

Oregon Lakes Association Annual Meeting

September 12, 2009 Lincoln City , Oregon


John Stead

This presentation will share some of Dunes City 's accomplishments in recognizing and responding to symptoms of water quality degradation rather than reacting to emergencies.

Woahink Lake is a cryptodepression surrounded by Dunes City and Honeyman State Park . It is the deepest of the coastal lakes and has issues similar to those being experienced by other lakes feeling the uncomfortable imprint of man.

Residents of Dunes City , one of two cities in Oregon without a municipal water delivery system, rely on individual water systems to divert water for domestic purposes and keep water quality concerns before the public.

Dunes City 's Comprehensive Plan policies require that regulations involving the city's water resources be based on the long-term capabilities of natural resource to support economic activity as well as absorb future pollutants.

The city's Water Quality Committee investigates water quality issues and makes recommendations to the council. A 2004 review of the Siuslaw National Forest's Coastal Lakes Watershed Analysis, indicated that development occurring around Woahink Lake, " ... is the most pressing threat to water quality... and changes in Woahink Lake are taking place far sooner than would naturally occur." The document also reported on a Lane County survey that 26 percent of all septic tanks within 100 feet of the lake were performing unsatisfactorily. This information prompted development of the septic system maintenance ordinance. Following four years of experience, procedures and the ordinance are being modified.

A sudden influx of development applications, triggered by the city's ability to sub-allocate its 1968 water right permit, stimulated the need for ordinances to reduce phosphorus intrusion, control erosion, and manage stormwater. This resulted in the city's pioneering use of a moratorium ordinance - that new applications must demonstrate phosphorus management - to buy time while new land use ordinances were being developed.

