CCI minutes Chairman Peter Howison opened the meeting at Those participating in the meeting were Darlene and
Marv Beckman, David Bellemore, Mark Chandler, Ian Chun, Steve Chun, Hicks,
Peter Howison, Sharon Huff, Ron Mann, Norman and Judy Martin, Susie
Navetta, Gordon and Lori Robertson, June Sathe, Theresa Sathe, Troy Sathe,
John Stead, and Josie Ward a total of 18 people. Dave Bellemore made a motion to approve the minutes
of the last meeting, a second came from John Stead and the approval was
made by the committee. The agenda included: Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance Phosphate Reduction Ordinance Stormwater Reduction Ordinance. 1.112 A. Dave Bellemore has been trying to get a list from staff on reasons for needing an application. The list would include Partitions, Sub-divisions, PUD’s, Site Reviews, and Conditional Uses. 1.113 Exemptions: - the end of the first sentence add
…any of the following: Gordon Robertson asked about grading permits and Judy Martin said they were located in Ord. 151 in the Code book. Lori Robertson prepared a BMP list for the committee. Many of the committee members are new and have not read the ordinance. The meeting was accomplishing very little. It was impossible to continue forward and a motion was made to send it back to the sub-committee by Norman Martin and that received a second by Peter Howison. Most of the ordinance is finished except: 1.112 A. – Applications 1.113 – Exemptions 1.117 A. 3. – Sign-off Agreement by Darlene Beckman, “no dirt will come off the property”. 1.117 A. 3. and 4. need to be combined for a better understanding 1.117 A. 5. – The existing Soil Erosion Control/Vegetation Removal Ordinance 154 was discussed. Several people felt this ordinance accomplished exactly what we were attempting to achieve with far fewer words; however, compliance measurers needed beefing up since it relies on citizen complaints. It was suggested that an inspector visit the property at intervals to check erosion control procedures, discuss with the property owner/contractor what additional measures should be taken if the control procedures are not working satisfactorily. Dave Bellemore, Mark Chandler, Lori Robertson, and John Stead make up the sub-committee for the Erosion Control and the Phosphate Reduction Ordinances. It was suggested that some new people join the sub-committee and they are Norman Martin and Josie Ward. The committee will complete the unfinished tasks and compare the document with Ordinance 154 in the Code book. Denise Kalakay’s latest e-mail contained the 1200C Document from DEQ, on the disturbance of land, should be studied a brought back to the table. Phosphate Reduction Ordinance – It was not possible to work on this ordinance as we did not have the correct edition. The current edition on the Website is not the latest. Dave Bellemore will send a current ordinance by e-mail. The sub-committee working on the Stormwater Ordinance is Dave Bellmore, Mark Chandler, John stead and Tim Bingham (Stormwater Expert at LCOG). Tim sent an estimate of the costs for the completion of his works that includes: Stormwater Manual - $1400 Water Quality Design - $1900 RAWS - $100 Bob Den Duden - $600 Mapping the Head Waters - $1400 City Staff - $200 Mark Chandler made a motion to not have Tim Bingham do the Head Water Mapping. This would reduce the estimate to $4400 instead of $5800. A second to the motion was made by John Stead. The motion and the second was withdrawn. The issue will be discussed at the next meeting. Ron Mann asked what is the stormwater is coming from other properties? Who is responsible? Susie Navetta asked how many people read the ordinance? Only a few people raised their hands. Norman Martin suggested that no one in the group knew about drainage law and liability or common law drainage. The tape expired at Peter Howison explained that was why we hired Tim Bingham the Stormwater Expert from LCOG. A long discussion ensued about not making any specific rules, enforcement, and charging the developer if he does not comply. Steve Chun will join the sub-committee (Dave Bellemore, Mark Chandler and John Stead) and go back to the drawing board on the unfinished items. Meeting Adjourned at The next meeting will be on January 31st
at Respectfully submitted, Susie Navetta