September 14, 2006
6:00 PM
All Councilors and staff, including Gary
Darnielle, were present.
Councilor Hogervorst
shared the progress of the Moratorium Support Committee
(MSC) and the
direction the committee would be going in the future. Hogervorst read a
letter prepared for the Mayor’s signature to Director Lane Shetterly of
DLCD (see Exhibit A).
Gary Darnielle presented a copy of the first draft of the alternative
development code and outlined the contents. Darnielle handed out a copy of
the Springfield Development Code for Solar Access which will be used as a
model (see Exhibit B). Darnielle said the draft has the new sections
underlined, changes struck-through, and the highlights point to items that
need to be looked at more closely. Darnielle instructed the Council to look
through the document and allow the MSC a week to look over the document to
give LCOG further direction. Riechel said it is optimistic to expect the
document to be completed by the end of the year, since the previous code
revision took three-years to edit. Darnielle responded by saying that the
LOCG version was different, since only one person would be making the
changes—the Planner.
Bellemore, MSC, outlined the final draft Erosion Control Ordinance
(see Exhibit C). Jerry Wasserburg gave an overview of the final draft of the
Septic System Ordinance (see Exhibit D).
Hogervorst presented an accounting of the expenditure of the moratorium
to date. The total budgeted amount for the ordinance revision was $8500.
Total Expenditures: $7257.31. Budget remaining $1242.69 (see Exhibit E).
P. Howison made a motion to schedule and advertise
public comment meetings for the Erosion Control Ordinance and the Septic
Standards for Septic Systems Ordinance for October 11 and 18 at 7 p.m.
Comments will be brought back to Committee. J. Hogervorst seconded the
motion. There were 6 ayes, 0 nays. Motion carried.
Call to Order, Roll Call and Pledge of Allegiance
Mayor Meyer called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m.
PRESENT: Mayor S. Meyer; Councilors, J. Scott, P.
Howison, J. Martin, J. Hogervorst, L. Riechel, and R. Petersdorf.
J. Hickey, City Recorder; G.
City Attorney; T. Tinker, Planning Secretary; C. Lewis, Recording
Secretary; LCAN; Denise Ruttan, Siuslaw News; and approximately 20
citizens from the community.
Mayor Meyer led the Council and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Meyer changed the order of the agenda to Guest Speakers.
2. Guest Speakers - Jim Johnson, Lane County Public Safety Task
Johnson presented an outline of the proposed income tax to provide
policing of rural areas by Lane County. Johnson said that more information
could be obtained at the Lane County website. Petersdorf asked Darnielle if
the proposed income tax was a taxing district requiring the people of Dunes
City to vote. Darnielle said it did not qualify as a special taxing
district. Johnson said the City did not have to take a position.
B. Petersdorf made a motion to adopt Resolution
09-14-06 (a), a resolution expressing support for Measure 20-114, a
measure to change the Charter of Lane County Government. L. Riechel
seconded the motion. There were 6 ayes, 0 nays. Motion carried.
3. Consent Agenda
A. Approval of Minutes: August 10, 2006
B. Bills of the Session: August 11, 2006, through September 14, 2006,
totaling $19,259.63
C. Applications for Appointive Office
Water Quality – John Stead
Budget Committee - Rebecca Ruede
J. Martin made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda
as presented. J. Scott seconded the motion. There were 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Motion carried.
Mayor Meyer adjusted the agenda for New Business, Item E for the next
topic. See discussion in order of agenda.
4. Receipts of the Session - $36,698.74
5. Announcements and Informational Items
A. Evelyn Grace Hogervorst born 4:05 p.m., August 25, 2006, 8lbs. 8
B. Art Exhibition: Jane Rincon and Susan Weathers for September and
C. Volunteer Fire Fighters and CERT trainees needed for Dunes City.
D. Committee Vacancies: Budget Committee (one position open).
E. Siuslaw Library Bond Issue:
Councilor Scott said the library is
going out for a bond for expansion. The bond would be $.02/$1000 of property
J. Scott made a motion to write a letter of support of
the bond issue for the expansion of the library. P. Howison seconded the
motion. There were 6 ayes, 0 nays. Motion carried.
6. Citizen Input on Unscheduled Items - None.
7. Old Business
A. Concern over potential erosion on Little Woahink
Councilor Howison said approximately one year ago, ground was broken for
the extension of Little Woahink Drive. The Little Woahink development has
been delayed leaving exposed ground from the excavation. Howison cited
151.048(D) CUTS. Revegetation. No graded or excavated surface shall be
left or abandoned without revegetation for more than one year. It was
decided that Darnielle would contact the attorney for the development and
request that the bare ground receive hydro-seeding. Hogervorst suggested at
least seeding in the ditches. Petersdorf identified that sand fill is going
into a drainage into Little Woahink Lake. The Conservation Committee will
look into the issue.
B. Resolution 9-14-06, Agreement for Payment of Land Use
Application Fees.
P. Howison made a motion to adopt Resolution 9-14-06, an
agreement for payment of Land Use Application fees. J. Scott seconded the
motion. There were 6 ayes, 0 nays. Motion carried.
B. Petersdorf made an amendment to the previous motion to
remove the word "minor" from the resolution. J. Martin seconded
the motion. There were 6 ayes, 0 nays. Motion carried.
J. Scott made a motion to direct the staff to utilize the
Road/Driveway Inspection Form. B. Petersdorf seconded the motion. There were
6 ayes, 0 nays. Motion carried.
8. New Business
A. Christmas Party at Dunes City Hall, December 16,
Last year the City donated $200.00 towards the purchase
of food and party
supplies. This year the committee is asking for $250.00
B. Petersdorf approved a donation of $250.00 for the
Christmas Celebration at Dunes City Hall. J. Martin seconded the motion.
There were 6 ayes, 0 nays. Motion carried.
B. Request to approve ODOT plan for a guardrail on Highway 101
across from the Myrtlewood Factory.
George Burke reported that ODOT has agreed to place approximately
900-feet of standard guardrail (21-inch height). Scott said Navetta has
talked to Martha Jakob, one of the property owners, who has agreed to the
guardrail. ODOT will map-out the culverts and drainage. Scott commended
Burke for spearheading the action. Petersdorf suggested placing a
guardrail above the lake north of Lakeshore Trailer Park. Burke said the
City will be working with ODOT to get guardrails installed all the way to
Florence, but the 900-foot installation would be a beginning. Meyer asked
Burke to secure letters from the two property owners agreeing to the
project and coordinating the agreement with ODOT.
B. Petersdorf made a motion to approve the plan by ODOT
to place guardrails from Dr. Anderson’s place towards the north. J.
Martin seconded the motion. There were 6 ayes, 0 nays. Motion carried.
C. Changes to Application for Appointive Office: form update.
J. Scott made a motion to accept the revised
application for appointive office. B. Petersdorf seconded the motion.
There were 6 ayes, 0 nays. Motion carried.
D. Budget proposal for 190 agreement for Westlane Emergency
Operations Group: Dunes City is being asked to contribute $1125.00,
which is
6.25% of the current total budget for the emergency group.
Hickey outlined the intent of the budget to include Dunes City in the
group’s plan. Hickey said the 6.25% provision of the operation group’s
budget was suggested for Dunes City due to the City’s small budget.
Audrey Farnsworth, audience member, related a situation where the
ambulance would not enter her property until a police officer arrived.
Farnsworth said she could not hear the warning siren from town. Hickey
said she would look into a siren at the fire station on Clear Lake Road
and the procedure for an ambulance at the next Operations Group meeting.
J. Scott made a motion to accept the budget proposal as
outlined. J. Martin seconded the motion. There were 6 ayes, 0 nays. Motion
E. Voter approval for city moratorium on construction or land
development. Introduction by Gary Darnielle
Darnielle said that if adopted, the charter of Dunes City shall be
amended to require the approval by Dunes City electors in a city-wide
vote, before elected officials may enact any measure to adopt a moratorium
to prohibit construction or land development.
Darnielle said it is up to the Council to accept the initiative, upon
which it would be added to the Charter, or if the Council does not accept
the initiative, then it would be referred to the voters at the March 7,
2007, election at a cost to the City of between $1000 and $1500. Hickey
said that the initiative would have to be presented at a special election
in March at the above mentioned cost to the City.
Howison read a letter from Debra Sherman protesting how the signatures
were collected for the initiative (see Exhibit F). Norman Martin said
there are very strict procedures by the State for the collection of
initiative signatures.
B. Petersdorf made a motion to call for a special
election for the initiative. P. Howison seconded the motion. There were 5
ayes, 1 nay (Martin dissenting). Motion carried.
F. Water Service from lake to lot line.
Discussion of fees by
Charlcie Kaylor of The Building Department: Kaylor said a citizen was
charged a plumbing inspection fee for a waterline running from the lake to
the meters. Kaylor said the City cannot regulate that situation, since the
State adopted building code doesn’t apply. The City does not have the
authority unless the City wants to regulate the installation of water
pipes. Kaylor said The Building Department would refund that portion of
the permit. George Burke, Planning Commission, said that the reason the
State did not have jurisdiction was that public utilities wanted to write
their own regulations concerning depth of the ditch, size of the pipe, and
easements. Burke said the City could have a limited ordinance. Councilor
Riechel suggested that the discussion be tabled, since DLCD and DSL
requirements would have to be researched. Darnielle said the City should
apologize to the permitee and issue a refund. The Council could discuss
the regulation at a later date.
9. Reports
A. Report by City Attorney
Darnielle said Evergreen Title Company did not pick-up the
lien, even though it was clearly listed. The buyer did not get title
insurance, so the lien is still valid. Hickey said the lien is for $49,000.
Darnielle said the City should be able to negotiate an amount with the title
company. Darnielle will keep the Council updated.
Potential conflict about serving on the Planning Commission and
Conservation Committee.
Darnielle said that if there is a potential conflict of interest/bias,
then the individual should recuse themselves at the committee level.
Darnielle said that not all issues of the Conservation Committee go before
the Planning Commission. If the issue does go before the Planning
Commission, the individual should recuse themselves from the Conservation
Committee in order to not preclude themselves from participation at the
Planning Commission level.
B. Road Commission – Road Report
Petersdorf presented the Road Report (see Exhibit G). Petersdorf said
the last payment was paid to the City from OTIA funds, so the Road
Commission will have to scrutinize its spending in the future.
C. Parks & Recreation/Conservation Committee
Riechel outlined a proposal by the Parks and Recreation Commission to
approve the area behind City Hall in the right-of-way next to the Siltcoos
River for park use to include a kayak launch. Riechel identified that the
project would help redirect kayakers away from the boat launch in Westlake,
where kayak staging come into conflict with the power boat launching into
Siltcoos Lake. Petersdorf said there is a line item in the road budget for
trails that would be used for the launch.
J. Scott made a motion to accept the concept by the Parks
and Recreation Commission and approve the expenditure of $4000 for the
planning of turning the discussed portion of the City right-of-way into a
park area. J. Martin seconded the motion. There were 6 ayes, 0 nays. Motion
Riechel said the Council needs to approve the carryover of the RTMP
amount and future expenditures.
L. Riechel made a motion to approve the 2006/2007 RTMP
Budget Plan. B. Petersdorf seconded the motion. There were 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Motion carried.
Riechel said the Conservation Committee has been busy with three
vegetation removal requests for danger trees and 2 – 3 site reviews for
development of property adjacent to the shoreland.
D. Site Review Committee
Martin said there have been complaints about people living in travel
trailers (situations where a slab was poured under the trailer and a
permanent Cable TV hookup was installed). Martin said there needs to be some
guidelines. Darnielle said the County has a list of criteria they use to
determine if people are living in an RV. Darnielle said he would come back
with the list at the next City Council meeting. Burke said there needs to
also be a determination as to when rental property becomes commercial
property and need a zoning change. Darnielle said that the City would have
to ultimately modify the Code.
E. Police Commissioner/Fire Dept/ WQCC Report
Scott said the guardrail as discussed earlier will be installed next
spring. The Siuslaw Watershed Council has agreed to include the coastal
lakes within their jurisdiction. Scott, Booth and Anderson had met with the
Water Resources Department in order to clarify the City’s position on
storing water by means of the weir, but the process is not progressing, so
the City will need to appeal the decision to a higher level. Scott said the
septic maintenance database is now available. The Water Quality meetings
have been moved to the third Thursday of the month.
There was a brief discussion as to why ODOT would not place a barrier
system such as the barrier by Clear Lake on Highway 101 south of Winchester
Bay. Scott said ODOT is re-evaluating its procedures after the spill on
Highway 126 and the cleanup needed to keep the contaminant from being
trapped and entering and traveling through the ground water. Meyer asked
Burke to include in the letter to ODOT, a request for a barrier to keep
contaminants from entering the lake. Hogervorst said there could be funding
sources other than ODOT. There was an audience discussion about Foglio’s
partnership with Honeyman State Park to construct a settling pond to protect
the first arm of Woahink Lake on Canary Road.
F. Community Center - None
G. Grants/Franchises/License/Moratorium Support
Hogervorst explained a grant from DLCD and would make a phone call
to get administrative money for the City. Hogervorst said Chernaik
proposes applying for an EPA grant for between $600,000 and $900,000 for
testing systems that remove phosphorus. It could be a way to provide money
for individuals who cannot afford to update their systems. Chernaik could
write the grant for $750. Hogervorst said Chernaik could also apply for a
DEQ grant that the City would have a high likelihood of receiving.
Hogervorst proposed using $1200 that remains of the $8500 to have Chernaik
write the grant proposals. The Council decided to wait and try to get
permission from the DLCD grant to have LCOG subcontract Chernaik to apply
for the grants. Hogervorst said the deadline for the EPA is November 15th
and suggested using $750 from the water monitoring budget. The Council
H. Mayor’s Report
Meyer suggested writing a letter to the WRD to move the stored
water issue ahead. Darnielle said he would contact the Little Woahink PUD
water expert to compile data to support the water storage.
I. Planning Report
Tinker reported that the Planning Commission meetings will be changed
to the fourth Thursday of the month. Little Woahink PUD would not be heard
this month.
10. Public Hearings
A. Ordinance 185, an ordinance providing for penalties for
failure to pay annual administrative water permit fees or report water
meter readings in a timely manner, Second Reading and Adoption.
Meyer read the procedure of the Ordinance adoption. Meyer opened
the public hearing at 10:05 p.m. Meyer asked if there were any
declarations of conflict of interest. There were none.
J. Martin made a motion to read Ordinance 185, an
ordinance providing for penalties for failure to pay annual administrative
water permit fees or report water meter readings in a timely manner by
title only. J. Scott seconded the motion. There were 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Motion carried.
Meyer asked for opponents. There were none. Meyer asked for testimony
from proponents. There were none. Meyer closed the public hearing at 10:07
J. Martin made a motion to adopt Ordinance 185. J.
Scott seconded the motion. There was a roll call vote: Hogervorst, Scott,
Howison, Martin, Riechel, and Petersdorf – aye. There were 6 ayes, 0
nays. Motion carried.
B. Ordinance 182, an ordinance replacing chapters 155 and
156 of the Dunes City Code, Second Reading.
Meyer opened the public hearing at 10:10 p.m.
J. Scott made a motion to read Ordinance 182, an
ordinance replacing chapters 155 and 156 of the Dunes City Code. J.
Martin seconded the motion. There were 5 ayes, 1 nay (Howison dissenting).
Motion carried.
Councilor Martin made a suggestion to correct Section 1 as follows: Chapters
155 and 156 of the Dunes City Code are replaced with new Chapters
155 and 156, attached as Exhibit A…. Martin also
said there is a vision clearance map that would need to be included.
Meyer asked for public testimony.
Navetta, 5372 Leavitt Loop, Florence OR 97439.
Navetta asked the Council if they still had their notes on the Code
Revision. Navetta asked Martin questions regarding notes, with Martin
making a clarification to Navetta. Navetta read a letter into the record
(see Exhibit H).
John Stead, 83505 S. Cove Way, Florence OR 97439.
Stead read a letter into the record (see Exhibit I).
Mark Chandler, 4934 Lakeshore Drive, Florence OR 97439.
Chandler asked the Council why not use the updated version by
which is easy to follow. Chandler said the old version was previously
rejected. Chandler said adoption of one document instead of adopting the
old version, then adopting the LCOG version in a few months, would avoid
confusion for the staff.
Meyer closed the public hearing at 10:32 p.m.
Darnielle said he could have Findings of Fact prepared for the next
meeting that would address conflict with the Comprehensive Plan. Darnielle
said he disagreed with some of the points that John Stead had made in his
Howison addressed some points that Ordinance 182 would weaken the laws
to protect water quality in the City:
1) Redefinition of "shoreland."
2) Allowance for steeper road grades from 7% to 10% and up to 15%.
3) Eliminated the topographical and contour details that were
requirements in the tentative plan for subdivisions.
4) Eliminated maps of tree stands.
5) No surface water plan.
6) Weakened wetland setback from 50-feet to 25-feet.
7) Doesn’t address the CCI concerns from last winter.
Howison said the City should take the good things from the old revision
and place it in the redline version from LCOG instead of wasting the City’s
money on two revisions of the Code.
Martin said she would like to include the motion from Mark Chandler
concerning the 50-foot setback requirement. There was a discussion about
the lessening of slope for streets. Petersdorf explained that the City
previously had used the Lane County standard, since streets back then were
generally not paved. Now, the required paved streets can handle additional
slope. Howison countered that the increased slope would increase erosion
of sediment into the lake with no provision for the control of that
erosion. Petersdorf answered that there is erosion control, since the City
Engineer assures that the street is constructed within the state
guidelines for erosion. Petersdorf used Kiechle Arm as an example of a
well designed street.
Meyer suggested incorporating the old revision changes to the LCOG
version. Darnielle said it is up to the Council to make the decision.
Riechel said it would take a long time to do what Meyer suggested. Riechel
said the items that Howison pointed out could be included in Ordinance
182. Riechel said the main thing that Ordinance 182 attempted to do was to
get the process correct and eliminate confusion with the current code.
Hogervorst said Ordinance 182 does not have the water quality protection
Riechel said that the problem that the City has run into with the
shoreland definition is its ambiguity in the comp plan’s definition,
which still exists. Riechel pointed to Stead’s letter, item three: "…the
ordinary high water line of Siltcoos Lake is 12’ above mean sea level
and the ordinary high water line of Woahink Lake is 39.8’ above mean sea
level. The shoreland area is 50 feet measured horizontally from these
points." Riechel said the 50-feet were outside the City’s urban
growth boundary which could not happen, so the meaning must be 50-feet
inland. Riechel said ordinary high water line to ordinary low water line
is where the City needs protection. Howison agreed that it was okay to fix
that definition, but the CCI would include the 50-feet from the apparent
high water mark. Darnielle said the State definition would have to be
used; therefore, the section would have to be re-written closer to the way
Riechel had explained in the above remarks.
Riechel said that with the discussed changes, he did not see any
difference in the two documents except for the long review process
required for the LCOG document. Meyer said that both documents would have
to be reviewed and the new document would be the easier document to modify
due to the available red-line version, which the old document does not
have. Martin said she had prepared a synopsis of Ordinance 182 for those
who had not attended the CCI meetings. Scott commented on the complexity
of the discussion in the preparation of Ordinance 182 and suggested
putting the water quality protection items back into the document, having
a third reading, and providing the planning staff with an adequate land
use ordinance. Otherwise, the time that it will take to review the new
document would leave the planning staff with an inadequate code.
Hogervorst pointed to the CCI comments earlier in the year that were not
incorporated into Ordinance 182, in fact, upon following up with Cynthia
Chandler, Hogervorst said Chandler responded that Councilor Martin had not
addressed her concerns. Martin objected by saying she had spent hours
responding to Chandler and had never received an acknowledgement.
L. Riechel made a motion to extend the meeting one-half
hour. B. Petersdorf seconded the motion. There were 6 ayes, 0 nays. Motion
There was a discussion about passing two documents that would create
confusion for the staff. Petersdorf asked about the Type I, II, III and IV
decisions being changed in the LCOG document. Darnielle said they were
relatively the same.
Howison said he did not have confidence in Ordinance 182. Petersdorf
said that no matter which document was approved, changes would be made in
the future.
ACTION: L. Riechel made a motion to direct LCOG to produce
Findings of Facts for Ordinance 182 with the following changes:
Definition for the Apparent Shoreline Excessive Slopes
Change review of Type I decisions from "Planning
Secretary" to "City."
J. Scott seconded the motion. There were 4 ayes, 2 nays
(Howison and
Hogervorst dissenting). Motion carried.
L. Riechel made a motion to continue Ordinance 182 with
a third reading. J. Scott seconded the motion. There were 4 ayes, 2 nays (Howison
and Hogervorst dissenting). Motion carried.
Audience member John Stead said that DLCD may require a redline version
of Ordinance 182. Meyer said the Council would take Stead’s comment
under advisement.
There were meetings set as follows (a clarification from the meeting
times set at the worksession held prior to that night’s regular City
Council meeting):
October 11, 2006, 7 p.m. for the review of the land use documents
October 18, 2006, 7 p.m. for the Septic and Erosion Control
11. Unscheduled Items Not Listed on Agenda
12. Executive Session – None.
13. Adjournment
Meyer adjourned the meeting at 11:27 p.m.
____________________________ _______________________________
Sheldon Meyer, Mayor Joanne Hickey, City Recorder