CCI minutes Prior to the meeting, at Those in attendance were Darlene and Marv Beckman, David Bellemore, Mark Chandler, Ian Chun, Steve Chun, Peter Howison, Richard Koehler, Susie Navetta, Lori Robertson, John Stead, and Josie Ward. The minutes were read and approved with corrections. A discussion started on 1.117 A. 3. of the Erosion
and Sediment Control Ordinance. Darlene
Beckman wanted to get rid of the 21 day requirement.
David Bellemore, Peter Howison and Richard Koehler disagreed, and
Lori Robertson suggested we follow the DEQ requirements.
David Bellmore read from the Woahink Ridge PUD remand and John
wanted to follow the BMP standards.
Wet weather BMP’s were discussed and a consensus was achieved
that wet weather was from October 1st to April 30th.
Dave Bellemore made a motion that “all bare dirt must
covered at the end of the day in the rainy season”.
John Stead gave the second and the vote was tied 1.117 A. 5. - the third sentence should read,
Sediments shall be cleaned from the equipment on site.
And the fourth sentence should read, Construction on WE
have a problem here in 1.117 A 5. 1.117 B. 4. Remove all of # 4. 1.118 B.3. In the first sentence remove off-site drainage inlets, ditches and culverts. 1.118 E. the second E.
becomes F. Ian Chun talked about Insurance Bonds and how expensive he found out they are for small developers. Dave Bellemore would like to also look into the issue. Susie Navetta suggested that we start a running list of words that will need definitions in the future Water Ordinances. Some words already identified are Actively worked, Disturbed Soil, Wet weather season. The next meeting will be on Wednesday, January 24th
at The meeting adjourned at Respectfully submitted, Susie Navetta Tasks: 1. The entire committee to rewrite 1.117 A. 3. and 4.
2. Dave Bellemore will
contact 3. Dave Bellemore will pursue getting an applications list from Teri Tinker. 4. Dave Bellemore will look into Insurance Bonds. 5. Ian Chun will contact Dennis Nelson of DEQ.
6. Darlene Beckman will write a sign-off agreement for Erosion