Planning Commission and Committee for
Citizen Involvement Minutes
16, 2009 at 6:00 pm
printable file
City Hall - 82877 Spruce St., Westlake, OR 97439
1. Call to Order by Planning Chairman David Bellemore
The Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Planning
Chairman David Bellemore at 6:02 p.m.
2. Roll Call
Lisa Ekelund took Roll Call.
Present: Planning Chairman David
Bellemore, Commissioner
Marilyn Miller, Commissioner Ronald Shearer, Commissioner Ken
Platt, and Planning Secretary Lisa Ekelund.
Absent: Commissioner Eggert Madsen (excused), and Commissioner
Dennis Smith (unexcused).
Citizens Present:
Robert Quandt, Lee Riechel, Gerald Wilson,
Darlene Beckman, Marv Beckman, Rebecca Ruede, Tracy Quandt, Mark
Chandler, Fred Hilden, George Burke, Gordon Robertson, Debbie Pasternak,
and Eric Hauptman.
3. Pledge of Allegiance
All individuals who were present joined in the Pledge of Allegiance.
4. New Business
Staff Report on property located at 83421 Hwy 101
Chairman Bellemore said the Planning Commission has been given this
report because the property owners excavating contractor thought he
might be putting dirt in the 50' shoreland zone. Chairman Bellemore said
the contractor requested a site review and the Conservation Committee
went onto the property. Chairman Bellemore said after the Planning
Secretary received the Conservation Committee's report she went to the
site with the City Recorder. Chairman Bellemore said after hearing a
discrepancy in what the Conservation Committee saw and what the City
Staff saw he and the Planning Secretary went onto the property again.
Chairman Bellemore said he believes the Conservation Committee misjudged
where the 50' line was.
Chairman Bellemore asked if the Planning Commissioners had any
questions or if they felt they needed to see the site for themselves.
Commissioner Miller said no to both questions.
Commissioner Miller asked if the owners have been notified in writing
of these findings.
The Planning Secretary said she would notify the owners in writing.
Commissioner Miller made the motion to accept the Planning Staff
Report as presented. Commissioner Platt seconded the motion and the
motion passed by unanimous vote.
5. Old Business
· Dunes City Zoning & Development Code Audit
Chairman Bellemore said he would like to table this topic to another
session because of the CCI meeting and he doesn't want too many irons in
the fire.
Robert Quandt spoke from the audience saying he believes there are
people who are probably going to arrive later for the CCI meeting.
Chairman Bellemore said he would try to stall.
Lee Riechel spoke from the audience saying he was involved with the
writing of the Ordinances and he would like to be involved with the code
Chairman Bellemore said he would like Lee Riechel involved.
Commissioner Miller made the motion to table the item of the Dunes
City Zoning and Development Code Audit until next month. Commissioner
Shearer seconded the motion. The motion passed by unanimous vote.
Chairman Bellemore called for a 15-minute recess at 6:15 p.m.
Chairman Bellemore called the meeting back to order at 6:30 p.m. and
then turned the meeting over to CCI Chairman Robert Quandt.
6. Adjournment
Lee Riechel said the Planning Commission should adjourn and then pick
up the meeting as a CCI with everyone contributing equally.
There being no further business to come before the Planning
Commissioner Platt made the motion to adjourn the Planning Commission
meeting. Commissioner Miller seconded the motion and the motion passed
by unanimous vote.
The Planning Commission meeting adjourned at 6:32 p.m.
7. Call to Order by CCI Chairman Robert Quandt
CCI Chairman Rob Quandt called the CCI meeting to at 6:32 p.m.
8. Approval of Minutes
Planning Commission / CCI Minutes from 06/09/09
Chairman Quandt said on page 5 in the 3rd paragraph, in the second
sentence, the word "perceive" should be changed to
Lisa Ekelund said it was pointed out to her that on page 14, in the
second sentence from the top, the words "Budget Committee"
should be changed to "Planning Commission and CCI".
Lisa Ekelund said it was pointed out to her that on page 3, in the
fifth sentence from the top, the word "unanimous" should be
changed to "the majority".
Debbie Pasternak said on page 4 in the comment from Tracy
Quandt, in
the 2nd sentence, "dunes city" needs to be capitalized.
Marilyn Miller made the motion to approve the minutes of the CCI of
6/9/9 as corrected. The motion was seconded by Eric Hauptman and the
motion passed by unanimous vote.
9. Public Comment
Stormwater Ordinance
Chairman Quandt asked if there were any further comments and if they
felt their comments were reflected in the minutes.
David Bellemore said he was still concerned with the 500 square foot
10. Discussion
Stormwater Ordinance
Chairman Quandt said they may need to look at the Erosion Control
Ordinance and the calculations used in it. Chairman Quandt said they
need to be mindful of anything that could conflict between the
Stormwater Ordinance and the Erosion Control Ordinance.
Lee Riechel said the two Ordinances do not quite match and he would
propose they split the differences between the Erosion Control and
Stormwater Ordinances.
Darlene Beckman said the 1200C deals with just when you are proposing
a development with a number of lots.
Chairman Quandt said the 1200C is if you disturb over an acre.
David Bellemore said many cities have blended the two into one
Ordinance. David said erosion is short term and stormwater considers the
future. David said it's a good idea to keep the Erosion Control
Ordinance in mind when thinking about the Stormwater Ordinance.
George Burke said the 1200C is for any disturbance of property over
an acre.
Chairman Quandt said he would like to form a work group who would
create a draft for the CCI to review. Chairman Quandt asked for
agreement on this idea of a work group.
Fred Hilden made the motion they form a stormwater work group to work
on the Stormwater Ordinance, this group should be 4-5 people that would
provide feedback back to the CCI as the work progresses. Tracy Quandt
seconded the motion.
Marilyn Miller asked if the work group would bring back a draft of
the Ordinance.
Chairman Quandt said he is enabling this work group and then beyond
that he has a directive for the work group to follow.
David Bellemore said he highly recommends keeping the work group on
the smaller side because the more people there are; the more it would
typically be bogged down.
Chairman Quandt called the motion to question.
The motion to form a stormwater work group to work on the Stormwater
Ordinance, this group should be 4-5 people that would provide feedback
back to the CCI as the work progresses passed by unanimous vote.
Chairman Quandt said the work group would have the directive to
provide a draft of a Stormwater Ordinance that takes into account
previous drafts of the ordinance, recommendations from the Commissions,
input from the CCIs public record, and any new input received and then
bring this new draft back to the CCI for review.
Eric Hauptman made the motion to accept the directive as stated by
Chairman Quandt. Marilyn Miller seconded the motion.
Rebecca Ruede asked if they should suggest a time frame.
Chairman Quandt said a date would be difficult to set and he
anticipates a couple of months but this is a city of volunteers.
Rebecca Ruede said perhaps they could make a mandate that they meet
once a week.
Chairman Quandt disagreed with meeting once a week.
David Bellemore said that perhaps the work group should report once a
month on their progress.
Chairman Quandt said he likes the idea of the work group reporting
once a month on their progress.
Lee Riechel said because this is a Sub-Committee of the
CCI, it
should be open to the public, which means it needs to be a scheduled
meeting. Lee said it has to go in the paper to be legal.
Eric Hauptman and Fred Hilden both said they do not believe there
needs to be Public Notice.
Eric Hauptman said they should just keep everyone up to date on their
David Bellemore said in the interest of transparency perhaps the work
group should operate as a Citizen Advisory Committee. David said the
work group should get together at a specific time each week. David said
they could put out a Public Notice stating where they meet and at what
time each week. David said this way, the public could attend but they
would not participate.
Lee Riechel said he supports David Bellemore's comments.
George Burke said trying to do a work group and report after every
meeting is difficult. George said it would take a few meetings before
they decide on and produce anything for the public. George said there is
a lot of work that needs to happen. George said there would not be
anything decided on at the beginning of the process.
Fred Hilden asked George Burke if it is reasonable to have monthly
George Burke said it would take several months so the requirement to
have feedback within the first two months is difficult.
Eric Hauptman said they are building a document and they are building
a format. Eric said the group should go page by page. Eric explained
that the Lane Council of Governments (LCOG) wanted the City to divide
the Erosion Control and the Stormwater Ordinance. Eric asked if they
think they would be able to have a monthly summary.
David Bellemore suggested the work group take minutes at the meetings
and post them on the web site.
Tracy Quandt asked if it would be possible to have it as a standing
item on the City Council agenda each month.
Bellemore, Eric Hauptman and Robert Quandt all said in unison
that Tracy Quandt had a good idea.
Rebecca Ruede asked how they would form the Committee.
Chairman Quandt said he has a plan for this.
Chairman Quandt called the motion to question.
The motion stating the work group would have the directive to provide
a draft of a Stormwater Ordinance that takes into account previous
drafts of the ordinance, recommendations from the Commissions, input
from the CCIs public record, and any new input received and then bring
this new draft back to the CCI for review passed by unanimous show of
Chairman Quandt said he would be willing to chair the work group if
he is allowed to choose the members himself who would consist of John
Stead, George Burke, Gerry Wasserburg and David Bellemore.
Tracy Quandt made the motion to approve the CCI stormwater work group
as suggested by Chairman Quandt. Eric Hauptman seconded the motion.
Rebecca Ruede said she would like to see Lee Riechel on the
David Bellemore asked if they could put people on the work group who
are not in attendance at the present meeting such as Gerry Wasserburg
and John Stead.
Chairman Quandt said they attended last time.
David Bellemore asked if Chairman Quandt checked with Gerry
Wasserburg and John Stead to see if they are willing to be in the work
Chairman Quandt said they are willing.
Eric Hauptman asked if Lee Riechel is ready to do this.
Lee Riechel said this is several levels removed and he could
David Bellemore said Lee Riechel would be a good addition.
Darlene Beckman asked if George Burke was on it as well and Chairman
Quandt said yes.
Tracy Quandt revised her motion to reflect the revised list of
recommended work group members to include Lee Riechel, Gerry Wasserburg,
George Burke, John Stead, and David Bellemore. Eric Hauptman seconded
the motion and the motion passed by unanimous vote.
Chairman Quandt said they will come up with a schedule of when the
work group meets and they will report accordingly.
Fred Hilden thanked the volunteers in advance for all their hard work
in making this come together.
Chairman Quandt agreed with Fred
Darlene Beckman asked if it appropriate to have the Planning
Commission CCI committee.
Eric Hauptman said in some small cities, the Council is the CCI and
having David Bellemore on the work group is not a problem. Eric said he
checked with Norman.
Chairman Quandt said they will provide progress reports and anyone is
welcome to continue to supply information to the work group.
Lee Riechel said he would like Lisa to make available, copies of the
1200C DEQ information for copies to the people on the CAC.
George Burke said he would like everyone to have copies of the DEQ
Erosion Control Manual for everyone to have. George said they could
order it from DEQ and they should find out what would be cheaper, copies
or ordering.
11. Adjournment
There being no further business to come before the Committee for
Citizen Involvement,
Marilyn Miller made the motion to adjourn the meeting and Darlene
Beckman seconded. The motion passed by unanimous vote.
The meeting of the Dunes City Committee for Citizen Involvement
adjourned at 7:15 p.m.
The proceedings of the Dunes City Planning Commission / Committee for
Citizen Involvement meeting were recorded on tape, and are filed in the
City Recorder's office. The complete minutes of this meeting are on file
in the City Recorder's office. Upon approval by the Planning Commission
and the Committee for Citizen Involvement, these minutes will be
available online at
Respectfully prepared by,
Lisa Ekelund
Planning Secretary
Approved by the Planning Commission on the 27th day of August,
David Bellemore
Planning Commission Chairman
Approved by the Committee for Citizen Involvement on the 27th day
of August, 2009,
Robert Quandt
CCI Chairman