MSC  minutes



The meeting was opened by Peter Howison at 7:04 .  Chairman Johan Hogervorst arrived at 7:07 at took over the meeting.

  In attendance were Darlene and Marv Beckman, Dave Bellemore, Audrey and Ralph Farnsworth, Johan Hogervorst, Peter Howison, Richard Koehler, Susie Navetta, John Stead, and Gerry Wasserburg.

The Minutes were available for discussion.

Septic and Phosphorus

Jerry Wasserburg asked for more information on the Septic System Maintenance Record report.  He also wanted to learn more about how “failures” would be handled.  Susie Navetta and Jerry will work on the evaluation form.  Jerry said we should use the EPA standards for years between evaluations.  Dave Bellemore said we should wait until later to modify Ordinance 173.  We talked about hiring Mark Chernaik to write a grant for residents who could not afford to bring the septics to higher standards after failure.  Jerry said “Let’s wait and see”.  Johan thought we should seek out side help for funding.  DEQ will be having a meeting at the end of September with this information.

The new Higher Standards for Septic Systems will include phosphorus and fertilizer verbage limiting phosphorus to lees than .05% by weight and limiting nitrogen to 30 miligrams per liter. 

It will be important to cross reference the Higher Standards Septic System Ordinance with Ordinance 173.  Lisomitor ports will be installed in the drainfields for sampling

Erosion Control (during construction and development) Ordinance.

  • 1.111 do not allow more than 1 cubic foot of sediment to leave the property.  The BMP’s will discribe how construction will proceed.  The control measures will be the BMP’s,

  • Amend 1.112 (A) 500 ft. away from the water.  If it can be demonstrated that there is a less than 6% grade topo maps will not be needed.

  • 1.113 add BMP’s.

  • 1.114 Approval criteria (C)

It was learned that Denise Kalakay (LCOG) thinks we should have contractors bonds for properties with unusual circumstances.

Stormwater Management will come into play after the property has been developed.

Work Session before the Council meeting

Present the 5 most important things in 3 to 5 minutes and give copies to councilors

1.      Erosion control

2.      Stormwater Runoff

3.      155/156

4.      Higher Septic Standards

5.      Fertilziers

TASKS   *Johan will write a letter to DLCD.  * Jerry will work with Susie on the Inspection form and the EPA regulations for the septic system ordinance.

Meeting adjourned at 9:36



Respectfully submitted, Susie Navetta