Moratorium Support Committee Meeting



Attendees:  Mark Chandler, Suzie Navetta, Peter Howison, David Bellmore, Richard Koehler, Karen Peck, Johan Hogervorst

 Absent: John Stead, Ralph Farnsworth, Gerry Wasserburg, Marilyn Miller

 Note: Chair Hogervorst sent out a message requesting a meeting for May 18, 2006 , but it was pointed out that the Planning Commission meets that same night.  A last minute decision was made to meet the night before and the seven attendees above were able to make it within two hours notice.

 Began meeting at 7:10pm

 Agenda Items (numbered from 1 to 6):

1.      Additional committee members to help with work

Hogervorst asked for additional committee member possibilities.  He emphasized that any additional members must be citizens that are ready to receive a task and pursue it as we have a limited time to accomplish tasks. 

 Names mentioned that could possibly take on specific tasks included Del Riesenhuber, Lee Reichel and Chistine May.  Mark Chandler also had some suggestions for people that could assist but do not necessarily need to be committee members.  They include April and David Dumas, Liz Purtell, Margaret Hammer and Fuzzy Gates.

 2.      Scope of work to be accomplished as outlined in the Moratorium budget and timeline.

 There were 6 areas of work to be accomplished as part of the timeline presented at the May 11th, 2006 , Council Meeting when Ordinance 181 was approved.  The committee went through each of these 6 areas and assigned committee members to each task and discussed the issues with each.  We also added a 7th item.  Assignments and discussion of these 7 listed in priority order are as follows:

 PRIORITY #1 – Amend current city code to incorporate BMPs regarding erosion control, storm water runoff and vegetative stabilization during construction.  Timeline – 90 days to refine interim BMP and 120 days to adopt and ordinance.

 Committee members assigned: Mark Chandler, Johan Hogervorst, Karen Peck and Gerry Wasserburg.

 Karen Peck expressed strong reservations about using ordinances from Troutdale given that they have a much larger budget, sewage and water treatment, and no lake in the city limits.  She strongly encouraged committee members look at the Lake Tahoe Basin Management Plan.  Mark Chandler mentioned that he had researched quite a few ordinances and it was difficult to find a set that was applicable to our situation.  He did, however, recommend Troutdale’s ordinances to Gary Darnielle when findings of fact were being assembled for the moratorium.  They are taken almost verbatim from the model cities code.

 Discussion over the Troutdale ordinances revealed that they are adequate for their erosion control measures and vegetative stabilization on the site of development, but are weak in terms of storm water runoff, impervious surfaces standards and mitigation fees to fund corrective actions in case a site is handled improperly.  Another suggestion was brought up that we put up signage at the entrance to the city that “all ground-disturbing activities within Dunes City require a permit”.

 Action:  The group agreed to use the Troutdale Ordinances as a framework to build on, and particular focus would be put on storm water runoff, impervious surfaces, mitigation fees and signage.  Richard Koehler and Karen Peck were assigned to research Lake Tahoe ’s BMPs for ways to supplement weaknesses in the Troutdale code.


Another item that needs to be clarified is what role LCOG will play in this process and how citizens will mesh with their efforts.  There is a fear that Gary Darnielle will take this in a direction that committee members do not have input into.  There is also a desire to see proper resource oriented professional help involved in this effort, not just legal and defensible by the city attorney.  Johan will have a discussion with Denise Kalakay and Gary Darnielle about a program of work that clearly defines who is doing what.  This committee needs to give clear direction as to what expectations are for LCOG and, with approval of the Council, where we want this effort to go.  This needs to be clarified soon in the process, as in the next week.


Yet another important discussion about this priority involved the starting point for any help that we get to do our revision.  We discussed whether to have them work on the revised Chapter 155 that we have been trying to finalize along with all the CCI concerns, or do we start from scratch with our current ordinance and build from there.  Gary asked this same question to Johan, and Johan said it would work much better to start from scratch.  There may be some lingering feelings about how much work went into our first attempt, but if we start over, almost half the CCI concerns will go away, as many of the CCI concerns centered around the dropping or reducing of standards in our current code.  In addition, Johan shared that Gary had suggested starting over so that we could better track changes to the code, and this would make the work much more legally defensible.  A final point Gary made is that starting over would be much more cost effective in staff time spent on the revision.  

PRIORITY #2 – Implementation of Septic System Maintenance Ordinance 173.  Timeline – 90 days for census and database setup for inspection program and report completed on financing options for residents with failed systems.

Committee members assigned: John Scott/Water Quality Com., Johan Hogervorst, Suzie Navetta, Richard Koehler (database setup)

The committee looked at a list of 20 items that Suzie Navetta had previously assembled and partially accomplished concerning Ordinance 173.  The 20 items and their progress are as follows:

1.      Study the ordinance – done but also ongoing for some

2.      Compose a definitions page – done by Norman Martin and Suzie Navetta

3.      Develop an Implementation Plan – must be done as part of this committee’s work

4.      Develop cost estimates for Dunes City must be done; mostly database setup cost

5.      Select a database program – must be done; Excel Spreadsheet probably best for this, check Lane County ’s database

6.      Set up database program – must be done, need to obtain copy of Lane County ’s database, which was promised to us by George Ehlers.  Johan will call Katrinka Knox and see if she will get us a copy.  If not, Richard can help us set up a spreadsheet to do what we need.  The committee agreed this should be paid work.

7.      Set up a register for approved inspectors – not an issue, only one available at this time.  This has been checked by Judy Martin

8.      Draft a rotation plan for septic evaluation – must be done, base on Land County ’s database beginning with oldest septic systems.

9.      Declare a starting date – must be done, Karen Peck mentioned that this is very important.  Make this clear in letter to residents.

10. Educate residents and property owners – ongoing.  Lake Association has been working at this.

11. Table for estimating number of years between pumping – must be done, part of the form for inspection which is then input into the database.  Suzie has charts from several states and they are all about the same.  These charts should go on the back of the notification letter and the back of the evaluation form.

12. Prepare an outline of office duties – must be done, Johan, revise this list of 20 and sit

      down with Joanne to talk about who could do what on this list.

13. Draft a Notice of Evaluation letter to property owners – Done by Suzie, draft has been given to the staff.  Give to Water Quality Committee.

14.    Select informational pamphlets for septic mailings – Draft has been done by Suzie. . Also.  give to Water Quality Committee.  Should be sent to all residents.

15. Draft a letter of non-conformance to go out to all owners/residents – Done by Suzie, needs to be looked over by Gary Darnielle. 

16. Draft a certified letter of lien Against the Property – must be done by Gary .  Suzie thinks the words Gary wrote on the lien may be adequate for the lien letter.  She will check that out.

17. Complete evaluation form for inspectors to use – needs final approval, send to WQ Committee.

18. Have two readings of Ordinance – Done

19. Pass Ordinance – Done

20. Write a resolution to the ordinance – Done


Action: About ½ this list has been done.  As mentioned above, Johan will sit with Joanne/staff and talk about what they can help with.  They will be asked to track their time spent working on these items so that hours can be properly budgeted.  Johan will also confirm these duties with the Mayor to make sure these are legitimate duties to assign to staff.  Johan will also talk with John Scott about the three Water Quality Committee items.  Suzie can help bring WQ Committee items forward as they are mostly her work.  Johan/Suzie can ask Gary to look at items #15 and #16 on the list.  Consider items #3 and #4, implementation plan and budget, at our next MSC meeting.

PRIORITY #3 – Adopt and implement appropriate code changes for higher standards for new subsurface waste disposal systems.  45 days to research state of the art standards, 90 days to refine appropriate local standards, 120 days for a draft final ordinance.

Committee Members Assigned:  Ralph Farnsworth, John Stead, Davide Bellmore, Liz Purtell

  Ralph Farnsworth has done a great deal of research on this topic.  There was discussion that the final required system had to be of the highest standard for lake protection, particularly in terms of phosphorus.  Johan asked if the highest standard would be too onerous to builders and developers and the consensus was that in proportion to what homes in this area would be selling for, this was not an extravagant expense. 

 Dan Rietz with Oregon Water Services has been certified to maintain the systems that Rob Ward will be putting into Sunset Cove.  There should also be a discussion with him about whatever system is adopted.

 Johan asked if we should have a different standard for systems outside 1000 feet from the lake and the group felt that phosphorus loading was a problem wherever homes were in the lakes’ watershed.  The same standard should be used by all homes.

 The committee also discussed what should be required of an owner of an older home whose septic system has failed.  These new systems may be an undue burden for these people.  Karen mentioned that some sort of grandfather clause should apply to them.  This was not completely agreed upon by the group, given that these systems may be the most important ones to upgrade if they are close to the lake.  It was agreed by all that a low interest loan or grant fund should be set up to help folks like this.  Johan mentioned that there are several such programs that can be utilized.  Suzie mentioned that Gary was not in favor of us getting into the “loan business”.  This needs to be researched further.

 Action:  When Ralph returns, we should have him give us a full report on his research to date and discuss the possibilities.  We also need more information on the system that Rob Ward is using for Sunset Cove.   At that meeting we will assign someone to talk with Dan Reitz at Oregon Water Services, and we will speak with him again once we choose the system that would work best for our needs.  Richard and Karen will be researching the Tahoe Basin standards and they will also report back to the committee on what they are using.  Johan will research more about the low cost loan program for septic replacement and what it would take for the city to take on such a program.

 PRIORITY #4 – Conduct an educational outreach program to alert citizens of the dangers of inadequately maintained water and septic systems, as well as practices detrimental to water quality.  30 days to develop a plan for an outreach program, 60 days to send out a newsletter to all Dunes City residents, and 90 days to put together a public presentation of appropriate lake stewardship practices.

 Sub-committee to work on this: Suzie Navetta, Linda Lock, Christine May, Karen Peck

 Suzie had many ideas for this priority and was quickly appointed the head of this sub-committee.  She wants to work with Denise Rattan of the Siuslaw News to put out press releases about the work that is ongoing and the need for citizens to think about water quality. 

 We talked about who would be best to work on a newsletter but did not resolve this issue. 

 Richard Koehler suggested that something with food and music is always a winner with people and we could do a presentation at this event.  One presenter suggestion was Gus Gates from the Siuslaw Soil and Water Conservation District. 

 Another suggestion brought up by Richard was the use of a postcard to mail out to citizens with pertinent information.  He shared that longer pamphlets or writeups are usually discarded, but postcards have been successfully used by Dunes City in the past.

 Action:  Specific action items were not discussed, but Suzie can bring the committee a first draft of ideas for an outreach program within the next two meetings (2 weeks) that can be further discussed and refined.  A decision needs to be made as to who will work on a newsletter.  This could be a paid job from our budget.  We may need to outreach in the community for this or pay professional help.  Johan will talk to Gus about a presentation at some point in the future, most likely this summer when weather is good, musicians won’t get wet and folks want to be outdoors.

 PRIORITY #5 – (NEW) Fertilizer ordinance banning phosphorus – Timeframes yet to be determined.

 Committee Members Assigned: Mark Chandler, April and David Dumas

 The committee felt that there is impetus for a phosphorus fertilizer ban as discussed by Rob Ward, the mayor and others.  Mark Chandler volunteered to look into this when he returns in late June.  Lake Oswego recently passed such an ordinance that could be looked at.

 Action: Mark Chandler will research this ordinance and speak to the committee in July.  He will also look to involve David and April Dumas who have expressed a desire to help our committee’s efforts.

 PRIORITY #6 – Survey of lakeshores to identify storm water sources and areas in need of protective measures.  Complete the survey in 60 days, report completed and submitted in 90 days.

 Sub-Committee = volunteer lake monitors: Mark Chandler, Ralph Farnsworth, David Bellmore, George Burke, Bob Moehler, Richard Koehler (technical advisor)

 Mark Chandler will head up the shoreline recon effort upon his return.  Richard and Mark discussed use of a GPS and a digital camera to document sites.  The city has a digital camera and members of the volunteer monitoring group have GPS units.  Johan mentioned that most new digital cameras also have a recording function so that notes can be recorded for each picture on the current situation and protective measures that need to be taken for lake protection.  Richard can work with this group to set up a database to catalogue sites and document pictures/audio files for each site.

 Action:  Shoreline survey will be conducted in July by lake monitoring volunteers.  Richard will assist in the technical aspects of the survey and documentation.  Assignment of a report writer will be made in July after the survey is completed and compiled.

 PRIORITY #7 – Documentation provided to Dunes City on progress toward moratorium objectives.  Report to DLCD as required by statute within 60 days, Update at all Dunes City Council meetings ongoing.

 Responsibility:  Johan Hogervorst

 Action: Johan will give regular reports on the MSC’s progress during Council meetings.  Meeting minutes will document discussions in detail and Johan will summarize at council meetings.  Copies of these minutes will also go out to staff who will include them in binders for Council meetings.  Johan will speak to Gary and Sheldon by phone regularly to discuss progress as well.

 3.      Grant possibilities to fund our work.

Johan talked about the best opportunity for grant funding right now being the Coastal Planning Grant.  The application is due on May 31, 2006 and money is granted July 1, 2006.  Johan is trying to communicate with Denise Kalakay at LCOG because she has the best connection with Amanda Punton at DLCD who seems positive about funding for our ordinance revision.  Johan is seeking $10-12,000 from DLCD to match what we have budgeted for 2006-07 for ordinance revision.

 Action:  Johan will report on progress of this application process at our next meeting.  Johan will also contact the Ford Foundation with the help of Gerry Wasserburg to inquire as to their interest in adding additional financing to this effort.

 4.      City budget available for us to accomplish our tasks

Peter and Johan have been discussing with Joanne the need for immediate budget to accomplish some of our tasks before July 1st when our budgeted dollars begin.  At the May 11, 2006, City Council meeting, Joanne said she would check on how much of the 15% of the total 05/06 budget that had already been transferred from contingency.  She has responded to us that up $5,450 could be available before July 1st if so approved by the City Council.  Joanne is waiting for an answer from Johan as to what will be needed for budget before July 1st.

 Action: Johan will be collecting information from LCOG, our committee and the staff as to what our expenses will be between now and July 1st and will work with Joanne on the budget.  Johan will report on this at the next MSC meeting next Wednesday night.

5.    Definition of roles and expectations

6.      Communication with Gary Darnielle, Sheldon Meyer and other Council Members

Both discussed in other agenda items above.

 One final item discussed was the need for MSC members to be able to copy materials without cost.  Johan said he would check into this with staff and the Mayor.


Adjourned 9:20pm


Next Meeting, Wednesday, May 24, 2006, Dunes City Hall

The Planning Commission will be changing their meeting.