CCI minutes Chairman Peter Howison opened the meeting at 7:03 pm. Those in attendance were Darlene and Marv Beckman, Dave Bellemore, Mark Chandler, Erick Hauptman, Peter Howison, Richard Koehler, Susie Navetta, Lori Robertson, and John Stead. The minutes were approved from the December 27th meeting. It was noted that the first arm of No agenda was prepared for this work session of the Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance. Mark Chandler will be the keeper of the changes and send committee members an amended version. Mark will contact Denise Kalakay of LCOG and ask her to attend a meeting with the committee on January 17th at 2:00 pm to discuss the final version of the ordinance. The Phosphorus Reduction ordinance will be presented to the Planning Commission on January 25th and go on to the City Council for a February 8, 2007 meeting. On 1.112,
Dave Bellemore will work with Teri Tinker to form a list of Land Use
Applications. A Resolution to
the ordinance will be need to enforce 1.114 Inspection Required.
Darlene Beckman and Dave Bellemore will check on the use of Erosion
Control Fencing. Darlene
suggested having owners sign a document stating they will comply with the
ordinance or be subject to fines. Dave
reported that The next meeting of the CCI will also be a work session. The committee will start at 1.118 and work through to the end of the ordinance. The next meeting of the CCI will be on Jan. 14th at 7:00pm and the following week on Jan. 17th at 2:00 pm. The meeting adjourned at 9:47. Respectfully submitted, Susie Navetta