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The History of the Woahink Lake Outlet Control Structure (weir)

Water Quality Committee Report to the City Council 3-11-10 regarding OCS     [file]

Please see definitions and references    


        Weir / Outlet Control Structure Information Summary

1.0.  Memorandum of Understanding was received by Dunes City (DC) January 9, 2006.  All parties agree:

1.1.  Dr. Anderson intends to quitclaim his interest in the outlet control structure (OCS) to DC and grant the city an access easement for its operation and maintenance.

1.2.  DC intends to repair the OCS and the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department has offered to assist the city with future maintenance expenses.

1.3. Upstream and downstream fish passage must be maintained or provided unless a waiver or exception is approved by the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission.

1.4. DC intends to apply for a secondary water right (This has been done.) and allow water users with an agreement or contract issued by the city to use the stored water.

1.5. The MOU does not bind the city to perform in excess of budget appropriations.

2.0. Permit R-14131, Application R-86125, to store water for multiple purpose use was issued February 3, 2005. Complete application of the water shall be made no later than October 1, 2009, unless an extension of time is approved.

2.1. Water may be appropriated for storage from October 1 through July 31.  DC shall pass all live flow outside the storage season.

2.2. Storage is allowed subject to the installation and maintenance of an outlet pipe, or       other means to evacuate water when determined necessary by the OWRD Director. 

2.3. The OCS will be configured to store and release water simultaneously.

2.4. DC shall install a measuring device and keep it in good working order.

3.0. Permit S 54405, for domestic use expanded and streamflow augmentation was       issued June 21, 2007. Complete application of the water shall be made by no later than October 1,  2011, unless an extension of time is approved.

3.1. The lake’s water level will not be raised above recent historical ordinary high water.

3.2. Stored water is available for use when DC has physical control of storage at the OCS.  All live flow shall be released when stored water is not available,

3.3. DC and OWRD will cooperatively install, calibrate and maintain a ratable staff gage below the OCS, at a site with a stable control, to measure flows in Woahink Creek. DC will record readings twice–a-month and whenever adjustments are made to the OCS.

3.4. DC will make adjustments to the OCS at regular intervals on a twice a month basis.

3.5. DC will report staff gage measurements and corresponding creek flows and the amount of stored water released for instream flow augmentation on a monthly basis.       4/3/09

Please see definitions and references

Woahink's Outlet Control Structure


double click on image for larger view

USFS Siuslaw Map 1996 version Legend Note Green on map near outlet structure