CCI / MSC Minutes Peter Howison called the meeting together at Those in attendance were Linda Ash, Darlene and Marv
Beckman, Clare Brien, Mark Chandler, Ian Chun, Gary Darnielle, Dave Davis,
Audrey and Ralph Farnsworth, Fuzzy Gates, Richard Koehler, Judy and Norman
Martin, Marilyn Miller, Susie Navetta, Gerald Reavis, Gordon and Lori
Robertson, Theresa and William Sathe, Peter Howison read a statement from the William Sathe and Norman Martin objected and said
that the committee was not following the CCI rules.
Richard Koehler said the web site would be used to make the process
more transparent and legal notice would come at least 24 hours in advance.
John Stead said, “A definite process should be designed to inform
the citizens”. Norman
Martin wanted to work on the CIP. The
CCI was adjourned at The MSC meeting was opened immediately after the adjournment. Peter Howison opened the meeting at MSC members in attendance were Darlene and Marv Beckman, Mark Chandler, Ralph Farnsworth, Peter Howison, Richard Koehler, Marilyn Miller, Susie Navetta, John Stead, and Jerry Wasserburg. Absent were Dave Bellemore, Johan Hogervorst, Sheldon Meyer and Karen Peck. A motion was made to form a new sub-committee to finish the Erosion and Sediment Control Committee because the process had been slowed down by having the full CCI committee. Those named were Dave Bellemore, Mark Chandler, Rick Cox, Gordon Robertson, and Jerry Wasserburg. Jerry Wasserburg will chair the committee. Ralph Farnsworth made a motion to accept the proposed committee and Marilyn Miller seconded the motion. Motion passed. Theresa Sathe, not a member of the MSC, objected to not being allowed to nominate someone. Peter read from the Comprehensive Plan (Introduction): Developers should be able to put the proper type of construction in the right place with the least damage to the environment. New citizens maybe attracted by having some assurance of what their future surroundings will look like. Residents who are already here should gain confidence that their city will not deteriorate as has been the case in so many unplanned communities. Mark Chandler reported we still needed $4400 to finish the Stormwater Ordinance. A new committee will be formed to go over this ordinance during the March City Council meeting. Meeting Adjourned at Respectfully submitted, Susie Navetta, CCI/MSC Secretary