August 10, 2006
7:00 PM
Call to Order, Roll Call and Pledge of Allegiance
Mayor Meyer called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
PRESENT: Mayor S. Meyer; Councilors, J. Scott, P.
Howison, J. Martin, and R. Petersdorf. J. Hogervorst was a couple
of minutes late in arriving.
G. Darnielle, City Attorney; T. Tinker,
Planning Secretary; C. Lewis, Recording Secretary; LCAN; Denise Ruttan,
Siuslaw News; and approximately 35 citizens from the community.
Mayor Meyer led the Council and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
2. Consent Agenda
All items listed here are considered to be routine by the Dunes
City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate
discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be
removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately.)
A. Approval of Minutes: June 8, 2006 and July 13, 2006
B. Bills of the Session: July 14, 2006 through August 10, 2006 totaling
C. Applications for Appointive Office
Conservation Committee – David Bellemore
Water Quality – Mark Chandler
There was a request by Councilor Martin to pull the application of David
Bellemore, Planning Commissioner, from Item C, Applications for Appointment
– due to a possible conflict of interest. Mayor Meyer adjusted the agenda
by placing the topic in New Business for Council discussion.
P. Howison made a motion to approve the Consent
Agenda minus the application for appointment from David Bellemore in
Item C. J. Scott seconded the motion. There were 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1
vacant. Motion carried.
3. Receipts of the Session
The receipts for the period of July 14, 2006 to August 10, 2006 totaled
4. Announcements and Informational Items
A. Art Exhibition: Dunes City Residents/South of the Bridge
artists. Fourteen local artists are showing their works for the month of
August in conjunction with the Festival of the Lakes celebration.
B. Festival of the Lakes, August 19th, 10 am to 4 pm at
Dunes City Hall. There will be a Photo Contest for the festival. Photos must
be received by August 16th.
C. Volunteer Fire Fighters and CERT Trainees needed for Dunes City.
D. Committee Vacancies: Budget Committee (two positions open)
5. Vacant City Council Position
Appointment of City Councilor and the Oath of Office – Application
received by
Lee Riechel.
Councilor Howison asked that Riechel answer questions as part of an
interview process before appointment of the position. Meyer agreed. In a
series of questions, Howison asked Riechel his position on the developmental
moratorium. Riechel was concerned that the Moratorium Support Committee had
not followed a problem solving methodology addressing the quality and
quantifying the nature of the water quality problem. Howison asked Riechel’s
position on continuing the moratorium. Riechel answered that he did not see
how his position should pertain to the process. There was a comment from
Howison regarding the CCI recommendations for the Code Revision of 155 and 156
not being included into a draft (of which Riechel chaired the Planning
Commission, which did not include those changes), of which was tabled at a
previous City Council meeting. Riechel responded that the tabling of the
revision was a personal disappointment. Councilor Martin commented that in the
edit of the revision, there was a major change that included Booth Island.
Howison asked Riechel if it would be premature to pass the Code Revision
Ordinance. Riechel responded that the Council could have the first reading,
and in fact, Riechel has some additional information that he would like to
submit regarding solar access.
ACTION: J. Scott made a motion to appoint Lee Riechel to the
vacant City Council position. J. Martin seconded the motion. There were 5
ayes, 0 nays. Motion carried.
Planning Secretary Teri Tinker (in the absence of the City Recorder)
administered the Oath of Office to Riechel. Riechel took his place at the
Council dais.
6. Guest Speakers - None.
7. Citizen Input on Unscheduled Items
Maximum time 20 minutes: Speakers will be limited to three
minutes. If the number wishing to testify exceeds seven speakers, each speaker’s
time may be reduced to fit within 20 minutes.
A. Susie Navetta and Richard Koehler, 5372 Leavitt Loop,
Florence OR 97439.
Navetta provided a copy of news article concerning a tanker spill
(see Exhibit A). Koehler read two letters authored by Navetta: 1) a
letter to the City Council, and 2) a suggested letter from Meyer to ODOT
(see Exhibit B). Note: letters were provided in Council packets under
Councilor Scott Reports (see Exhibit B).
B. Ralph Farnsworth, 83837 Highway 101, Florence OR 97439.
Farnsworth read a letter concerning budget information (see Exhibit
C. Norman Martin, 83750 Rio, Florence OR 97439.
Martin read from a report from the Center of Lakes and Reservoirs
stating that the phosphorus levels in Woahink Lake were very low. Martin
read an e-mail from J. W. Sweet to Mark Chandler with a quote that
"Woahink looks in great shape." Martin also identified for the
public that the Draft Erosion Control Ordinance being presented to the
Council by the Moratorium Support Committee states that prior to plat
approval, any soil disturbance of 800 square feet, which is a garden
size of 28’ x 28’ and would require a planning process 3-months to
get the approval of the City Council of such a garden (excavation). In
addition, 1-inch of rain in a 24-hour period would halt all construction
for 24-hours after the calculated rainfall.
8. Public Hearings – began at 7:15 p.m.
A. Minor Partition – Charles Bang
Mayor Meyer opened the Public Hearing at 7:33 p.m.
Meyer read the hearing procedure notifying the public of their rights.
Meyer asked the Council to declare any conflicts of interest. There were
none. Meyer asked the Council if there were any ex parte contacts.
Petersdorf said he has talked to Bang a couple of times regarding the
roads. Tinker presented the Staff Report and Findings of Fact,
recommending approval with three conditions (see Exhibit D).
Applicant: Charles Bang, 83474 Woodland Lane, Florence OR 97439.
Bang said he moved onto the property in 2003 full time and he would
like to partition the property to provide a place for his kids from
Florida to spend the summer close to them. Bang said he feels he has
covered all the requirements.
Petersdorf identified a need for emergency vehicles to get in and out
of the property and would like to see a condition for a turnaround.
Meyer asked for proponents: There were none.
Meyer asked for opponents: There were none.
Meyer closed the public hearing at 8:48 p.m.
Councilor Riechel said the tabled land use revision would remove the
60-foot requirement if a property could not be further subdivided. Riechel
suggested that the Planning Commission take that issue out of the revision
and put it in Ordinance form for implementation.
Riechel identified a possible condition that the Final Plat show areas
that have 12% or greater slope requiring a site review before development.
Riechel said he would refrain from voting, since he was a member of the
Road Commission when the partition was being reviewed; he would not have a
biased vote, but would like to abstain. It was identified that 12% slope
would require a site review and 15% slope would require engineering and
Councilor Hogervorst said the homesite is on a 20% slope and that there
is a conflict with the turnaround. Riechel suggested extending the
easement to show the emergency turnaround. Tinker said that the
Conservation Committee reviews the site for building issues.
J. Scott made a motion to approve the Minor Partition
MP 05-05 for Charles Bang with the three conditions identified in the
Findings of Fact plus three additional conditions: 1) show slope of 12% or
greater on final plat; 2) site review required for shoreland; and 3)
additional easement for emergency turnaround.
B.Petersdorf seconded the motion. There were 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1
abstained (Riechel). Motion carried.
B. Minor Partition – Marv and Darlene Beckman
Mayor Meyer opened the Public Hearing.
Meyer read the hearing procedure notifying the public of their rights.
Meyer asked the Council to declare any conflicts of interest. Howison said
he owns property on Booth Island, but has no financial interest in the
Beckman proposal. Meyer asked the Council if there were any ex parte
contacts. Riechel said he had been out to Booth Island on site reviews,
but had no discussion and there were no additional discovery of facts.
Tinker presented the Staff Report and Findings of Fact, recommending
approval with one condition (see Exhibit E).
Applicant: Marv and Darlene Beckman, 82150 Booth Island,
Westlake OR 97493. The Beckman’s asked if there were any questions they
could answer from the Council. There were none.
Meyer asked for proponents: There were none.
Meyer asked for opponents:
Jerry Wasserburg, 84606 East Lake Drive, PO Box
2959, Florence OR 97439.
Wasserburg commented on the transporting of heavy equipment by
water access and also asked if the condition for a septic tank had been
Rebuttal: Darlene Beckman said the materials are floated on a barge and
unloaded from a ramp. The new lots will have one access point. Beckman
said they can access water from a well (low producing) and have a water
permit for restricted use on Siltcoos Lake to cover any well water
shortage. Beckman said that as a condition of the Ordinance for Booth
Island, the septic system that is required has a 100-year time period
before phosphorous would travel to the lake.
Meyer closed the public hearing at 8: 13 p.m.
It was identified that the final plat should show the shoreland setback
and sloped areas.
ACTION: B. Petersdorf made a motion to approve Minor Partition
MP 04-06 for Marv and Darlene Beckman with the two conditions identified.
P. Howison seconded the motion. There were 6 ayes, 0 nays. Motion carried.
C. Minor Partition – Beckman Enterprises, LLC.
Mayor Meyer opened the Public Hearing at 8:18 p.m.
Meyer asked the Council to declare any conflicts of interest. Howison
said he owns property on Booth Island, but has no financial interest in
the Beckman proposal. Meyer asked the Council if there were any ex parte
contacts. Riechel said he had been out to Booth Island on site reviews,
but had no discussion and there were no additional discovery of facts.
Tinker presented the Staff Report and Findings of Fact, recommending
approval with one condition (see Exhibit F).
Applicant: Marv and Darlene Beckman, 82150 Booth Island,
Westlake OR 97493. Darlene Beckman said there was one correction to the
Staff Report to change the acreage to 15.25 acres.
Riechel asked about parking. Darlene Beckman said they have purchased a
commercial lot that will be used for off-street parking for eight
vehicles. Howison questions the setback being more than 50-feet on one
site. Beckman answered that the slope was much better for a building site.
Petersdorf said that there is a designated airstrip in the partition area.
Beckman said the airstrip is overgrown and vegetation cannot be removed as
a condition of the Open Space Overlay. In addition, the use of the
airstrip would not be allowed in the overlay.
Meyer asked for proponents: There were none.
Meyer asked for opponents: There were none.
Meyer closed the public hearing at 8:27 p.m.
ACTION: J. Martin made a motion to approve Minor Partition MP
05-06 for Beckman Enterprises, LLC with the same two conditions as
identified in MP 04-06. P. Howison seconded the motion. There were 6 ayes,
0 nays. Motion carried.
9. Old Business
A. Final Plat – Sunset Ridge
Hogervorst voice a concern of Condition #7 regarding the cross
drainage on the driveways and what methods were being used. Applicant’s
agent Michael Farthing identified page 2, Exhibit H, showing the
construction of a check dam at 35-feet intervals.
ACTION: L. Riechel made a motion to approve the Final Plat
for the Sunset Ridge Subdivision. B. Petersdorf seconded the motion.
There were 5 ayes, 1 nay (Hogervorst). Motion carried.
B. Ordinance 182, an ordinance replacing Chapter 155 and 156 of
the Dunes City Code, First Reading.
ACTION: J. Martin made a motion to have the first reading of
Ordinance 182 by short title only. B. Petersdorf seconded the motion.
There were 4 ayes, 2 nays (Hogervorst and Howison). Motion carried.
Howison questioned how the agenda was set allowing the reading of the
ordinance when LCOG is in the process of drafting a new revision from a
more modern model cities code. Petersdorf said that at the present time,
the City does not have an ordinance that is working. Petersdorf
suggested having a solar access ordinance that stands by itself.
Hogervorst made the accusation that there was subversion in the setting
of the agenda, since the Mayor acknowledged that he did not know
Ordinance 182 was on the agenda until recently. Meyer offered an
explanation as to why he had not reviewed the agenda. Martin said there
will be a reconciliation; that Ordinance 182 should be passed, then
reconcile the document with the water quality document. Hogervorst said
it was Ordinance 182 that polarized the City, since the CCI concerns
were not addressed. Darnielle was under the impression that DLCD would
have to review the document, but it was later clarified that the current
document had the 45-day notice and was reviewed by DLCD. Darnielle said
LCOG is only 20 – 30 hours away from developing a first draft of a
newer code revision, although it would only be a first draft and it
would take time to develop a final draft. Hogervorst said he has
received a $17,000 grant by building trust with Amanda Puntin, whom
Hogervorst characterized as viewing Dunes City as less than serious.
Martin stated that she worked closely with Amanda Puntin during the
Wetland Inventory update and had an excellent response from Puntin, who
praised the document that Dunes City completed with the grant money from
DLCD. Darnielle acknowledged that the $17,000 grant is not funding the
land use code revision, but only the water quality portion. Meyer
suggested finishing the process so that a comparision could be made with
the land use code revision. Riechel said the City has been through the
model cities code with LCOG once many years ago, and found out at that
time that the model code was directed towards much larger cities.
Riechel said the City, at that time, decided that the format was okay,
but what the City will get from LCOG will not take in any organizational
changes. Darnielle said that the subdivision code does not comply with
state law and that procedure would take about ˝ hour to complete.
Darnielle said the latest revision will show the legislative history.
Petersdorf suggested having the first reading now, then the City will
receive the LCOG document and may not have to go through with a second
reading. Howison said the ordinance was tabled because of the protection
of water quality, etc. would be appealed and be an embarrassment to the
Council. Darnielle said that DLCD should be notified that there will be
a different evidentiary hearing date.
Public input was allowed by Mayor Meyer.
Cynthia Chander, 4934 Lakeshore Drive, Florence OR 97439.
Chandler read a letter into the record (see Exhibit G).
Mark Chander, 4934 Lakeshore Drive, Florence OR 97439.
Chandler read a letter into the record (see Exhibit H).
David Bellemore 83584 Salal, Florence OR 97439. Bellemore
protested the reading of Ordinance 182 calling for responsible
development. Bellemore said the MSC has spent 940 collective hours
reviewing the model cities code and that job needs to be completed.
Norman Martin, Rio, Florence OR 97439. Martin said all
meetings for the prior land use code revision were open to the public
for any input. Martin said the review of the moratorium by DLCD
indicated that the City did not meet the ORS Statute, but the Council
enacted the moratorium despite DLCD’s recommendation, which is a
breach of the Council Oath of Office. Martin said the Moratorium Support
Committee has "cherry picked" points to suit what they want to
do. Mark Cherniak is being used to justify facts and is paid by the MSC.
Martin said that blooms are normal in all waters and that there has been
no toxic algae bloom as proported as a fact. Martin said there
were facts that were ignored. Martin said the prior speaker is against
development in Dunes City and there have been quotes from members that
they have to "get Rob Ward, the developer"…then they changed
their reasoning to protect water quality. Martin said Farnsworth himself
has said the water in Woahink Lake is terrific.
John Stead, 83505 South Cove Way, Florence OR 97439. Stead
read a letter into the record (see Exhibit I).
Jerry Wasserburg, 84606 East Lake Drive, Florence OR 97439.
Wasserburg read a motion that occurred at the April 13, 2006 City
Council meeting by Howison. Wasserburg said the CCI function was not
legal by law, so the current work should continue and set good
Darlene Beckman, 82150 Booth Island, Westlake OR 97493.
Beckman said that Ordinance 182 as it stands is better than the current
code (155 and 156). Beckman suggested adding into the ordinance such
things as the erosion control, which could take months or years.
Lori Robertson, 83623 Jensen Lane, Florence OR 97439.
Robertson said Ordinance 182, a watered down land use policy, should be
stopped and the Council should support the current work with LCOG.
nays (Howison and Hogervorst). Motion carried.
Mayor Meyer read Ordinance 182 by short title and asked staff to give
notice and set a public hearing date. Petersdorf requested that the
notice be done by display ad. Darnielle said the display ad would be
adequate for notice.
C. Road Inspection Fee - Gary Darnielle
Darnielle presented a copy of a draft Road Inspection agreement that
would cover expenses for final plat approval. Darnielle said an
ordinance or a resolution would be needed to cover the fee and the Road
Commission would need to identify the items of inspection. Meyer
directed staff to implement the agreement.
10. Moratorium Report
A. Moratorium Extension Request – Discussion deferred to Item D
B. Erosion Control Ordinance – Hogervorst reported on the
progress of the Moratorium Support Committee and presented the minutes
for the recent meetings. Hogervorst said that staff wants to wait until
the database is complete to implement the Septic Maintenance Ordinance,
but identified that letters could be sent out to the first group of
properties scheduled for inspection. There was a proposal by the MSC to
hire Richard Koehler to scan the septic files from Lane County
Sanitation for a cost of $6200. Scott said that it should be the
responsibility of the property owners to do the septic mapping instead
of paying $6200. Riechel said that from his recent experience of
updating his septic system, the map in possession of the Lane County
Sanitarian is not adequate as the measurements were inaccurate. Martin
said that many people have drawings and the ordinance is set-up in a
four to five year period. Hogervorst said Ehlers (Lane County
Sanitarian) could manage about 15 properties per month.
C. Chernaik Ordinance – Did not discuss.
D. Update on MSC Expenditures – Martin asked there has been an
accounting of the expenditures for the moratorium. Hogervorst said that
Chernaik is the only expense and the grant is being used to pay LCOG and
Gary Darnielle. Darnielle said a bill will be sent to the City for July
and August once the contract is signed. Scott asked that Ehlers and Knox
be invited to attend the Building Contractors meeting on August 23rd.
Riechel again brought forth the opinion that there has not been a
methodology for problem solving used by the MSC and that no analytical
work has occurred to identify priorities, which is needed on a limited
budget. Hogervorst commented that they are not reinventing the wheel
P. Howison made a motion that the City notify DLCD of
the intention of a public hearing to evaluate the progress of the
moratorium support committee and discuss the extension of a moratorium. J.
Hogervorst seconded the motion. There were 2 ayes, 4 nays. Motion failed.
There was a clarification of the Council that with the rejection of the
above motion, there would not be an extension of the moratorium.
11. New Business (New matters, in absences of a
compelling reason, may be set over to a subsequent meeting.)
Consent Agenda Item Pulled: Applications for Appointive Office -
Committee – David Bellemore
Martin said she was concerned that there might be a conflict of
interest with Bellemore being a Planning Commissioner. Darnielle said that
a conflict occurs mostly with a Councilor being a member of a committee.
George Burke said that Planning Commission is a decision making body and
the City Council level is for appeals of those decisions. Riechel said
that the Planning Commission had never previously had an Conservation
Committee issue come before them while he was Planning Commissioner. Burke
said there will be more buildable lots on the shoreland with the new
subdivisions and minor partitions requiring more decision making activity
at the Planning Commission level. Darnielle said there would be a
conflict, but the conflict could be resolved in a couple of ways;
Darnielle said he would bring an opinion back to the Council at the next
meeting. Petersdorf suggested appointing Bellemore in the meantime.
ACTION: B. Petersdorf made a motion to approve the appointment
of David Bellemore to the Conservation Committee. J. Scott seconded the
motion. There were 6 ayes, 0 nays. Motion carried.
A. Ordinance 185, an ordinance providing penalties for failure to
pay annual administrative water permit fees or report water meter
readings in a timely manner.
B. Petersdorf made a motion to have the first reading
of Ordinance 185 by short title only. J. Scott seconded the motion. There
were 6 ayes, 0 nays. Motion carried.
Mayor Meyer read Ordinance 185 by short title.
B. Election Discussion: See Memo
The discussion before the Council was how to fill the election
vacancies. It was decided that the four council seats (three seats with a
four-year term, one seat with a two-year term) would be filled with the
first, second and third place electors receiving the four-year terms and
the forth place elector receiving the two-year term.
C. Intergovernmental Agreement with LCOG for water quality and land use
planning technical assistance.
Darnielle said the agreement amount should be reduced by the
Chernaik invoice.
ACTION: B. Petersdorf made a motion to approve the
Intergovernmental Agreement with LCOG for water quality and land use
planning technical assistance with the amended amount. P. Howison seconded
the motion there were 6 ayes, 0 nays. Motion carried.
D. Esrig Shoreland Violation
Dave and Kim Esrig, 2427 Lincoln Street, Eugene OR. The
Esrigs said their intention was to build a dock before building a cottage.
The logs in the lake along their shoreline were a swimming hazard. Esrigs
said they contacted Dunes City and Division of State Lands and thought
they were working along the guidelines of those agencies. Esrigs said they
hired someone to create a path (that was greater than 8-feet wide) and
they did remove a danger tree. That vegetation that was removed outside
the 8-feet allowed is re-growing.
Burke said it was the recommendation of the Planning Commission that
the Esrigs, Florence Marine and Leisure Excavation each have a separate
fine for tree/vegetation removal and operation of heavy equipment in the
shoreland without a permit. The other recommendations were to revegetate
the area with native plants (professional landscape plan required), use
haybales (or other means) to control soil erosion, and repair the
depression in the ground that was created when yarding the logs out of the
P. Howison made a motion to require the Esrigs obtain
the necessary permits (double fees) and that a fine of $1500 will be
levied. The revegetation costs will be returned to the Esrigs out of the
fine amount up to the $1500. J. Scott seconded the motion. There were 6
ayes, 0 nays. Motion carried.
The stop work order will be lifted when the permit fees and fine is
B. Petersdorf made a motion to extend the meeting past
11:00 p.m. J. Martin seconded the motion. There were 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Motion carried.
There was discussion about the Contractor’s responsibility for the
violations. To remove debris from the lake, a permit is needed if the
material is 50 cubic yards or more. The City permits work in the shoreland
and any vegetation and tree removal. Darnielle said that the ordinance
points to the responsible party and the City Council has complete
discretion of identifying those responsible. Howison suggested a fine of
$1500 to each contractor. Riechel recused himself from the discussion.
Tom Nicholson, Attorney for Leisure Excavating, LLC, P O Box 308,
Florence OR 97439.
Gary Rose, Leisure Excavation LLC, 4525 Highway 101, Florence OR
Nicholson said that Rose purchased the business in April of 2003.
Leisure acted as a sub-contractor to the property owners. Nicholson said
that Rose was led to believe by the owners that all permits were received
prior to the commencement of work. Nicholson said that as a result of the
current situation, Leisure Excavation has began a new policy that there
will be written proof from a client that all permits are obtained before
any work is conducted in Dunes City; therefore, corrective action has been
implemented. Nicholson said that all that Leisure Excavation did was to
yard the trees. The trees were not downed by Leisure, nor was any grading
or excavating performed. Gary Rose said it is out of the scope of their
business to do work in the water.
Florence Marine, Brian Girard, Florence OR.
Girard said that the Esrigs assured him that they had obtained all the
required permits. Florence Marine was hired to remove the logs that were
within the proposed dock footprint. Girard said that as a result of the
incident, his business has also implemented a policy to require proof of
all permits prior to work in the lake. Howison asked Girard if he knew
what permits were required in Dunes City. Girard acknowledged that he did
(Dunes City, DSL and ODFW). Darnielle suggested that the City prepare an
information sheet to distribute to contractors. Petersdorf said the City
has done that in the past. Burke said that Planning has made an
administrative change to use a display card (similar to the Building
Permit card) for any permit in the City.
ACTION: J. Scott made a motion to fine each contractor $500. P.
Howison seconded the motion. There were 3 ayes, 2 nays (Petersdorf and
Martin), 1 abstained (Riechel). Motion carried.
12. Reports
A. Report by City Attorney – None.
B. Road Commission – Road Report - R. Petersdorf -
Exhibit J.
C. Parks & Recreation/Conservation Committee – None.
D. Site Review Committee - J. Martin
Letters to Don Jewell for Lake Drive Complaint – Martin reported
that a letter has been sent to Jewell and Dolphin Properties (see
Exhibit K).
Martin reported that the Beers Property is pending a response from
The Building Department for Gary Darnielle to proceed with the
E. Police Comm./Fire Dept/Water – WQCC Report - J. Scott
Letter from Susie Navetta – (addressed previously in the meeting).
Scott reported that he, Meyer, Stead, and Booth had attended a
meeting with the Water Resources Department towards the approval of the
water storage weir on Woahink Lake. A description of the easement is
needed from Rob Ward (Gary Darnielle is to obtain that description).
F. Community Center – None.
G. Grants/Franchises/Licenses /Moratorium Support - J. Hogervorst
My Trip to Russia – time did not allow for the report.
H. Mayor’s Report – None.
I. Planning Report - T. Tinker
Planning Commission recommends attendance of all Commissioners to the
Planning Commissioner Training on September 16 with a cost of $85
per person. The Council decided to wait for first of the year
training from Darnielle.
Tinker reported that year to date; there have been 56 building
permits of which, eight were for single family residences or mobile home
Final Plat for CDS minor partition: Tinker said the deed restriction
was removed from the final plat, but the County will unrecord the
document and Council will need to initial the correction document
placing that restriction back onto the final plat as required.
13. Unscheduled Items Not Listed on Agenda – None.
14. Executive Session – None.
15. Adjournment
Meyer adjourned the meeting at 11:54 p.m.
____________________________ _______________________________
Sheldon Meyer, Mayor Joanne Hickey, City Recorder