the telephone, and directing inquiries and requests to appropriate staff, possibly combining portions of the currently vacant staff positions.

-         Establish a time limit for “window service” assistance.

-         Require all requests for additional staff service through the City Recorder.

-         Establish City Hall customer service hours of 11:00-2:00 , Monday through Thursday.

-         Organize citizen volunteers through a Volunteer Coordinator.

-         Enforce policy that no meeting lasts later than 11:00 p.m.

-         Limit staff requirement to attend meetings to two times a month.

-         Planning Commission Secretary position revised to Planning Director and establish it for 25-40 hours per week.

-         Eliminate requirement that Road Commission Secretary attend meetings of the City Council.

-         Create a full-time Office Assistant position.

-         Consider creating a City Administrator position combined with City Recorder position.

-         Develop a better way to have meeting minutes recorded.

                  Councilors discussed the recommended changes.  Citizens in attendance contributions included ensuring that new personnel were capable and well trained, seek advice from a private sector human resources specialist, recruit citizen volunteers, clearly post appropriate polices and information, directions should be logical and easy to follow, and create an effective voice mail system for elected officials and staff.

                  Mayor Meyer determined there was agreement to schedule a Council Work Session to monitor and deliberate on the many suggestions received.


            C.  Committee Appointments

                  Councilor Howison moved, seconded by Councilor Petersdorf, to appoint members to fill vacancies established City committees, as follows:

                                    Judy Martin to Budget Committee

                                    David Dumas to Site Review Committee

                                    Janet Carroll to Water Quality Committee

                                    Gerald Curran to Parks and Recreation and Water Quality Committees

                  The motion was adopted unanimously, 6:0.


                  Mayor Meyer read Resolution 02-08-07 , establishing a Communication and Education Committee for the purpose of educating and informing the residents of Dunes City .

                  Councilor Howison moved, seconded by Commissioner Scott, to adopt Resolution 02-08-07 .  The motion was adopted unanimously, 6:0.­


                  Councilor Howison moved, seconded by Councilor Navetta, to appoint Christine May to the Communication and Education Committee.  The motion was adopted unanimously, 6:0.


12.      Adjournment

            Mayor Meyer announced that Council would postpone to its March meeting deliberation on Agenda items that were not considered, as follows:

                        New Business:        Discussion of request for funding for the annual Festival of the Lakes

                                                      Action on proposed Resolution 02-08-07 adopting an amended Dunes City Fee Schedule for Activities Requiring Permits

                                                      Appoint Council member as Dunes City representative at meetings of the Lane Council of Governments Board of Directors

                        Reports:     City Attorney

                                          City Council/Planning Commission workshop

                                          Road Commission

                                          Parks and Recreation, Fire Department, Franchise, Licenses

                                          Site Review/Grants/Police Commissioner/Beers Abatement

                                          Water Quality Control Committee

                                          Community Center

                                          Conservation Committee




            The meeting adjourned at 11:00 p.m.                                        

                (Recorded by Dan Lindstrom)

A t t e s t a t i o n



Accepted by City Council on ______________.



Vote:   Yes ____       No _____     Abstained _____     Passed (   )     Rejected (  )



____________________________                            _______________________________

Sheldon Meyer, Mayor                                      Joanne Hickey , City Recorder