Moratorium Support Committee Minutes



Peter Howison acting as chair during Johan Hogervorst’s absence opened the meeting at 7:04 p.m.   Darlene and Marv Beckman, Dave Bellemore, Mark Chandler, Ralph Farnsworth, Eric Hauptman, Richard Koehler, Susie Navetta, and John Stead were in attendance.  Pam Blake from the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) came from Coos Bay for a “Brainstorming” session.

 The Minutes of last weeks meeting were approved.  Ralph Farnsworth made the motion and Dave Bellemore followed with a second.  Motion passed.

  Peter Howison called for a review of the 6 tasks the committee is working on at the present time.  They are as follows:

  1.  Amend current city code to incorporate BMP’s regarding erosion control, storm water runoff and vegetative stabilization during construction.

(A meeting with Dave Bellemore, Ralph Farnsworth, and John Stead will be planned in the near future.  Ord. 181 will expire August 27, 2006 )

  1. Implementation of septic System Maintenance Ordinance 173.

(A discussion about the database for the website ensued.  It is impairative to have the website in place to implement the ordinance.)

  1. Adopt and implement appropriate code changes for higher standards for new subsurface waste disposal systems.

(Dave Bellemore mentioned Mark Chernaik is doing well on #3)

  1. Conduct an educational outreach program to alert citizens of the dangers of inadequately maintained water and septic systems, as well as practices detrimental to water quality.

  1. Fertilizer Ordinance banning phosphorus.

  1. Survey of lakeshore to identify storm water sources and area in need of protective measures.

 Denise Kalakay will handle grants only.  Everything else goes to Denise Walters.

 Brainstorming with Pam Blake on Storm Water Management

Pam Blake’s opening statement was, “The biggest problem for DEQ is surface water and non-permitted use”.  Pam’s policy, “Keep the dirt out of the lake”.  Pam told us that Eugene has a good ordinance on storm water runoff.  It’s necessary to keep the volume of water down to a minimum, use siltation fences, grassy swales, flow through swales to off-set any impervious surfaces.   Their ordinance offers Tree Credits for leaving different size trees on the property.  Flow through containers drink water and slow the release of water.  Developers use a work sheet to manage the surplus runoff.   Required off-set for impervious surface and pervious surface credit can also be used for undisturbed soil during building.  Pam gave Peter the Eugene ordinance for enforcement and a paper on onsite system repair grants (RCAC), such as Home Assist.  She also noted that Derick Gardiner, OSU, presentation to builders and Nemos is another possibility.

Pam suggested we set up a meeting with the home builders.  Darlene Beckman will contact the builders.

LCOG worked with Eugene to take over the job of Forest Practices. Once a developer pulls a stump a land use change takes place and the city can take charge.  This might be something for Dunes City to look at again.

The Septic Maintenance Ordinance was the next topic of discussion.  The homes built prior to 1974 may have cesspools.  When these systems fail or remodel it will be necessary to replace them with on-site septic systems in accordance with Lane County Regulations.   Financial incentives by State revolving loans could help upgrade systems to DEQ standards.  Chris Marka of North Shore Brokers loans money in this manner.  Marka will send out material for assistance funding for failed systems.  

Peter Howison will call Gary Darnielle to inquire about the meeting with Denise Walters and Tim Bingham.  He will also ask about the ARLID list that will be used to set up the web site for the septic inspection database.

 Sub-committee Reports

Education  - Susie Navetta reported the committee was moving along the newsletter would be out by the end of July as planned.  Weekly press releases will continue until after the Festival of the Lakes.  The new banner for the festival will be hung next week.  The festival is gaining momentum.  Mark Chernaik, Gerry Wasserburg, Johan Hogervorst and Cythina Chandler will be the speakers.  There will be information booths manned by state and local agencies and businesses and of course there will be entertainment, food and fun.  Pam Blake declined the invitation to speak, but said she would send information material for us to hand out.


Meeting Adjourned at 9:27 p.m.


Submitted by Susie Navetta