MSC / CCI minutes



Peter Howison opened the meeting at 7:04 PM . The minutes were approved as corrected by a date change.

Those in attendance were David Bellemore, Mark Chandler, Audrey and Ralph Farnsworth, Peter Howison, Richard Koehler, Susie Navetta, and Gerry Wasserburg.

The agenda for the meeting was comprised of a calendar of upcoming events.

September 29th 10AM – 2PM

A meeting with Rural Community Assistance Corporation (RCAC, assistance) and Pam Blake will take place in Coos Bay .  Richard Koehler, Susie Navetta, and John Stead will attend the meeting and give us a report at the next MSCCCI and Council meetings.

October 4th –

A meeting at Dunes City with Tim Bingham (LGOG), Dave Bellemore and John Stead Will be held to discuss the Storm Water Runoff Ordinance. 

Dave Bellemore will report on the BMP’s. 

Dave Bellemore and John Stead will work on deletion suggestions.   Dave Bellemore and John Stead will give Tim Bingman a tour around Dunes City and then hold a meeting.

October 11th

Work session on land use 155/156 (LCOG document) with Council, Planning Commission, and etc.   Gary Darnielle will make the presentation of the ordinance and show the comparison with Ord. 182.

October 18th –

A meeting on Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance and Storm Water Management Ordinance with CCI and public comment.

October 20th

City Planners will be meeting in Newport .  David Bellemore and Susie Navetta will be attending, there are spaces left open for other interested people.

Other business – Peter Howison said that Johan Hogervorst has information from DLCD that the MSC will receive another $2000 for administration added on the existing grant.


The committee discussed the DEQ #319 grant and whether to pursue it with Mark Chernaik.  It was believed that we would have to pass up this grant because it is due in October.  This is a grant for monitoring the sediment and the ground water supply with  Secchi and phosphorus recordings.  We will have to acquire an outside source to do the work.

Mark Chernaik will be writing the Fertilizer/pesticides ban around the lakes.  Mark Chandler said he had some information from the web and would pass it on to Mark Chernaik.

The meeting adjourned at 8:17 PM

Respectfully submitted, Susie Navetta


Note.  Since the MSCCCI meeting Richard Koehler, Susie Navetta and John Stead went to the meeting in Coos Bay .  The RCAC could be of great help to us with the #319 grant.  We made some good contacts and should be following up with them as the #319 grant has been extended to November.