Stormwater Workgroup meeting minutes

March 30, 2010 at 2:00 pm

printable file


City Hall - 82877 Spruce St. , Westlake , OR 97439  

1.      Call to Order  

The Stormwater Workgroup meeting was called to order by Chairman Gerald Wasserburg at 2:05 p.m. 

2.      Roll Call 

Present:  George Burke, David Bellemore, Lee Riechel, and Gerald Wasserburg. 

Absent:  John Stead. 

Also Present:  Lisa Ekelund (Planning Secretary) and Larry Lewis (Planning Consultant). 

3.      Approval of the minutes 

  • Approval of the minutes of 03/16/10 

Gerald Wasserburg asked if everyone agreed to the minutes of 03/16/10.  All members unanimously voted to approve the minutes as written. 

Lee Riechel made the motion to correct the location of the first Stormwater Subcommittee summary report to the mayor on the website so that they are easy to find.  All members came to the consensus that this should occur. 

4.      Summary of the DEQ 1200 C permit by David  Bellemore 

David Bellemore gave a summary on the DEQ 1200C permit and gave examples of what these permits look like when submitted. 

The Workgroup had a discussion on the use of a DEQ 1200C permit.   

George Burke said the consideration of the 1200C permit and its rules should be included in the discussion and the rules that are developed should be carried over to post construction phase. 

5.      Rough draft of code for new developments by Lee Riechel and John Stead 

Lee Riechel presented the Workgroup with a document regarding proposed requirements and standards for development requiring a State of Oregon DEQ 1200C permit.  The document was as follows: Requirements and Standards for Development Requiring State of Oregon DEQ 1200 C permits. 

The City of Dunes City holds that DEQ 1200C is the acceptable process for stormwater management in Dunes City for land use applications requiring the DEQ 1200 C process. 

In addition to this section,, the City shall approve land use applications only after the requirements, standards, and processes of this title have been met.   

The City of dunes City will require DEQ 1200C permit data and additional data identified below before any land use application is accepted. 

Required documentation: 

A 1200C permit approved by DEQ. 

Copies of all documentation submitted with and during the 1200C process. As an example, this documentation shall include, but not be limited to the ESCP, any Action Plans that may occur, the Plot Plan showing the location of all impervious surfaces and control facility locations, and design compliance documentation for the processing of 3.1 inches of rainfall in a 6-hour period. 

All BMP's used for this use application that are not contained in the 1200C permit application. 

Other requirements: 

Alert the City whenever a 1200C inspection occurs with the expectation that a City representative may be present. 

The requirements of Dunes City Ordinance Number 193, Erosion and Sediment Control, apply to all DEQ 1200C lands. 

Prior to final approval of the land use application, the applicant shall provide the City with: 

Facility design data supporting a functional inspection cycle of no less than (to be determined) years. 

The Plot Plan showing the location of all impervious surfaces and control facility locations. 

A Maintenance Plan, Schedules, and Instructions for all Control Facilities. 

Design data identifying that each facility design may be accurately inspected by the property owner or local contractor.

George Burke said the easiest way to bring the Erosion Control Ordinance and the Stormwater Ordinance together is to indicate that the facilities need to be built and they need to set the design standards to handle the 3.1 inches of rainfall in a 6-hour period.   

Lee Riechel said the provision is in the DEQ manual.  Lee said it is clear that stormwater management can extend after the construction period. 

Gerald Wasserburg said he thinks the DEQ 1200C is only used during construction.  Gerald said this is a State and Federal charge and there are differences in the local codes and issues.   

George Burke said the BMP's are in the DEQ manual. 

Gerald Wasserburg said they are charged to do stormwater management control and to unleash all the BMP's on that issue is a big burden. 

David Bellemore said when it comes down to ordinary citizens, the group should come up with something simpler that is easy to understand as opposed to the DEQ manual which is understood by professionals. 

Larry Lewis said in his experience, when anyone needs to use a DEQ 1200C permit, it goes directly to the City Engineer.  

Gerald Wasserburg said they need to establish a schedule for inspections. 

George Burke said when the system is designed; it can include the schedule of inspections. 

Gerald Wasserburg charged David Bellemore is charged to make an inspection schedule. 

The workgroup discussed the possibility of system development charges. 

Gerald Wasserburg called for a recess at 3:21 p.m. 

Gerald Wasserburg reconvened the meeting at 3.28 p.m. 

The workgroup scheduled the next meeting for 4/16/10 at 2:00 p.m. 

6.      Assignment of tasks 

Gerald Wasserburg charged David Bellemore to come up with the critical BMP's associated with the DEQ 1200C permit or anything else with regard to stormwater management. 

Gerald Wasserburg charged Lee Riechel and George Burke to draft the portion of the ordinance dealing with new residences on one acre or less. 

7.      Adjournment 

There being no further business to come before the Stormwater Workgroup, Gerald Wasserburg adjourned the meeting of the Dunes City Stormwater Workgroup at 3:47 p.m. 

The proceedings of the Dunes City Stormwater Workgroup meeting were recorded on tape, and are on file at City Hall.  Upon approval by the Stormwater Workgroup, these minutes will be available online at 


Approved by the Stormwater Workgroup on the 13th day of April, 2010, 

Signed copy available at Dunes City Hall

Gerald Wasserburg, Chairman



Signed copy available at Dunes City Hall

Lisa Ekelund, Planning Secretary


