CCI Minutes Stormwater Pollution Reduction

June 11, 2007    


Chairman Peter Howison called the meeting to order at 7:04 .  

Those in attendance were Darlene and Marv Beckman, Mark Chandler, Peter Howison, Susie Navetta, Debbie Pasternak, Gordon Robertson, Denise Ruttan (from the Siuslaw News) and John Stead.

 The minutes from the CCI meetings of February 14, 2007 and April 11, 2007 (Erosion and Sediment Control were handed out to those present.

 Peter Howison explained the purpose of the CCI committee and that the Stormwater Ordinance was a land use ordinance. He then turned the meeting over to John Stead, Stormwater Sub-committee Chairman. John introduced the sub-committee.  Those named were Mark Chandler, Jerry Curran, Richard Koehler, Susie Navetta, Debbie Pasternak, and John Stead.  John explained that Jerry had replaced Dave Bellemore after his resignation.

 John Stead informed the CCI members that the Stormwater ordinance was written as a Land Use Ordinance while keeping in mind state Goal 6 and the Comprehensive Plan Policies B1, B6, and B9.  John said, “ Dunes City is unique.  It fronts on three lakes”.  The sub-committee started in April 2006 with Tim Bingham (LCOG) writing the first draft and serving as a consultant. The sub-committee meets twice a week and is currently working on the “Stormwater Manual” which should be finished very soon.

 Darlene Beckman and Gordon Robertson said they had looked over the Stormwater Ordinance and found it to be confusing.  John Stead suggested that we start at the first and go through the ordinance and discuss the confusing sections for clarification.

 99.10 Applicability (C) - Darlene and Gordon wanted to know if the city needed to get permits for doing city roads.  No one present knew the answer, but suggested that we needed to find out and be sure the Master Road Plan is in concert with the Stormwater Ordinance.  Mark Chandler stated the sub-committee was still working on the Stormwater Manual and explained the SIM (simple) Plan from the manual.  The plan gives credits for retaining trees and using containment planters.  Darlene and Gordon suggested adding a phrase about the SIM Plan in the ordinance and perhaps it should go in § 99.25.

 99.20 (A) Containment and Destination- keep it on site and where is it going?  The purpose is the protect life and property from flooding.  Containment standards apply to ALL development.

 99.25 Pollution Reduction Standards - the purpose is to protect public health by reducing pollution.  The Stormwater Management Manual will be helpful in guiding all the developers with pollution reduction standards.

 99.30 Flow Control Standards – some typos and omissions were noted.  It was determined that “lot coverage” should be in the definitions.  Research is needed here.

 99.35 Stormwater Oil Control Standards – It was determined that this section did not fit our city and needed to be reworked.  The committee will revisit this section at the next meeting.

 99.40 Stormwater Source Controls – Item concern fuels and other hazardous materials we need to take aother look at this to see if we need to mention some of the items.

 99.45 Stormwater Operations and Maintenance Standards – All private or publicly owned property must insure that runoff is maintained.

 99.50 Inspection – The inspector will report to the Council to keep the Council apprised of the Operation and Maintenance.

 99.55 Adjustment Review – Approval Criteria – Inspection would come from the Health and Safety Inspector.

 99.60 (A) Stormwater Management Manual – Purpose is to reduce runoff pollution.  Remove part of the last sentence.

 99.65 Definitions – are still incomplete.

 Peter Howison said, “The CCI will be meeting again for discussion of the Stormwater Management Manual in August”.  He thanked the citizens for attending and adding their input.

 The meeting adjourned at 8:57 PM .

 Respectfully submitted, Susie Navetta