MSC / CCI minutes Minutes and Motions Those attending were Dick Anderson, Dave Bellemore, Cynthia Chandler, Steve Chun, Rick Cox, Gary Darnielle, Phil Davidson, Dave Davis, Audrey and Ralph Farnsworth, Peter Howison, Richard Koehler, Judy and Norman Martin, Susie Navetta, John Stead, Teri Tinker, and Gerry Wasserburg. The minutes were approved with one correction. On page 1, paragraph 7, 4th sentence: Other changes include removing the reference that the ‘unapproved’ Master Road Plan supersedes the Land Use Ordinances. 1.
2. Wetlands – Fences on Page 63. Gary Darnielle said that clause has been deleted and we should remove the clause that says “except” (#2. exception for water line). 3.
Site review permit requirements Motion: to accept the site review permit pre-application conference came from Gerry Wasserberg and the 2nd came from Dick Anderson. Opposed were: Dick Anderson, Cynthia Chandler, Cox, and Judy and Norman Martin. 4.
PUD’s Motion: PUD’s of 5 or more lots require community septic system and water system. Motion by Dave Bellemore, 2nd by Gerry Wasserberg WITHDRAWN Motion: PUD’s require community sewage system for 5 lots or more. A motion was made by Dave Bellemore and a 2nd by Dick Anderson. Opposed were Norman Martin, Gerry Wasserberg. Motion: PUD’s required to have community water systems. A motion was made by John Stead and a 2nd by Gerry Wasserberg. Opposed were Dick Anderson, Rick Cox, Dave Davis, and Judy and Norman Martin. 5.
Design Standards Motion: Add bullet on page 70: Require decreased density of lots with lots greater than 1 acre due to limits of the capacity of land. A motion was made by Peter Howison and a 2nd by Susie Navetta. All opposed but Peter Howison. 6.
Conditional Use Permits Motion: Top of page 70, considerations deleted. A motion was made by Gerry Wasserberg and a 2nd by Rick Cox. Opposed were Dave Bellemore, Peter Howison, and Richard Koehler. Motion:
Page 69, change from City Council to Planning Commission.
A motion was made by
Gerry Wasserberg and a 2nd by Dick Anderson.
All ayes. 7.
Motion: Lot coverage: Area of lot covered by buildings and as allowed by the applicable land use district standards found at pg 34 and pg 46. A motion was made by John Stead and a 2nd by Cynthia Chandler. All ayes 8.
Road grades Motion: Keep the 10% grade on page 87. A motion was made by Dick Anderson and a 2nd by Judy Martin. Opposed was John Stead. Motion: Page 137 A-1, Add excessive slope, septic consideration and water protection and management. A motion was made by Cynthia Chandler, and a 2nd by John Stead. WITHDRAWN Motion: Page 137 A-1, amend above to slopes only. Same as above, all ayes. Motion: Page 87, Keep as is in old code 155.081. A motion was made by Dick Anderson and a 2nd by Gerry Wasserberg, all ayes.
9. Fences – passed over 10.
Flag lots Motion: Keep flag lots as is ….A motion was made by ??? and a 2nd by ??? All ayes, except for Susie Navetta. 11. Driveways – page 74, Permits may be required 12. Landscaping – page75, Cynthia Chandler will bring something back next meeting 13. Surface water mgt – page 78, Stormwater ordinance 14. Sanitary sewer Add surface water mgt. - page 89 15. Pre-application Conference – page 99, Clarify concept assistance 16. Type III application approval – page104, if application can be changed to comply 17. Shorelands – page 56, eliminate playgrounds and parks Page 5, structures in the shorelands 18. RV parks Removal criteria 19. Variances Page 67, Hardship to include riparian wordage 20. Definitions – see attachment by John Stead The meeting was adjourned at 10:??pm.
The next meeting will be held on Nov. 22nd
for the MSC/CCI at The next Work Session for City Council/Planning
Commission will be on Nov. 28th at Respectfully submitted, Susie Navetta